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Dark Entities

Level Spell AoE Duration Range Type Description

1 Detect Entity 10'r 1 min/lvl 100' P Caster determines the presence of any extradimensional entities
(C) within the area. A different area may be concentrated on each
2 Origin of Entity 1 entity — 100' I Caster learns the place of origin of the target entity and gets a vision
of that place.
4 Control Entity II * 1 entity C 100' F Allows the caster to totally control a Type lor Type II Entity (the
chance of non-control is [the Entity's Type x 2%]). The Entity
leaves when the caster stops concentrating. The Entity will not
speak with the caster.
5 Gate I 1 entity 2 rnd 10' F Caster summons a lesser Entity. Roll for random Type (01-55 Type
I Entity; 56-90 Type II Entity; 91-100 Type III Entity). The Entity
forms over two rounds. If the Entity is not Mastered within 2
rounds, the caster suffers the effects as outlined below.
6 Circle I 10'r P (C) Touch F Caster enchants a Circle protecting him from Lesser Entities (no
greater than Type II). Any Entity summoned from this list can be
made to appear within or outside the Circle. Entities within the
Circle may not leave the Circle while the caster is concentrating.
Entities outside the Circle may not enter it while the caster is
concentrating. Treat the edges of the Circle as a very specific Wall
of Force (creating an impenetrable barrier between the caster and
the Entity). The caster can cross the barrier freely (though why he
would want to is not clear). The design of the Circle is very
important and dictates the kind (race) of Entity is affected. Circles
must be especially made for each race of Entity (demons, fire
elementals, etc.) and will not affect any other kind of Entity. Only
one Circle may be placed on each 40' x 40' area. The area must be
flat and horizontal to the ground. Circles take some time to create
(note that creating the Circle does not enchant it; this spell enchants
an a Circle), depending upon the method of creation.
7 Seize Control I 1 target C 100' F Caster may control any Type I Entity, regardless of its present state
of control (mastered/controlled by another spell user, free, berserk,
etc). The Entity will revert to its original state of control when the
caster stops concentrating. If the Entity was being 'controlled' by
another spell caster and that caster is no longer concentrating, the
original controller has three rounds to re-control the Entity or it will
berserk. If the Entity was 'Controlled' or 'Mastered' by another spell
user, the original controller may make an RR to prevent the seizure
of control.
8 Master Entity II * 1 entity P 100' F As Control Entity II, except that caster need not concentrate to
control Entity. The chance of non-mastery is 5 times the Entity's
type. The Entity will remain and obey the caster until the caster is
killed or the Entity is outside the range limit or the caster releases
9 Gate II 1 entity 2 rnd 10' F As Gate I, except that more powerful Entities may be summoned:
01-10 Type I; 11-20 Type II; 21-50 Type III; 51-90 Type IV; 91-
100 Type V.
10 Seize Control II 1 target C 100' F As Seize Control I, except that the caster may seize control of a
Type II Entity.
11 Seize Mastery I 1 target P 100' F As Seize Control I and Master Entity II, except that only a Mastered
Type I Entity may be seized.
12 Circle II 10'r P (C) Touch F As Circle I, except that up to Type IV Entities are affected.
13 Control Entity IV * 1 entity C 100' F As Control Entity II, except that up to a Type IV Entity may be
14 Seize Control III 1 target C 100' F As Seize Control I, except that the caster may seize control of a
Type III Entity.
15 Master Entity IV * 1 entity P 100' F As Master Entity II, except that up to a Type IV Entity may be
16 Circle III 10'r P (C) Touch F As Circle I, except that up to a Type VI Entity are affected.
17 Seize Mastery III 1 target P 100' F As Seize Mastery I, except that up to Type III mastered Entity may
be seized.
18 Control Entity V * 1 entity C 100' F As Control Entity II, except that up to a Type V Entity may be
19 Master Entity V * 1 entity P 100' F As Master Entity II, except that up to a Type V Entity may be
20 Seize Control V * 1 target C 100' F As Seize Control I, except that the caster may seize control of up to
a Type V Entity.
25 Seize Mastery V * 1 target P 100' F As Seize Mastery I, except that up to a Type V mastered Entity may
be seized.
30 Gate III 1 entity 2 rnd 10' F As Gate I, except that very powerful entities may be summoned:
01-03 Type I; 04-10 Type II; 11-20 Type III; 21-30 Type IV; 31-65
Type V; 66-90 Type IV; 91-100 Something bigger (a Elemental
Lord or Demon Beyond the Pale, etc.; GM's discretion). Note that
no method has yet been found to master Entities of Types greater
than VI.
50 Master Entity VI * 1 entity P 100' F As Master Entity II, except that up to a Type VI Entity may be
Note: Entities include Demons and any other extra-planar creatures that are appropriate to the GM' s world (including elementals).

When an entity is “summoned”, it gradually materializes over the course of two or more rounds based on the actual spell. If the entity
is not Controlled or Mastered before the entity materializes, make a d100 roll (open-ended) and add the Demon’s Type equivalent
from the table above times 10. Use this roll to determine the effect that the caster suffers (no RR):
Roll Effect
< 20 Roll on the attack column of the Spell Failure Table, caster takes result.
21-40 Caster takes an ‘A’ Impact critical.
41-60 Caster takes a ‘B’ Impact critical.
61-75 Caster takes a ‘C’ Impact critical.
76-90 Caster takes a ‘D’ Impact critical.
91-100 Caster takes an ‘E’ Impact critical.
>100 Entity gives caster a Quest (GM discretion), see the Spirit Mastery list.

The entity always leaves if uncontrolled or unmastered.

When an entity is “contacted”, the contact is gradually established over the course of two rounds. If the Demon is not Forced before
contact is established, the caster suffers an effect. Make a d100 roll (open-ended) and add the Demon’s Type equivalent from the table
above times 10. Use this roll to determine the effect that the caster suffers (no RR):
If the result is less than 90, roll on the attack column of the Spell Failure Table. Caster takes the result.
If the result is more than 90, the effect depends on the Force spell that the caster attempted:
No Force Spell: Caster takes d5 ‘A’ Impact criticals.
Force Analysis: Caster loses item to be analyzed;
Force Information: Caster is in a coma for d10 days;
Force Search: Demon gives caster a Quest (GM discretion), see the Spirit Mastery list.

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