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Level Spell AoE Duration Range Type Description

1 Spook I 1 animal 1 rnd/10 fail 50' F Target animal panics and will bolt. The target can be held in check
with a successful Animal Handling maneuver (with a -70
3 Spook II 2 animals 1 rnd/10 fail 50' F As Spook I, except for number of targets.
4 Fear 1 target 1 min/10 fail 50' Fm Target must make a Fear RR.
5 Spook III 3 animals 1 rnd/10 fail 50' F As Spook I, except for number of targets.
6 Cold Spot 5'r 1 day/lvl 10' F Creates a 'Cold Spot,' a region of uneasiness and mild fear. Anyone
entering the area must make a Fear RR (with a +10 modifier).
7 Look of Fear Varies C 20' Fm As Fear, except that caster may gaze at one target per round.
8 Terror 1 target 1 min/5 fail 50' Fm As Fear, except for the duration. In addition, if the target fails his
Fear RR, that the target will not attempt to attack the caster for 1
day/10% failure.
9 Phobia 1 target P 50' Fm Target has a fear of a specific type of thing that the caster chooses.
The target has a 25% (modified by the target's Self Discipline
bonus) chance of maintaining control around the subject. If the
target fails to control himself around the subject, roll d100 (not
open-ended) to determine how the target must react to the subject.
A result of 01-25 results in the target fleeing from the subject
(moving at maximum pace to get away from it). A result of 26 or
more results in the target avoiding the subject at all costs.
10 Word of Fear * 1 target 1 rnd/5 fail 50' F As Fear, except that this spell is instantaneous.
11 Fear III 3 targets 1 min/10 fail 50' Fm As Fear, except for the number of targets.
12 Startle 1 1 rnd 50' F As Spook I, except for the number of targets.
13 Phobia II Varies P 50' Fm As Phobia, except that caster can give 1 phobia to each of two
targets or two phobias to a single target.
14 Terror II 2 targets 1 min/5 fail 50' Fm As Terror, except for the number of targets.
15 Shout of Fear * 50'r 1 min/5 fail Self F As Word of Fear, except that all within the area are affected.
16 Greater Paranoia 1 target P 50' Fm Target believes that everyone is out to get him (including his close
20 Mass Fear 1 target 1 min/10 fail 50' Fm Mass Fear - As Fear, except for the number of targets.
25 Shout of Terror * 100'r 1 min/5 fail Self F As Word of Fear, except for the area of effect.
30 Mass Hysteria 100'r 1 min/lvl 100' Fm All within the area are panicked. They will run about screaming and
generally doing more harm than good.
50 Reign of Terror Caster 1 min/lvl Self U Caster may use any of the lower level spells on this list, once per

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