Power Subversion

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Power Subversion

Level Spell AoE Duration Range Type Description

1 Seed of Corruption 1 target P 100' F Target gains 1 corruption point.
3 Dark Temptation 1 target — 100' Fm Target rolls d100 (open-ended). Add the current number of
corruption points the target has and subtract three times his SD
bonus. If the result is over 100, the character has been converted
to "evil." The GM should determine the ramifications of such an
5 Magical Frenzy 1 target 1 rnd/10 fail 100' Fm For the duration of this spell, the target will cast one spell per
round. The spell must be a Force, Directed Elemental, or Ball
Elemental spell. The target will cast the highest level he can
without giving himself more than a -5 Spell Casting Static
Maneuver modification (after including all bonuses and
penalties; including the fixed modification of +50). If the target
cannot cast a spell every round without incurring too much
penalty, the target will start casting one spell as often as he can.
If the target cannot cast any Force, Directed Elemental, or Ball
Elemental spells, this spell has no effect.
7 Corruption III 1 target P 100' F As Seed of Corruption, except target gains 3 corruption points.
8 Corrupting 1 target 1 day/10 fail 10' Fm For the duration of this spell, the target will use spells for every
Influence I possible application, rather than depend on skills or other
characters. For example, he will cast Opening I instead of
picking a lock.
10 Call of Darkness 1 node 1 day/lvl 10' F The target power source (Earthnode, Ley-line, etc.) is
temporarily corrupted. All power emanating from the source is
considered "evil" for the duration (with additional effects at the
GM's discretion). Any power points drawn from this source will
yield 10% of their number in corruption points. For example, if
a spell user gains 10 PPs from a source, he will gain 1
corruption point.
11 Corrupting 1 target 2 days/10 10' Fm As Corrupting Influence I, except for the duration.
Influence II fail
13 Berserk Mage 1 target 1 rnd/5 fail 100' Fm As Magical Frenzy, except for the duration and target will
attempt spells that do not incur a penalty of less than -25.
14 Corruption V 1 target P 100' F As Seed of Corruption, except target gains 5 corruption points.
15 Corrupting 1 target 3 days/10 10' Fm As Corrupting Influence I, except for the duration.
Influence III fail
17 Corruption VII 1 target P 100' F As Seed of Corruption, except target gains 7 corruption points.
18 Corrupting 1 target 4 days/10 10' Fm As Corrupting Influence I, except for the duration.
Influence IV fail
20 Corruption X 1 target P 100' F As Seed of Corruption, except target gains 10 corruption points.
25 Call of Darkness 1 node 1 day/lvl 10' F As Call of Darkness, except that yield is 20% (10 PPs = 2
True corruption points).
30 Corrupting 1 target 5 days/10 10' Fm As Corrupting Influence I, except for the duration.
Influence V fail
50 Corruption True 1 target P 100' F As Seed of Corruption, except target gains a number of
corruption points equal to the caster's level.
Whenever a spell is used for evil purposes, or an extraordinary spell failure occurs, there is a chance that the spell caster will
be partially corrupted and “drawn towards the darkness.”

In the case of ESF, the extraordinary spell failure is resolved normally, and the same roll is applied to the Corruption Point
Chart to determine how many Corruption Points (CPs) the spell caster receives. When this happens, the spell caster is allowed to make
a Resistance Roll, either against Essence (the attack level is the level of the spell being cast), or using his bonus for Magical
Discipline. If this RR is successful, only half (round down) of the CPs are received; otherwise, all of the CPs are received.

Corruption caused by magic use is represented by a percentage chance of effect, depending on factors such as realm,
profession, level and type of spell. To determine the exact chance of corruption, use the following formula:
Chance of Corruption = (1%/level of spell +/- Type Modifier) x Realm Modifier -2%/Rank of Magical Discipline
Type Modifiers: Spell is used for negative/evil/selfish purposes: +1 to +20%
Spell is used for good/positive purposes: -1 to 20%

Realm Modifiers: Essence: x1.5

Channeling: x1
Mentalism: x.75
Arcane: x2
Prosaic: x.2
Primal Essence: x3
Elemental: x1.75
Hybrid: Average of Realms
Common/Omni: by caster Realm

Corruption Points (CPs) do not apply if an appropriate spell was cast for “pure” goals (i.e., directly working against or
fighting evil, protecting the weak and helpless, healing the sick and injured, etc.). The key word here is appropriate. For example, a
Fire Bolt is not appropriate to use on a bully or a thief but a Sleep spell might be. Many “evil” items give Corruption Points when they
are used. The origins of any item are very important, even innocent spell adders and multipliers—if an item was made by the “great
evil” or one of his minions, its use will affect the user negatively even if only in a minor way. In this case, each time a character uses
an evil item, he must make an RR against Essence (the attack level is 10). If this RR is successful, no CPs are received; otherwise, one
CP is received. Certain very powerful evil artifacts may give more than one CP when this RR results in failure.

Player should keep track of thier character’s CP total as play progresses. Each character’s CP total normally starts at zero,
and increases through spell failure, casting "evil" spells, and using evil items. The GM may also assign CPs for particularly evil acts
by characters. Certain rituals at certain places can be performed to “cleanse” (i.e., remove) CPs from characters. In general, a
character’s CPs reflect his tendency towards evil.

On this scale, a total of zero indicates an “innocent” and a 100+ indicates a totally evil being. The effects of Corruption
Points is up to the GM and the player of the corrupt character, but the following suggestions may be applied:

If the character is faced with temptation, the GM may make an open-ended roll and add the character’s CP total and subtract
the character's Will bonus. A result of 100+ means that the character must give in to the temptation.

If the character is in the presence of an “evil being” who commands the character to do something, the character must make
an Essence RR modified by subtracting his CP total and adding his Will bonus (use the evil being’s level for the attack level). Failure
means that the character must obey the evil being’s command. A RR should be made for each such command. During a given day,
each RR is modified by an additional +5 for every such RR already made that day (e.g., the sixth RR against evil commands made on
a given day would have a +25 RR modifier).

For each "evil" spell cast that results in Corruption, the character's CP - (2%/rank in Magical Discipline) is added to a d100
roll on the Corruption Type Chart, and the penalty is applied immediately.

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