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E - Designing a Health Education Plan for a Specific Age Group (Midterm

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1. patient's age
developmental level: To provide effective patient teaching NURSES must consider
the following
2. patient's physical maturation and abilities
psychosocial development
cognitive capacity: The 3 developmental areas that needs to be assessed:
3. o Infancy (from birth to the first 12 to 18 months of life): • They are totally
dependent on others to meet basic needs
4. o Toddler (from when a child begins to walk until around 3yrs old ): • The
years between 2 and 3 are significant time for physical and emotional development

• Motor development progresses significantly, and they begins to have a degree of

physical and emotional independence while still maintaining a close relationship with
the primary family unit
5. o Pre-school (between ages 3 and 6): • They shows increasing interest in and
involvement with his age group peer

• Most of them are able to relate to their peers and have beginning social interactions
with many people
6. o School age (from 6 to 12 years of age): • The interests turn away from their
immediate family to the wider world

• They have enough maturity to begin to relate to other people as individuals

7. o Adolescence (between 18 and 21 years): • Characterized by the onset of
puberty and is associated with a significant amount of personal exploration

• It ends when the young person demonstrates his or her readiness to assume full
financial, emotional, and social independence
8. Young adulthood (21 to 39 years old): Focused on selecting an occupation or
career, choosing and learning to live with a partner, and starting and raising a family
9. o Middle-aged adults (between ages 40 and 65): • Individuals work at estab-
lishing themselves in a marriage and mature in their career choice

• Begins to face adjustments to physiological changes that occur with maturity

10. o Older adults: • Make adjustments to decreased physical strength, a declining
health status, retirement from the work force, reduced income, decreasing indepen-
dence, and the deaths of spouse, siblings, friends, and self
11. TEACHING PARENTS OF INFANTS: Q It is important to emphasize that devel-
opment does not occur at the same rate for all infants
H.E - Designing a Health Education Plan for a Specific Age Group (Midterm
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12. Infant/toddler-Sensorimotor stage:: The infant or toddler has no perception of
illness and little understanding of health and illness concepts
13. Pre-schooler-Preoperational stage:: The preschooler perceives illness as
changes in behaviors; is not able to explain the cause of illness; may see illness
as a form of punishment
14. School-age children-Concrete operations stage:: Are able to describe illness
in terms of multiple symptoms; view disease transmission primarily resulting from
physical contact with source, e.g., „catching a cold from someone else."
15. Adolescents Formal operations stage:: Able to acknowledge that their per-
sonal actions contribute to health and illness, and understand many dimensions of
illness and treatment, internal organs/processes that may affect health/illness, and
the influence of psychological processes in health and illness
16. Piaget's Life Stages and Children's Concepts of Health, Illness: - Infant/tod-
dler-Sensorimotor stage:
- Pre-schooler-Preoperational stage:
- School-age children-Concrete operations stage:
- Adolescents Formal operations stage:
17. TEACHING TODDLERS: Q Although toddlers are unable to reason and may take
many things literally, they are capable of some degree of understanding when they
have medical tests or procedures

Q The nurse's approach to the toddler should be calm and warm.

Planning health teaching for an infant and toddler is primarily directed toward the

Children this age have a very limited ability to attend to information, so plan teaching
in very brief (two- to five-minute) sessions.
18. TEACHING PRESCHOOL CHILDREN: Q Explanations should be simple

Q Most fantasize and are quite vulnerable to fear of pain and bodily harm

Q The use of play, active participation, and sensory experiences work well for this age

Q Physical and visual stimuli are better than verbal ones since the language ability of
the preschooler is limited
19. TEACHING SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN: Q They should be included in the patient
education process whenever possible
H.E - Designing a Health Education Plan for a Specific Age Group (Midterm
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Q Explain procedures, as well as the reasons for them, in a simple, logical way, and
with confidence and optimism

Q problems common in this age group, such as behavior disorders, hyperactivity,

learning disorders, and enuresis
20. Principles for Teaching Pre-Schoolers And School Age Children: Children
learn best through their senses; choose learning activities that stimulate many
21. TEACHING ADOLESCENTS: Q Adolescents are capable of abstract reasoning

Q May still include the family in education, adolescents are major focus of teaching
since they have considerable independence and are, consequently, in more control
of the degree to which recommendations will be carried

Q health recommendations that they view as interfering with their concept of them-
selves as independent beings may be less likely to be followed

Q should take the form of guidance rather than lecturing

Q Parents should be encouraged to set realistic limits for adolescents

22. TEACHING YOUNG ADULTS: Q include establishing and managing a home,
becoming established in an occupation or career, and starting a family.

- All of these changes can be sources of stress

Q include teaching risk factors for future disease

- teaching how to alter lifestyles to decrease risk, and finding opportunities for health
promotion in the many types of settings
23. TEACHING ADULTS IN MIDLIFE: Q may become especially aware of their own
goals and values and their own mortality

Q may either motivate the person to follow recommendations more closely or, if the
prospect of mortality is especially threatening, to deny illness or abandon health
promotion and prevention practices

Q Nurses can clarify misconceptions about menopause for both women and men

H.E - Designing a Health Education Plan for a Specific Age Group (Midterm
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Q often open to learning about risk factor reduction for future disease
24. TEACHING OLDER ADULTS: Q One of the greatest challenges is to dispel
misconceptions about health promotion among older adults.

Q focuses on illness and disease management

Q should be delivered with the same enthusiasm and conviction provided to younger

Q providing information, considering patients' individual needs, building an awareness

of community services that can help lessen social isolation, and helping them
maintain their independence


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