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Article in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology · May 2022


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5 authors, including:

Oluwaseun Ebiesuwa Onome Blaise Ohwo

Babcock University Babcock University


Adesina Adio Richmond Uchenna Kanu

Babcock University Babcock University


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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
31st May 2022. Vol.100. No 10
© 2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Nigeria
Lecturer, Department of Basic Sciences, Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Nigeria


Global warming, pollution and costs of power production are the major environmental and economic issues
faced by the planet today. Many research works have been done and are ongoing to reduce the adverse effects
that may arise due to these issues. With these issues plaguing much of the planet, the rapid proliferation of
the Internet of Things (IoT), efficient, economical, and sustainable solutions are within reach. There have
been various researches carried out in energy generation, agriculture, automotive, and so on. Also, there is a
growing awareness among organizations that going green—taking measures to reduce carbon footprint,
conserve resources, and protect the environment— have enormous advantages and benefits, as it is also good
business. This paper aims at providing an insight into Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications in
combating global warming, by conducting a literature review to highlight various ways via which IoT is being
applied, and discussing the various benefits, whether economical or environmental, that comes with adopting
IoT; as well as challenges hindering IoT adoption. It concludes by looking at the exciting potential of IoT to
deliver solutions that are both economically and environmentally smart.
Keywords: Internet of Things, Global Warming, Internet, Climate Change, Pollution

1. INTRODUCTION demographic puts a strain on the resources and

ecosystems. Combined with poverty and
The scientific and environmental community is on underdevelopment, creates a circumstance where the
the same page regarding the bitter reality of populace is forced to live in filth which further
economic and environmental issues such as global degrade the environment. Also, a poorly managed
warming, climate change, pollution and so on, and development process can lead to environment
the role played by humans in it. These issues are dilapidation [1]. To resolve these problems, some
hazardous to the planet and suitable measures must corrective steps must be taken timely which include
be deployed to tackle it. As it is detrimental to not but are not limited to the application of sustainable
only humans but animals and plants too. For and renewable energy source and ending
example, melting of the polar ice caps causing deforestation. Also, innovative solutions such as
floods; rising sea levels destroying agricultural and Internet of Things (IoT), must be considered to bring
fishing activities. There are many causes of these issues to an end [2]. IoT offers several
economic and environmental issues. The diversity of resources and different tools that can help
these causes makes it hard to clearly outline the organizations and governments reduce the negative
causes and effects of environmental dilapidation. impact of human activities on the planet. In recent
These causes and effects are often intertwined in times, IoT advancements has allowed organizations,
intricate networks of social, technological, governments, and consumers to reverse these
environmental and political factors. Nevertheless, economic and environmental issues without the need
some causes of environmental dilapidation include to forfeit one’s convenience. It's anticipated that
population growth, economic growth and technology more consumers will partake in activities that allow
advancement. Although population is vital for organizations and governments to collect and
development, it still is the major cause of analyze data for the benefit of the environment [3].
environmental dilapidation when the threshold limits It is noteworthy to state that this research may only
is exceeded. The prevailing impact of undesirable scratch the surface of what is a very elaborate line of

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
31st May 2022. Vol.100. No 10
© 2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

scientific and engineering exploration. Furthermore, compulsory optimization and rationalization to

given the increasing number of collaborations IoT conserve the use or even increase the harvests of
has created between diverse industries and sectors, agricultural production [4].
there is an instantaneous reduction of industries'
environmental and carbon footprint; due to energy 2.3 Pollution
savings and smarter solutions. In nature, pollution is a crucial issue which
occurs when impurities mix with air, water, and soil.
2. ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL To preserve nature, there is need to keep track of the
ISSUES pollution level of air, water and soil. Such that, when
the pollution level increases beyond the safe bounds,
Due to advancement in technology and there is need to purify the air, water and soil. And the
rapid industrialization, the planet is faced with need to be notified before the pollution level cross
hazardous economic and environmental issues such safe bounds. Specifically, the main causes air
as. pollution are pollutants such as harmful gases and
fine dust released into the atmosphere from
2.1 Global Warming industrial sites. These pollutants are very detrimental
Global warming begins when the radiation to our health as it can penetrates very deep into the
of the sun reaches the Earth. Subsequently, 30% of lungs and circulatory system; causing heart, lung and
the sun’s radiation is reflected back into space by the respiratory diseases as well as cancers. Government
clouds, atmospheric particles, reflective ground and via agencies, takes into account the importance of
ocean surfaces, while the residual radiation is monitoring and controlling the pollution levels at
absorbed by oceans, air and land. However, some of any industrial site [5].
the expelled radiation is re-absorbed by carbon
dioxide (CO2), water vapours, ozone, methane and 2.4 Cost of Energy Generation
other atmospheric gases; and radiated back to the Furthermore, fossil fuels which constitutes
planet’s surface. These gases due to their heat about 80% of final global energy is highly dependent
tapping capacity are commonly known as on by the energy sector. Extreme mining and
greenhouse gases. It is noteworthy that this re- combustion of fossil fuels has adverse impact on the
absorption process is essential as the planet’s environmental, health, and economic due to
average surface temperature would be very cold pollution, climate change and so on. Energy
without it. The problem began when the greenhouse efficiency and implementation of renewable energy
gases in the atmosphere increases artificially at an sources are two main replacements to reduce the
alarming rate [2]. adverse impacts of fossil fuel use [6].


Climate change also fuels discussions (IOT)
mostly because it inspires the consideration scarcity.
Such that if the existence of the problem is admitted, Internet of Things (IoT) can be simply
steps can be taken to reduce their carbon footprints. defined as a universal structure that enables service
The main cause of climate heating up and weather advancements by interconnecting (whether physical
going wild, is swamping the planet’s atmosphere or virtual) things based on prevailing and developing
with CO2 by human. When fuel (such as petroleum, interoperable information and communication
coal, or natural gas) is burnt; CO2 is generated. Thus, technologies. But, detailed definitions of IoT
there is need to be more energy-efficient and remove technologies also comprise of ambient intelligence
carbon from the energy generation process, as well and smart environments. In the early 20’s, the
as, when applied in various ways [3]. Furthermore, advancement of IoT in our interconnected planet
climate change is accountable for a temperature covered a set of technological developments from
changes and rainfall that impacts the planet’s different fields such as wireless and mobile
agriculture at dissimilar intensities. The planet is connectivity, nanotechnology, radio-frequency
been faced with a crucial need to intensification identification (RFID) and smart sensor technologies.
agricultural production and adapt to the changing A combination of these technologies could help
climatic condition impacting agriculture at diverse realize a scaled-down, embedded, automated
geographical locations. Subsequently, the Internet of connected devices communicating
unavailability of sufficient water is only increasing recurrently and fairly effortlessly. In recent times,
in more regions of the world. Thus, there is need for the use of IoT and Big Data has introduced new

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
31st May 2022. Vol.100. No 10
© 2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

business models to improve service delivery, 4. THE ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL

increase production efficiency, and enhance human BENEFITS OF INTERNET OF THINGS
wellbeing. Consequently, the objective of vendors,
operators, and policy-makers is to make the most of The power of IoT in tackling environmental
the benefits in IoT implementation while curtailing issues lies in its ability to gather precise data and,
possible risks to security and privacy. through analytics, turn it into actionable information
that drives smarter decisions about business strategy,
operational efficiency, and resource allocation.
Recent reports and researches have illustrated how
smart solutions can help the mobile telecom industry
contribute to energy savings. Thus, focusing on
smart solutions for wireless communications such as
smart metering for power grid optimization,
coordinated traffic monitoring, and alert systems.
And also, virtual products and services to enable
remote working possibilities and reduce commuting
and office space costs. With close connection to both
business systems and operational technology, IoT
Figure 1: Internet of Things (IoT) can drive efficiencies in the process flow of the
IoT comprises of interconnected devices entire operation. The most promising areas for
and environments, such as Person-to-Person (P2P), savings occur in IoT-enabled applications in the
Machine-to-Person (M2P), and Machine-to- energy, transportation, building, and agriculture
Machine (M2M). Person-to-person (P2P) sectors [9]. For example, the adoption of a “smart
communications are direct interactions between grid” approach, allows more real-time data, control,
people made possible by Internet Protocol, such as and actionable energy savings. In terms of reporting,
emails, video conferencing, SMS and phone calls. these smart grid technologies such as smart meters
Machine-to-person (M2P) interactions are machine- and analytics provide the capabilities to set hourly
generated information communicated to people, pricing, current demand, and the ability to balance
such as automatic text messages regarding account and optimize the grid infrastructure load. Like other
updates. Machine-to-machine (M2M) interactions IoT concepts of linked systems, smart meters
are machine-generated data communicated to other provide the data from embedded devices to IT
machines which processes the data and ascertain analytics engines and then to control mechanisms.
whether or not further actions are needed. Such as This allows manual and automated control of various
telemetry, robotics, status tracking, traffic control, operations in the energy process. The benefit of
logistic services and telemedicine. Another smart grids is huge in terms of generation and
important point is the purpose of IoT applications in transmission of energy, providing more control and
driving social and economic advancement. IoT range transparency over energy consumption. Applying
of services can improve the world’s development IoT technologies in real-world scenario, the use of
through the deployment of Internet Protocol enabled wind turbines with real utility delivery systems,
sensors and actuators. Such that, in the emerging pioneering research on energy storage batteries, and
world of today, IoT is already being incorporated to power monitoring, can accelerate the
help improve some of the world’s most persistent commercialization of turbines. Furthermore, IoT
issues. A typical example of IoT in automotive technologies can be applied to the energy systems—
includes onboard vehicle sensors which transmits heating, cooling and ventilation, lighting, electronics
data, containing engine, transmission and wheel and appliances, and security systems—of smart
performance, to a central processor. Which in-turn building to reduce energy consumption. Buildings of
governs when the vehicle may require service to the future must connect these energy systems in an
avert a breakdown [7]. For the purpose of reporting integrated, dynamic, and functional way. The goal is
wearables are a big part of IoT, because most a smart building that effortlessly achieves its task
wearables either communicate directly with another while curtailing energy cost, supporting a robust
device, such as heart rate monitors, or connect power grid, and abating environmental impact.
directly to the Internet to upload data [8]. At the Consequently, realizing the benefits of IoT in
macro level, three areas where IoT development and improving the health of the planet will sustain
investment is prominent are smart cities, smart resourcefulness and innovation. Today, more
power, and water grids. companies are applying advanced technologies to

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
31st May 2022. Vol.100. No 10
© 2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

develop innovative products that deliver both in use here. Commercial airspace operations are
economic and environmental benefits [9]. driving transformation efforts through programs
such as the Federal Aviation Administration’s Next
5. INTERNET OF THINGS APPLICATION Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen)
ACROSS DIFFERENT DEVELOPING and the Single European Sky ATM Research
SECTORS (SESAR). The aim of these programs is to increase
connectivity and information flow, thus, maximizing
IoT gives the opportunity to capture data efficiency and provides IoT-like value to operators
that optimizes operational efficiency, transforms and consumers. The main benefit is a more
processes, and reduces environmental impact. This ecologically friendly commercial aviation sector.
has the potential to have a transformative effect on Other benefits include more efficient flight paths and
many different industry sectors such as waste reduced wait time on takeoffs and landings, leading
management, traffic and transportation, smart city to increased passenger satisfaction, passenger
and so on. River [9] highlighted some application retention, and revenue for airlines and airports.
areas of IoT in economic and environmental sectors
as follows. 6.4 Energy
Although renewable energy sources are
5.1 Agriculture gaining traction, fossil fuels still account for
Smart agriculture involves the use of IoT to majority of global energy production. The future of
increase the quality and quantity of agricultural energy delivery system involves the harnessing of
production. IoT enables the integration of data from energy from diverse sources such as wind, solar,
sensors located in farms with geospatial and other hydro, wave, and geothermal. IoT-enabled smart
satellite sources to deliver all-inclusive analytics, grids provides an easier way to combine traditional
flagging the way for the application of more efficient and emerging power sources, making energy
processes in agriculture. The use of IoT technologies delivery cleaner, safer, and inexpensive. Thus,
to monitor, predict, and measure soil and weather providing a means for energy producers to monitor
conditions, provides valuable insights for farming and analyze energy flow and analyze consumption
operations. Operational efficiencies can improve patterns via two-way communication with smart
while environmental challenges, such as water meters; as well as planning for contingencies. Smart
usage, are addressed. In climate change scenario, IoT devices will manage the energy delivery based
water is an endangered resource, with agriculture as on real-time data rather than historical data patterns.
the biggest consumer. Renewable energy sources such as solar panels and
wind turbines, can feed unused energy into the
6.2 Automotive power grid, creating bi-directional energy supply.
The more cars become automated and This offers huge ecological rewards, allowing
interconnected, the more fuel efficiency they can connected devices to achieve power-management
achieve. Sensors and connected devices can monitor tasks with greater accuracy and faster response
issues that affect fuel consumption, such as road times, this in turn, saves energy, prioritizes
conditions, tire pressure, speed, and acceleration; consumption, and setting better policies in response
and alert drivers or make automatic adjustments. to outages.
Undeniably, reduced fuel consumption is a
captivating case for autonomous cars. As they will 6.5 Industrial Automation and Manufacturing
be more capable of holding steady speeds and fine- This focuses on showcasing manufacturing
tuning to varying road and traffic conditions. With progress which combines IoT innovation with green
the merging of smart technology, hybrid and electric efficiencies. Innovations such as smart sensors can
engines, and stringent directives on emissions, intensely reduce energy expenses in advanced
dependency on fossil fuels is expected to drop manufacturing. Manufacturing technologies
considerably in the conceivable future, intensely advancement and the increasing use of automation
reducing automotive carbon emissions. have led to a revolution on the factory floor. United
with business intelligence systems, these
6.3 Commercial Aviation innovations provide extraordinary efficiencies in the
This is a highly planned sector that involves manufacturing process. IoT systems implementation
constitutional control of airspace and its operations. in factories not only produces significant ROI, but
But despite the conservative nature of commercial also improves greenhouse gas emissions. Advanced
aviation, many of today’s IoT concepts are already smart systems have resulted in more efficient

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
31st May 2022. Vol.100. No 10
© 2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

working environment as well as ecologically cleaner privacy requirements are vital to ensuring user trust
and safer workplaces. and confidence in IoT devices and services.

6.6 Cost of Energy Generation

IoT has the following potential benefits in
improving health and wellbeing [7];
 Through increased efficiency.
 Improvement of care in existing healthcare
 Empowering better use of remote telehealth
 Empowering individuals to monitor their own
health daily.
 Improvement of wellbeing and better manage of
health conditions.
 Diagnoses medical conditions more swiftly and
promote regiment treatment. Figure 1: IoT Privacy and Security

In terms of preventative care, IoT fitness 6.3 Interoperability

devices and movement sensors are now incorporated A disjointed situation of proprietary IoT
into many new smartphones. This allows people to technical implementations will hinder IoT values for
monitor and track themselves, which in turn users and industry. Where interoperability is not
promotes healthier living. always feasible across products and services, users
may hesitate to purchase IoT products and services.
IMPACT AND SCALE OF INTERNET OF 6.4 Standard, Legal, Regulatory and Rights
THINGS The use of IoT devices increases many
novel regulatory and legal issues as well as
Rose, Eldridge, and Chapin [10] explored intensifies existing legal issues. These issues are
some of the key pressing challenges faced by IoT broad in scope, and the erratic advancement in IoT
technology. These include: technology regularly outruns the adaptation of
related policy, legal, and regulatory structures.
6.1 Security
Security considerations in terms of 6.5 Emerging Economics and Development
information technology are not new, but many IoT IoT holds substantial ability for delivering
implementations avail new and unique security environmental and economic benefits to emerging
challenges. Resolving these challenges and and developing economies. This includes areas such
guaranteeing security in IoT products and services as sustainable agriculture, water quality and use,
must be made a priority. Users require certain level healthcare, industrialization, and environmental
of trust that IoT devices and services are secure from management, among others. As such, IoT holds
susceptibilities, especially as IoT is rapidly promise as a tool in achieving a nation’s sustainable
becoming a part of our daily lives. An IoT device and development goals.
services that is poorly secured can serve as the week
link for cyber-attack. 7. LITERATURE REVIEW

6.2 Privacy The issue of environmental pollution and

The full possible of IoT depends on climate change has become a global concern due to
approaches that upholds individual privacy their impact on the environment. The main research
adoptions across a broad spectrum of opportunities. objective of Saha, et al. [11] is to find the pollutants
The data streams and user particularity provided by in nature by applying Internet of Things (IoT). A
IoT devices can reveal unbelievable and exceptional UVI-01 sensor, an ultraviolet light sensor, is used to
value to users, but privacy concerns and possible outputs an analog signal of the amount of UV light
problems might hinder full-scale adoption of IoT. detected. A 2-in-1 Temperature and PH sensor is
This means that privacy rights and upholding user utilized in monitoring the water quality, interns of
level, temperature, turbidity and PH levels. This

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
31st May 2022. Vol.100. No 10
© 2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

system monitors and collects all these data and sends techniques for real-time wildfire monitoring,
it to the cloud. prediction and forecasting. The framework includes
Water pollution is detrimental to green classifying a forest terrain into its appropriate
globalization. Such that to ensure the drinking water wildfire proneness class using fuzzy K-nearest-
supplied is safe, there is need for real-time neighbor classifier; real-time emergency alert
monitoring of water quality. Daigavane and generation mechanism based on temporal mining;
Gaikwad [12] presented a design and development and estimation of future wildfire proneness levels
of a low-cost IoT system for real time monitoring of using Holt–Winter’s forecasting model.
the water quality. The system consists of several Irrigation systems are becoming
sensors used to measure physical and chemical increasingly important, due to the increasing human
parameters of the water. The parameters such as population, global warming, and food demand. Sani,
temperature, PH, turbidity, flow sensor of the water Jonah, Jeong-A, and Maria [16] aimed to design a
is measured. The measured values from the sensors low-cost autonomous sensor interface, which uses
are processed by the core controller (The Arduino sensors and actuator to automate the monitoring and
model). Finally, the sensor data can be viewed on control of irrigation systems in remote locations, and
internet using WI-FI system. to optimize water use for irrigation farming. The
Carbon dioxide, a vital component of the prototype provides power supply, sensing,
environment causes a warming effect on the planet’s monitoring and control, and internet connectivity
surface. To safeguard the environment, monitoring capabilities, to facilitate the autonomous supply of
and controlling of these changes is a challenge. adequate water from a reservoir to domestic crops in
Considering a long-range control of CO2 emission a smart irrigation system.
at the source and effective method through Renewable energy surely gives many
preventive and control technologies is needed. benefits, but one of the disadvantages is harvesting
Rajkumar, Sruthi, and Kumar [13] implemented IoT these energies, as its dependent on climate, weather,
to measure the CO2 emission using Raspberry pi seasons and time. Thus, hybrid system is one of the
which is sensitive to CO2. The CO2 emission level solutions of combining these energies to a single
is sensed continuously in a city, as well as, finding system. Budiman, Taqwa, and Kusumanto [17]
the most polluted area. Also, a smart system for early proposed an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)
detection of forest or wild fires was implemented. enclosure, which can be applied to hybrid
These are then integrated to the IOT which is more photovoltaic (PV) and wind turbine, thus, placing
securable and allows many services. Thus, enabling grid ac power and generator set as backup or
a Simple Notification Service (SNS) to a mobile emergency purposes only. This prioritizes the use of
device if the surrounding area has higher level of renewable energy as the main power source.
CO2. Automatic sequential can be programmed into
The potential for user-facing innovations to microcontroller for supervision, monitoring and data
contribute emission reductions for limiting warming logging of ATS system by using IoT (Internet of
to 1.5 °C was investigated. Wilson, Pettifor, Cassar, Things) Technology through GPRS GSM internet
Kerr and Wilson [14] introduced the concepts of gateway. These operations can be performed both
Disruptive low-carbon innovations, which offers locally and remotely using IoT technology for
novel value propositions to users and change the historical analysis of data stored in cloud server.
marketplaces for energy-based products while Pollutants generated by industries are the
reducing emissions. And possibly disruptive low- main causes of air pollution, thus, strict control of air
carbon innovations relating to mobility, food, pollution is required. Han, Park, and Jeong [5]
buildings and cities, and energy supply and proposed a real-time air pollution index
distribution was identified. It was concluded that measurement platform using 5G wireless network
disruptive low-carbon innovations that is appealing and blockchain. This solution disrupts the present
to users can aid efforts to limit warming to 1.5 °C. passive method and enables real time data collection
Wildfires are exorbitantly cataclysmic via IoT sensor based on 5G wireless network.
disasters that lead to the destruction of forest cover, Furthermore, to prevent counterfeiting and
wildlife, land resources, human assets, reduced soil tampering of data collected, blockchain technology
fertility and global warming. Therefore, there is a was used to encrypt and transmit to cloud. And
need of an efficient and reliable system for real-time technology-intensive data can be extracted via edge
wildfire monitoring to dilute their disastrous effects. and cloud computing.
Kaur and Sood [15] proposed a collaborative IoT– Due to poor vehicle maintenance and
Fog–Cloud framework based on soft computing ignition defect, the gases emitted from the exhaust of

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
31st May 2022. Vol.100. No 10
© 2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

a vehicle may increase. Consequently, to reduce When considering the importance of air
environmental pollution and increase vehicles life, pollutants, it is crucial to monitor and prediction the
Francis, Dhinesh, Lijo, Hariprasad, and air pollutants concentration as well as waste
Balasubramanian [18] proposed an IoT based management. Hussain, et al. [22] presented an IoT-
vehicle emission monitoring system. When a vehicle based smart bin using a machine and deep learning
exceeds the gases emission threshold limit set by the model. It manages the disposal of garbage and
government, the system alerts the user via LCD. prediction the air pollutant present in the
Using IoT, the emission level is displayed and stored surrounding bin environment. The smart bin is
in the vehicle owner’s database. When the alert is connected to an IoT-based server, the Google Cloud
ignored, the report is sent to the transport office with Server (GCP), which performs the computation
entire details. necessary for predicting the status of the bin and air
Solving the energy problems of the future quality based on real-time data.
is not the only goal. Residents must be assured of a Global warming has become a severe
comfortable environment. Jang, Kang, Cho, Jang, planet challenge. Thus, Mahmood, Kama, Azmi, and
and Park [19] proposed an IoT-based HVAC and Ya’acob [23] proposed an IoT based home
Lighting (I-HVAC&L) system for HVAC system automation approach. This integrates with smart
and lighting system management. With the solution meter, renewable energy resources and government
energy can be efficiently saved without green awareness program to broadly optimize the
compromising the comfort of residents need for energy consumption, security, cost,
Rapid population growth, environmental convenience and cleaner environment for the
pollution, and global warming are reducing the society. Furthermore, a survey was conducted for the
production level of the fisheries (freshwater shrimp) purpose of identifying and evaluating its least impact
sector. In order to address these problems, Salah, in a sustainable development standpoint. The results
Fatin, Rasadin, and Ruhel [20] presented a real-time revealed that there is a noteworthy impact of home
freshwater shrimp farm monitoring system automation thereby contributing to its solution.
integrating technologies such as microcontroller- Since there is a high population in cities and
based physical devices, internet of things, and web majority of the populace are too busy in earning a
applications, that allows remote monitoring, as well living, it’s difficult to find places due to scarcity of
as receiving alerts when a water parameter land and no time for farming. Gudla, Padmaja,
(temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity level, Srikanth, and Anji [24] proposed an IoT based plant
and turbidity of water) out-of-range is detected. The monitoring system for healthy growth of the plant.
physical implementation of this system consists of a This designed system takes care of the plant and
set of sensors that allow for collecting data about the prevents the effect from environmental changes and
water metrics of shrimp farm. other kind of damages. The system also uses
Global warming, environmental pollution sentiment analysis to communicate the state of the
and power production costs are the major issues that plant to the user so that necessary actions can be
the world is facing and many research works are taken. This system helps in increasing and improve
done in the above areas to reduce the adverse effects farming and greenery in cities, in turn, reducing
arises due to fore mentioned issues. Pradeep, global warming.
Krishnakumar, and Sowmiya [21] presented a hybrid
energy generation by combining thermoelectric 8. METHODOLOGY
Generators (TEG) with solar energy. The proposed
solution is intended to generate energy from both The In this section, a comparative analysis
solar energy and the heating effect in the solar panel of IoT application in various economic sectors
at the same time. This project also implements across different domain is presented. This helps to
internet of things (IOT) technology to monitor and provide a basic understanding of the extent to which
manage the electric energy harvested through this IoT is being applied. And also, to establish a view
technology from anywhere. that IoT has immersed benefits in combating global
Debauche, et al. [4] completed a previously warming.
proposed Edge Artificial Intelligence IoT system to Table 1 highlights various economic
optimize the use of water and computing of data at sectors where IoT has found its application, the
the edge level to aid processing videos locally in the methodology applied, benefits, and gaps. This shows
event of limited Internet connection. This local the advantages of IoT in combating the
computing power also allows the management of aforementioned issues.
fertilizer supply, plants disease treatment and pest.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
31st May 2022. Vol.100. No 10
© 2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Table 1: Highlight of IoT Applications in Various Economic Sectors and their Benefits.

Literature Sector(s) Problem Methodology Benefits Gaps

[11] Environmental The issue of Internet of Things: Real-time Lack of security
Sustainability environmental sensors for pollution features
pollution and detection of air and monitoring
climate change has noise pollutions
become a global
Real-time alert
concern due to
their impact on the
[12] Environmental Water pollution is A low-cost IoT Monitor water Lack of security
Sustainability one of the biggest system quality features
fears for the green automatically
globalization. In
order to ensure the
Low-cost and
safe supply of the
requires little to no
drinking water the
human interaction
quality needs to be
monitor in real
time. More economical,
convenient and

Good flexibility
[13] Environmental CO2, a vital IoT to measure the A Simple It is not a real-time
Sustainability constituent of CO2 emission Notification system. And
environment, using Raspberry pi Service (SNS) to a detects only CO2
causes a warming which is sensitive mobile device
effect on the to CO2
planet’s surface.
The solution can be
To safeguard the
extended to detect
other dangerous
monitoring and
controlling these
changes is a big
challenge Control the CO2

monitoring of CO2
[14] Environmental The potential for Disruptive low- Reduces emissions
Sustainability user-facing carbon innovations by relocating
innovations to higher-carbon
contribute practices
reductions for
Engages users in
limiting warming
efforts to reduce
to 1.5 °C
[15] Agriculture Wildfires are A collaborative It is highly efficient Limited attributes
exorbitantly IoT–Fog–Cloud and reliable for for wildfire
cataclysmic framework based wildfire detection, detection were
disasters that lead on soft computing prediction and considered
to the destruction techniques such as forecasting.
of forest cover, fuzzy K-nearest-
wildlife, land neighbor classifier,
Real-time alert
resources, human temporal mining
assets, reduced soil and Holt–Winter’s
enhances the
fertility and global forecasting model
efficacy of system.
[16] Agriculture Irrigation systems A low-cost Flexibility and
are becoming autonomous sensor practical
increasingly interface
important, owing
to the increase in

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
31st May 2022. Vol.100. No 10
© 2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

human population, applicability of the

global warming, proposed system
and food demand.
The expansion of
economic activity

Remote monitoring
and control
required to supply
irrigation water

[17] Energy Renewable energy Automatic Reduce time and GPRS GSM has a
surely gives many Transfer Switch improve energy weakness in it
benefits, but one of (ATS) enclosure efficiency security
the disadvantages can be applied for architecture related
in harvesting all hybrid to the compromise
these energies are photovoltaic (PV) of confidentiality
so dependent on and wind turbine
climate, weather,
seasons and time.
[5] Manufacturing Pollutants IoT Sensors based Manage and Private blockchain
generated by on 5G wireless control air is govern by a
industries are the network and pollution single entity which
main causes of air blockchain is susceptible to
pollution, thus, hacking
Improve the cause
strict control of air
of fundamental air
pollution is
pollution in
industrial field
[18] Transportation Due to poor IoT Based Vehicle Monitor the gases Lack of security
vehicle Emission emitted from the features
maintenance and Monitoring vehicle exhaust
ignition defect, the System
gases emitted from
Increase the life of
the exhaust of a
the vehicle
vehicle may

Inexpensive and
easy to maintain
[19] Energy Solving the energy IoT-based HVAC Energy is saved
problems of the and Lighting (I- efficiently without
future is not the HVAC&L) system compromising the
only goal. for HVAC system comfort of
Residents must be and lighting residents
assured of a system
comfortable management
[20] Agriculture Rapid population This monitoring Shrimp mortality Lack of security
growth, system integrates rate reduction; features
environmental technologies such
pollution, and as microcontroller-
Disease prevention
global warming based physical
by alerting the user
are reducing the devices, internet of
about water score;
production level of things, and web
the fisheries applications
(freshwater Improved
shrimp) sector. production.
environmental and
The IoT technology
parameters should minimizes the cost
be constantly of implementation
monitored to

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
31st May 2022. Vol.100. No 10
© 2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

ensure quality in
the production
[21] Energy Global warming, Hybrid energy It causes no effect Still under
environmental generation by on nature, that is, development
pollution and combining pollution free.
power production Thermoelectric
costs are the major Generators (TEG)
Not prone to any
issues that the with solar energy
kind of accident
world is facing.
due to lightning.

Minimize energy
supply load, that is,
cut short energy

Inexpensive energy
Equipment requires
less maintenance

[4] Agriculture Overcoming Edge Artificial Improve water A compromised

population growth Intelligence IoT savings by 70% Master agent
dilemma with less brings down the
resources of soil entire system
Integrates plant
and water.
disease and pest
[22] Environmental When considering IoT-based smart Real-time Detects only CO2
Sustainability the importance of bin using a monitoring of gases
air pollutants, it is machine and deep garbage levels
crucial to monitor learning model
and prediction the
Notifications from
air pollutants
the alert
concentration as
well as waste
[23] Environmental Over the past few IoT based home The usage of home
decades, global automation automation has a
warming has approach great impact in a
become a severe sustainable
worldwide development
challenge. standpoint
[24] Agriculture Since the IoT based plant Monitors plant Lack of security
population of cities monitoring system growth health features
are more and
majority of the
Prevents the effect
occupants are too
of environmental
busy earning a
living, it’s difficult
to find suitable
places for farming Real-time
due to scarcity of notification on state
land and time of the plant

9. DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS these issues. Furthermore, we shed some light on IoT

as an integrated, cost-effective, comfortable and
In this research, we showed that economic reliable approach to combating economic and
and environmental issues such as global warming, environmental issues. The concept of the IoT is one
climate change, pollution and so on, are real and of the essential technologies to attain the objective of
significantly affecting the planet. With evidences affordable energy and environment sustainability.
signifying the growing concentration of atmospheric Today, the use of IoT technology is rapidly
gases due to human activities as the mainly cause of increasing, thus, the planet can be interconnected

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
31st May 2022. Vol.100. No 10
© 2022 Little Lion Scientific

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

into one network available to all. Also, renewable 10. CONCLUSION

energy resources (such as, solar, wind and
The importance of Internet of Things (IoT)
geothermal) and green awareness program can be
in technology, policy, and engineering cannot be
utilized to minimize the energy demands and achieve
overemphasized. This has become headline news
the green technology objectives and environmental
both in specialty press and popular media. IoT
sustainability. This approach can play an important
technology embodied an extensive range of
role in optimizing accessibility, comfortability, cost,
networked products, systems, and sensors, which
environment, behaviour and promote awareness.
take advantage of the progressions in computing
The important elements of green awareness program
power, electronics miniaturization, and network
can be combined with IoT which could offer
interconnections to offer new and unique capabilities
assistance to society. For example, smart metering
not formerly possible. While the concept of
plays a substantial role in managing efficiency and
monitoring and controlling devices using
improving consumption of energy resources. Also,
interconnected computers, sensors, and networks is
management of climate change with recent
not new, the current convergence of key
technologies is just the beginning.
technologies is driving new possibilities for IoT. IoT
The large-scale application of IoT products
promises a revolutionary, fully interconnected
and services (as seen in Table 1) has the potential to
planet. This also brings new strongly intertwined
change many aspects of our lives. Such as:
relationships between things and their environment,
• For consumers, the vision of a smart home is
and things and people. The view of IoT as a global
possible with new IoT products such as Internet-
array of devices connected to the Internet might
enabled appliances, home automation components,
essentially change how we think about the term
and energy management devices, providing more
“online”. While the possible benefits are
security and energy efficiency.
noteworthy, some challenges still hinder the large-
• The way healthcare services are delivered is
scale adoption of IoT—predominantly in the aspects
transforming with personal IoT devices such as
of security; privacy; interoperability and standards
wearable fitness and health monitoring devices and
legal, regulatory, and rights issues; and emerging
network-enabled medical devices. With potential
economies and development. IoT encompasses a
benefits for people with disabilities and the elderly,
multifaceted and developing set of technological,
empowering better quality of life and independence
social, and policy considerations across a diverse set
at an affordable cost.
of participants. IoT is trendy now, hence the need to
• Bringing us closer to the idea of smart cities,
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IoT systems such as networked vehicles, intelligent
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