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Which interpretation do you find more convincing

2. Why might the authors of about…? (8) 10 minutes
Interpretations A and B have a different
Germany interpretation about…? (4)
Focus on your contextual knowledge –
how do the interpretations fit what you know?
5 minutes
1. How does Interpretation B differ from Interpretation A is convincing because… (support using
Interpretation A about…? (4) Focus on PROVENANCE (PANDA). You SPED). It does not, though, mention … (limitation using
need to find 2 differences. The key focus SPED).
5 minutes
in purpose
Focus on 2 differences in CONTENT Interpretation B is convincing because… (support using
One difference interpretations A and B SPED). It does not, though, mention … (limitation using
One difference between the two interpretations is…
differ is because (use one element of SPED).
For example, Interpretation A
PANDA). For example, whilst
emphasises/suggests/says (quote)…This suggests Overall, interpretation A/B is more convincing
interpretation A … interpretation B…
that… In contrast, Interpretation B because…
highlights/suggests… For example …(quote). This Another reason why the interpretations
suggests that… differ is … (use another element of
PANDA). Repeat above 6. Which of the following was the more important/significant
Another difference… (repeat above) reason … (12) two bullet points will be provided
5. In what ways did/were… (8) 15 minutes
3. Describe two… (4) 5 minutes
10 minutes This is your essay question. Explain using just the bullet points
Identify two features given
Consider two of the identified changes or
One problem/issue was… For example, consequences Brief introduction
(use SPED)
One change … for example… this resulted Bullet point 1 was extremely important in… because…for
Another problem/issue was… For in…which clearly contrasted with… example…which resulted in…furthermore…this proves that…
example, (use SPED) Bullet point 2, though, was more/less important because…for
Another change… (repeat above)
example…in addition…this highlights
SPED Use SPED to provide your own knowledge
Overall, the most important reason was…because…
S - statistics
Remember – show the links between the factors
P - people
P - Purpose - Use SPED to make your knowledge specific
A - Author E - evidence
N - Nature
D - date
D - Date
A – Audience

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