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Oakwood International prides itself on supporting our learners. Your success is our success!

You have engaged in a globally-recognised qualification which will drive your career forward,
and this is the final step in achieving your goal: writing your assignment.

Oakwood International knows that balancing an intense and demanding work life with your
personal and home life is challenging. Adding a global qualification into this mix can be difficult.
How do I find the time? How do I answer questions in a second language? Oakwood
International understands these challenges and therefore, we have created this critical
document to guide you to success. Using this document and the resources we suggest makes
you more likely to achieve your goal.

The LAB (Learner Assessment Brief)

When you submit your work for assessment, you need to feel confident that your submission
meets the assessment requirements. This means the marker must be sure you have
demonstrated sufficient knowledge and understanding to justify a pass against every
Assessment Criteria (AC). Failure in just one Assessment Criteria will result in a fail grade and
you will be required to resubmit your answer(s) again. This will delay the completion of your
qualification. So let’s ensure together this does not happen.

You will see on your LAB that this assessment is divided into tasks. Each task has a question that
you must answer. Please note that many tasks have more than one element to consider, so read
the task carefully. The CIPD link an AC to each question. For example:

Task One

Evaluate the principles of reward and its importance to organisational culture and
performance management. (AC 1.1)

This guidance document tells you exactly what you MUST do to achieve a pass on the AC.

You will also see that we have provided a range of research sources that you can use to
inform your answers. These resources have been drawn from valid, reputable sources –
including the CIPD – and all are assessed to be appropriate as reference sources for your
written assignment.


Please note that at this level, all AC’s MUST show evidence of secondary source use.

Failure to demonstrate that you have undertaken wider reading and included your
correctly referenced sources will mean your answer will be failed. You should be using
up-to-date sources from within the last five years.

Important Notes
As with any research source, you must acknowledge where and how you have used it
to answer the question. This is what referencing means. Every source used in this
document has the source reference included. These are mostly URL links. If you use
the resources we have given you to support your written assignment, the source
reference included in this document is what you use. There is detailed guidance on
how to set out your short (in-text) and long references on Oakwood’s Learner Hub.
If you do not reference correctly, your work will be seen as plagiarised. This is a
serious offence.

Our marking system uses Turnitin (, which will tell

us the percentage of copied and pasted content. It will also show us if you have copied
content from another learner’s submission. Work found to contain plagiarised material
will be returned unmarked. Serious or repeated plagiarism will be reported to the
CIPD, who could remove you from the qualification. Therefore, make sure you
reference correctly!

Word Count
Please stay within the word count. The limits are + or – 10%. One of the biggest
challenges of this program is to avoid exceeding the word count. But being concise and
clear and not using unnecessary wordage is a crucial business discipline you must learn.
It is always best to stay under the limit on your first submission because if your work is
referred, you may be required to add more information. The word count should be
updated on each submission.

Check your work before submitting it. Never rely solely upon a spellchecker. Read
through your work carefully and avoid unnecessary errors in spelling and punctuation.
Check your formatting and ask yourself if it is clear and professionally presented.

Avoid using bullet points and short statements. You should provide a full narrative. The
marker will expect to see evidence of your knowledge and understanding – bullet points
and short statements will not evidence this.


Oakwood advises that you always structure your answers using subheadings. Often, AC’s have
more than one element that must be covered, and this will help ensure you include everything
required. It will also make your answer clear for the assessor.

Completion of the LAB

At the end of this document, there is a checklist. You MUST ensure you have used this checklist.
Failure to do what is asked will mean your LAB is returned unmarked. This will then delay the
marking process and the completion of your qualification. Therefore, USE THIS GUIDE to ensure
your success.

We at Oakwood International wish you every success in this big step forward. We have a
dedicated support team if you have any questions regarding the LAB and your assessment.
Please email and ensure you include your cohort number
in the subject line of your email.

Good luck with your studies!

Jonathan Goodwin
Head of Learning - Oakwood International


You must include both long and short references
You should make reference to the case study GO QUEST
where possible in your answers
You should use relevant theory where possible in your
Please focus on the command verb highlighted at the start of
each task

Total word count : 1,500 words


Review emerging development to inform approaches to employee voice and engagement

(approximately 300 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. Having an effective employee voice strategy is a win-win situation. It
means developing a programme of opportunities and mechanisms for employees to be
heard on topics of strategic importance to the business and employees. Key
legal frameworks for voice; role of voice and engagement in job quality; Impact of
voice and engagement on psychological contract.
Use 4 sub-headings

▪ Provide a brief definition of Employee Voice

▪ Review 2 examples of recent trends in employee voice (Direct Participation, Employee

Representation at Board Level, Use of social media etc…) referring to the case study
organisation GO QUEST.

▪ Summarise how to use these examples to build employee engagement.

Reference Links:


AC 1.2
Differentiate between employee involvement and employee participation and how it
builds relationships (approximately 300 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. There is a strong link between employee involvement and
participation with employee voice and engagement. It is about providing more
opportunities for employees to take greater ownership of the work they do, and actively
find ways that employees can together participate in organisational activities to
achieve a common goal.

Use 3 sub-headings

▪ Explain the differences between Employee Involvement and Employee Participation.

▪ Using 1 example of employee involvement, explain how it could build strong and positive
working relationships at the case study organisation GO QUEST.

▪ Using 1 example of employee participation, explain how it could build strong and positive
working relationships at the case study organisation GO QUEST.

Reference Links:


Assess a range of employee voice tools and approaches to drive employee engagement.
(approximately 400 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. To make an Employee Voice strategy real, it is important to make
sure there is a range of methods and tools available to employees so they can pro-
actively, easily, and safely raise their voices as part of the wider employee engagement

You MUST provide 3 examples of employee voice tools and 2 approaches. You should use a clear
sub-heading for each example

▪ Explain the strengths and weaknesses of 3 employee voice tools that are used to
drive employee engagement [ Surveys, Town Hall meetings, employee forums], based on
your research and the case study GO QUEST.

▪ Explain the strengths and weaknesses of 2 approaches to driving employee

engagement [ employee participation/involvement, total reward packages; coaching and
mentoring; effective performance management etc.]

Reference Links:

AC 1.4
Critically evaluate the interrelationships between employee voice and organisational
performance (approximately 250 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. Creating a strong Employee Voice and a fully participative and
committed management team allows organisations to tap into a vast source of knowledge
and insight spread across the organisation. This means senior leaders can make
decisions with more complete information, and a more diverse knowledge-base, leading
to better outcomes and higher levels of commitment and loyalty by employees

▪ Using 2 subheadings provide 2 examples of employee voice from the previous task.

▪ Critically evaluate the interrelationship between these examples of employee voice and
organisational performance. (to critically evaluate here means look at the pros and cons)

▪ Provide a balanced argument, based on the case study organisation GO QUEST.


Reference Links:


AC 1.5

Explain the concept of better working lives and how this can be designed
(approximately 250 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. The fundamental purpose of HR is to champion better work and
working lives. (CIPD) and People Professionals need to not only understand this
concept but also be strong champions of it as part of the wider Employee Engagement

Use 3 sub-headings

▪ Define and explain the concept of better working lives (This is not the same as work-life

▪ Using 2 examples, such as pay and benefits and health and safety, explain how these
could be used to design a better working life within the case study organisation GO

Reference Links:





You must include both long and short references
You should make reference to the case study GO QUEST where
possible in your answers
You should use relevant theory where possible in your answers
Please focus on the command verb highlighted at the start of each
Total word count 2,400 words


Distinguish between organisational conflict and misbehaviour, and between informal and
formal conflict. (approximately 250 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. What does workplace conflict and misbehaviour mean and what are
the different types? How can these show themselves in the workplace? What do they
look like? What does it feel like (from employer and employee perspective)?

Use 2 subheadings OR 2 tables with sufficient explanatory narrative.

Please refer to CIPD and ACAS/UK legislation guidelines.

▪ Define organisational conflict.

▪ Define organisational misbehaviour.
▪ Advise GO QUEST on the differences between them.

▪ Define formal conflict.

▪ Define informal conflict.
▪ Advise GO QUEST on the differences between them.

You could discuss: Formal conflict - strikes, work-to-rule, go-slow, overtime bans, protests.
Informal conflict: spontaneous arguments, disagreements, cultural issues of differing opinions

Reference Links:


Distinguish between official and unofficial employee action.
(approximately 200 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. In the UK, the legislation covering Trade Unions and what is defined
as official and unofficial action is covered by the Trade Unions Act, 2016. When answering
this question use this law to define and explain what they are and the key differences.

We suggest you use a table here with sufficient explanatory narrative.

▪ Explain official employee action and provide 2 specific examples. E.g. (balloting
requirements; supported/authorised/sanctioned by trade union; relevant legislation and
legal protection)

▪ Explain unofficial employee action and provide 2 specific examples. E.g. (lack of trade
union or official authorisation, may be spontaneous, lack of legal protection for those

▪ Advise GO QUEST on the differences between official and unofficial employee action.

Reference Links:

Assess emerging trends in the types of conflict and industrial sanctions.
(approximately 200 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. This is mainly about emerging trends within UK Trade Unions,
however, where relevant, refer to trends in your country.

Use 2 sub-headings

▪ Research emerging trends (recent changes) in types of conflict and industrial sanctions

▪ Explain the pros and cons of 2 recent trends E.g. (reverting back to large-scale national
strikes; greater focus on individual employee voice; use of online petitions to drive support)

We recommend that you research recent industrial action in the UK.

Reference Links:


Distinguish between third-party conciliation, mediation, and arbitration
(approximately 250 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods are a set of methods
or techniques that allow parties (Employers and Employees) in a dispute, to reach an
amicable settlement. It covers the ways in which parties can settle their differences
without going to court / tribunal or other formal legal options

Use 4 sub-headings
Refer to ACAS guidelines.

▪ Define the three terms third-party Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration.

▪ Explain the differences between them. Use a minimum of 1 example of each to help
differentiate (how are they different?)

Reference Links:

Explain the principles of legislation relating to unfair dismissal in respect of capability
and misconduct issues (approximately 225 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. Unfair dismissal – as defined by legislation and ethics - needs to be
clearly understood by managers and leaders, with HR’s role to make sure correct and
complete processes are in place, understood and consistently applied across an
organisation. Fairness, consistency, and transparency are essential to maintain trust
between employees and employers
Use 2 sub-headings

▪ Base your answer on the UK Employment Rights Act 1996.

▪ Explain the term capability, according to the above act.

▪ When would it be unfair to dismiss someone for it?

▪ Explain the terms gross and ordinary misconduct, according to the above act.
▪ When would it be unfair to dismiss someone for it?

Provide examples of both, ideally from the case study organisation GO QUEST.


Reference Links:


Analyse key causes of employee grievances
(approximately 225 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. Employee grievances come in all shapes and sizes. It is very important
that People Professionals know what the main grievances are and where possible try and
positively resolve them as well as ensure there are clearly defined and well understood
grievance policies and procedures.

Use 3 sub-headings

▪ Analyse a minimum of 3 key causes of employee grievances – why do they happen?

What is their impact? What can be done to stop them?

Causes could include: - poor management, lack of flexibility, inequality in treatment, unfair rules,
workload, working conditions, grading issues, interpretation of an existing collective agreement,
bullying and harassment.

Reference Links:

Explain the skills required for effective grievance and discipline-handling procedures
(approximately 200 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. People Professionals, Managers and Leaders need to have a range of
skills to be able to consistently, sympathetically, and effectively manage both grievances
and disciplinary cases to make sure they are fair, objective and where appropriate, ensure
lessons are learned.

Use 3 sub-headings

▪ Research CIPD and ACAS guidance [remember to reference clearly]

▪ Explain a minimum of three skills that are required for effective grievance and discipline-
handling procedures. E.g. (active listening, mediating, empathy; communication)

▪ Clearly explain how each of these skills could help GO QUEST with effective grievance and
discipline handling.


Reference Links:

Advise on the importance of handling grievances effectively.
(approximately 200 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. Handling a grievance can be one of the most challenging things a
manager may ever have to do. In many cases it is hoped that these employee concerns /
grievances can be resolved informally. However, where an informal resolution is not
possible or appropriate, it is important to deal with it in a consistent, sympathetic, and
objective way, in line with the organisational grievance policies and procedures.

Use 3 sub-headings

▪ Advise GO QUEST on the importance [the positives] of handling grievances effectively.

▪ Explain 2 possible impacts of grievances not being handled effectively.

You could consider: Unfairness, employer reputation, financial costs (industrial tribunals,
compensation etc…

Reference Links:



Explain the main provisions of collective employment law
(approximately 200 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. Collective employment law is part of UK employment law. It regulates
the activities and behaviour of trade unions, works councils, and employers' associations
as well as the pattern of interaction between the two sides (Employer and Employees /
employee representatives). It covers issues such as: the rights of workers to collective
consultation and codetermination, the freedom of trade unions to organise, internal union
government, trade union recognition, collective bargaining.

Use 4 sub-headings

▪ Explain what collective employment law is.

▪ Explain a minimum of 3 key parts of UK collective employment law.

▪ You could consider: Statutory recognition procedures; Official and unofficial action;
Disclosure of information for collective bargaining; Picketing; legal enforceability of
collective agreements

Reference Links:


Compare the types of employee bodies, union and non-union forms of employee
representation. (approximately 250 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. In the UK, there are a number of different types of ‘employee bodies’
who represent employees. The focus of this assignment is to identify, define and explain
their role in employee representation.

Please use 2 sub-headings OR a table format with sufficient narrative.

Focus on the UK labour market.

▪ Define 1 type of union form of employee representation (e.g. trade union)

▪ Define 1 type of non-union form of employee representation (e.g. employee advocate;

employee forums. Staff council etc.)

▪ Compare them – what are their similarities and differences?

Reference Links:


Evaluate the purpose of collective bargaining and how it works
(approximately 200 words)

KEY FOCUS AREA. Following on from 4.1 about collective Employment Law in the UK,
this question focuses on the process of collective bargaining, where a group of
employees 'collectively' negotiate with the employer.

Use 3 sub headings

▪ Define the purpose of collective bargaining – what is it used for?

▪ Explain how it works. Provide 2 examples e.g. (minimum wage, basic benefits, working
conditions etc.)

▪ Evaluate collective bargaining (explain the advantages and disadvantages) – how

effective is it? What is the impact for the employees? The organisation? Is this the best

Reference Links:





Final last checks before you submit your work. Tick as completed.
Any boxes you do not tick could result in a serious delay to the marking of your reports, or
result in a refer grade

You must submit your assessments as a Word document. The Learner Assessment Brief will clearly
explain the format you need to use. Is the correct format used?

You should use black font for submission 1, Red for new narrative in submission 2 and blue for new
narrative in submission 3

The CIPD Membership Number must be completed and included in the Learner Assessment Brief
together with your name and Cohort Number.

The ‘wet’ signature and date of submission must be included in every Learner Assessment Brief -
you MUST add a new date for each submission

Assessment Criteria Evidence Checklists should ideally be completed for every Learner Assessment
Brief - just repeat the example already given (do not put long references here)

Have you included both your long and short references? Are these in the right place? Please check
the guidance on the learner platform as to how to do Harvard referencing

Have you checked your word count? You are allowed 10% + or 10% - the indicative word count.

Have you recorded your wordcount in the correct place in the LAB?

Have you made reference to the Case study if stated in the Learner Assessment brief? You should
also try to use examples from your own organisation to support your points where possible.

Have you shown wider reading, use of sources in each of your answers?

Have you used clear sub-headings linked to the elements of the task to help structure your work?

Have you added your submission dates to page 2? A new date should be added for each submission.


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