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You need to mention the following items in the history part :

1. Age
2. Gender
3. Comorbidities
4. Surgical history ( Example : 23 yo male , k/c of bronchial asthma ,
post FESS surgery / or post tympanoplasty / or no H/O previous
5. Main complaint : then analyze the complaint ((onset, course ,
duration , uni or bilateral …..etc ))
6. Ask about the symptoms of involved system and analyze it if
7. Ask about symptoms of other ENT systems
8. h/o smoking , recent infection , recent trauma
9. medication

EAR: hearing loss , otorrhea ( ear discharge ) , pain , vertigo ,


 Nose : nasal obstruction , Mouth breathing , Snoring ,

Anosmia/hyposmia/ , taste disturbances, Nasal discharge , post
nasal drip , Allergic symptoms ( Sneezing , Itchy and watery
eyes , Clear rhinorrhea ), Facial pain , Headaches

 Throat : Mouth breathing , Snoring , recurrent tonsillitis ( how

many times /year)

 Larynx : dysphonia ( hoarsness ) , stridor , Choking ,

Aspiration , Dysphagia, Odynophagia , Cough, foreign body
sensation in throat , Frequent throat clearing , Postnasal drip ,
Heartburn , Neck mass, Weight loss

Examination :
Ear : otoscopy , facial nerve , tuning fork
Nose : rhinoscopy or nasal endoscopy
Throat : inspection by togue depressor
Larynx : fibrobtic endoscopy


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