Give Me Five 3 Activity

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Give Me Five! ACTIVITY BOOK S welcome to the lighthouse! page 2 1 Time for school page 6 2 Helping hands page 16 3 Fit and healthy page 26 ok My project 1: The zoo challenge page 36 4 Creative cooking page 38 5 Under the sea page 48 6 Sports mad page 58 ok My project 2: Treasure islands page 68 7 Detectives page 70 8 What's on TV? page 80 9 Let's celebrate! page 90 ok My project 3: A London adventure page 100 #2 Vocabulary and Grammar Practice page 102 @ Cambridge Exams Practice page 111 — 4 FA pasate Donna Shaw « Joanne Ramsden Lesson 1 Vocabular boat volleyball helicopter @ Order and write the questions. 1 name? / What's / your What's your name? 2 you? / old / are / How 3 you / do / Where / live? 4 do / with? / you / Who / live e Complete the form with information about you. Draw yourself. Name: Age: Birthday: Where do you live? ‘Who do you tive with? Name of schoo: Pets: @ 8 How old is Lily? She's Lesson 2 crammar Ji QD Read and match. dancing — making models reading singing skateboarding cycling swimming _ playing tennis B & Write the questions. Answer Yes, | do or No, | don’t. 1 © Do you like playing tennis? 78 3) & Write about what you like doing. Draw an activity you love doing. | Hike 2 | love 3 I don't like : What does Josh like doing? Josh likes —___. tree @ a Lesson 3 Story (Afteryou read|) Qo Read and write irue or false. 1 The children take some bags to the blue room. __false 2 The children go up some steps. 3 The children hear the telephone. 4 The children break a code. 5 The children talk to Lily and Josh's cousin © Read and match. 7 Take these boxes to the blue room. © _ Listen and circle the eight mistakes. Listen again. Write the correct words. Ss / ona chair, too. We hear a voice. There's a secret letter on the computer screen. together to break a code. Luke appears on the screen and we talk to him. Nov read and watch an adventure blog together. 1 boxes 2 3 5 6 7 @ fou? ~ What's Luke’s job? He’s a —~ Lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar @ Circle the letters that have the same sound. Listen and check. Say. OH Q THEMIS Look and write the numbers in order. | 56 59 55 51 fifty-one 2 68 62 66 67 tu-five sixty-six seventy-nine eightu-five one hundred © QCifittigeAis Break the code. 48-20-80'76 32-4-88-20 4-56 4 -16-88-20-56-80-84-72-20! L ! How do youspellezes se five @) @ Read and find. Circle and write. 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 Ido gymnestics in the —__qum___. I put my bike in the Iplay the drums in the Thang my coat in the leat lunch in the | watch concerts in the t[elyfofu[elr[e]c]x]t Pltfaly[c[rfolu|n]o]i m[ufs]|tf{c[rfolo|m[s]a sfofififele[wie[e lele claln[tlefe|n[zlellyifa re[clo[r{r{i][ofo[riwjr bli fkle{s|tla[niofuly B{si[c{HfojofufHjalele At break time, | play with my friends in the | read and look for books in the eo & Write about your school. Use There is or There isn’t. computer room canteen basketball court football pitch There vegetable garden playground se Lesson 2 Grammar me. @ Complete the sentences in the grammar fable. you use What do When study Maths? do in the music room? play with your friends? a computer? QO Order and write the questions. Match the questions and answers. leat lunch in the canteen. | play with: 1 do / What / playground? / in / the / do / you my friends, What do you do in the playground? — 2 eat / lunch? / you / do / Where I study English every day, 3 English? / study / do / When / you & SB Write. Draw your favourite place in your school. Ask and answer. (QO TBs: 1. What's your favourite place in your school? My favourite place is 2 What do you do there? 1 3 When do you go there? \ 76-36-96-80-98 of wer @ a Lesson 3 Story (Afterjyou read|) oe Read and complete. Write Josh, Lily or Ravi. 1 Lil helps Josh make a bracelet. a on Rw 8 can't play the drums wears a bracelet in the swimming poo! sees the bracelet at the bottom of the pool. finds the bracelet. thinks Josh is brilliant at PE. bracelet. Then we have Music and we play the guitar. At break time, we the gym. After the break, we have a PE lesson. The swimming pool is behind thi Lily loses her pencil and she is sad. The bracelet is at the bottom of the playgrount finds the bracelet. 1 school 2 3 5 6 7 : wt © QWiitgAAls Read and complete. What do you think? 1 The story is funny / boring / sad / interesting / exciting / scary. 2 My favourite character is 3 I give the story stars. ai y sy wv sy , Sp ov-c-ss.20-00.98 @ eight Lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar @ Order and write the school subjects. QO Order the words in the grammar table. Write the sentences. Tim at 2 very good I'm at 3 good History. I'm 4 at Geography. I'm 1 Lm brilliant at Arts and Crafts. prilliant Arts and Crafts. Maths. at not very good eee wee ee € QTR write questions. Record your answers. Ask a friend and record their answers. | Me 1 Are you good at ICT? | Yes,lam.=/ No, 'mnot. =X My friend ‘Are you good at the same subjects? ] | st | igs 20-36-28-32-80-98 nine ©) OL... 5 Speaking and Spelling @ Complete and say. ® Find and circle the words. Classify and write. el m iy g u r j 9g m juice ° ; ' a a n oe ee : 76-20-88-20-56-80-98 PhS 5 ge Na. es 7 oo Lesson 6 Reading Dp \a] literacy Text type:a poster _ —— (Afterjyoulread)) @ Read and circle. 1 Roller hockey isc fast and dangerous / boring /(exciting) sport 2 The club meets on Tuesday and Wednesday / Thursday / Friday. 3 The classes begin al five o'clock and finish at six / seven / eight o'clock. 4 The classes cost $1 / £2 / £3. 5 For more information. you can send Emme a letter / a text message / an email. © QWitLiage2ais Find the words on the poster. Write. a &e it 2 8 y A 1 playground 2 4 © & Read and answer. Ask and answer. {7} 1 What's your favourite afterschool activity? My 2 Where do you do it? I 3 When do you do it? I oi 60-56-20 32-84-56-16-72-20-16 eleven GD) TER tosson 7 Writing oo : is ~~ “| Literacy Text type: te Cama \ Literacy Text type: a poster A @ MGxpemtivelbaatitg work with a friend. Plan your poster. Make notes. é@ @ @€ @ &4& © & &@ @ & & @ Club name: When do we meet? Where do we meet? What do you need? How much dloes it cost? Contact: Qe Use your notes to write and decorate your poster. povou LOVE. Join the We meet You need The classes cost For more information, contact (Ghiare\andlcheck)) 8 Read your poster with a friend. Write a tick (W) or a cross (X). lask a question. | give an instruction. | use some exciting words. | use copital letters. ‘ Bese 20-36-28-32-80-98 - 60-56-20 @ cweive Lesson 8 Culture around the world: Ireland Dp —— @ _ listen and write. 8 tin whistle rsh dancing buingG Gaelic football 1 2 Name: Peter | Name: Sue Activity: hurling Activity: Day: Frida Day: 3 4 Name: Mar! Name: Daniel Activity: Day: Activity: Day: Qo Explore the Internet with your teacher. Do the Ireland web quest. 1 Where's Ireland? 2 What languages do people in Ireland speak? 3 What's the capital city of Ireland? e 4 What colours are the Irish flag? Colour the flag. 5 What's the weather like in Ireland today? — ____ eo Find out more. Investigate how fo play hurling. How many players are there on a team? 45 io 76-36-96-80-98 - 24-36-88-20 thirteen @ a Review Ready. Steady.Go! 2B @epaativekzamiig work with a friend to do the quiz. 1 Name six places in your school. the clock? | 2. Name three subjects that you study. | 3 Read the answers, Write the questions. When Where What 2 | have PE on Wednesday. 2 leat lunch in the canteen. > 2 | play with my friends in the playground. | 4 Look at the scores and write. Maths, “D I’m very good at Maths. Music @® cr | 5 Circle and write the words that need a capital letter. lunch Geturday>) swimming pool josh english school ravi monday Saturday 6 Where's Luke in this unit? 7 Break the code to find out where Luke goes next. | GBrowse (ios a” ( Qtitipeca Think about your work in this unit. Read, circle and write. _, My work in Unit 1 is excellent / good / OK. @ fourteen Nowlcon CSCS My favourite lesson in Unit 1 is oi 20-36-28-32-80-98 - 80-92-60, VCore kee ig | Lyme Ciihie Ss @) Read and match. Listen and check. Repeat. 8 | ( Do you want to play the guitar? Yes, | do. love technology. 2 ( Do you want to do street dance’ Nezida®s ren (es, | do. I's a great spor 3 ( Do you want to play rugby? Yes, do. 'm good at dancing 4 (Do you want to build a robot? . ~ (Yes, 1 do. Music is fun. Q Listen and complete the nofes. & Tips for trying new activities 1 Don't be __afraid _. 2 to the instructions. 3 what other people do. 4 Ask people to you 5 Have ! ‘ie What new things do you rs - want fo try? 3) B Read and answer. Ask and answer. [Q TBE: 1 Anew sport | want to do is 2. A new food | want to try is 3 A new language | want io learn is 4 Anew instrument | want fo play is fifteen @ __ Read and complete. Dear Lily, Don't forget your chores this week! a3 1 ___make ___ your bed a 2 your pet (gi Rae 3 the floor ho 4 the table itil ie § dinner Thanks for your help. Love flu and Dad the dog e & Write about the chores you do and don't do. makemybed tidyup —_ clear the table wash the car walk the deg cook dinner 14 I don't = 3 4 5 6 @ sixteen Lesson 1 Vocabulan Dear Josh, Don’ forget your chores this week! 9 the plants the table the car {a LS 11 ee 72 Thanks for your help. Love Warn and Dad I walk the dog. don't cook dinner. ss 12-4-56-80-20-20-56 Lesson 2 Grammar Be © Complete the sentences in the grammar table. Mysister always the floor lays __tidies 1 Mymum washes up. 2 My brother often the table. 3 sometimes hoovers 4 My friend never QO & Complete the sentences. Use always, offen, sometimes and never. 1 My mum washes up. My mum sometimes 2 My dad cooks dinner. Washes Up: My dad often cooks dinner. 3 My friend 4 My 5 My Remember! a Ay e & Write the questions. Read and answer. Panag Ask and answer. (7) sientnens Yes,he does. Yes,shedoes. —_No, he doesn't. No, she doesn't. | yourmum/ the car _Does your mum wash the car? your dad / the floor your grandma / dinner your grandad / the plants your friend / the table 5 your friend / the dog 2 i A8-36-8-72-4-72-98 seventeen (i) a Lesson 3 Story (Bfter,youlread)) @ __ Read and order the sentences. a The children walk under the sea, b The children go down some steps. ¢ The children discover a secret tunnel. d The children see a very big shadow. e The children hear a voice. f The children see Grandma. Qo Listen and circle the eight mistakes. Listen again. Write the correct words. S In this adventure, we discover a secret (wall) behind a curtain, We go up some tunnel is very light and wet. It goes under the river. In the tunnel, we see some dr She's practising the guitar. 1 tunnel 2 3 4 | 5 6 7 8 | © QetiLAgatM Read and complete. What do you think? a 1 The story is funny / boring / sad / interesting / exciting / scary. | 2. My fewourite character is because 3 Igive the story —— © eighteen Lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar —— oO Circle and write the free-+time activities. Use the extra letters to make the mystery word. <= watchdvdsghpl drawpi sadeornicdwatchtVes9hPlayComp ters amesiplayboorddoes OMe"PICIUFesucopUrziesss 1 read comics = 3 4 5 6 The mystery word is Q Order the words in the grammar table. Write the sentences. 1 How often Lily does watch DVDs? 2 does read comics? How often Josh 3 draw pictures? How often Ravi does 4 does uly How offen do puzzles? £) QWitagetlb Look at the chart. Write sentences about Ravi. Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Fridey | Saturday | sunday 1 wateh TV i yj 7 | v : Z Vv v v v v 2readcomics | 3 listen to musio | 4 drow pictures | | Ravi watches TV five times a week. 4s ge 12-60-72-72-36-16-60-72 nineteen @) Ch en 5 Speaking and Spelling @ Find and circle the words. Classify and write. = = uC hairyow it ch f kK i tice hoe nie t — — s ° t r g « « h h e } u ch tch i c w chair k a e t c n h r I a beach sc¢cate¢ehapitchgehore © QesRertiess Test your friend. Ask and answer. fo Oo What's this word? W-AT-CH. \@ ~ be 2 os 64-48-4-98-28-72-60-84-56-16 ED twenty oH Literacy Text type: a fable EEE EI EO or (Afterjyoujread|) @ Read and tick (/). 1 Anansi doesn’t like .. 2 Anansi doesn’t want to v¥ |} doing chores. eat lunch al vegetables. help his friends. 3 Anansi gives a web to 4 The friends pull the webs when ... six friends. Anansiis next to the tiver. eight friends. Anansiis at home. © QGeieetgELa Find the words in the fable. Read and complete. greedy lazy greedy lazy | Anansi is because he doesn't help his frionds. 2 Anansi is because he wants to eat eight lunches. 3 The message of the story is don't be and don't be © CQ tesGentes Read and order. Act out with a friend. Hello, Anansi. !'m smell delicious. cooking vegetables, © on! yes, please. 4 © Hello, Rabbit. What _ f Good. You can ‘are you cooking? i 2 help me cook. . 32-4-48-48 fi suesi-one @) Do you want fo have lunch with me?, G.-- 7 Writing ‘Plan| \your, writin ing) @ M@xrpactolaniiag work as a class. Plan the end of the fable. Make notes. 4 @ &@ &@ @ &@ @ &@ & @ # & & HF # @ 1. What does Turtle say to Anansi i? ‘You can't wear a coat when you eat lunch ... 2 What can’t Anansi do? swim under water [_} otim [J wat | 3 What happens when Anansi fakes off his coat? He floats to the top of the river. He eats lunch at the bottom of the river. LC) 4 How does Anansi feel at the end of the fable? cold LJ hungry LJ tired © Use your notes to write the end of the fable. eT ‘Turtle has a clever idea. He can’t wear a coat when you eat lunch ... O Lal) a says, You When Anansi takes off his coat, he Anansi can't Anansi goes home. He's very ee fe area ae Sharejand|check} © _ Read your fable with a friend. Write a tick (¥’) or a cross (X). The animals speak. Anansi learns a lesson. @ twenty-two luse adjectives. The spelling is correct. LJ ee 24-60-60-80-8-4-48-48 64-36-80-12-32 = Lesson 8 Culture around the world: Scotland B ae : @ listen and write. 8 4) & &© @ ) @d& @ H @ é ® « © © € LIFE ON A SCOTTISH ISLAND 1 Name: Neil 2 Age: years old 3 He goes to school by e 4 There are children in his class. 5 He likes 6 His favourite free-time activity is © Explore the Internet with your teacher. Do the Scotland web quest. ( = 1 Where's Scotland? 2 How many islands has it got? About 3 What's the capital city of Scotland? | e 4 What colours are the Scottish flag? Colour the flag. 5 What's the weather like in Scotland today? pecans a © Find out more. Investigate the different Scottish islands. How many islands make up the Orkney Islands? a5 Sloss 7260-60-52 twenty-three €) Ready Steady Go! AR @epartielkemig Work with a friend to do the quiz. 1. Name four chores you do. Y'{ Can you beat wy \_ine clock? n Name four free-time activities. © Write the frequency words. v/¢ __always ww v x 4 Remember the song in Pupils Book Lesson 4, Read and answer. How offen does Lily listen to music? She How offen does Josh play computer games? He How offen does Ravi read comics? He 5 Remember the fable in Lesson 6 and Lesson 7. Write the adjectives. Anansi is a and spider. Turtle has got hands. 6 Where's Luke in this unit? ~ Break the code to find out where Luke goes next, a 52-4-48-80-4 Q CUAL Think about your work in this unit. Read, circle and write. My work in Unit 2 is excellent / good / OK. von Now | can . My favourite lesson in Unit 2 is . 2 SA Reser 8-36-44-20 76-80-4-56-16 eee / @) twenty-four ideo and 21st Century Skills 4 Iping/othe: @ Read and match. Listen and check. Repeat. 8 share clean take out tidyup explain wash up in 41 the mubbish. 5 | on eeicise, 6 |__ tine bod: © Listen and complete the notes. Which of these activities do you do? g 5 easy ways fo help at home 1 Pick up your__clothes ___ from the floor. 2 Tidy up your ___ and 3 Look after your 4 Take out the 5 the table. How do you help at home? & How do you help? Read and answer. Ask and answer. m Talk) Partners, 1 How do you help at home? | 2 How do you help your friends? 3 How do you help in the classroom? twenty-five €) @® look and complete the sentences. dizy cold fia earache cough sick 92-4-76-32 84-64 Lesson 2 Grammar Eis Oo Complete the sentences in the grammar table. Have feel Do got Does a sore throat? acut? dizzy? sick? 8 What's the matter? Write the questions. Look and answer. Yes, they have. No,she hasn't. Yes-hetGs. —_No, they don't. 1 temperature Has he got a temperature? Yes, he has. 2 sore throat 3 earache 4 dizzy = Shon 20-208 52-98 64-20-80 twenty-seven G Lesson 3 Story (Afteryoulread)) @ _ Read and write true or false. 1 Josh is better in the afternoon, true 2. Josh tokes off his coat to play outside 3 Thete’s a dolphin in the sea 4 Mum phones the vet 5 The vets help the dolphin. 6 The children swim with the dolphin. e Listen and circle the eight mistakes. Listen again. Write the correct words. 8S Our Adventure Blog In this adventure, we play (inside). We put our coats on because it is cold and si walk to the beach and we hear a cat barking. Then we see a fish on the sand. It’s! We run to the lighthouse and Mum phones the doctor. The vets protect the dolphin’s head. Then they put the dolphin into the sand. The dolphin has got some cuts, but it’s OK. Later, we are on the radio. It's exciting! 1 outside 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 © QWhlAageRals Read and complete. What do you think? 1 The story is funny / boring / sad / interesting / exciting / scary. | 2 My favourite character is because 3 I give the story stars. i + 3% < 3% 2 Sp so-su-n0 52-98 8-20-16 © ewenty-cioht Lesson 4 Vecabulary and Grammar - @ Complete the words. Is the action good (v) or bad (X) for you? 1 2 at he althy snaoks 2b_ Ly 39 _t_od__hy [ | 4g_t_ bd Lt 5 + Lts _f w__ts [ | 6b_ _clv_ Q Order the words in the grammar table. Write the sentences. healthy snacks. must lots of sweets. eat mustn't early. go to bed You mustn't You lazy. 2 3 4 ils Sef oe Read and write sentences. Use must and musin’t. Da uy 1 You must go to bed early You mustn’t I watch alot of TV. I've got stomach ache. A8-4-98 80-32-20 80-4-8-48-20 twenty-nine G2) Goce 5 Speaking and Spelling © Find and circle the words. Classify and write. m u key i k & a ° ' 1 a a t c e h ® chameleon s c P k h i ° s ° 5 ' chemist s wits tom achokitee oO How do you spell chameleon? ) \'m not sure. Can you help me? GP Of course. The first letter is C. — 7a) Oh yes. It's C-H-A-MELE-ON, cK Lesson 6 Reading Literacy Text typ (After/youlread)) @ Read and match. a quiz 1 Do you TV do you watch every day? 2 How offen : do you do sport? 3 What time “~— walk to school? 4 How much do you go to bed? 6 How often do you eat fruit? 2) Read Emma's quiz answers. Look at Pupil’s Book page 34 and write the letters. Count the points and complete. | | always walk to school. a 2 | eal fruil every day. a=3points 3 | goto bed at about nine o'clock b=2 points 4 | watch more than two hours of TV. c=1 point 5 I do sport once or twice a week. Emma has get ___ points. She's very / quite / not very fit and healthy. 8 QT Ranaaas Is your friend fit and healthy? Ask the questions from Activity 1 and write. | My friend 2 My friend 3 1 > 4s Sg woo w-so-0-72 80-32-20 24-48-60-60-72 thirty-one @)) Lesson 7 Writing i] 4 ‘Literacy Text type: a quiz sence @ AE@xpactitelbaaitag work with a friend. Plan your quiz. Make notes. a a ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ a a a a « a “ « . Po Healthy food and drink Unhealthy food and drink aay a 7) & ey @ G 8 Use your notes to write your quiz. Use a) for healthy answers and be for unhealthy answers. <)| Do you have @ heating Gea? 1 How often do you a) b) °) = 2 Doyou z a) b) Oo) ig = a) ») °) eq JON sswwod gy jeUOD Jom ssMNOde-2 © yUOd (Share: and' ap @ _ Do your quiz with a friend. Write a tick (7) or a cross (X). There are three answers for every question. Luse question marks. There are good and bad answers. The spelling is correct. in. iol 12-60-60-44 16-36-56-66-20-72 @ thirty-two sim = Lesson 8 Culture around the world: Malta Bp @ listen and tick 7). & 1 Where does Jane go every summer? 2 What does she often do there? Kz Pe 1 How many islands has Malta got? _ 2 What languages do people in Malta speak? - 3 What's the capital city of Malta? 4 What colours are the Maltese flag? Colour the flag. 5 What's the weather like in Malta today? 8 Find out more. Investigate sea turtles. How long can a loggerhead sea turtle live? |[rex/ Shoo se 80-32-20 16-60-28 thirty-three €) ED review fteady #teady..Go! 2 @cpartivelsamitag work with a friend to do the quiz. 1 Name three health problems. the clock? 2 Name three things you must do if you want fo be fit and healthy. 3 Nome three things you mustn't do if you want to be fit and healthy. 4 Read the problems. Write what the patient must and musin't do. You must wear a hat and scarf I've got earache . and you musin’t swim You must I've got a headache. Ive got a broken arm, 5 Read and answer. How offen do you eat fruit? How often do you do sport? 6 Where's Luke in this unit? 7 Break the code to find out where Luke goes next. 2 36-66-16-36-4 Q TLLigLAls Think about your work in this unit. Read, circle and write. My work in Unit 3 is excellent / good / OK. Mi os Now | can My favourite lesson in Unit 3 is Spon s00 80-32-20 12-4-72 ©) thirty-four Video and 21st Century Skills 34 \Being fit‘and/ healthy) =~ (} Think and write. Listen and check. Repeat. gS .chinkizzy-drinks eaturgers do exercise watch TV eat breakfast go to bed early healthy} inotiveryahealthy) drink fizzy drinks D Listen and complete the notes. Which of these activities do you do? Tips for being active 1 Walkto____school___. 2 Play in the 3 Joina 4 Walk 5 Goto the at the weekend. Py wy How do you stay fit and healthy? ) & Read and answer. Ask and answer. (OQ THBRemasS What healthy food do you eat? » What sport do you do? } What do you usually have for breakfast? thirty-five My project 1 Lesson 1 Name of the animal: / Name of the animal: \s ita mammal, a reptile orc bird? 's ita mammal, a reptile or a bird? imate? —_ Does it live in a hot, a warm or a cold climate Does it live in a hot. a warm or a cold climate? Does it live on land or in water? Does it live on land or in water? Dees it live alone or in a group? Does if live alone or in a group? What does it eat? What does it eat? Name of the animal: Is ita mammal, a reptile or a bird? Does it live in a hot, a warm or a cold climate? Does it live on land or in water? Doss it live alone or in a group? What does it eat? insects © thirty-six @ Make notes about your zoo. Pedddddddacadaa Name of the zoo: Animals in the zoo: What the animals need: My project 1 Lesson 2 OrNoanrawn a Services for visitors: PhO at a free tO. tala Think about your project ® A@xpactivetzantiag think about your project. Read and circle. little information | some information about the zoo | about the zoo onimals. _| animals, | has eight animals in has eight animas. | hos eta! | their living areas. ~— | talk about the talk about the : animals and their animals in the zoo. | : | living area in the zoo. don't like working in a group. like working in a | group. a lot of information about the zoo animals. has eight animals in their living areas and some services for visitors talk about the animals, their living areas and services for visitors. love working in a group. thirty-seven 8 Lesson 1 Vocabular @ Look and find. Circle and write. 1 Qe eon ____ 7 Tu[s[r[i[n[alc]a 1 ES o[n]tfoln[s[eln[ele wlufstalefoform|s [1] ° ll alalx[vi tf [ife[w[n - Tesfare le imlelel » Gey o[nitiwis[e[virfela sfefwfifsfofetale [>| 10 gf ale(n{[e[o[1[s|wic|e ulefalrfefc ys iwfoli]n clulefelslele[K[rle & eletelolrlelels wi] = 1 Ive got olives . 2 Ivegot and on my pizza : © thirty-eight 32-20-4-16-4-12-32-20 Lesson 2 Grammar p48 Peppers would some lots We of like wouldlike @ Complete the sentences in the grammar table. spinach would cheese. would like olives. & Write the questions. Answer Yes, please or No, thank you. 1 Loy Would you like some cheese? \y, ES 2 ee D ‘= 8 © CQPBRaaass write a conversation with your friend. Act it out. » What would you like on your pizza? as Soa 76-80-60-52-4-12-82 4-12-32-20 thirty-nine €) a Lesson 3 Story @ Read and match. (21d like mushrooms and chill, please. 3) And Id like tuna and olives, please. 1) First we need to mix these ingredients. @ i preter) & the first prize is tor sweet food. J) |the big, spicy, sovou and sweet pizza. - § 6 e Listen and circle the eight mistakes. Listen again. Write the correct words. 8 Our Adventure Blog play board games in the living room. We forget about the mixt roll out the mixture and the pizza is very small. Lily puts some onions il puts some peppers and olives on it. Aarti puts some pineapple and sweetcorn take the pizza to the restaurant. The judges taste the pizza. They think that it’s and we win second prize. ’ 1 competition 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 Qwhtingtis Read and complete. What do you think? | 1 The story is funny / boring / sad / interesting / exciting / scary. 2 My favourite frame in the story is number __ because 3 Igive the worm PS eSeyyy 20-4-72-4-12-32-20 @ ory Lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar @ Read and write. Match. 1 This food is soft and sweet. ice cream. al 2 This food is savoury and crunchy. 3 This food is soft and plain. PD 4 This food is spicy and crunchy. crisos chil 5 This food is sweet and crunchy. g& apple Qo Order the words in the grammar table. Write the sentences. 1 savoury food, prefer Co Tl Ta) Adjectives go Lo ele ae 2 prefers He plain food. 3 She spicy food prefers Et spicy chilli 4 prefer They sweet food. My favourite food QO & Read and answer. Draw. Y 1 Do you prefer sweet food or savoury food? | prefer 2 Do you preter soft food or crunchy food? 3 Do you prefer plain food or spicy food? 4 Describe your favourite food. My favourite food is 12-84-80 igs forty-one @) a Lesson 5 Speaking and Spelling @ Complete and say. The ___ebra snee___es when it eats chee__e and cherrie. @ Find and circle the words. Classify and write. vohuh rize. : i k w 1 e a Pp 3 1 e 4 s z x a cheese s s in e€ e ° e ° z e — 1 nois ys nosezghktiazyuqguieg © = QCRaass Test your friend. Ask and answer. What's this word? S-N-E-E-Z-E. That's right. Well done! ay oii 8-72-60-44-20-56 48-20-28 Lesson 6 Reading | ed literacy Text Typ: shape poems Qo Find the words in the shape poems. Match. 1 juicy They taste sugary. _--— chery 2 shiny It reflects light. { bread 3 savoury IFs got lots of juice. —— cherry 4 sweet It doesn’t taste sweet. banana and cherry oe Complete the chart with adjectives from the shape poems. size and shape taste colour aoe long = thin a savoury 5 i red Can you beat the clock? 6 Q HELLAS Work in small groups. Read and write the food. 1 Three foods that you pee! banana, potato, orange 2 Three foods that are soft: 3 Three foods that are square: 4 Thtee foods that are round: 5 Three foods that are juicy: Le 6 Three foods that are sweet: 7 Three foods that are green: 8 Three foods that you eat inthe summer, 12-60-84-28-32 ipl forty-three @ Lesson 7 Writing Colour: Touch: Other information: a é i ts Taste: Size: ———— Draw your food. Use your notes to write a shape poem. = i, 5 2 co 3 F = he @&® & g © . OWm BG@eidmeSs © Read your poem with a friend. Write a tick (7) or a cross (X). The shape of the food is simple and clear. t- luse different adjectives. The poem is a description. The spelling is correct. of 80-20-52-64-20-72-4-80-84-72-20 Q eorty-four = Lesson 8 Culture around the world: India Bb @ listen and complete the recipe. 8 Ingredients: Three cups of (1) cashew nuts Half a cup of (2) Two cups of (3) Instructions: Chop the (4) into small pieces. Mix the cashew nuts with hot ©) and (6) Put the mixture on a plate and wait for ‘two hours. ow eat and enjoy ¢, _ graditional Indian set 1 Which mountains are in the north of | 2 How do you say ‘Hello’ in India? 3 What's the capital city of India? 4 What colours are the Indian flag? Colour the flag. 5 What's the weather like in the capital city of India today? © Find out more. investigate traditional food in India. What are, the main ingredients tor these foods: bhajji, dal and lassi? iggi een Ne forty-five a Review fleady Steady.Go! AR @xpactivalbantteg Work with a friend to do the quiz. 1 Name nine pizza toppings. Can you beat the clock? 2. Write the toppings for three different pizzas. | would like ona pizza 3 Describe the food. Ice cream is soft and Apples are and Curry is and 4 Which food do you prefer? Read and write. . chocolate / sweets _| prefer pizza / curry apples / bananas a Where’s Luke in this unit?, o Break the code to find out where Luke goes next. gi 32-4 |-36-36 Qin Think about your work in this unit, Read, circle and write. yy My work in Unit 4is excellent / good / OK. 9 Now I can, Y My favourite lesson in Unit 4 is because a5 gi 76-60-72-20 80-32-72-60-4-80 @ torty-six Video and 21st Century Skills Read and match. Listen and check. Repeat. 8 | ( Which shape do you prefer? hersieriemens I . Which colour do you prefer? “ | prefer 6 circle, What about you? 3 (Which decorations do you prefer? Q Listen and complete the notes. Which tip do you think is the best? & Using) yourjimagination Tips for having more imagination 1 Read lots of books . 2 Ask lots of 3 Ty activities, 4 Switch off the TV and 5 Talk about your 9 & Work with a partner. How can you make this T-shirt and this cake special? Decorate. isis ae OK. Which decorations do you prefer? forty-seven (i) Lesson 1] Vocabular @ _ Read and write. Order the letters to find the mystery word. | < j 1 This sea animal has got two sharp claws. - sl — 2. This sea animal can sting you. 5 3. People eat this sea animal. It's got tentacles. 6] t u 4 This sea animal has got fur. 5 This sea animal lives on the sea floor. Id i 6 This sea animal has got eight legs. ay 7 This sea animal likes playing. om} th 8 This sea animal has got four flippers and a shell. 9 This sea animal is very big. ovis) 10 This sea animal has got big, sharp teeth. The mystery word is Order and write the words. Count and write. © porte ee eee CMe Shee fish There are six fish. a a brac crab There’s yellishif lodniph aseehosr oo BR wo carstsihf ss 60-48-36-88-20-76 @ forty-eight Lesson 2 cramer Eel @ Complete the sentences in the grammar table. longer is than shark smaller is crab than 1A slower a dolphin. 2A bigger an octopus. 3 Adolphin a seahorse. 4 Aseal a whale. © Compare a whale and a fish. Write. 1 big Awhale is bigger than a fish. 2 slow A fish i 3 light 4 long 5 thin © Qe Read and draw. Draw a jellyfish in the sea. Draw a fish. The fish is smaller than the jellyfish. Draw ai starfish. The starfish is bigger than the fish. The starfish is smaller than the jellyfish. Draw an octopus. The octopus is bigger than the jellyfish. Draw a shark. The shark is bigger than the octopus. a Lesson 3 Story After,you|read| @ Read and match. 1 The children go on ——_ awhale. 2 The submarine goes tneyte gold coins. 3 The children see a mini submarine. 4 There are some shiny objects are cans. 5 The children think on the sand. 6 The shiny objects to the bottom of the sea. @ listen and circle the eight mistakes. Listen again. Write the correct words. 8 | of birds. We also see a very big shark. Next, we visit «¢_ because Ravi sees some shiny objects on the sand, We think the 06 The captain uses the robot legs to pick them up. Later, we find out bottles and we put them in the bag. | | | 1 submarine 2 3 4 © QWLgerMlls Read and complete. What do you think? 1 The story is funny / boring / sad / interesting / exciting / scary. 2 My favourite frame in the story is number _ because _ me ee eee Sp ev rosoces © sity Lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar oe 2 It's ugly / pretty. 3 I's heavy / ugly. @ look, read and circle. & 4 t's dangerous / intelligent. 5 it's pretty / heavy. 6 Its intelligent / colourful. @ Order the words in the grammar table. Write the sentences. 1 ajellyish. | Adolphin | more intelligent i than 2 heavier a starfish. is Awhale 3 is prettier Aseal a squid 4 than a turtle. is Ashark | more dangerous SS ee ee © Write true sentences about other animals. 1 tiger / heavy / elephant An elephant is heavier than a tiger. dog / intelligent / fish mouse / colourful / parrot 2 3 4 snake / dangerous / hamster 5 6 spider / pretty / lion hippo / ugly / penguin pnp era ae os 60-56-36-60-56-76 fifty-one @) a Lesson 5 Speaking and Spelling atch? 8 a Ik w w a a t t c e h r q w wh z w window e w = h f i h t e " e wohoot gu wi heonnga@ahdwihia lt e © CQPiReraaas Test your friend. Ask and answer. How do you spell water? That's right. Well done! as ae ed Literacy Text type: a magazine article | —- Oo Read and write b (blue whale), s (seahorse) or c (crab). Which animal ... 1 is about 30 mettes long? [2] 2 hos got ten legs? L} 3 has got a very big mouth? _} 4 canchange colour? L} 5 has gotanenoimous tongue? [_} 6 has got teeth? [_} 7 hasn't got a stomach? L] 8 has got a hard shell? L} e Complete the chart with three things that each sea animal has got. Blue whales have got ... Seahorses have got... Crabs have got... soft skin © Qt Play a game with a friend. Ask and answer. Ee €€ Has it got a blowhole? Has it got a shell? q be Literacy Text type: a magazine article | te oO cee Investigate a sea animal. Plan your magazine article. Make notes. @ddédé& & & & & & & 4 ¢ @ @&@ & AN AMAZING SEA ANIMAL Animal name: How big is the animal? What does it look like? What does it eat? Why is it amazing? Psa aba sass sa ii at i ai aN Qe Use your notes to write your inogerine article. Draw your sea animal. They eat Do you know that Bree tru © Read your magazine article with a friend. Write a tick (v’) or a cross (X). | answer all of the questions. | use and to add information. Tne amazing fact is interesting. | use a question mark, @ iitty-four =. Lesson 8 Culture around the world: Hawaii Bp _ © listen and complete. 8 Watch theiwhales! 1 The trip begins at 11 o'clock 2 The trip finishes at 3 You can see whales and 4 The trip is dollars for adults. 5 The trip is dollars for children. € Explore the Internet with your teacher. Do the Hawaii web quest. va 1 What country is Hawaii part of? 2 Which ocean is it in? 3 What's the capital city of Hawaii? * 4 What colours are the Hawaiian flag? Colour the flag. 5 What's the weather like in Hawaii today? 7 — il QS Find out more. Investigate Hawaii Island. What can you see in the national park? {fe 65 oa 12-32-36-48-48-36-20-76 fifty-five a Review Ready. fiteady.-Go! £R @ecperttialbemnitag Work with a friend to do the quiz. 1 Name four sea animals that begin with the letter s. Can you beat the clock? 2 Name two sea animals that have got a shell. 3 Name two sea animals that have got a blowhole. 4 Complete the chart. rt slow slower than ugly big colourful heavy intelligent 5 Compote a shark and a stortish. | big A shark is pretty — dangerous | 6 Where's Luke in this unit? 7 Break the code to find out where Luke goes next. a0 56-20-92 100-20-4-48-4-56-16 Qaitinpeis Think about your work in this unit. Read, circle and write. MAYS My work in Unit 5 is excellent / good / OK. Wy Now ican My favourite lesson in Unit 5 is becouse 3 ss 52-84-76-32-72-60-60-52-76 @ fittysix Video and 21st Century Skills JF} ai hitmen in Oo Read and write. Listen and check. Repeat. 8 keywords webpage searchengine” website eet 4 © listen and complete the noies. 8 Tips for finding information online 1 Use a search engine for__children__. 2 Don't write a in the search engine. Use keywords. 3 Read the names of the and choose the best one. 4 Check the on another webpage. Now it’s your turn to look for F information online. © __ Read and complete. Use the Internet to find information about animals. 1 My question 2 My key words: 3 Name of website: 4 Information on this website: fifty-seven @) Lesson 1 Vecabularn oe Qmhtingetis Order the letters and write. Match. 1 frusbadro _ surfboard \ 7 twetusi 2 samk \ 8 metthe 3 flekectaj 9 sumiwsti 4 depdal 10 yakak 5 kesnlor 11 ratweisks 6 pifpires 12 levsog © ook and write. He's wearing _a wetsuit and a life jacket . She's He's gota He’s ready to @ fifty-eight | 24-36-76-32 Lesson 2 Grammar JM isn't aren't. watch goingtio go am play tomorrow [) Complete the sentences in the grammar table. going to football | on Monday. going to go sailing swimming | next week. going to TV | tomorrow. | He's going to _pla’ football 2 They PTT of Neate id Sat Ta eld reece ours 9 Write about your plans. Ask and answer. CQ THREES: | I'm going to 2 I’m not going to 3 I'm going ¢o visit my grandparents tomorrow. I'm not going to play football next week. What are you going to do? fifty-nine a Lesson 3 Story @ __ Read and complete the puzzle. What's the mystery word? | [— o]ple 1 The children tie the plastic bottles to the wood with this 2 2 They must paddle the rafts around this object. 3 3 Dad sits on this material. 4 4 The children help this person. 5 These plastic objects are under the raft. & 6 The race begins and finishes here. jy Woda 6 Listen and circle the eight mistakes. Listen again. Write the correct words. Ss Our Adventure Blog by Lily, Josh and Ravi In this adventure, we enter (bike race. Mum enters the race, too. We build a raft with some plastic bags and some wood. We tie the bottles to the wood with paper, but Dad doesn’t use rope. We paddle slowly. Dad has problems because his raft is sinking. We help Dad get back to the lighthouse. At the end of the race, Dad is wet and angry and he wants to go swimming. 1 raft 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 Quhtinnas Read and complete. What do you think? 1 The story is funny / boring / sad / interesting / exciting / scary. 2 My favourite frame in the story is number __ because | 3 Igive the story stars ka Wy Wie” 76-32-4-72-44 @ sity Lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar > an MD Look. read and circle. He plays football loudly / quietly / slowly. She cycles badly / quickly / slowly. 2 Order the words in the grammar table. Write the sentences. 5 & Read and answer. Ask and answer. CQ TBR ! 2 3 1 } 1 loudly, I 2 You walk 3 cycles quickly. Ron 4 well, dance What do you do well? | What do you do quickly? What do you do quietly? What do you do loudly? What do you do slowly? oa 92-32-4-48-20 | swim very well. What about you? sixty-one @) a Lesson 5 Speaking and Spelling @ Complete and say. ‘Speakiand| spell] The bla___mon___ey__aya, qui ly on the la, e. e jombtackta. k d a k u n a m k a e ck k s 7 hockey k k h n e e é n k w ° q s k s h ask +k it ee baek s n @ k @ © GQUMRtiss Test your friend. Ask and answer. Lesson 6 Reading J+) oN \_[] literacy Text type: a letter aetna ‘Afterjyou|read|) @ Read and order the letter. © there are lots of exciting sports to try. First, ’m going to play volleyball because that’s my favourite sport. ) How are you? I'm very happy because I’m going to go to a sports camp with my friends tomorrow. The camp ot is in the middle of a beautiful forest and | can do sport See you after the camp. all dey a Love, ‘ Robert xxx 95 Sun Road ae Newtown © Finally, 'm going to go mountain biking in the forest NTI 8BN with my friends. | can’t wait! 15th March ——L1 : Dear Grandma and Grandad, © Next, 'm going to : a lake and? need ea eauaking. The lessons are’on © wear a life jacket and @ helmet. QD Read and write the answers. | When's Robert going to go to the sports camp? He’s going to go to the sports camp tomorrow. 2 Where's Robert going to go kayaking? He's 3 Where's Robert going to go mountain biking? 1, How many sports is Robert going to do? oi 16-60-48-64-32-36-56 e: a letter Sa eR 1 What type of camp is it? 2 When are you going to go? 3 Where is it? 4 What three activities are you going to do? 8 Use your notes to write a letter to a friend. Dears ee l'm very happy because I’m going to go to — ae There are lots of exciting sports to try. First, ———————__ See you after the camp! Love, Gharejand{check)) © Read your letter with a friend. Write a tick (v’) or a cross (X). The address is in the correct place. ["] The information is in the correct order. The date is in the correct place. luse First. Next and Finaily to order my activities. os 80-84-72-80-48-20 ® = 4 Lesson 8 Culture around the world: New Zealand Dp wetsuit helmet harness rope paddle surfboard life jacket DBUNGEE JUMPING MMB ZORBING —__AMME)RAFTING___ ED SAND SURFING dim €} Explore the Internet with your teacher. Do the New Zealand web quest. f 1 How many main islands has New Zealand got? 2 What's the highest mountain in New Zealand called? 3 What's the capital city of New Zealand? 4 What colours are the New Zealand flaq? Colour the flag. 5 What's the weather like in New Zealand today? 8 Find out more. Investigate more outdoor activities that you can do, in New Zealand. What's the most popular sport in New Zealand? |/ter/ 4 76-68-B4-36-16 igi sity-five Review Ready, Steady.Go! FR @xpemtolbamitag Work with a friend to do the quiz. 1 Write the equipment you need to go waterskiing, Can you beat the clock? 2 Write the equipment you need to go snorkelling. oe Remember the song in Pupil’s Book Lesson 1.What are the children going to do? Ravi is going to Lily Josh 4 Read and answer, What are you going to do tomorrow? \ What's your friend going to do tomorrow? My friend a How do you do these activities? swim | swim quickly sing rollerblade o Where's Luke in this unit? N Break the code to find out where Luke goes next. Soyat| 4-84-76-80-72-4-48-36-4 Q titi Think about your work in this unit. Read, circle and write. eae My work in Unit 6 is excellent / good / OK. y Now leon i My favourite lesson in Unit 6 is because go 76-20-4-32-60-72-76-20 @ sinty-six @ Look and write. Listen and check. Repeat. 8 warm up drink pleniy of water wear knee pads awearsurereamr wear goggles follow the rules @ listen and complete the notes. 8 Safe skateboarding 1 You must always wear a helmet : 2 I's also a good idea to wear 3 Pads protect your elbows and your 4 You mustn't skate on the 5 Nevor ride behind a Think about a sport that you do. What do you do to stay sate’ © & Read and answer.Ask and answer. QTR 1 What sports do you do? I 2 What do you wear? 3. What do you do to stay safe? sixty-seven @ My project 2 Lesson 1 Name of the island Where is it? What natural things can you see on the island? Tick (7). cliffs a beach mountains acave rocks olake a rinforest volcano ariver a waterfall Others: What man-made things con you see on the island? Tick (7) a bridge aroad a village aport @ lighthouse Others: Would you like to live on the island? Why? My project 2 Lesson 2 Qo Make notes about your treasure map. Name of the island: F- Natural things on the island: Man-made things on the island: The treasure is some information a lot of information about islands. about islands. G little information bout islands. has some natural has some natural and and man-made man-made things and things. is exciting. has some natural things say the game is good. say the game is the __ say the game is OK ene badly. very well. sixty-nine @ Lesson 1 Vocabulary living room| aOs ©@ Where are the tracks? Look and write. undef behind on nextto in in frontof @ @ ; They're under the armchair. @ seventy eS . Lesson 2 Grammar Ee Oo Complete the sentences in the grammar table. was work were last was © moming yesterday were at school yesterday at_________| yesterday afternoon atthe cinema evening at home night. LT was not = wasn’t See © Where were the children yesterday? Look and write. 1 | X } David and Emma _weren’t at school yesterday 2 | / | Peter was 3 | “| Susan and Tom 4 | X } Tina lV Tim | Lwas yesterday morning 2 yesterday afternoon 3 yesterday evening. 4 ast night. o ge §2-4-76-44 I was at school yesterday morning. Where were you? seventy-one (i) a Lesson 3 Story (Atter, youl read| @ Read and answer. 1 Where was the feather? It was under the wardrobe 2 What colour was the feather? tt 3 Where was the nest? It 4 Where were the missing objects? They e Listen and circle the eight mistakes. Listen again. Write the correct words. Our Adventure Blog In this adventure, Mum can't find her (bag): We look for clues and Josh finds a the sofa. Then Ravi sees a magpie andit’s got Lily's watch. The magpie flies to the is Dad takes us there in his car. We find the magpie's nest in the museum. Mum's watch Lily's bracelet are in the basket. We put a sweet wrapper and some yellow marbles in the nest. Then we take the watch and the bracelet home. Mum is very surprised and sad. 1 watch 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 © QatietAEAT Read and complete. What do you think? 1 The story is funny / boring / sad / interesting / exciting / scary. | 2 My favourite frame in the story is number __ because 3 Igive the story ___ stars. wv wy wy 48-36-24-20 40-4-12-44-20-80 @ seventy-two Lesson 4 Vecabulary and Grammar @ Read and complete the puzzle. 2 ay 1 We wear this on our wrist. a he <3 2 We wear these in ourears. JP < qi 3 We use this to tell the time. ay SP 4 We use these to open and lock a door. 5 We use this when it rains. 6 We wear these to protect tJ ‘our eyes from the sun. © _ Order the words in the grammar table. Write the sentences. 1 the watch Was the box? 2 under the mot? the earrings 3 the sofa? behind Was the bracelet 4 Were the wardrobe? the sunglasses in front of 2 3 4 © Witte Remember the song from Pupil’s Book Lesson 1. Answer the questions. 1 Were the tracks on the sofa? Yes, they were. 2 Were the tracks under the fridge? 3 Were the tracks on the mirror? 4 Were the tracks behind the armchair? 5 Were the tracks in front of the cooker? | 64-4-16-16-48-20 Now look at Lesson 1 in the Pupil’s Book and check your answers I ~~ seventy-three G2) a Lesson 5 Speaking and Spelling @ Complete and say. 6 Find and circle the words. Classify and write. a i 1 st zawra er we go x wri PoP ' r to a i . b t = Ta b e : 5 i . t b r wr i ' rin k u w b ‘ ' i ° s n 7 9 nj ktropefgo¢adrestauranetm nv bp © CRs Test your friend. Ask and answer. How do you spell wrist? pos & = I'mnot sure. Can you help me? sa 76-56-60-72-44-20-48 @ seventy-four Lesson 6 Reading (wl Literacy Text type: a script () Read and order the sentences. 1 The robber runs out of the door. _} > The police officer asks Lady C) Muck some questions. > Lady Muck’s necklace is missing. 1 1 The police officer chases the robber. - > Lady Muck sees the robber behind oO the sofa, D (fe) TORS Read the script and circle the correct instructions. Act out. The ball game Lily and Josh are in the living room. Josh has got a basketball. Josh: Do you want to play basketball, Lily? Lily: (1) (happily /Gleepily) No, thanks. I’m tired. Josh: Come on! Catch the ball. (2) (throws / catches the ball) The ball hits a painting and the painting falls on the floor. Lily: (3) (angrily / quietly) Josh! Look at Mum’s painting. Josh: (4) (nervously / slowly) Is it broken? Lily: No, it isn’t. That’s lucky. (8) (puts the painting in the bin / on the wall) dosh: Why don’t we play with the ball outside? | Lily: Good idea. Let’s go! (6) (go outside / upstairs) oa 76-84-72-24-8-60-4-72-16 seventy-five @) Y@™ Lesson 7 Writing @ WG@cpentieksaniig work with a friend. Plan your script. Make notes. @ Literacy Text type: a seript A @ @ &@ @ @ @ @ @ &@ @ i¢daa4ia Bg Who are the two characters? a queen / a witch / a robber / a pop star / ty a detective / a boy / a girl | others \ d Where are they? aia restaurant / in a car / in a forest / at school / f at home / on holiday / other / What are they talking about? How do the characters speak? whispering / nervously / angrily / happily / ee shouting / laughing / other. Qe Use your notes to write your script. (Sharejand|check}) © Read your script with a friend. Write a tick (V’) or a cross (X). The names are on the lett. I describe the characters’ actions. | say how the chatacters speak use exclamation marks. SP or 20-0-70-01-26-0 @ seventy-six = Lesson 8 Culture around the world: austraiia eg — {listen and tick (7). “&) ona | Who does Joey live with? 2 Which sport does Joey do at the weekend? a by " 1 Where's Australia? 2 What's the biggest city in Australia? 3 What's the capital city of Australia? e 4 What colours are the Australian flag? Colour the flag. 5 What's the weather like in Australia today? 5 Find out more. Investigate an underground mine. What Precious stones can you find under the ground in Australia? os 44-4-98-4-44 seventy-seven (@) Review Ready Steady..Go! 2A @xpemtiveizamiiy work with a friend to do the quiz. 1 Name three objects that you can find in the kitchen. ‘Can you beat tne clock? 2. Name three objects that you can fing in the living room. 3 Read and answer. Where were you yesterday morning? | Where were your friends last night? My friends 4 Look and complete the questions. i 2 Se Were the earrings under the sata’ c & the behind the wardrobe? # the next to the bookcase? 5 Where was the robber in the script in Lesson 6 and Lesson 7? Read and write. In Scene 1, the robber In Scene 2, the robber . a 6 Where's Luke in this unit? 7 Break the code to find out where Luke goes next. Sa B4-76-4 \ hb b¥a/ | Quitingdais Think about your work in this unit. Read, circle and write. My work in Unit 7 is excellent / good / OK. Now I can My favourite lesson in Unit 7 is because : os 32-20-48-52-20-80 ® seventy-eight Mielke ker 7 Payinglattention @ Read and match to make questions. Listen and check. Repeat. ©) 1 Where were the dog? 2 What colour Dy flowers on the table? 3 Where was : colour were the sunglasses? 4 What ‘ painting next to the door? 5 Was the the flowers? 6 Wore the was the mat? Q Listen and complete the notes. Do you do these things? 8 Tips for paying attention 1 Listen carefully to___instructions Z the important information. 3 at the person speaking. 4 Ask 5 Play memory games and do H & Find a picture you like. Write four questions about your picture. | 0 Q THBP Now show your partner your picture for 30 seconds. Ask and answer. seventy-nine (@) Lesson 1 Vocabulary @ CQwRetiss Read and complete. Ask and answer. @ Channel 1 £4Channel 2 5:00 cartoon } 5:00 t_|k sh_w ) 5:30 g_m_shw } 2S 6:00 c_m_dy pr_gr_mm_ )} 6:00 d__c_m_nt_ry oe] 7:00 g____z sh_w 7:00 {_Im } eo 7:30 sp_rts pr_gr_mm___ . 9:00 the n_ws } 8:00 m_s_c pr_or_mm_ } 259 9:30 the w___th_r == 8:30 __dv_rt } oon What's on Channel 2 at five o'clock? 1 Hike watching 2 I ove watching 3 I don't like watching Sp ereseioseasere © ciahty Lesson 2 cramer Me Did lastnight = watch = evening = thenews they Did watch @ Complete the sentences in the grammar table. a film yesterday acartoon last week? agame show | yesterday afternoon? | Did you watch the weather last night? 2 Did yesterday? 3 last week? 2 QGittagetah Read and circle. | | watched cartoons and | watched a game show. How much TV did I watch yesterday? a 2hours 1 hour and 30 minutes eT hour 5:00 Cartoon time 5:30 Game of | 2 My dad watched a sports programme and a film. 6:00 Wildlife in ates a How much TV did he watch yesterday? 7:00 The big football match: Spain v France 9:00 The news at nino 3. My mum watched the news and she watched a film with 9:30 Film of the week my dad. How much TV dlid she watch yesterday? 200 Talk with Tommy a 3 hours b = 3 hours and 30 minutes c 4hours a 2hours b 2 hours and 30 minutes ¢ 3hours 52-36-72-72-60-72 oa eighty-one @) a Lesson 3 Story iter, you! read|) @ __ Read and match. 1 Each teom must jump over a pole, —_ 2 Each team must carry some water. 3. Each team must climb up a slide. 4 Each team must go through some rings. 5 Each team must carry a flag. 6 Each time must jump together. 8 Listen and circle the eight mistakes. Listen again. Write the correct words. gS ‘Our Adv Adventure Blog In this adventure, we appear ona (radio) programme called Team and we wear red jumpers and caps. In the first game, we carry some we win ten points. In the second game, we must carry a flag up a hill, but ch wins five points. In the last game, we must climb over a pole together. We work | win the competition. We get lots of drinks. It's a fantastic adventure! 1 Tv. 2 3 4 5 6 F 8 eo Qtittigis Read and complete. What do you think? 1 The story is funny / boring / sad / interesting / exciting / scary 2 My favourite frame in the story is number because “Stoetesey am Sey 76-36-56-4a © cishty-two Lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar o Order and write the words. 2 afriend 3 seeds 4 atree 5 apicture 6 eo Order the words in the grammar table. Write the sentences. didn’t phone yesterday. | a friend a picture He last night. painted last week played cards They We yesterday. didn'tcimb | atree © G what dia you do tast week? Writ, ewe 1 phoneafriend | week. What about you? 2 play cards 3 skip 4 watchTV ray go 8-60-60-44-12-4-76-20 eighty-three a Lesson 5 Speaking and Spelling @ Complete and say. in ished and the ele. ont ji a u w y t P u h f ° ' t ph f ° ° elephant g a b w 4 ij —_ ‘ f f s u x t i 9 kljhphonekaswfilmjatphabet © ees Test your friend. Ask and answer. What's this word? P-H-O-T-0, { That's right. Well done! | - 52-4-80 @ ciahty-four Literacy Text type: a review com ee Gezraauieca) @ Read and circle. 1 Deep Sea Monsiersis on (Channel 2)/ Channel 3. Song Stars is on once a week / twice a week. Cody and Friends begins at four o'clock / five o'clock. Song Stars begins at six o’clock / seven o'clock Deep Sea Monsters is on Saturday / Sunday. oa Rk WN Cody and Friends is on every day / every week © Write a tick () or a cross (X). Lesson 6 Reading J:} Deep Sea Monsters | Song Stars Cody and Friends funny x | x vO interesting exciting a _ : “scary | © Ask the people in your class. Tick (¥) and count. Write the answer. Inich TV programme do you prefer? Deep Sea Monsters Which is the most popularTV programme? ‘ Sei 12-60-60-44-20-72 Song Stars Cody and Friends eighty-five Lesson 7 Writing @ AGxpactitolsaatiag work with a friend. Plan your review. Make notes. a ¢ ao@ ‘ a a é a a v v < v a v What's the name of the programme? What type of programme is it? What's the programme about? Do you like the programme? Why? because —— When's the programme on TV? @ Use your notes to write your review. This is about this programme because is on channel (Shiare\and| check}, © Read your review with a friend. Write a tick (7) or a cross (X). | say what the programme is about. | say when the programme is on TV. I give an opinion. | use the word ‘because’. Sh ov 12-30 10-28-20 @® cishty-six = Lesson 8 Culture around the world: USA Dp @ _ Listen and complete. 8 @ o ¢ » @® @ é e @ ATRIP TO THE CINEMA 1 Name of film: Action Heroes 2 Name of cinema: 3 When? 4 Time the film begins: 5 Time the film finishes: Q Explore the Internet with your teacher. Do the USA web quest. 1 How many states has the USA got? c 2 Which oceans are on the east coast and the west coast 3 What's the capital city of the USA? 4 What colours are the American flag? Colour the flag. 5 What's the weather like in Los Angeles today? © Find out more. Investigate a film studio. What can visitors see and do there? IPhone ricmwom eighty-seven fteady fteady.Go! PA @xpentinotbanftag work with a friend to do the quiz. 1 Namo three types of TV programme you never watch. Can you beat the clock? 2. Name three types of TV programme you watched last week 3 Read and answer Yes, did or No, I didn’t Did you watch a cartoon yesterday? Did you watch the news yesterday? 4 What did you do last week? Look and write. & ' gon J! 5 What was the name of the cartoon in Lesson 7? last week. 6 Where's Luke in this unit? 7 Break the code to find out where Luke goes next. Spl occoes QTitipci Think about your work in this unit. Read, circle and write. My work in Unit 8 is excellent / good / OK. Now I can My favourite lesson in Unit 8 is because 5 Sp ov se so s0s0 56-28 eighty-eight Video and 21st Century Skills 3} @ Read and match. Listen and check. 8 1 The camera operator reads the news. 2 The presenter films the actors and the presenters 3 The director uses a computer to cut and move pieces of the video 4 The editor gives instructions fo the presenter and the camerawoman. } Listen and complete the notes. Which tips do you like? 8 Tips for making a great video 1 You need a lot of light 3 2 The light must bo the camera. 3 Don't make a video in a place. 4 Don't make a very video. 5 Look at the camera and ! a Why don’t you make a video with your friends? eS OQ (Hse Read the questions and discuss. Write the answers. 1 What kind of video are you going to make? 2. Whats it about? 3 Where are you going fo film the video? —— | prefer a quiz show. 4 What equipment do you need? —______— g& eighty-nine (2) Read and complete the puzzi 1, explode in the sky. 2 A .., goes round and up and down very quickly. 3 A... is clothes you wear @ on special days. 4... is. a pink food that Lesson 1 Vocabulary le. you eat at the funtair. be 5 This exciting attraction is called ,,, cars. > 6 A... wears colourful _ clothes, a red nose and is funny. 7 This round attraction is called a big ... 8 This scary attraction is called a ... train. leat a toffee apple. I don't watch @ pared What about you? 12-4-72-80-60-60-56 Lesson 2 Grammar Ee yesterday did What do you What did evening D Complete the sentences in the grammar table. last night? last week? yesterday a We use ‘last’ to talk about Penaeus Cer eee nen) Ramco 2) What did the children do yesterday? Look and write the verb in the past simple. eat tide go drink weer see | He _went _ to the beach. 1 He sunglasses. 5 They some clowns. 6 They on a roller coaster. GE} CQ CeRataas what did you do yesterday? Complete the sentences. Ask and write. Me My friend | | went to 4 My friend went to 2 | saw 5 3 late 6 24-36-A8-52 ga ninety-one @) a Lesson 3 Story @ Read and write. What time did Ravi arrive? He arrived at three o’clock What did Ravi do? He What did Josh paint? He What did Dad make? He y we s Our Adventure Blog In this adventure, Josh, Ravi and Dad prepared a surprisesummer pa didn't have a lot of money so they worked quickly. Ravi decorated a sh a message and Dad made some pizzas. The party was outside the school and. down. He had a lot of paint on his shoes and a paintbrush was in the sandwic! arrived and she was very excited with her surprise party. She said that Ravi was: and that Josh was a painter. It was very funny. 1 birthday & 3 4 5 6 7 8 OE Thinking skills} Read and complete. What do you think? mee a 1 The story is funny / boring / sad / interesting / exciting / scary. 2 My favourite frame in the story is number ___ because: 3 I give the story stars. sv wir si Wy & 80-32-20 56-20-92-76 @ cinety-two Lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar fs a quarter past Its half past one. Is five past nine. It's twenty-five fo four. eleven. (2) Order the words in the grammar table. Write the sentences. 1 did go fo bed What time you yesterday? 2 What time he yesterday? did watch TV 3 yesterday? did have lunch What time she 4 they What time did play cards yesterday? | : 5 7 3) & Write sentences about what time you did things yesterday. } havelunch _I had lunch at watch TV do homework goto bed 2 oi 16-60-12-84-52-20-56-80-4-72-98 ninety-three (2) Ga Lesson 5 Speaking and Spelling @ Complete and say. __e__il the ake __ang and dan___ed at the ___ity ___elebration. ° e-ar nN ane SB EOS eseus Baeseancoeer opusnakegebvdedoncednfacegb © Qe Test your friend. Ask and answer. “Lo (0 , jue "Ge ge 28-4-52-20 76-32-60-92 il Literacy Text type: an email (ai 1/you! read)) @ When did Jodie do the activities? Write morning, afternoon or evening. 1 She rode on the ghost train in the afternoon . 2 She went to a concert in the 3 She danced around the maypole in the 4 She watched some fireworks in the 5 She went to the funfair in the 6 She watched some Morris dancers in the © Find the words in the email. Write. © Qiittimeis Write the missing letters. Tick (W) the correct picture. O00LLDE eo Hi Mary. Hur_ _s a ph_t_ fr_m th_ M_y D_y f__st. I. 1 _m w___sreong a L_ng dr_ss and | hv g_t fl_w—rs _n my h__oe. | om dine_ng + nd the m__yp_|__ wth my f____nds. ninety-five @) Lesson 7 Writing Qo enmtotanito (J Work with a friend. Plan your email. Make notes. 4 @ @ &@ @ &@ &@ @ &@ &@ &€ &@ &@ & & & ed Literacy | Text type:« an 1 email Email to’ Name of festival: Date of festival: What | did at the last festival: | went to | saw late I It was @ Use your notes to write your email. [pena awea : S Hi + Thanks for your last email. Do you know that we celebrate a on _ every year? At the last festival, | Would you like to go to this festival? Write soon! See you! © Read your email with a friend. Write a tick (7) or a cross (X). I say hello and goodbye. I describe the activities | did. I give the name and the date of the festival I give an opinion. ig 80-4-48-44 76-32-60-92 @® ninety-six Ys ae =e. Lesson 8 Culture around the world: Canada Dp @ _ tsten ana tick 7). & 1 What did Peter watch on Canoda Day? 2 Which attraction did Sally ride on? @ _ Explore the Internet with your teacher. Do the Canada web quest. [bcs “ 1 What's the name of the leaf on 2 What languages do people in Canada speak? 3 What's the capital city of Canada? ; «4 What colours are the Canadian flag? Colour the flag. 5 What's the weather like in the capital city of Canada today? © Find out more. Investigate Thanksgiving in Canada. What do people eat at this festival? Slouxs 92-20-4-80-32-20-72 : ae ninety-seven (i) A .. me ‘i heady fteady.Go! &@xpantivetbamittg work with a friend to do the quiz. 1 Name three attractions you can ride on at a festival. Can you beat the clock? 2 Name two types of food you can eat at a festival. 3 Write the past simple of these verbs. wear | wore see drink ride do eat 4 Read and answer. What did you wear yesterday? | What did you eat yesterday? 5 What's the time? Look and write. go have Its 6 Write answers for your friend What time did your friend go to bed yesterday? What time did your friend have dinner yesterday? 7 Where's Luke in this unit? Qtitipais Think about your work in this unit. Read, circle and write. My work in Unit 9 is excellent / good / OK. a Now Ican My favourite lesson in Unit 9 is because eh 12-60-52-20-16-98 64-72-60-28-72-4-52-52-20 @ rinety-eight mee Umer ee oO Read and complete the dialogue. Listen and check. 8 What about another snack -Lwert don’t like a good idea | want ice cream for one of the snacks. Thats Ice cream is perfect in the summer. OK. Let’s choose @ listen and complete the notes. 8 Tips for making group decisions 1 __Understand__ what you need to do. 2 to everyone's ideas. 3 Take tumsto 4 Don't be if people don’‘t like your ideas. 5 Choose the ___idea. Why don't you eo | your summer eo | © Read and discuss. Write and circle. (Tibhar 1 The snacks we are going to have are: 2 The activities wete going to have are; 3 We worked well / OK / badly as a group. ninety-nine @)

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