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Social and cultural inclusion

Saying sorry

Work with a partner. Discuss these questions.

1. When was the last time you said sorry to someone? How did they respond?
2. When was the last time someone said sorry to you? How did you respond?
3. Do you think it is easy for most people to say sorry? Why? / Why not?


1. You are going to read an article about apologising across cultures. Match the verbs and
nouns/adjectives to form phrases related to apologising.

recognise accept establish cause

come across as consider give

1. fault

2. responsibility

3. intention

4. harm/inconvenience/discomfort

5. insincere/sarcastic/rude

6. blame

7. an excuse/an explanation/a reason

2. Check your answers with a partner.

3. Choose three of the phrases to tell your partner what you think about the importance of


1. Read the article your teacher gives you and choose the best title, a–c.

a. Why don’t we say sorry more often?

b. Just apologise. Forget the excuses!
c. Apologising in context

2. Work with a partner and discuss the following questions.

- Did anything in the article surprise you?

- Do you think that it is important to choose the right words when apologising?

© British Council ARB_B1_10_I123CEA_HO_v1.0

Social and cultural inclusion
Saying sorry
3. Read the article again. Match headings 1–8 with paragraphs A–F. Two titles are not needed.

1. Can you say sorry in different ways?

2. What information can support an apology?

3. Is there any time that you shouldn’t apologise?

4. What is an apology?

5. What problems can there be apologising across cultures?

6. Why is it so hard?

7. How can you make an apology stronger?

8. When is saying sorry not enough?

4. Check your answers with a partner.

5. Look at the following question and make brief notes.

• Do you agree with Mr Tanaka’s advice about helping workers to understand other cultures’

6. Share your opinion with a partner using the phrases from Vocabulary.


Listen to someone responding to the article.

- Do you agree with the response? Why? / Why not?

© British Council ARB_B1_10_I123CEA_HO_v1.0

Social and cultural inclusion
Saying sorry
Option 1
Work in a group. Discuss the situation cards your teacher gives you. For each:

• explain what you would say or do that

• explain what would happen if you didn’t say or do that.

Option 2
Work in a group. Rank the situation cards your teacher gives you in terms of seriousness.
Discuss the following questions.

• Why are some situations more serious than others?

• Should people apologise differently in certain situations?
• What would happen if someone didn’t apologise in the correct way?


© British Council ARB_B1_10_I123CEA_HO_v1.0


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