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Mecmitan Education 3 Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP n of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-0-230-44475-5 Tost © Caroline Linse erd Elly Schottman 2013 Design and illustration © Macrillen Publishers Limited 2013 Tho authors havo ascortod thelr rights to be identified as the authors ef this work in aocordance with the Copyright, sign and Patents Act 1988, ‘Ths ation published by arrangement with Macmilan Publisners, S.A de C.V This edion published 2013 Fistection eniited “Hats On" published 2008 by Macmillan Puvishers, S.A. de GV. AAllrghts reserved; no part of his publication may be reproduced, sored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any ferm, or by eny means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the pudichers. Concept design: Wild Apple Design Lx. Page make-up: Vid Apple Desigh Lic., 18 Design IMasiration: Lera Ede, Jenny Nightingale Cover concept: Wild Apple Design Lid, Studio Montage Cover design: Studio Mentage Cover artwork: denay Nightingale Cover photographs: Getly/Kryczka (front cover), Corbie/Kidstock/Blond Imagos (back cover) The authors and publishers would tke to thank the tellowing tor permission to reproduce theit photographs: Alam lian Animal p90(o0. Alamy/ Juniors Bildarchiv p18(b), Alam’ Bubbles p20(i), Alamy/ Pat Cenov pSO(t), ‘Alamy/D. Hurts p50G), Alam’ imagebroker p34\(bi), Alamy/ Robert Pickett p24(m), Alamy/ Simon Jonathan Webb p24ibm), Aemy/ Michas! Weber p50(b)); Benerastock pt6(t, m, b); Corbis/ Ray Botterel p15(bx), Corbis! Najlah Foanny p12(!), Coroie/ Evo Hurd pat), Corbie/ Mico Kernp/Rberball p42(r), Corbie/ George Shelley pSi(m), Corbis! Zeta pp20(i), 21(b); DigtalStock/ Corbis p67(b)); Goity/ Crestivo pp&(b), 11), Gety/ Bruno Crescia Photography ine p34(b), Gaty! 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Please use care when accessing them Although we have Wied to rece and contact copyright holders before pubsicalion, in some cases this has not been possible, if contacted we willbe pleased to reetfy any errs or omissions at the earliest opportunity. Printed end bound in Thailand 2017 2018 208 2018 20:3 10987654324 Contents Unit 1 HSI is aczescessais sccieasatacests eine Site Sanam LOOK. GE ME nenccensnrernnnonnssenstermnrmaccsnvenecane Unit 2 Unit 3 Tbeve Mi Family asassetsteraiteteanaeneareain RIESE [Color BUM senseicccccnacensnanasssuswcespranscnsancess UnitS My Clothes sctinctias ti cewlianenoe Let’s Eat ... Unit 6 Unit 7 123 OO wevsasevenisserensscasenemanecesiew UniGS Amazing Animals sssssssseccsivcateacasacsasseres Unit We: Cai PAY cscccscessiscsssenccrrseasempeeccrs Unit 10 Friends Hello, e9. Hello! Hello, | ib . Hello! 2 326" sentences. Sing a greetings song, Follow a path. Lesson 2 Xay Language Tis 6 my (hab. hat, name, picture Objectives: Make s hat. Liston to aconvercetion. Unik Lesson 3 Pick Up the Pencil a“ Z es 5 a Reppert 4 Gums ween Lesson 4 Find a Crayon was) " GR Lesson 5 How Are You ? mang Mulsaian Hoe Gone Sarees Lesson 6 Unit Review Look at Me Put your (d) on... your 6s) . a your ( ) beg Bonea Seno. Lesson 2 to hee eet wei ese Seer Shas one ves Meno wats 2 EL Lesson 3 Listen eden ten chat dos pape WrnRS objectives tisten anc entty sounds, Recreate the sounds. Shake, Shake, Shake You need Key Lan no n. Make shekers. Listen and compare the vaotesonee, Onis 2 Ey CE Lesson 5 Wash Your Hands Aeylanage Woo youre) Lok mom ns eer er shee soe Lesson 6 Unit Review : AN : asnadows. Unis B Gg I Love My Family Lesson 3 Animal Families Mommy cats love their babies. cy talteecom promoay eae eve er, Qaswn Dear ra. et seaigsoen neN Bis 8 erent ctentt ana sande. Seo ore Lesson 4 Moms and Dads You need [> eal Lesson 6 Unit Review KevLanavae Unt reve: ooctve 5 Oficter Pov Un 3 orange ecconcerte Pactes enngeoome, (OES S EBL Color Fun Look for (&) . Look for ( Look for . Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Count to 3 What Color Is It? You need " Und © Ey EP Lesson 5 The Paper Rabbit lk af a Bmwes sec (0 retell the story. Make a rabbit trom shapes, Lesson 6 Unit Review you. You're woleome. id concepts. Role-play giving gtts. wns OB My Clothes I have a. Ihave a( ). I have a(@). : What vimavas: reve a jacen. vackoac, ace, st Objectives: Place stickers and “read” sentences. Sing 2 song, Follow a path. Lesson 2 Key Language: | have (black) (¢hoss). black, pink, pants, shoos, soeke & Se 5} objectives: identify anc match weether and clothing. Sing ¢ song. _) Lesson 5 am Silly Sam Put your 85 on, Sam! Silly Sam! Put your 8 on your @ep . Put your @&® on, Sam! OK, Sam. Let’s go! Put your ee on Your @bap. Ke ante Pty oss on ure ft ely Guess Sets tel resto Lesson 6 Unit Review Key Language: he (cookies) apple, banana, eookio (WDE G objectives Pace stokers and “reed” sentences. Sing a song, Cicie the matching cookie Lesson 2 2 bananas, please. Lesson 3 Do You Like Soup? SG btsavas you ite ove dnt ee che cna, WDIKS G okjectives: Tek about kos and dlsikes. Record nvormation ora chart, Sing a song Sov Lnaote ape tanto, pre Suctwcianoowrtn Moos teovratian cowsrsten, UDG EJ EL) Lesson 5 Look Inside : Find the ()q. Bowes oar Lesson 6 Unit Review fee ee ObecorrRovew UO lneaee dere. usin orveinel wv sons. Onis G EY 1, 2, “= Lesson 3 How Many Wheels? Watch It Go You need KeyLangua ae ee ee he iN)? Here it is, Dox Sactes Semcrembeton mewgac hn erogaiteowecstawtnanacer One T EE (_\ Lesson 5 ‘What's This? Bow TT evctnes kara sy, Ua curs tori Lesson 6 Unit Review Amazing Animals Where is the ~ )? Where is the ( =)? Lesson 3 A Dog Can Run sacar yy uM RR an A Te88 A Wa SS ince Sorc ana tnd ne stein tires You need ED Lesson 5 Ducks Are Amazing the pictures to retell the stor Lesson 6 Unit Review We eo n Play | Lesson 2 Find 5 Monkeys Lesson 3 Complete a color pattern, Learn a chant. ts In a scene, Key Language: mango, marker; monkey, moon, good right Count to five. Locate objects Objectives: Bux 9 Lesson 4 Catch and Throw You need as > *. ews Bt ek ae te & weve Unis © EF Friends iI can help. J Lae A |Thank you, Cow. $) Pick, pick, pick the Ba . Gwe 10 Se asin & has completed Level 1 of

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