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Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken
from the King James Version of the Bible.

The Unbreakable Promise

ISBN: 1599443279

Copyright © 2014 by Creflo Dollar

Published by:
Creflo Dollar Ministries
PO Box 490124
College Park, Georgia 30349

Printed in the United States of America. All rights

reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents
and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part
without the express written consent of the publisher.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
The Central Promise of the New Testament ... ... ... ... ...8

Chapter 2
What’s Our Part? ………………………………………15

Chapter 3
An Irreversible Truth …………………………………21

Chapter 4
Does God Ever Leave You?……………………………27

Chapter 5

The Unshakable Christian…………………………..…36

The recent revelation God has given me concerning His
grace and the New Testament has changed my life more
than I ever imagined. As God has increasingly revealed
His unmerited favor and love to me in the scriptures, I
have an even greater hunger to preach the unadulterated
gospel of grace to people all around the world. It has
been an interesting journey for me. One of the things
God has done is shown me how much religion and wrong
believing has negatively impacted people’s lives. Because
of the mixture of righteousness with the Law that many of
us have been taught—myself included—we have viewed
our relationship with God and the new covenant in Christ
from the wrong perspective. I wrote this book because I
know there are doubts, fear, and anxiety-fueled questions
that many people have in their walk with God. The truth
is we’ve not fully believed how good God really is. The
fear that torments most people is a the result of the hard
thoughts we have about God. Religion has painted a
picture of a huge gulf that exists between God and us.
As a result, many Christians never fully experience the
true joy of their salvation because they’ve not understood
the central promise God made that He will never break.
Let’s go on a journey because I want to unfold to you the
goodness of God and the one promise in the Bible that

God spoke that will make you an unshakable Christian!

Chapter 1

The Central Promise of the

New Testament
God began unfolding revelation to me concerning the
new covenant, I spent more time than ever before in prayer
for the partners and supporters of this ministry. What the
Spirit of God revealed to me literally shocked me. He
said, “Do you realize many of My people struggle in their
relationship with Me and in their lives because they don’t
know, understand and believe the central clause of the
New Testament?”

I did some research and I realized what I saw had been

in the Bible the whole time but we’ve not emphasized
it. We’ve heard that we live under the new covenant in
Christ but few have had a working knowledge of what
that actually meant. This is why you can go up to many
Christians and ask them what is the new covenant and
many will not be able to give you a clear answer. Hebrews
10:16, 17 spells it out clearly:

“This is the covenant that I will make with them after

those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their
hearts, and in their minds will I write them; And their sins
and iniquities will I remember no more.”

These two verses of scripture detail the heart and core
of the new covenant. There are some profound truths
that we must grasp from these verses if we are to ever
see the manifestation of everything that God has already
provided for us in Christ.

The first thing I want you to notice is the number of times

God repeated the phrase I will. The phrase is repeated four
times in these two short verses. What does God want us
to understand from this declaration? Simply put, this new
covenant in Christ is ultimately built on the foundation
of what God has decided He will do. Most of what we
have been indoctrinated with through religion has got us
to focus on ourselves. It focused on us keeping a set of
rules, and how well we kept those rules determined our
relationship with God and His response to us. The issue is
this type of belief is based on the old agreement—the old
covenant. Notice the scripture says after those days God
will make a different covenant with us. The time of the
old covenant has passed.

The first thing we have to notice under the new covenant

is God’s proximity to us. Have you ever felt like God is
so far away from you and the things you deal with in your
everyday life? If you have, the reality is this is not the
truth. Under the new covenant God is so close to Believers
that He is personally teaching us about Himself and writes
His law on our hearts and minds. He is teaching us. This
is a much higher level than what happened under the old
covenant. Under the old covenant the people of God had
the Ten Commandments in order to guide them. But under

this new covenant, God is your personal tutor. Through
the Holy Spirit, who dwells in you, God is personally
revealing everything to you about Himself.

Since God has said He will teach us about Himself and

write His laws on our hearts and minds, the first thing He
wants us to understand is our relationship with Him. It is
found in verse 16.

“And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.”

This is the central clause of the New Testament. This

is what God wants you to gain a revelation of in your
Christian life. This is where the majority of people have
their struggle. This is also the result of a lot of fruitlessness
and lack of manifestation in people’s life. Because of
improper teaching that was heavily focused on behavior
and our failure to meet God’s standard of holiness, many
people believe their sin is greater than the blood of Jesus.
Yet at the same time these Christians have earnestly
attempted to work the principles of faith in order to see
results in specific areas of their lives, to no avail. I believe
the answer is found in this verse.

How we respond to this scripture determines whether or

not we see the fullness of the benefits of salvation given
to us in Christ. God wants you to know that Jesus took
the judgment and punishment for your sins so you are
eternally forgiven for of your sins. The challenge in the
Body of Christ is that we deem our sin higher than the
blood of Jesus. This has created a warped view of how we

relate to God. If you understand the value God placed on
Jesus, then you can fully grasp why God is able to say He
will remember your sins and iniquity no more.

Look at Hebrews 10:10:“By the which will we are

sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ
once for all.”

This is where the challenge comes in for most people.

They have this image of God shining a big flashlight on
them and their sins. I can hear someone saying in their
minds, “That’s right. After all, Brother Dollar, doesn’t the
Bible say your sin shall find you out and that nothing is
hidden from God?” I’ll respond to that line of thinking
this way. When God looks at you, who does He see?
You alone? The answer is no. You’re not standing on a
spiritual chopping block, totally naked before God, with
nothing there but you and your sins. Truthfully, God is not
even looking at you—He is looking at Jesus.

Jesus’ offering on the cross was perfect and the only

payment needed for the judgment of sin. God exhausted
His entire wrath for sin on the body of Jesus. When anyone
receives Jesus, their sins are forever cleansed by His
blood. Notice, verse 16 doesn’t say you were sanctified
for a little while, or a small period of time, or until the
next time you mess up. When God looks at you, He sees
you through Jesus and He sees you cleansed in His sight
once and for all time.

If you think God sees your sin when He looks at you

and not the cleansing blood of Jesus, it’s no surprise
that your confidence in receiving from Him is hindered.
Because people don’t have a correct view of their identity
in Christ, many are engulfed in condemnation. In their
subconscious minds they disqualify themselves from
receiving anything from God.

God doesn’t desire for you to live this way. The reason
why God can remember your sins no more is because you,
and your list of good and bad deeds, are not at the center of
the equation under the New Testament. The new covenant
is all about putting Jesus and His finished work on
display. This is why we must believe the central clause of
the new covenant. If you believe God remembers your sin
no more, seeing the manifestation of healing, deliverance,
prosperity, a new job, or whatever you believe for, is tied
to whether or not you see yourself as accepted by God in

The accuser of the brethren—Satan—will do everything

he can to get you to focus on yourself and your bad deeds.
The truth, however, is that under the new covenant your
focus is supposed to be on Christ. He is your sanctification,
your cleansing from sin, and your right-standing before
God. Jesus’ sacrifice is so complete that under the new
covenant you have the privilege of doing what men could
not do under the old covenant—You have access to God’s
very presence.

Hebrews 10:19 says, “Having therefore, brethren,

boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus.”

This how forgiven and cleansed you are in Christ. You
not only have access but you can come boldly before
God’s very throne. If you recall, what happened in the Old
Testament when the priest approached the holy of holies
in the wrong manner? He died! In the Old Testament, he
had to literally tiptoe into God’s presence because God’s
presence is so holy that it obliterates sin. But under the
new covenant God sees you so thoroughly complete in
Christ that you can come boldly before Him and receive
from Him.

The day you receive the truth of the central clause of

the New Testament, your relationship with God, and even
how you relate to yourself, will be revolutionized. Instead
of a persistent sense of anxiety over whether or not you’re
measuring up, you’ll have peace because you’re focusing
on Jesus—who did all the measuring up you ever need to
be concerned about.

Chapter 2

What’s Our Part?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You have a part and
God has a part?” I’m sure if you’ve listened to any of
the great faith teachings you’ve heard myself or another
preacher mention this phrase. Traditionally, we understood
that God’s part was finished, but that it was up to us to
understand our part was in order to see the manifestation
of our prayers and the results we desired in our lives. But
as I began to understand the message of grace, I began to
see the error in this way of thinking.

What I noticed is the list of what ‘our part’ was seemed

to be never-ending. There was always another piece of
the puzzle for people to complete. As result, I saw a lot of
Christians become frustrated over the years. They never
felt like they could master ‘their part’ and as a result,
they never saw themselves able to receive from God.
They were always asking themselves questions like, Am
I consistent enough in the Word? Have I prayed enough?
Have I sown enough? Do I need to fast for breakthrough?

The list seemed to go on and on and people seemed

further away from the answer in their lives. Deep down,
I always knew that something was wrong with this
approach and way of thinking. I just needed to understand
what our part truly is under the new covenant of grace.

Interestingly enough, the disciples asked Jesus the same

question in John chapter 6, verse 27: “Then said they unto
him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?”
They wanted to know the same thing you and I do. How
do you get the kingdom of God to work for you? Jesus’
answer is very enlightening.

“Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of

God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.”

Our part in the new covenant can be summed up in

one word—believe. Some may think this sounds too
simplistic. We have been falsely trained to think it is our
many works and obedience and faithfulness to God that
is the determining factor in our outcome in life. But in
reality, Jesus’ faithfulness, obedience, and sacrifice is all
that is needed to receive from God everything that you’ll
ever need. Healing from cancer, deliverance from debt
and financial lack, freedom from addictive behaviors, etc.,
was all purchased and completed in Christ. When Jesus
proclaimed, “It is finished” He meant it. The work of Jesus
is so complete that if you read the Bible carefully, you’ll
notice in that many scriptures speak about of Believers so
in the past tense. Ephesians chapter 1, verse 3 says that
God has blessed us with ALL spiritual blessings in Christ.
1 Peter chapter 2, verse 24 says by Jesus’ stripes we were

So if everything has been done already, why do we see

so little manifestation of in the lives of Believers? It lies
with the issue of “doing your part” in order to see God
does His part. First of all, God is not doing anything else.

He’s seated. Jesus’ part is done. So the day the doctor
diagnosed you with cancer and you prayed to God, He
didn’t get up off of His throne to create healing for you in
the moment of your need. Healing is already completed.
Second of all, you need to understand that ‘your part’ in
seeing the results you desire does not rest in how good
you are, or how proficient you are in working the faith

Jesus’ obedience has given you access to everything

God has made available for you. That’s what grace—
unmerited favor—is. You receive everything from God
based on Jesus’ merit and not your own. The Bible says
no flesh shall glory in His presence (1 Corinthians 1:29).
When we come before God and try to earn our right to
receive from Him, we are trying to glory in our flesh.

When it comes to seeing the results of faith, look at

what the Bible says about Abraham, who is the father of
faith in Romans chapter 4, verses 1-4:

“What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as

pertaining to the flesh, hath found? For if Abraham were
justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before
God. For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed
God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now
to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace,
but of debt.”

In his walk with God, Abraham found out something

that is very critical for us to understand. We are not

justified and made righteous before God by anything
other than our belief—particularly our belief in Christ.
The foundation of our entire relationship with God is
based on our belief in Christ. As a result of that belief,
we receive Jesus’ righteousness in place of our sin nature.
And there is nothing we can do to earn this status before
God. You can take a sinner who does a lot of good works
and that person is still an unjustified sinner before God.
You can take a Believer who has issues in their flesh with
sin and because of their belief in Christ, they stand before
God justified without any good works.

If our righteousness in Christ came by belief, why do

we think anything else will be needed in order to see the
manifestation of God’s goodness? God is not good to you
because you’re good—God is good to you because He’s
good! It has nothing to do with your works. If it did, it
would be owed to you. But everything has been given
to us freely because of the unmerited favor God freely
bestows in Christ.

Under the New Testament, your part boils down to one

thing. Can you believe God loves you and that Jesus is
all the payment that was ever needed for you to receive
everything you’ll ever need in your life? God is not looking
for people who can perform well in order to receive from
Him because He’s already given it all in Christ. God is
not looking for achievers—He’s looking for receivers.
He’s looking for someone bold enough to believe that
His goodness, love, mercy, and favor, is extended toward
them simply because they believe in Christ.

In order for you to see the manifestation of the promises
of God, you’re going to have to realize that it requires
Jesus plus nothing! It’s not Jesus plus your obedience,
your many hours in prayer, or how much you give. No!
All of those things are good. But when you try to take
spiritual things like reading the Bible everyday as your
‘good work’ in order to receive from God, you’ve just
taken something spiritual and turned it into a work of the
flesh. Ultimately, the flesh is all about what you are trying
to do in your own strength to save yourself.

So, when your flesh and the devil try to sway you into
thinking, “What can you do good enough, long enough,
to make this happen, you should be asking yourself,
“Do I believe God is good, that He loves me, and that
He remembers my sin no more?” When you can answer
this question boldly with a resounding yes, manifestation
of what you’ve prayed becomes sweatless, because your
faith is centered on the central clause of the new covenant,
and not on yourself.

Chapter 3

An Irreversible Truth
Understanding the central clause of the new covenant,
and believing that sin is no longer the major factor in
your relationship with God, is not only essential but
is indispensable if you are going to reign in this life.
Ultimately, what it comes down to is God wants you to
live this life from the perspective that your identity has
been totally renovated in Christ. One of the things the
Lord shared with me is that many people have an identity
crisis in the Body of Christ. It wasn’t until I gained further
revelation that I understood why so many people are

I’ve taught for years that man is a tri-part being. He is

a spirit, who possesses a soul (mind, will, emotions, and
personality) and he resides in a physical body. The part of
you that was recreated when you got born again was your
spirit man. When Second Corinthians, chapter 5, verse 17
declares that any man in Christ is a new creation, we need
to understand specifically what it’s talking about. This is
where most people have challenges. They know they’re
born again. But they view the challenges they have in
their soul and body as the dominating factors in their
lives. But when God looks at you, what is He looking
at? He is looking at you with spiritual eyes. He sees your
spirit man where the Holy Spirit resides.

One thing you need to understand is that your spirit man
is perfectly flawless and holy. Think about it, your spirit
man is so pure and perfect that the Holy Spirit is able
to make it His residence. This means that all of heaven’s
resources reside on the inside of you.

With this understanding in place, what should be our

response to the challenges we face with the residue of
the flesh we still deal with in our minds and our bodies?
You must realize that you are not the flesh (that old way
of thinking) and you are not your body. Your ultimate
essence is who you are a spirit. Your spirit man has been
eternally sealed with the Spirit of God. The filth of the
world, the negative thoughts and issues you are faced
with in your mind, and the habits you deal with in your
body never touch the deepest part of who you are. This is
a critical point that cannot be overlooked if you are ever
to see yourself from the true God-perspective. Sin never
touches the essence of the real core of who are you. Only
Jesus resides there.

Our only response from a God’s viewpoint is to receive

the irreversible truth that we are new creations and
this will never be undone by what we face outwardly.
Ephesians chapter 1, verse 13 says that after we believed
on Jesus we were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
Ephesians chapter 4, verse 30 says we are sealed unto the
day of redemption—or the return of the Lord. I like to
think of that as a jar that is sealed airtight. The jar can be
submerged in water, but the inside contents of that jar are
never penetrated. This is what God did the day you got

born again. The Holy Spirit came in and sealed the core
of who you really are so tight that nothing can penetrate.
This is why even if a person is at their weakest physically
or drained in their soulish emotions—the core of who
they really are is at ease and untouchable.

The issue with most Christians is that when they look

at themselves they see themselves as only their body and
what they feel. As result they are tossed to and fro. The
Apostle Paul dealt with the same thing in Romans chapter
7, verse 24. He was tormented by the sinful acts stirred
up in his carnal thinking and in his body. “O wretched
man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this
death?” But notice Paul did not stay there. Look at what
he says. He answered his own question in the very next
verse. “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Jesus
is the answer to whatever we face.

Paul became convinced of the irreversible truth about

who he was in Christ. This is why he could declare
what he declared in Romans chapter 8, verse 1. “There
is therefore now no condemnation in Christ”—at all.
The reason you don’t have to be condemned is because
from God’s perspective your flesh, the bad habits, the
imperfections you see in your outer man, are not the real
you. So you don’t have to be discouraged by the outward
process of sanctification because internally in your real
man, you are already perfectly holy and sanctified and
this is never changing.

This is why God wants His people set free under the

covenant of grace and not condemned under the Law. The
only thing the Law did was amplify our flaws and sin. The
Bible says the strength of sin is the Law (1 Corinthians
15:56). The only purpose for the Law was to show us how
helpless we really were without God. So now that you’re
born again it is futile for you to go back to living as if
your relationship with God depends solely on you. The
Christian life is not hard to live. It’s impossible! That’s
why Jesus is your Savior. He filled you with His spirit to
help you.

You are not changed by looking at you. In fact, the more

you look at yourself from the wrong perspective (merely
based on your soul and body) you don’t get better. In
fact, you get worse. Depression sets in and your outward
lifestyle gets further and further away from the image of
Christ. No one ever changed by beholding their flaws. We
are changed by beholding Jesus and seeing ourselves in
Him. In the book of John, he declared, “Behold the lamb
of God who taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).
Now that we are born again this should not change. We
are to behold Jesus. Hebrews chapter 12 says we should
look away from everything unto Jesus, the author and
finisher of our faith. Jesus told Mary Magdalene when she
was sitting at His feet in His presence, that only one thing
is needful: The more we see Him, the more we see our
true identity in the spirit. Jesus doesn’t see you with that
bad habit you’ve struggled with all your life. He sees you
as righteous in Him and cleansed by His blood.

Contrary to popular belief, Christianity is not about right

doing—Christianity is about right believing. This is why
your only part as a Believer is to believe on Jesus. Your
outward behavior will change when you believe that God
loves you and that He remembers your sin and iniquity no
more. This is undeniable, irreversible truth that God will
never change His mind about. It’s time for you to receive
your true identity in Christ and be free!

Chapter 4

Does God Ever Leave You?

While we are dealing with the subject of the new
covenant and our identity in Christ, I think it’s critical we
answer this question: Does God ever leave you? Is He
always with us all the time? You may think this question
is erroneous, but it’s not. Some have the picture of God
as being there sometimes, and sometimes not being there.
Others who know God is there because the Holy Spirit
lives in them still don’t live in full confidence of God’s
presence. They know the Bible says God will never leave
them nor forsake them in their heads, yet it never seems
to fully translate into a revelation that He is always there.

Think about it. We can religiously say, “Yes, amen.

I know God is always with me!” But if we really were
solidified in this truth, would we be so prone to worry,
fear and anxiety, as we sometimes are? No, I think not.

There are some things we need to understand about the

Spirit of God who dwells in us. Religiously, we tend to
think of the Holy Spirit as being a very tender and easily
offended guest who distances Himself from us when
we miss the mark. We still see our relationship with
Him from an Old Testament perspective. Under the Old
Testament, no man was born again and the Spirit of God
only descended upon men at designated times. We now
understand that not only can He come upon us, but He is

always residing in us.

But even with this truth, most Christians still see life
from the perspective of there being a huge ocean or gulf
of sin, problems, issues, and bad habits that are between
them and God. What makes it worse is when the challenges
we face in life are created by our own bad decisions, we
tend to subconsciously think the God is offended and He
distances Himself from us because we should have known
better. Most people see God sitting on the throne shaking
His head at them in exasperation wondering, “When are
you going to get it together?! All the Word you’ve learned
and you’re still dealing with that?”

If you think this way, the accuser of the brethren—the

devil—has deceived you. The truth is, God is not sitting
on His throne impatiently waiting for you to please Him.
I know this sounds different from a lot of what you may
have previously taught. God is not your taskmaster. He is
your Father. He is your Daddy and He loves you. God is
no longer angry with you. As a matter of fact, He is not
even in a bad mood over you. Zephaniah chapter 3, verse
17 says that God is actually singing over you. He’s not
looking at you and your weaknesses and getting angrier
by the day waiting for you to change.

“The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One,

a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy;
He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will
be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall
them]; He will exult over you with singing.”

He is singing over your with joy and remembering your
sins no more. Notice the Amplified Version of this verse
says God is satisfied over you. You may think, “How
can this be? I still have so many issues.” God is singing
because He is your Savior. He is not looking at you.
Under the new covenant He is looking at Jesus. You are
the beneficiary of a promise He made to Himself. It is all
based on His faithfulness and not your faithfulness. The
Bible says God found fault with old covenant (Hebrews

“For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should

no place have been sought for the second. For finding
fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the
Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of
Israel and with the house of Judah: Not according to the
covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when
I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of
Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I
regarded them not, saith the Lord.”

God loves you so much that He never wanted His

relationship and level of closeness to you to be based on
whether or not you could be obedient. He has now based
it on Jesus’ faithfulness. And now that you have Christ,
He has you and He is never leaving you. Under the old
covenant God had to distance Himself from His people
based on whether or not they obeyed Him. This was never
God’s best. He always wants to be in a position to lavish
you with His love, mercy, and favor. The only way He
could do this was to create a new covenant that rested on

solely on His faithfulness and not man’s.

So what does this mean practically in our daily

relationship with the Holy Spirit? It means He’s in you
and right there the whole time imparting, teaching,
guiding, encouraging, strengthening, and loving on you.
What happens is that we become sin and self-conscious,
which causes us to be less aware that God is there the
whole time desiring for us to receive His love and strength
for whatever we’re dealing with. The truth is He is never
leaving you—never! Look at Hebrews chapter 13, verse
5, in the Amplified Bible:

“Let your character or moral disposition be free from

love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving
for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present
[circumstances and with what you have]; for He [God]
Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give
you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I
will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless
nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)!
[Assuredly not!].”

I think this scripture makes it pretty clear regarding

God’s closeness to you and His concern with your earthly
affairs. He declared that not only is He not leaving you,
but that He won’t relax His hold on you. No one has
stronger vice grip than God. The devil wants you to think
it’s the other way around. He wants you to think your
problems, sinful habits, the marriage issue you’re having,
the unemployment, or debt you face, has a stronger hold

on you than God does. This is not the truth.

There is something else I want to point out in the

above scriptures regarding sin. Did you notice how the
scripture started off? It starts off talking about the works
of the flesh and being free from them—lust, greed,
covetousness, etc. What many people do is they focus on
this part of the scripture and teach it from a perspective
of, “You better get your act together because God is not
having it!” But if you look at it carefully, you’ll see a
distinct correlation between your confidence in God and
your freedom from the works of the flesh. In other words,
this scripture reveals is the reason why people are in lust,
greed, fear, covetousness, pride, lasciviousness, etc. It’s
because they don’t really believe God loves them and that
He has promised to never leave them without His support.
So then they find themselves spiraling deeper into defeat
because they are conscious that they are doing things in
their lives that don’t line up with Word. So they distance
themselves further and further from God when in actuality
God wants to embrace them.

No matter where you are in this life, God is always

going to be there. If you’re lying on your bed in despair
and depression, Jesus is right there with you. If you’re in
the strip club, or online watching pornography, Jesus is
right there with you. If you are in a pit and wallowing in
the mud of condemnation, Jesus is right there. Is He there
looking at you in disapproval? No. He’s there speaking to
you through His Spirit which is telling you, “This is not
you. I made you in My image and likeness. Look away

from yourself and look to Me. I’m not mad at you. Let me
love you out of this.”

This is why the parable of the prodigal son is one of

my favorite parables that Jesus told (Luke 15:11-32).
Contrary to popular belief, this story is not about the son
who was lost. This story is actually about the father. There
are a few things I want you to see so you can get a picture
of the heart of God and His grace. First, the father in the
story represents God. What made this so revolutionary
at the time is Jesus is presenting God as a Father. The
Jews at that time did not know God as Father. They knew
Him as I AM, the Almighty, Elohim, etc., but they did not
know Him as Father.

The second thing I want to point out is the son did

his father a great dishonor by taking his inheritance and
leaving his father. He only returned to his father once he
was suffering the consequences of his foolish decision.
His returning to his father was not even because he loved
his father or missed him. He came home because he was
broke and hungry!

What is so amazing is the father’s response. Jesus says

that his father saw him while he was still a great way off
(Luke 15:20). What’s interesting about this phrase is that
it implies that his father was outside looking for him.

“But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw
him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck,
and kissed him.”

Notice, we do not see his father rebuking him. What do
we see? We see his father loving him. Notice the prodigal
son doesn’t even have pure motives. He comes back with
a planned speech that he probably didn’t even believe.
He just wanted to eat. In other words, he had not truly
repented. But this did not matter to the father. He just
wanted his son back.

Jesus revealed the heart of God toward us when we

have fallen and feel and as if we’ve ruined our lives. His
response is to embrace us in love. It is His embrace that
changes us. Jesus could have told the parable where the
father angrily rebukes his son for his foolishness. But
the truth is the father knew his son needed to know he
was truly loved. Think about it. A lot of times people
find themselves in certain situations because they have
no sense of the Father’s love for them. A girl gives up
her body in fornication because she doesn’t know she is
loved. A teenager rebels against their parents because they
don’t know they are loved. It is the love of God and His
ever-abiding presence that changes us more than anything

This theme is expressed all through Scripture. The

woman who was caught in adultery…what did Jesus do?
He loved her and told her she was not condemned first.
Then she was empowered to sin no more. So likewise,
in our relationship with the Holy Spirit we are healed,
changed, refreshed, and renewed from an old way of
thinking and living by His nearness to us and His love
for us. It is incorrect to think we would ever be changed

if God distanced Himself from us when we miss it. His
nearness is the only thing that can change us. So receive
it right now, that God is with you and He loves you. He’s
not going anywhere and you’re not so far gone that He
can’t reach you where you are. That’s what a loving
Father does.

Chapter 5

The Unshakable Christian

What would our lives look like if we believed the
central clause of the new covenant, that we are completely
forgiven, if we were settled in our identity in Christ and
confident in the truth that He would never leave us? We
would be unshakable. A lot of people don’t have the
testimony of being unshakable. We are familiar with
being distracted and tossed in our minds.

This is why we must understand the true root of what

this life is all about. We must understand the root is not
us, but Jesus. It all rests on Him. Your operation of faith
principles is good, but did you know even that is not the
firm foundation? The only firm foundation is Christ.
What we’ve done is focused more on faith principles and
what we can do for God, and have no daily conscious
confidence of how much He has done for us. In this new
covenant it is not about what you can offer and extend to
God—it’s all about what God has extended toward you in

However, religion and the devil will keep you focused

on what you are offering to God. Whenever we believe
and live this way we are always on a shaky foundation.
Why? Because life and the accuser will always remind
you that what you’re doing is not enough. If you pray an
hour a day, there’ll always be a thought to that follows

taunting you saying, “When are you going to pray two
hours a day?” If you fast once a year you’ll be reminded
of how much of the year you don’t give up enough for
God. This goes on and on in so many areas of our lives
until we are on a never-ending treadmill of works and
condemnation. When our works are high, we feel good.
When our good works are low, we feel depressed.

But God is not in heaven demanding good works. He’s

in heaven looking for someone who can receive Jesus’
finished work. God knows that when we receive His love
and goodness, this is the foundation for changed behavior.
Let me give you an example. Remember the scripture in
Second Corinthians, chapter 5, verse 14 that says the love
of God constrains us? I always thought from a religious
perspective that that scripture meant if we love God, our
love for Him would cause us to have restraint and keep us
from falling into all sorts of things that would offend God.
But that is a taking New Testament scripture and looking
at it from and Old Testament perspective.

Our love is not on display in the new covenant. God’s love

for us through Jesus is on display in the New Testament.
So what does this really mean? It’s actually God’s love for
us that constrains us. When we are conscious and believe
His love for us, this confidence in His love causes our
lifestyle to change. Notice the very next verse, Second
Corinthians chapter 5, verse 15, talks about us not living
for ourselves but living for Jesus who died for us. But
notice what comes first. The love of Christ for us comes
first and then we believe we are loved, and then we’ll live

for God. The Old Testament was reversed. It was live for
God, obey and love God, and then you’ll see His love
and favor. But God has changed that because the person
who knows they are loved will love much. This is why the
Bible says we love Him because He first loved us (1 John

As long as you are focused on what you are doing for God
and how much or how little you love God, condemnation
will always be hot on your heels. Your confidence in
receiving God’s goodness in whatever you need will be
greatly hindered. But the moment you reverse the order
and focus on God’s forgiveness of your sin, and His love
and favor being extended toward you because of Jesus’
shed blood, you become an unstoppable Christian.

The enemy can do nothing to stop the Believer who

knows Jesus loves them even in spite of themselves. Why?
Because you are not looking at yourself. You’re beholding
the Lamb of God. Like Peter, when you are beholding
His perfection and not your flaws, you’ll walk above the
problems like he walked on water. Are you ready to walk
on the water with Jesus? It’s time for you step out beyond
your comfort zone, beyond barriers, condemnation, guilt,
and fear. Your part is to believe God has been merciful to
your unrighteousness and has forgiven all of your sins.
Believe that He loves you and accepts you in Christ.
Believe the new creation and your new identity in Jesus.
Believe you are not defined by your weaknesses. Run to
your Father, not away from Him. Look to Jesus the author
and finish of your faith!

I want you to say this confession out loud:

Father, I thank you for your new covenant of grace. I

thank you that I’m established in the central truth of the
New Testament—that you’ve have forgiven all of my sin
and iniquity in Christ. I receive your great love for me
and my identity in Christ. I thank you that you help me
to overcome discouragement and that your love for me
lifts me out of every place of bondage and despair. I thank
you Father that when you look at me you see me in Jesus.
Thank you that His perfection is on display before you
and not my imperfection. I declare I am the righteousness
of God and the only thing needed for me to see the
manifestation of your favor in every area of my life is to
believe you’ve already done it in Christ and that you love
me and want me to have all you’ve already provided for
me. I receive your love and unmerited favor in the areas
I’ve struggled most and I boldly declare breakthrough
now in Jesus’ name!

God is Not Changing His Mind About You!
There are many Christians who are focused on many things in
their Christian life. Ultimately, we’re all searching for what
makes this life meaningful and causes us to be successful. Creflo
Dollar’s book, The Unbreakable Promise, takes a revolutionary
look at the central promise that makes you unstoppable as a
Believer. Seeing the manifestation of all the promises of God is
based on your belief of the central clause of the new covenant.
Discover what it is and position yourself to live on a higher
level than ever before!

Creflo Dollar Ministries • PO Box 1117 • Oxenford QLD 4209

+61 7 5556 0022 •
& © 2013 by Creflo Dollar. All rights reserved.

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