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Belief in the Trinity Revision summary: The Trinity in worship, prayer and everyday life

God, oneness and the Trinity

What is the Trinity? What is the Trinity? Explain two different ways Christians pray, showing they believe in the Trinity.
Defines God as being in 3 divine persons, The Father, The Son and the How does believing in God as Trinity impact on Christians in their everyday In Orthodox services, Christians raise their hand to invite the Holy Spirit during prayer
Holy Spirit, this belief is known as the doctrine of the Trinity - > Believe life?
there are 3 distinct Persons that form a unity
Christians also use the Lord’s prayer to show their belief in Jesus ( The Son)
How do Christians show that they believe in the Trinity in Communion or Eucharist services?
Name the persons of the Trinity and explain the different roles they take.
God the Father – The creator and sustainer of all things
In the Eucharist service, the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus (The Son) are
God the Son – Incarnation of God as a human being (Jesus)
celebrated using bread and wine
God the Holy Spirit – The power of God which is active in the world,
drawing people towards God
How does believing in the Trinity affect Christians in their everyday life?
Hint: Think about God’s power, his presence in the world today and Jesus’ understanding of
human beings because he has lived as a human in the world.

Key terms and other important words to know Christian attitudes towards belief in God What does the Bible and Christian teaching say? Extension activities

Provide definitions for this key vocabulary. Explain how these beliefs affect how Record any relevant Bible or Christian Create a set of examination questions about the Trinity using the
Christians think about God. guidance below. Then swap with a partner and attempt to answer
teaching. How does each teaching help them.
monotheism: To believe in only one God Christians understand the Trinity?
God is omnipotent. God has unlimited power
to do anything such as breaking the laws of ‘When Jesus was baptised, a voice from To extend this task, you could also write the mark sheet including
Trinity: Belief of God as 3 divine persons Heaven said “You are my Son” ‘Mark 1:11 all the possible correct information that could be included in an
Jesus came from God therefore is the
Father: The creator and sustainer of all things (God)
God is omnibenevolent. God is all loving, he Son. Proves how God can be the Son and 1. Which is not an attribute of God?
loves for mankind the Father. a) Omnipotent b) Omniscient c) Peaceful d)
Son of God: Incarnation of God as a human being Omnibenevolent 1 mark]
(Jesus) Christians believe in eternal life after
death (afterlife). The ability to be 2. Give 2 forms of God in the Trinity [2 marks]
Holy Spirit: The power of God which is active in the God is omniscient. God is all knowing, he resurrected after death shows The Holy
knows everything that has happened and is 3. Explain 2 contrasting views on the existence of God’ [4marks]
world, drawing people towards God Spirit within human beings as God uses
his power to bring people back alive. 4. Explain 2 Christian teachings about the Holy Spirit Refer to
incarnation: Becoming flesh, taking human form Christian teaching in your answer.’ [5 marks]
Christians believe in Heaven and Hell.
Shows That separate realms could not 5. “The Lord’s Prayer is the most important form of prayer”
God is omnipresent. God is present
resurrection: Rising from the dead, also refers to Jesus
everywhere; he sees everything that happens
just exist, therefore was created by God ‘Evaluate this statement. In your answer you should:
rising from the dead-on Easter Day  refer to Christian teaching
the Father
 give developed arguments to support this statement
The Lord’s Prayer is used to praise God  give developed arguments to support a different point
Messiah (Hebrew)/Christ (Greek):
for his guidance and aid. This also shows of view
Jesus was fully man and fully God. Jesus  reach a justified conclusion.’ [12 marks]
was both a human being who lived to teach that they believe God (The Father) is
creed: system of religious belief, a faith
others of God while being the Son of God always listening as he is omniscient

© Oxford University Press, 2016
© Oxford University Press, 2016

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