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Victor successfully brings his creation to life in Chapter 5, but he is horrified by its hideous

appearance. He escapes from his residence and experiences fatal nightmares. He sees the thing by
his bed when he wakes up and immediately leaves. The following morning, he runs across Henry
Clerval, a childhood buddy, after spending the night outside. Victor is happy that the thing has
disappeared, but shortly after, he develops a nervous fever that confines him to bed for several
weeks. Henry looks after him and gives him an Elizabeth letter.

Victor makes a full recovery in Chapter 6 and presents Henry to his university teachers. However,
he finds it excruciating to talk about his research and observe the chemical apparatus. He makes
the choice to go back to Geneva and waits for a letter from his father approving the time of his
leaving. He goes on a country outing with Henry while Henry takes in the scenery. Victor returns to
the university and finds a letter from his father telling him that William, his younger brother, has
been killed. Victor leaves right away for Geneva since he believes that his creation is to blame for
the crime.

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