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I n

o o


M ontents
Unit 1 Time out 4
Progress check and Cumulative progre55 11

Unit 2 That's entertainment! 12

Progress check and Cumulat¡ve progress 2 19

Unit 3 What! for dinner? 20

Progress check and Cumulative progress 3 27
Un¡t 4 On your way 28
Progress check and Cumulative progress 4 35

Unit 5 Technology talks 36

Progress check and Cumulative progress 5 43
Unit 6Teen fashion 44
Progress check and Cumulative progress 6 5'I

Unit TThefuture of learning 52

Progress check and Cumulative progress 7 59
Unit 8 ltt only a game 60
Progress check and Cumulative progress 8 67
Unit 9Whateverthe weather 6a
Progress check and Cumulative progress 9 75

Unit l0 Look¡ng after yourself 76

Progress check and Cumulat¡ve progres5 10 83

Unit t 1 The world ofwork 84

Progress check and Cumulative progress 1 1 91

Un¡t 12 Home time 92

Progress check and Cumulative progress 12 99

Reading añd W,iting 100

0PTiMISE Listening 111

5peaking 117

Jeremy Bowell i"

tm e out

READING Matching I Signs and notices

t5tudent! Book, Paqes,r 5

Il Read theaticle about hobbies in Blitain and choose T (True) or r (rake)'

1ft¿relllntisthcnurlb.ron(rh.ilrbrinBritxú T/r 3 CoU..üi! th¡rgs is ¡ot a popular holrb\: T/r
2 The articl. ralks ¿bo1rl a fofuLar sport: 4 \V¿t{rhú8 TV is onc oI tire mf 20 hobbies
(r)nrpetition on llriljs]r T1. T 1 F in Britair T/I'

El Read trre articre about hobbies again. Match the highlighted n¡ords in rhe article to the follov/ing
words and plEases v.¡itb the saúe meaniDg.
1 preparing 5 ,\¿.l"b]P ú'4ugh rh. i' r¡' nél
2 Irom another coun¡r
3 many times 7 pan of a group or .Iub
4 become pari of a group or club 8 computer games





Britain is
Sporl is the third on the list. British people love
p layinq and wa t(hing sporl s. There d re over I 50,000
rDorts clubs in the uK to.o and everv weekend,
thousands of people p'ay loorball, 90 (wimming
or go cy(ling.
Older hobbies like art, photography and colle.ting
thinos are still popul¿r ¿ñd ¿re dll in the top 20
hob6iet. Eut manv of the mo5l oopular hobbies ¿re -
ñew and need ¿ rofnpuler o, 1márrphone. Plaving
lomputer g¿mes, on ñe shoppinq and using so(ial
netüorks are all ín the top 1o and blogging is in the
rop 20.
But one way people §pend their J.eetime iñ Britain
isnt on the list. ,t's w3lch ing TV. Pe.hapsthát i§
b€(ause people do it so often they don1 think it's
a hobbyl

E §'hich notice (A H) says this (1-5)? There are three extra letters vou do not need.
: : -.-i r. r:¿¡ ioin this club
, :-., p.ople Lan't .lo thls ¡ctilii}- toget¡er
ul." r-. r. .'

1 ::: :.:r.n. c.¡ to in her.e.

; : :. nr h.rc \1nt¡ dir1f han.ts
No rneetings until
the first week of Click Here to
E -

ns EU,*&JB P §one J¿qk

=ñSTR,ffiSSEE to join today.
¡ xInII¡rIr¡rllrnllrr¡fl llllIIrnüf !r¡I llllIlIf fl ll

No food
e or two in the
0n swimming
llurnxrIr¡rllrnr¡fl llIIllllllII

Please wash
hands before enlering ALWAYSWELCOME
the kitchen.

E ::: -j¿se ñords in the signs. Choose the correct mearf s

i:- .'.:.:: nhere prodc talk / play spo11
.-. ¿ ñoney take money
. :. door room
:rieaplace, become a member
. LealiDg going inside

"+Student'5 Book, page 6 "& Grámmar reference, Unit 1, Studentl Book, pa9e 50

ffi urt.h to make sentences

1. Gabriel usuallY starts a) tennis on SundaYs.

2 lvlaria visits b) to the clnema on FridaYs.

3 Alina often PIaYs c) at school todaY.

4 N{}. cousin rides his d) her grandparents every Saturday.

5 I sometimes go e) bicycle in the forest.

6 N{y friends aren't f) work at 9:00 am.

El pot the words in the correct order to make sentences'
1 goes / Joanna / after / to bed / never / L0pm

2 computer / don't /You / games / plav I day / every

3 go / N[y / Saturday / shopping / on / parents / often

4 three / goes /N{ike / a r'veek / times / usually / cycling

5 on /holiday i photos / We / take / always

6 the museum / sometimes i at / vlsit / the weekend / I

t§B uut.h the pictures

Close the door when You leave.
(A-F) to the sentences (1-6)'

Remember to look before you cross the road.

4 Be carefui when you climb in the mountains.
5 Don't forget to text me when you're home. -
3 Please wear a coat because it's cold outside. - 6 Please take lots of photos at the party


t{,ffi {ürl,

i:f ilir nftffi


Tim* *ut

*.re - - ! :-:':. rage 7 Vocabulary reference, Student's Book, page 163

'-:: 4 I\{y brother plays the guitarist / guitar in his

sentences with the words in bedroom every níght.
5 We don't play video games / gamers at school.
- .: ::l'JtOgfaph 6 There are three music / musicians in the band.
- : rl-Iling tent

: ',
postcards from ffi Choose the best verb to complete
each sentence.
of your new house? I to the train at the next station.
I need
a) get b) turn off c) get back
. .-._whenlgoon 2 Can you _ my cat while I'm on holiday?
, :.lll
a) get back b) look after c) get off
- ,-: -"¿rLv read They 3 Please _ the TV I rvant to listen to the radio.
- . i:--::lternet
a) turn on b) get off c) turn off
at the beach every
- : . ll-lllÉ1-. 4 Weicome! Please _ and have a drink.
a) get back b) turn on c) come in
- - .. j]¿ mountains to go
5 I always feel tired when I _ home after a
climbing holiday
-: e correct words.
a) turn on b) come round c) get back
-.: :'::: painter / paint in our art ciub.
6_ the TV X,{y favourite show starts in a minute.
-: -:-.',,r1rite type of music / musician? a) Get off b) Turn on c) Look after
, :rotographer / photograph of our
, ::re.

I -llStidentt Book, page 9 4Grarnmar reference, Unit l. Student's Büok, page 151

I I i :'m:.:e [he sentences with the 's in the

l::l::: pOSitiOn.
=: ::-r'ourite hobby is painting.
ffi Read the text below and choose the correct
word or phrase to fiIl each gap.

My favourite hobbies are swimming and camping.

.. :fter Anna camera. It is new. (1) _ the summer, we always go (2) _ a
camping holiday We stay (3) __ the sea. (4) _
the morning, I love sr¡,imming (5) _ the sea. It's
- ..:r ',r f'Iike brother and sister? very quiet and there aren't usually any people
(6) _ the beach. (7) _lunchtime, we often go
-...:::ter is only three years old. to a café (8) _ the village. 1\{y favourite café is
(9) _ of the park. (10) _ night, we sometimes
'. walk along the beach.
' - -. -rke to see my sister holiday photos?

:- :r :rook. He needs it for his homework.

l AOn BIn CAt
2 Ato Bin Con
3 A between B near Con
4 AIn BOn CAt
5 Ain Bon Cat
6 Aof Bin Con
7 AIn BTo CAt

:r--l=+$ 8 A inside Bin Cat
l= s,
9 A in front B between C outside

/;ffi 10 AIn BTo CAt

mu,ltiple ehoice (short I
i}§tudent's pagt &

fl f.oot at the first set of pictures in Exercise 2, then match a picture to each set of words (1-3)
1 barbecue, garden, family _ 2 bike ride, rycling, park _ 3 picnic, friends, park _

D (,,)0,1 Listen to five conversations. There is one question for each conversation.
For each conversation, choose the correct answer (4, B or C)
1 Where are the children?

ffi ffiffi ffi

2 What does Linda like doing in her free time? _

ffi ffi ffi %'-,+
3 Where is the photography club meeting?

ffi ffi - ffi


4 How many peopie go camping? _

ffi :: ffi

5 What time is the party? _

ffi ffi ffi

*Student's Book, page 10

mI Match the the student's ansu¡ers (a-f) to the examiner's questions (1-6)
How do you spell your surname? a) I like playing board games and video games.
2 Where do you come from? b) I usually go shopping with my friends.
3 What do you usually do at the weekend? c) It's Martin, because he's very funny.
4 What games do you like playing? d) I'm from Cambridge.
5 How many people are in your family? e) There are four. Me, my parents and my brother Sam
6 Who is your best friend? f) Thompson.THOMPSON.
Tifie *ut

using the prompts. Practise ft Write your answers to the questions

iuestions. Use you or your. in Exercise 2. Then practise saying
the answers.


: .-r'-.i sport? 6

-, -.,--.' in ,/ summer holiday?

/video games?

l.St¡¡dentt 3ook, page 11

f the correct answers.

- -. ,--.-: near here? 4 When does it start?
¡ :.:=:- the city Centre. a) After lunch.
tu- r : : ,','É lir¡e five minutes'walk from here. b) In the park.
t_ . -::: -S tt? 5 Where can I buy tickets?
. : ...-:.J rhe post office. a) It costs more on the day
Et : - . ¡rt a large car park.
--- b) From the website.
E-' : -, ,-:rljoin? 6 Where can I leave my bike?
:. -: : :10 per year. a) There is a place behind the theatre.
: r ; need to phone the centre. b) You can cycle along West Street.

--r Complete the conversation about the music festival with sentences A-H.
There are three extra letters you do not need.
Ticket seller: Good evening. How can I A Can I buy tickets at the entrance?
help you? B Where is the festival this year?
clara: (1) c How much are the tickets?
Ticket seller: What
- would you like to know? D When does it start?
cla¡a: (2) E I want some information about the Citv Rocks
Ticket seller: It's -in King's Park. The entrance Festival, please.
is next to the car park. F Where can I leave r^y car?
Clara: (3) G which bands are playing?
Ticket seller: On -Saturday. You can come in H I want to stay there for the weekend. Is there a
from 2pm. The music begins place for tents?
at 3pm.
Clara: (4) _
Ticket seller: You can camp behind the
car park.
Clara: (5) _
Ticket seller: They are 825 for adults and 81"0
for under sixteens.


#Student! Book, pages 12-i3

n.u¿ the Holiday club information and the email about the photography club and choose
T (True) or F (False).
1 The holiday club is open for all of August. T/F 4 Everyone can do the activities. T /§
2 You can do sports every day T/E 5 Antonia is 14 now. T/F
3 The afternoons are f«r young children. T/Í 6 She can't go onThursdays. T/E
ts **¡

Fri:rn: Antonia
io: Bristol Summer Club

at Clifton Sports Centre
l'm f rom Bristol and I want to join the ia
From 2l July to 3l August club this summer. I want to learn how to
Mondays Sports for all take good photographs. I am 14 years old
soon. lVly birthday is on 1st August. I am
Tuesdays and Thursdays Art and photography free on Tuesdays but not on Thursdays.
Wednesdays Music
Friday Computer club Do I have to take my own camera?
How do I join the club?
9:30- I 2:30 8- I 2 year olds Thanks,
I 3:30- I 6:30 I 3- I 6 year olds
Note:All activities are for members only.

ffi Complete the club membership form

for Antonia.
Bristol Summer Holiday Glub
Membersh¡p form
ffi neaa the Holiday club information
again. Choose an activity you u¡ant Name Antonia Ashton
to do. Write down three questions to
City 1
ask about it.
t Age 2

Activity 3
Day 4

Start time 5

ffi Co*plete the email to the Summer Holiday club. Write 25-35 words.
Then check your email.

lVly name is and lwould Iike
I would like to
t'm years oid. l'm free


Ti¡:'r+ ¡:*i I


[he sentences Choose the best answer to complete

in the box. each serrtence.
rcq¡,ns _sou do not 1\[Ihen'r themeetingstart? . ',. ffi
:,-=in getoff I
a) do b) does c) are
---:r ::ragazines I
] fhe picnic is '.. Saturday afternoon.
a) at b):on c) in
3 My friends _* a.t the festival today.
il :.-r-:I lr:.iS about music and
a) are b) is c) has
.4 Jake and Alice
in this band. She's swimming. They love the water.
:a) never gú b),often go c) go often
the TV when you finish ,
5 We can meet : the festival and go in together.
il".--:-:::lefi1m. ' a) insidq : bl between : c) outside
- -_-
l+ +^
1L LLI 6 We have breakfást r -. morning; It's verSr important.
'" ' .:.:itr-club? a) all ',b),ever c) every
my tent when you go 7 M5z ¡usband eomes from France.
._- - -- -.: a) sistei b) sisteris r) sisters' tild
T r : :=ailtifUi
I ,My tent is near the,trees. It's ' - the blue tent and

the bus here. This is the the green tent.

.r:i :i -,!.
{ --:' - ¡ r of the tennis club?

r(u¡mulative progress'§ .i: jli 'ü" lri fj, ,¡r iii ,"J 1 l"i I I 'i;l

fl cuoor"
1 Can vou
It isn't

B iha
7 l{orv
BMv 1:'ül
CIt l¡,i:1 t

3 Don



' i, ii,:

hat's enterta nment!

ffiEIUE Right/Wrong/Doesn't say A article

:*§tlldent's Eook, pflses 14*15

fl urra.rHne the important words in each sentence.

The International Youth Arts Festival happens in the summer.
The festival is in a different country every year.
Most of the singers and dancers are from Britain.
fl neaa the first paragraph of the article. Check the information in Exercise 1

Is it right, wrong or doesn't the text say?

1 The International Youth Arts Festival happens in the summer.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY l.§fl
2 The festival is in a different country every year.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY
3 N[ost of the singers and dancers are from Britain.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY

G Read the article about the International Youth Arts Festival. Are sentences 1-7'Right' (A) or
'Wrong' (B)? If there is not enough information to answer'Right' (A) or'Wrong' (B), choose
'Doesn't say' (C).
1 There are more than lwo hundred different things to see and do at the festival.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY
2 Young people don't go to the festival.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY

3 Theatre is a part of the festival.

A Right B \Mrong C Doesn't saY

4 All of the plays are put on by children and teenagers.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY

5 Famous musicians sometimes play in concerts.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY

6 The workshops are free for young people to go to.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY

7 Many young peopte go to the workshops and they become musicians and actors in the future.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY

!| Co*plete the sentences with the highlighted words in the article.

1 There is a big music in our city that lasts for a week every August.

2 N{y favourite TV are cartoons and adventures.

3 There are some excellent in this band.
4 Can you play a musical ?

5 There are lots of good on at our local theatre.

6 Last summer, my favourite singer played three in our town

,Thetls éfi tertaifl me*f I


§§."w Wr,,:W.ffi

.sr.§ffiffi*wffi W

1 :"it , . =-. err July, five to 26years old put on Workshops are similar to ., ::
0uflg Hffi and P for children, lessons, for students to learn ..
Ímru'ffh:-:Britain teenagers and adults. Some how to sing, dance, rap, w{tq, ,,
:e ir r--trld come of them are famous,like the pIays, or make clothes, ftot fs '-,l"
-:,:'n Thames plays of writers like William learn maths or science. Many r
young people don't h e "':.',. ,-,
- {,:}: "¡nd0n, to Shakespeare and some of them
l:.&ü:. - I.i. "O .)f SLnS at fur.y the possibility to learn about
.fillilkl*"r -- :::¿n \bUth is a big part of the music, theatre and dance
-: ,.-,r er 200 Each yearl there are because private lessons are
;l- I I -- lt
iS an rock and hip hop c0fic$r,ts, very exPenslve Bu t wor
üüJmr- -- - --: muslc/ both new and well-known are a great way for them to
,il@lJ *.- '-. :--:
- - t-'----o
OUng Do you sing or play discover the things they like
f{ i_: an Why not enter and what they are good at.
'"r i-: '. usually a p ML1S1C competition? And perhaps their future is to
:: :': l-', .i1 Acting are a verv
be singers, dancers or actors at
ii, 't"" -:: peOple part of the festival this amazing festival.


t I.

t{ f ftIt-

.s. 1s t"
{ {ñ'ee' #s#i
.d: "lX
+ Studentt Book page i6 4-Grammar referen{e, Unit ) §tudentt Book, pa9e ,l
ffi Choose the correct words.
Lucas: Hi Ella. \[rhat (1) do you do / Lucas: Yes. they're quite good. They (6) are /
are you doing at the moment? 're being very popular.
Ella: Not much. I (2) watch /'m watching a Ella: Oh, Iook ... they (7) show / are showing
film online. It's the Tast StarWars frlm. a new adventure film at the cinema this
Lucas: I (3) love /'m loving StarWars films. week. It's got great reviews.
Ella: Really? I (4) think /'m thinking they're Lucas: (8) Do you want / Are you wanting to go
quite good. but I (5) prefer / and see it?
'm preferring the Harry potter frlms. Ella: Yes, great idea.

rc complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Thomas often (go) to the theatre with his parents.
2 N{y favourite actor (make) a new film in London this month.
3 X4y friends (have) a barbecue today but I can't go.
4 Carrie (want) to see the new adventure fiim this weekend.
5 N{y grandad never (play) video games.
6 It_* (not rain). Let's go to the beach.
7 Raluca (come) from Romania, but she (live) in France.
8 Tom Holland usualiy (act) in films, but this week he (act)
in a play in London.

+ §tudentls Book, page 17 iSVocabulary reference, Studentk Book page t05

ffi Read the definitions and write the correct

word. The first letter is there to help you.
4 My grandparents don't often go
evenings. They usually stay at home.

5 At the u.eekend, I sometimes play board games

1 Where artists show their paintings to the public. mv cousins.
6 I\{y brother reaily loves listening
2 A place where musicians p1a¡r
rock music.
C h___
3 A place where people go to use computers.
o c___ ffi Choose the best word to complete each
4 A place where you can see a play with singers
and music. o h 1 There are lots of newspaper _ about the
5 Where you can watch a play t Salvador Dali exhibition.
6 A building where you can look at old things. a) articles b) programmes c) screens
m 2 Can I borro'w your MP3 _ to listen to
some music?

ffi Complete the sentences with the

prepositions in the box. 3
a) board b)
The new cinema has the largest
c) player
in the
country lt's amazing.
at I in (x 2) | out lto lwith a) screen b) TV c) picture
1 He is acting a play in Newyork at
4 IVIost of the TV _ I watch are British
or American.
the moment"
2 I don't like staying a) stories b) projects c)
on a Saturday
night. It's boring at home. 5 I{y friends and I prefer playing _ games
video games.
3 Lots of people u,ant to look _.- the
Picasso paintings in the exhibition. a) screen b) board c)

J hal'! +il'lríii;:1:-1 rtnt:

I ümrt- page
19 + 152

r ,r: :::icnces using the present simple or the present Continuous form of the verbs

(move) to Madrid next week.

(meet) her cousins from Australia for the first time on Saturday.
: -=ri next week (sell) very quickly
(start) at 8:15 pm.
(play) chess later today
(sing) in a concert in Liverpool tomorrow night.

t .1,:rmn:::

rf ii ': ,
.:. ::e conversation with the correct form
- - . .. -" got any plans for the weekend?
of the verbs in brackets.

il -:,1 (meet) Will and Julia on Saturda5r

lllL"-..,.- .- 2 you (do)?
t"'- -:- --..
'.i -.
,',-:hsea Rock festival (3) (happen) this week
(want) to go on Saturday
----- -l:::azons (5) (plav)
llL*---: t6) they
[" r - --- ::e Underground Café -
(want) to come

I i .j

, gr
:: s possible. N{y cousins from Paris
9t (visit)

'-is this week. I think we

10) (eo)
:¡,rt rvith them on Saturday
f":,-=i: OK. We1l, I hope you have fun




l l.


$Student's Book, page 18

ff urt.h the adjectives (a-f) to the

adjectives with the same
meanÍng (1*6).
1 unhappy a) attractive 4

2 interesting _ b) new
3 good-looking _ c) excelient
4 modern d) noisv
lt *
5 loud e) exciting
6 amazing f) sad rr

Il ('l)* Listen to Katie talking to her

friend James about a band at the music \
festival. Choose the sentence that
matches what she says.
A The Carltons are a new band.
B The Carltons are a good-Iooking band.
C The Carltons are an excellent band.

Gl ('l)* Listen to all of the conversation

between Katie and James about the 4. *s,E

bands at the music festival. For each

band, choose an opinion/feeling. There
are three extra letters you do not need.
Bands Opinions/Feelings
I The Carltons A attractive
2 The Plastic Cups B strange
3 Lonely Phones C excellent i t:i

4 The Tea Lions D modern -dEa.

5 N{exico Sun E interestlng H

F noisy
!$ &
G short
H unhappy

* Student's Book, page 20

It L
What is each question asking about? Match questions 1-5 to a-e.
Who is playing at the festival? a) a price *tlY C*!*C§,RT Ttc'
2 Where is the festival happening? b) musicians
3 How much do the tickets cost? - c) a reason
f*i*tt *rtist
4 Do you know why they are so expensive? d) some information
5 Is there a festival website? - e) a place S*1t*t v*ilua

§*i*tt **te
|. ---_---¿


:.. ::,nl-ersation between two teenagers with the phrases in the box.
-- :, ::-.'en until nine I it finishes at I on Fridays I on Saturday I starts at7:30 pm lwhat time does

' -.:--1 ,' 'J,hat

are you doing this weekend?
. : r : :: the Youth CIub tonight. We aiways meet at 8:00 pm (1)
-" :' : :::ús fun. I go to band practice. It's every Friday (2)
- :. :r: r,-ilu doing tomorrow?

tu¡nun¡. l: . a conceft on tomorrow evening. Do you want to go?

trffilmq" it start?
ürrtt"¿. -:: :: :Ie CheCk. It (4)

f Ir
ftr¡fu,¡ *:i
ftlmnm"r :6
:: ::g i5)
:r-É see. About three hours I think.

about 10:30 pm. That's a bit late,

ilI¡rr:!-L ,l-. :¿d can drive you home.


I k
: =.',-'-? That's great.
-=: s meet
- -.. See you then.
(7) at 6:30 pm at rrSr house.

i}!5¡der¡fs Boolq page 2l

¡' üe sentences. What do you think the
:-:Ért is? Choose the correct answers.
re the
Underline the key words
in Exercise
and phrases
1 that helped you

l" "-:. , - ,i.oing the exercise now? choose the correct answers.
.L -- . :-assroom
i :: .:estaurant
G Choose the best answer (4" B or C) to
complete the conversations.
I ;i. 'i r-ou like to go to the cinema tonight? 1 What do you want to watch?
.;'¡ friends talking
-{. A There aren't any tickets.
E .: a ticket office B There's a programme on about animals.
f '-:: a meeting C It Ísn't very good.
I ---- I speak to Eva, please? 2 What is happening?
-{ -l the street A I don't like it.
B :,n the phone B He doesn't know

I d
C ,t home
-er -vou help me find this book?
A in the street
C A man is singing to his wife.
When does the play finish?
A Usually before breakfast.
B on a plane B I'm going home first.
C in a library C In about 30 minutes.
5 \\hat time does it start? 4 How often do you come here?
A at a ticket office A I'm going there in the morning.
B at home B Every day after lunch.
C in a shop C About six years ago.
6 I'm going to cook dinner tonight. 5 Who's playing the guitar?
A in a restaurant A I think it's Jack.
B at home B N{y dad's really good.
C in school C lt's really interesting.
ri ?



tr:;:¡! F

* Studentt §ook, pages 22-23

l§§ nea¿ the exam task. Tick the three possible answers to the questions Henry asks.
1 I live in a sma1l town
Read the email from your English friend, Henry called Arden
2 This weekend I'm
staying at home. I don't
have any plans.
3 I really like PiaYing
board gamesl
Hi. 4 No, I'm not very good -
What are you doing this weekend? Do you like playing rl at sports.
board games? l'm having a board games night with i'
5 I'm free on Saturday
some school friends on Saturday. We're meeting at my evening, so I'd love
house at 7pm. Emily's bringing pizza. Can you come?

to come.
I'm free all day
in summer.
write an emailto Henry and answer the questions. write 25-35 words

ffi wrri.h is the best answer, A or B?

Hi Henry,
ffi Hi Henry,
a This weekend, l'm going to my grandparents I
l'm going to the beach with my family. I like
swimming in the sea. I don't know Emily. on Sunday, but l'm free on Saturday. I really
love playing board games, so I'd love to
l'm sorry I can't come. come to your board games night. -
Have fun! See you then!

neaa the exam task. Underline the three questions that Ashley asks.
Read the emailfrom your English friend, Ashley



What are you doing on Sunday afternoon? tVly brother is playing in a classical concert. He
plays pian'o. lt's at t-he New Th'eatre. Do you know where that is? Would you like to come
with us?

Speak soon.

write an email to Ashley and answer the questions. write 25-35 words.

ffi neaa the exam task in Exercise 3 again and complete the plan'

Part Reason My notes

First line Explain what
you are doing

Second line Answer the


Third line Answer the




:'. -¡Iences

w-ith the words in the box. There are two extra words
Th*1'r *rit#rtei* rr: r*i!

Gtm need-

--=:" ga11ery lhip hop llooking lmuseum lopera lplayer lprogramme

-: .=-: ,:,' :)a:ntings at the alt 5 Hannah

-: :-".- x'ant to see them. things in museum
6 I don't have a DVD . I watch fllms

7 Mike and Dan are really good

,il,ilr : -: li¡.lS dancers.
-.'= :i,ing to halls to 8 The children are watching a TV about
&¡¡$tpie the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
'- '^ eonl e 5 Over a thousand people
lJflnP - : -: (wait) outside the entrance to the concert.
6 Lots of people (think)
she is a really good singer.
7 \[¡hat {you listen) to?

8 N{y sister (practise) the

l:r - :--=:: this evening?
Gl.¡un'rnulative progress t 3

f! f.eaa the text below and choose the correct answer to filt each gap.

,. ¿

a the TV and watch the Disney ühánnel? Then


At the


l Aon B off Cin 5 Afor Bto Cin

2 A are knowing B know C knows 6 A makes B rnake C is making ü

3 Ain Bon Cto 7 A over B out Cto

4 A is loving B love C loves 8 A is taking B take C takes

hat's for dinner 7 O

READING Multiple-choice cloze IA magazine article

*Student? Book, pages ?6*27

IT Read the sentences and decide whether they are talking about the present or the past.
present / past
1 They have two of Hollywood's most famous stars as customers.
2 Josh and Alice decided to start a business ... present / past
3 The next year, they opened the Sociai Bite café. present / past
4 It sells healthy food, sandwiches, soups and salads. present / past
5 He then ate a sandwich and gave the café 11,000 ... present / past

ff firra the highlighted words in the article and match them to the people (a-d).
1 they (paragraph 2) a) George Clooney and Leonardo DiCaprio
2 them (paragraph 2) - b) people who don't have a place to live
3 they (paragraph 3) - c) George Clooney
4 He (paragraph 3) - d) customers

fl neaa the article about a new ffie of café. For questions 1-8, choose the best anstp'er (A, B or C)
for each space.
1A change B are changing C changes
2A about B with C for
3A at Bon Cin
4A haven't got B doesn't have C haven't
5A buy B spend c pay
6A for Bto Cof
7A visit B are visiting C visited
8A took B gave C put

ll rirra words in the article which

match these definitions.
1 buying and selling things for money
*i -**I iÉ$e
(paragraph 1)

2 good foryou (paragraph2)

,+ Étsdi,
3 cold meals of vegetables, someti.mes -d¡}úu¡

with cheese and meat (paragraph?)

4 these people prepare food ,4

(paragraph 2)
5 these people buy things (paragraph2)

1#hat's far dinr'¡e¡?



%,----- ini1¡ll& &d

.}r * € G



**+, i¡J"¡; f,


.' €
'ürr E



?ffiH CAF ,¡ ?


,¡4 ,S €

I \

ñ osh Littleiohn and Alice Thompson goes to a 't got enough €
rrom Ediábursh' Sff:'ili, money day, the Social Bite E

ü (2) _
0.o0,. think
food and business.
café also gives food (6) around
opens the café in

ln 2O11, Josh and Alice decided to start a come and eat and
business but not to make lots of money. d'
They wanted to find answers to some of the q
and now there
problems (3) their city. Scotland. Two

he next year, they opened the Social famous stars are
Bite café. lt's like a lot of cafés. lt sells film stars? Both f,
healthy food, sandwiches, soups and DiCaprio
salads, but it also tries to help the (7) in Edinburgh when q
homeless. Homeless people (4) Clooney said, 1¿

a place to live. Around 25% of the cooks nk it's avery q


and waiters in the café are homreless, and a sandwich and
customers can also (5) for an f 1,000 to continue $
extra drink or meal when ffi$ visit. This then €



*Studentt Book, page 28 *Grammár referen{e, Unit 3,student's Book, page 152

ffi Co*plete the text using the past simple form of

the verbs in brackets.

When she was a teenage4, my grand,mother

(1) (work) in the kitchen in a big
house in London. She (2) {start)
work very early every morning. At 5:00 am, she
(3) (bake) the bread and after that.
I she (4)
family and (5)
(cook) breakfast for the rich
{clean) the house.
Then. she (6) (walk) to the
local market. She (7) (need)
to buy all the food for lunch and dinner. Sometimes the
- (8)
family {invite) important
people to have dinner there. It was very difficult job, but
my grandmother (9) (like) it. She
(10) (learn) a lot about food,
cooking and life and has lots of interesting stories to teil.

ffi Put the words in the correct order to make

ffi Complete the questions w'ith the words in
the box.
L did / for / Who / tonlght / you / invite / dinner ?
What (x 2) l\Ilhen lWhere lWho lWhy

2 buy
- / Where / you / did / cakes / those ? 1Q: did you buy the present for?
A: N{y cousin
3 for / What / you / did / dessert / order ? 2Q: did you go last night? i
A: To the supermarket.
4 ttre / open ,/ did / \trIhen / restaurant ? 3Q: was the name of the café?
A: Chocolate cake.
5 cupcakes / Which / buy / did / you ? 4Q: did you go to the restaurant?
A: Last week.
6 we / on,/ cook /What / the / can / barbecue ? 5Q: did you bring cakes to school?
A: Because it was my birthday t-
6Q: can we eat tonight? LI
A: Chicken and salad.

4Studentt Book, page 29 *bVocabulary referencg Student's Book, page 164

ffi Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

cereal I honey I oil I onion I salt I steak I strawberries I tomatoes

1 l\{arie often puts in her tea to make it sweet

2 IVIany people in Britain have with milk or yoghurt for breakfast.
3 and oranges are my favourite fruit
4 Do you always put on your meals?
5 They usually fry the fish in vegetable and serve it with potatoes.
6 Good quality _ is my dad's favourite meat
7 lt's best to buy in summer when they are red and sweet.
8 Raymond's French soup with bread and cheese is delicious.


'¡x,ri¡ *t's ¡'* r' ciit:n ¡l ¡' ?

re E Complete the text with the correct form of the words (verb or adjective) in the box.
bake (x 2) lboil I fry lgrlll

't *,,1""
,,1.1.* {-:Í:",{t.', ,),t.:-- , ,4,^,i , t, .. ;,'1,
First of all, (1) an onion in a little oil for a few minutes. Then cut some tomatoes and add
them to the pan. While this is cookin1, Q) some pasta for about 10 minutes. When the
pasta is ready put it in a dish with the tomato sauce, put some cheese on top and (3) _ it in
the oven for 20 minutes. You can sen¡e it with (4) chicken and some freshlv-
(5) _ bread.

G Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

1 I try to _ my homework every evening 4 _ lunch in the park in the summer.
We often
after dinner. a) make b) do c) have
a) do make b) c) take 5 I _ a terrible mistake with this dish. I'm going to
2 Can you teach me how to_ a cake? start again.
a) have b) bake c) cook a) did made
b) c) took
3 I'm hungry I hope the waiter _ our order soon. 6 If we have time, we can the train
a) takes b) makes c) does to Switzerland.
ls in a) make b) have c) take

-iFStudentts Book, page 31 *§*Grarnmar reference, Unit 3, §tudentrs Book, page 153

I Writ. the past simple form of the irregular verbs

1go 6 come
2 buy 7 meet
3 eat 8 get up
4 drink 9 take
5do 10 make

G Complete the sentences with affirmative, negative or question forms of eight of the
past simple verbs in Exercise 1.
1 Saskia 5 kg of oranges from the market today because they were very cheap

2 Ryan
ffi 3 Rhona
4 Where
early on Sunday morning because he was tired and wanted to sleep.
her sandwiches because she wasn't hungry
you on your bike on Sunday?
5We lots of interesting people at the party on Friday
6 Hannah a lot of milk when she was a child.
7 Sergio's really kind. He breakfast for everyone in the house yesterday
8 But he the washing-up. Everyone else did that after breakfast

fl Wtitu four sentences using the past simple form of some of the verbs in exercises 1 and 2


*§tudentt Bbok, page 3ü
Il neaa the first two questions and possible
arrswers for the listening exam task.
3 (,f o+ r,isten to Abi talking to her friend
Ingmar about a cooking holiday and choose
Lfnderline any key'words tl-at yorr think the correct answers (4, B or C).
you will hear.
1 Abi spent a week in

Listen to Abi talking to her friend A Lyon.

Ingmar about a cooking holiday and B a village.
choose the correct answers. C a school.
1 Abi spent a week in 2 The teacher(s) on the course was/were a
A Lyon. A young woman.
B a village. B woman and her father.
C a school. C chef.
2 The teacher(s) on the course was/were a 3 There weren't any lessons about
A young woman. A making biscuits.
B woman and her father. B baking bread.
C chef. C baking cakes.
4 In total there were
A three students.
3 Choose the best words to complete a
student's notes for the questions in
B four students.
Exercise 1.
1 Ingmar / Abi ... a week ... where / when?
C five students.
5 Abi's favourlte thing was E
A making friends.
2 Teacher / Student: why / who? ¡
B learning to cook.

E Read the rest of the questions and possible

answers in Exercise 4. Underline any key
C eating the food.

words and write short notes predicting

what you will hear.


SPEAKING I n t"*i"*
* Studentt Book, page 32

m Write
questions using the prompts.
What / favourite food?
3 Complete the answers to the questions in
Exercise 1 foryou.
1 .N{yfavourite food is
2 What / Like / breakfast? 2 For breakfast, I like
3 Ihad
3 What / have / dinner / last night? 4 I eat fast food about
5 I prefer because
4 How often / eat / fast food?
6 usually cooks in
my family.
5 Which / prefer / pizzas or burgers?

6 Wtro / cook / your family? 3 Practise saying your answers. Be careful

your pronunciation.


I I-

11,'i:¿l's fr¡ ¿:lir¡re¡?
I *Student! Boo[ page 33

It Choose the type of word that is missing from the sentences. For each sentence circle the
correct word.
1 We ate a lot of French food holiday last year.
conjunction preposition pronoun
2 The woman we stayed with had a big kitchen.
cooked for us every da¡z
conjunction preposition pronoun
3 I didn't eat the steak I'm vegetarian. I don't eat meat
conjunction preposition pronoun
4 We baked a large cake ate it wirh a cup of tea. jtit
conjunction preposition pronoun
5 I told the waiter that there was a fly my soup.
conjunction preposition pronoun
6 I wanted to have dessert, I was full. &
conjunction preposition pronoun

E Complete the sentences in Exercise I with the correct words.

E Write one u/ord in each gap to complete the email.


From: Paul

To: Joanna

Hi Joanna,
Last week, there was a big food festival (1) the city square. lt happens every year t
(2) it
great fun
It was really small when (3) started 10 years ago, (4) now it,s really popular.
There are lotsof big tents (5) differen{ types óf food. Th¡s year, rny favourite wás ttie
cheese tent (6) there were over 200 difféient cheeses you éould try for free!
Lots of restaurants also had small tents where you could go to have lunch or diñner. (7)
the first night, we (8)
to a Turkish restaurani tent. The chefs were from'lstanbul and
(e) cooked amazing food. lt (10) the best food I ate at the festival
I know you really love trying new dishes so I hope you can come to the festival next year
;ln -
See you soon,


, .+:l[ d

$É.a11 l
'r!{¡tld[ nli


ul of

3 *35tudent's Booh pages 34-35
Read the note from your dad
ffi neaa the exam task and the
student plans. Which Plan,
A or B, is the best one for
the exam task?

Write your note in an appropriate style. Write 25-35 words

Hfliliffi Idea Useful words Useful language

Question 1 salad yes/no Yes, Ican./No, Ican't.
Question 2 food meat, potatoes, sauces I want
Question 3 invite friends I want to invite

til'l Idea Useful words Useful language

salad verbs: make, prepare Yes, I'11 ...
Question 1
foods: tomatoes, onions, lettuce
Question 2 food meat: steak, burgers, chicken I d really like
other: potatoes, vegetables and tomato sauce
Question 3 invite friends, classmates, cousins Id like to ask/invite

Itr Co*plete the example tli Dad,

answer with words from
the plan. More than one
Yas, 1'll 0
aaá oñut. I'J (2)
l*' {qvotÁle salal wi}l¡ la*taloas, lal*uc,a
li4o savta cLti¿-Von aqá Tolaloes,
answer may be possible. (z) lbrao f¡ionás) ?loaeo. 7s lÁal oK"
Tloaso. r'¿ l;Lo +o T-t

§! f,oot< at this writing task and complete the notes (1-10) with your own ideas.

Read the note from Your friend, Owen

I [sst the inv[tatian to yaur birtkdal áinner tomorrow. Where did gou decíde to go?
What tgpe do theg have? What time are we meeting?
:l "f frrd

About Useful words Useful language

Question I (l where
to ao Place: Mario's Café r (4) to Bo to ... because
Location: behind / (2) (5)

Question 2 food Tlpe of food: (6) Theyhave (7)

The (8) are really good!

Question 3 (e) When: afternoon/evening We're meeting at (10)

ffi writ" your note in an appropriate style. write 25-35 u/ords.

c! Y
tift !{Jhat's {'*r di*¡re¡? 3

ilLif¡i{ltitjü$Pf8L1ii,,$*lf ii'iri

PR*ffiffiffiSS ffi§4 ffitrffi

II1I Complete the sentences and questions with the

past simple form of the verbs in the box.

bake I buy I decide I eat I go I lnvite I lookl meet

2W take lthink
/ke 3 1 We _ a cake in our cookery class
this afternoon.
4A 2 Annie to go to the new restaurant on
Church Road for dinner.
5 3 Where you _ that honey
from? It's clelicious.
6 4 They at the menu for a long time before
they ordered.
7 5 Who you
-- at the café
this afternoon?
8 6 We =- to the café today because it
was closed.
9 7 I'm really hungry I =*.- anvthing for
breakfast this morning.
10 8 Where's our food? The waiter our order
45 minutes ago.
9 What you about the meal
we had iast night?
10 My sister =*- about 20 people to her
birthday party at the pizza restaurant.

!r -
Cumulative progress '§ 23
,i oKZ
fl rr"it"

December 2010, 12-year-old

"-.'- --,rnson (2) very excited
, : '.: Christmas. He asked his dad for a
* . :. ¿ phone and a laptop. But his dad dldn't
him. He didn't think
needed all those things
--: - ::e u,anted Alec to understand this.
---: ¿nd his family iived in San Diego,
, =--:¡rnia. Lots of homeless people live on
:-= s:r.eets there. Michaei wanted Alec to
; _ something good. So, one
::liay morning, the family (6) _
.:: and cheese snacks in their kitchen.
l,:e of Alec's friends, Luke, also came round
:: help. (7) , they went into the
:-n- centre to give them to poor people.
lhe snacks were very popular and Alec and
dt 8) friend enjoyed helping other
:eople. They decided to do it every Sunday and they soon became known as the Burrif o Boys. Soon, more
nf theirfriendsjoinedthem.Theystartedagroup called,Hunger2%elp,KidsTakingAction,and.theygo
(e) every Sunday and give clothes, water and hot food to poor people who need help.
' The Burrito
Boys look (10) us. I'm really happy they are here to help. And I think it's great that
]'oung people really care about us,'says BiIl, a local homeless man.


n your way

*Studentt Book, pages 36-37

f,l neaa the article about activi§ holidays. Match each description (L-3) to a photo (A, B, C)

ffi neaa the article again and choose T (True) or F (False).

1 Declan travelled to Nootka Island 3 Sophie could surf before she went to surfing school. T/F
by boat. T/ F 4 The locai peopie made a special meal for Polly and ,l
2 Sophie ate every day on the beach. T / F the other tourists. T/F

Would you l¡ke to go on an activity holiday? Here are some great ideas.

:" :#
&,"4 t{#

f Hiking in Canada


2 Surfing in Cornwa!!


3 Helping to build footpaths in Slovenia

f¿-:.:'üe signs and notices A*H and decide which tell you to do something (/) and which tell you
lil - l :,r do something (X).

tit 1í

+i li,il

Please pay
*ncal beftore you /eare.
Please Ss ts r*üept§apn
when y$L§ *n'$we. ANIMALS!

Help lookii'l
Iil Cle-an +he boará
a a+ *ha'"-nÁ *{ after the

*hs le-ssc¡n.



Lights out
walk to the top
without a guidel
at 10pm
rE Which notice (A-H) in Exercise 2 says this
(1-5)? There are three you
extra letters do
ffi Match the highlighted words in the article
and notices to definitions (1-6).
not need. 1 a trip from one place to another
1 Please don't go without doing this. _ 2 small roads that you walk on
2 You can't go here without help. _ 3 someone who shows interesting
3 Eirst of all, you should go here. _ places to visitors and tourists
4 Help look after the animals and plants by 4 a place outside towns and cities
walking here. _ 5 the place where you take a plane
5 Please go to sleep at this time. _ 6 people who are on holiday

4 4Studentt Book, page 38 .& Gramrnar reférence, Unit 4, Student's Book, page 153

ffi Co*plete the sentences using the correct past continuous form of the verbs in brackets
1 At 9am we (sit) in a taxi on our way to the airport
2 Aman (sell) drinks outside the station.
3 What you (do) Iast night when I Phoned You?
4It (rain), but we didn't get wet because we were wearing jackets and boots.
5 Where you (walk) to when I saw you YesterdaY?
6 No, they (not talk) about this year's hoiida¡r
7 The people on the Plane (get) bored while they were waiting for the plane to leave
you (make) the cake when I cailed yesterday morning?

ffi Co*plete the text with the words in the box. You wiII use two of the words twice.

Last year. (1) w€ were on
hoiiday in Macedonia, we found this -
arnazing café. It's in a tiny village called
TYpejca, which is on the side of a hill rtrll, li,;
ilr;$t' fi
above Lake Ohrid. The café is next to
the beach, so you can sit at small tables
outside in the sun just a few metres ftom
the lake. {2) ...."...---.--..- when it's raining,
you can sit inside. It's reaily popular with :._ '
touris.ts. (3) _ Iocal people
(4) the food is delicious and
the }ocation is Perfect. (5) we
were waiting for our food, we took photos
of the lake and of the pretty village. Last
time, r¡¡e both had coffee and cake.
I want to go there again next Year
(6) ._=*.-.-- I reallY loved the Place.
I want to try the local fish next time!
'. .

4 + Student3 8ook, page 39 iF Vocabulary raference, Studentb Book, page 64

ffi neua the sentences and complete the crossword with the missing words'

1 There is always more on the motorwaY

at the start of the holidaYs. 2

3 They are building a new to take people

and bicycles over the river.
2 All the vehicles go in a circle at the
4 Hurry up! I don't want to the train.
There isn't another one todaY.
5 You can catch a train to Madrid from the 6
6 There was a long on the motorwaY
because of the snow


T 3 Complete the sentences with the words in

the box.
boat I guide llicence lmachine I news ] park
Choose the best word to complete
each sentence.
The plane _ off 45 minutes late.
ride I station a) turned took
b) c) picked
2 The taxi picked us _ from our hotel at 5:45 am.
I You have to be L7 in the UK to get a a) off b) around c) up
3 N,Iark and Rosie turned _ the main road and
2 I left the house early because the traffic stayed the night in a beautiful old village.
said there were long delays.
a) on b) in c) off
3 We need to stop at a petrol _ soon.
4 We v¿anted to miss the traffic so we _ off early.
1 The tour told us all about the
a) came b) set c) went
history of the castle.
5 It costs a lot of money to take a helicopter
5 They went _ the café and had coffee and cake.
over London. a) on b) out c) in
6 It is usuaily quicker to buy one from the 6 You can't_ in yet, I'm not ready
ticket a) come b) went c) picked
7 The car _ was fuil this morning.
8 We got on a sailing and went to lots
of little islands.

I .= * Student's 8oo( page 4i * Grammar reference, Unit 4, Student's Book, page 154
I Co-plete the story with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

It (1) (haPpen) My friend Nick and I

(2) (stay) in Prag to visit some old
the town of Jidín. At the bus station the next morn e Nick (3)
(buy) some food and water, I (4) (ask)the woman
(tell) me to
information desk which bus stoP we needed. She (5)
run to stop number 10.The bus (6)
l(7) (find) Nick and we got on the bus. Two hours later, we arrived'
We looked at the map to find MasarYk Street.
we (8) (walk)
number-- 23. But the maP wasn't very (get) lost. After
through the town, we (9)
(10) (find)
Masaryk Street and rang number 23.
A woman answered the door.
We asked her about our friends.
'Are you sure they live in Détín?'
she asked.
'Détín? Not Jitín?'
We were in the wrong townl


é§tudentt Book, page 4o

fl *»* Listen to a tour guide speaking about El (}))* Listen again and choose the correct
a bus tour and write one word in each gap. numbers.
1 The tour guide's name is 1 The tours are 4 hours 15 minutes / 4 hours
2 The bus driver is called 50 minutes.
3 They will visit the summer home of the 2 They started building the Pavilion in 1787 / t877
Prince 3 They finished building it in 1892 / t822.
4 In the afternoon, they'Il go shopping
in 4 The i360 is 1-L6 / 162 metres high. Ert

El *l)* Listen again and complete the information urith a word, time or number. t
ffi Brighton Tout
'^ "ahton
Tour naYne ts: Órt t
Past anl (l)

Starts: ll:30 atn

Fínishes: (Z)
Tour includes vtsits to:

The RoYaÍ Pavilion

rnetres lonll
fhepier * ttb $)
Lunch is on the Píer at
Ther, arter hrch there is time for

"*Student5 Book, page 42

ün Look at the information opposite. Match

statements 1-5 to questions (a-g). There are West Beoch Woter Pork
two questions you do not need.
1 Four children's swimming pools and one
a) Is it open in Aprii? adult swimming pool
b) Where can I eat at the water park? 2 Open from May to September
c) What time does it open? 3 Outdoor café and large family restaurant
d) How can I get there? with over 200 seats
e) How many pools are there? 4 Entrance f 1 5 for adults, f 10 for under-lós
f) Where is the water park? 5 Free bus from city centre every hour
g) How much does it cost for children?

T E Put the words in the correct order to make phrases asking someone to repeat
1 Is there a pool just for adults?
that / could / again? / Please / say / you
3 How often do the buses go to the water park?
sorry. / I'm / repeat / you /that? / Could

2 The water park is open from J\{ay until September. 4 It costs 115 for adults.
say / Did / IVIay? / you / from / Pardon? say/you /Did/1.50?

/ L877
*Studentls Sook, page 43

II lFrite one sentence using the linking words in brackets.

Example: I love travelling. I really like being at home too. (and)

1 I realIy enjoy going to the beach. I don't like swimming in the sea. (but)

2 You should check you have your passport. Then you go to the airport. (before)

3 My brother can't come with us on holiday this year. He is studying for his exams. (because)

{ We went sightseeing. It got dark then we had dinner. (until)

5 We were driving through the countryside. The car suddenly stopped. (when)

E Choose the best word to complete each sentence.
1 In April 2OL6, tO students from Edinburgh 3 They skied across ice and _ in very cold
in Scotland began a 100km _ to the weather for 10 days.
North PoIe. a) snow b) fog c) cloud
a) tour b) holiday c) journey 4 During their trip, they tasted traditional _
2 Before they left, they _ lots of exercise to prepared by the local Inuit people.
prepare their bodies for the adventure. a) dinners dishes
b) c) cooks
a) made b) did c) went 5 After 10 days, they _ at the North Pole excited
and very tired.
a) found b) finished c) arrived





!e ffi

nt B


& *§Studentt Book, Pages 44-45
ffi neaa the exam task and student answers A and B.
Then complete the checklist for,4. and B.

Read this postcard from your friend, Julio.

ffi I went to lbiza o, ho/i/a4'

We went b7 We
Plane few
lt wasn't verT
fron rvadrid.
long. I don't like aerolla'es'


I ui,l,l,, I E
iiiffi I I went to l",lt¡{orcs. lt's I
I awreGru[ ts[álul,t
mu,1. l.Uef[e* I
I to AtÁrc anltlu too{ I
I a 6oat to tle ist¡u{ I
I Buaree tle su was
I'm on hol\daY in Lhe TYreneee wun mlc[un I cou[.{ I
\,Ne arriveáyesherdaY. We flew
I swim every day. I
LoGirona,lhen f,ook a Lrain, a I Lula I
bae and ataxi.Where didYou I I
qo on holidaY Nhis a¿mmer? L IIII IIII J
How dtdYou gelthere?
áow lonq did tttake? A B

Julio Are al1 the questions answered clearly?

Is it easy to understand what the writer means?
Does the postcard start and end in a good way?
Write a postcard to Julio and answer the
questions. Does the writer use interesting words and
Write 25-35 words. Does the writer use linking words?

ffi Read the example

answer. There
are five mistakes. l{i Julio,
Correct them. I vrlonl'in'''Lancun. \Ne- w*ro
qoinq l\ero by plano. fhe
fl, lor fivu LLus. wu ru-+,1
s{ayoá in a biq Aolol nexl
lioi buoc| onÍ aal fisA
avat;¡,áay.,l Iov¿J il.
Kir-aráo 'l

ffi writ" your postcard in answer to Julio's ffi Xo* check your postcard using the
postcard in an appropriate style. Write checklist belou¡.
25-35 words.
H:];",:lr:;#ffi iTil"","'I


I PROG R§SS ffi§4ffiffiK

II lfatch to make sentences.
l- : - -.:: neet you at the railway a) ride over the mountains.
I : -r_.¿r breakfast, our tour b) star.ion at 10:30 in the morning.
l -:-: plane took c) lights turned green, we started moving.
,r :r¿l the traffic d) guide showed us around the city.

IL l -:-:,r'e r,rras a large sailing

i ll-:re rvas a lot of traffic, so they decided to turn
e) off the motorway and take a different road,
f) off over lwo hours late.
: -- ieally enjoyed the helicopter g) off on our holiday.
i l:'¡-as snowing, so we couldn't set h) boat on the river.

3 I
Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. went and sat down when it startecl raining.
I a) inside - b) outside c) above
I l ,il 8:30 last night, we _ along the beach.
I a) \i-dlked b) were rvalkect c) were waiking
I l '.'.hile
we were driving to the airport, Jack his passport.
a) found b) was finding
- c) finds
I * The restaurant is on the top floor. a hotei.
J a) in front of b) above
- c) next
5 -ne bircls we woke up.
a) sang -when b) singing c) were singing
6 The café \\,as _ the north of the city.
a) on b) in c) at
7 The beach is very the hotel. You can walk there in fwo minutes
a) far - b) close c) near
8 Do you knowVictoria Park? We went yesterdaSr
a) there --
b) somewhere c) their

Cumulativeprogress t #§ q

A E Write one word in each gap to complete the text.

'-. -t )

Do you know any stra tou attra ons? Last wee asked
re aders esti on vou rite reply was r0m
fro m tvl

'Last summer, my family and I were holiday in the

USA. We flew to Boston to visit my
staying there, I (3) to a really strange museum. One
afternoon, I (4) walking back to my cousin's house when
I saw a poster for the lVuseum of Bad Art. There was a funny picture of a
dog on the poster. The museum is quite difficult to find because it's below
]y? atheatreanditopens(5)-thesametimeasthetheatre.
But it was (6) my cousins' hcuse so I decided to go. When I

g0t -
an hour some really awful and funny pictures
tses ? of animals, people
every plcture was rm paínted itl


hnology tal

*Student's Boo( pages 48-49
It L
Read the short text aboutYouThbe and choose the correct sentences, A or B.
A The writer only watches videos that are less than three minutes long.
B A few of the videos the writer watches are more than three minutes long.
2 A The writer doesn't watch videos that are more than five minutes iong. t
B Some of the videos the writer watches are more than five minutes long. -
3 A They didn't speak in the first YouTirbe video.
B A man spoke a Iittle in the first YouTübe video.
4 A N,fore peopie use YouTübe than any other website.
B There are only two more popular websites than YouTube. b

T H E B E t7 I N N I N G S o F Y o U

How often do you watch videos ¡

online? Every day, people watch
nearly five billion videos. When .@:
l'm bored, I often turn on my
laptop and watch a YouTube
video. I usually watch short funny
videos that last for two or three
minutes. I never watch anything
longer than five minutes.
The first YouTube video went
online on 23 April 2005. lt was
only 18 seconds long and
showed a man standing in front
of some elephants at the zoo. He tr:.
didn't say much and most people
didn't think it was very interesting.
But it gave people a new way of
looking at the world. And now
YouTube is the third most popular
website in the world.

rc qjni!f,ftif,the$¡deatlsrlef
Read the paragraph of the article on page 37.
e.saJf-(trrEJ ",ty,i orayFr€Í "
1 The most popular YouTube videos are ail by pop stars.
2 People watch 300 hours of videos on YouTube every minute.


E Read the article about a popular YouTtrbe video. Are sentences 1*7
If there is not enough information to answer'Right' (A) or ''Wrong'
'Right' (A) or '\Mrong' (B) ?
(B), choose'Doesn't say' (C)

r ¡r¡r¡r t¡t¡t¡ ¡l¡ttl tttt¡! !

I I rtttlt ¡¡tttt tlattt tttll¡ t

t -..
- tc .= ۤGr+&+
-..! a* áú ú&
+ *G4S É
d *#

+ 4a ó
s t4 *
Th" most popular videos on videos is because they are funny
t :
- 3 *e
i*r;i I 6á ú d+ ú
*á * ¡ I websites like YouTube are often or strange. Lots of people thought
a aa * t music videos. But sometimes, Friday was both. Some people
t i iii!
l *a a ñ
a ta a I
a more unusual videos can 'trend'or thought the video was terrible,
I itaeaaatlaaataraa
. ir"r!
aa aa a
a a !!"rI"'
ta *l
ú .
la aa
become very popular for a short
time. But with 3Ó0 hours of video put
some didn't like the song, and some
thought Rebecca couldn't sing. One
I x. a, .. aa ..aa ,a , rü.a.r
*a aa
ar.. I on YouTube every minute, how does famous comedian said it was the
t ¡ a video become popular? worst video ever.
ln February 2A11 , a 13-year-old But a lot of other people loved it and
t ¡ American student, Rebecca Black, made their own funny videos with
a a uploaded a video to YouTube of
her singing a song called Friday. To
songs about every other day of the
week, which they put on YouTube as
t t begin with, the video wasn't very well. Soon millions of people were
popular and only 1,000 people chatting and watching videos about
a ¡ watched it in the first month. But on it online. Finally, pop stars like Katy
¡ I 11th March, something changed, Perry and Justin Bieber were singing
and suddenly miliions of people were her song at their concerts, and
a a watching it. But what happened? Rebecca was in newspaper articles
a ¡ Videos become popular after people
and on TV programmes all over the
world. All because people thought a
a T share them on social networking
sites. The main reason p"opl. iur.
pop video was funny.

L Friday was the first video Rebecca Black uploaded 5 N{ost people liked Rebecca's song and video.
to YouTübe. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say 6 Over lwo million people made videos about
2 Rebecca's video became famous on YouTtrbe Rebecca's song and video.
immediately after she uploaded it. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say 7 Rebecca is still famous today
3 After a month, her video was very popular. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
4 The writer thinks most people share videos
because they are funny or strange.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say

G Find words in the texts which match these definitions.

Text 1, page 36
1 a film people often watch on a computer
2 a small computer you can carry around
Text 2, page 37
3 places on the internet with information about particular subjects (paragraph 1)

4 sent a file or song from your computer to a website (paragraph 2)

5 to put something on social media for others to see (paragraph 3)
6 having a conversation with someone online (paragraph 4)

s E
il 6 Student's Book, page 5ü * Grammar reference, Unit 5, Student's Boo( page 1 54

m L
Choose the correct words.
There were some / any people at the station waiting for the train.
2 A few / Much people were checking their phones on the bus.
3 How many / much did your new laptop cost?
4 A lot of / Many my frlends iisten to music online.
5 There aren't a few / many computer games that I like.
6 Do you know if rnany / much people read newspapers?
7 Sheena took any / afew photos ofBarcelona at the weekend.
8 I haven't got much / any'likes'for my last YouTube video yet.
ffi Look at the table about how teenagers use their phones.
Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence. t
Amy Chung Petra
Emails sent 0 2 5

Photos shared L2 2t
Messages received 15 32 97
Songs streamed 9 L5 4
Apps downloaded 1 0 3

Time online 1.5 hours 6.4 hours 7.8 hours

I Chung shared _ photos with his friends. 5 Amy spent _ time online.
a) a little lots
b) c) a lot of a) many b) a little c) any
2 Petra downloaded _ apps. 6 Chung sent _ emails.
a) many b) a few c) a little a) a few b) a little c) many
3 Amy didn't send _ emails. 7 Petra didn't stream _ songs
a) many b) any c) some a) any b) a few c) many
4 Petra received _ messages. 8 Amy shared _ photos.
a) a lot of b) some c) much a) some b) much c) a little

s 51
4Student's Boo( page &Vccabulary reference, Student's Boolq page 165

ffi Complete the words in the sentences. The first letter is there to help you.
L Jack's k _rvas broken. He couldn't type any words \¡¡ithY or E in them.
2 I only use the p for plane tickets.
3 Natalia prefers to use a I to do her work because she can take it everywhere she goes
4 You can use the m _ __ _ to ciick on the window you want to open
5 fuIike spends too much time looking at his computer s He needs to take more breaks
6 I don't d __ __ many songs these days. I usually just s them when I'm online.
7 What s do you use to improve photos and videos?
8 Theg on the new game I bought are amazing. They look almost real.

ffi Decide which word does not go with the first word
1 player - CD / X{P3 / DVD / mobile 3 phone - mobile / DVD / cell / camera
2 web - address / page / file / site 4 computer - file / site / software / personal


I :'§,,:'*'en'1ence*"ff
J a) start u¡ ao*rrtoaa c) watch 5
r:::1:ff xT:1r."**,.,":;;:
Do you prefer ro buy sor-tware rrom a shop or
I aurro,, -
I trr" árr."z a) download b) make c) take
-aphotoofmeinfrontof 6 Can ybu wait while I
I ,l *uL" b) take c) open Ricky a text message
I about tonight?
a) send b) take c) make
-- v
*§tudent's 8sok, paEe 53 *Grammar reference, Unit 5. Studentt Boolí page

§ I Co*plete the sentences using the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1 My new laptop is much 5 Everyone says this is
(fast) than my old one. (easy) messaging app to use.
2 This is one of (sood) 6 There are so many
t blogs I know (interesting) blogs to read than that one
3 I usually spend a lot 7 It',s (expensive) mobile
(long) online than my parents do. phone you can buy
I Their new website Iooks 8 Rock music is (popular)
(attractive) than their last one t}:Lan jazz music.

El f,ooa at the information about different tablets. Then write sentences using the prompts and the
comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
Saphora X2 W'ave 4.1 Kiwi 7
Screen size 19 cm 22cm 27 cm
IIow heavy? 650 g 465g 675g
Price t150 f.L29 t179
IIow popular? 355,000 sold 1.2 million sold 856,000 sold

Example: Saphora X2 / Kiwi 7 (small) 5 Saphora XZ / Kiwi 7 (light)

The Saohora X2 ís smailer than the K¡w¡
1 Wave 4.1 (cheap) 6 Kiwi 7 (expensive)

2 Kiwi 7 / Saphora X2 (popular) 7 Wave 4.I / Saphora X2 (big)

3 Saphora X2 /Wave 4.1 (heavy)

4 Wave 4.1 (popular)

+ Student's Book, page 52

ffi1 Read the conversation. Match the underlined sentences (a-d) to when they are talking about.
the 2 the present _ _ 3 the future
Kate: I'm so sorry I know it's really important and a) I'm an hour late.
Mike: What happened?
Kate: b) We arrived in London at 4:45 this afternoon. And the calendar on my phone said the
party was at 8pm, so c) we went shopping first to buy a present. d) But my calendar is using
l,{adrid time. Look!
Mike: I see. well, please come in. we sang Happy Birthday and gave Sally the cake at 7, but E
e) the party isn't finishing unti] 10pm
3 Who found the boy's phone? -
GI (»* You will hear people talking in five
different situations. For questions 1-5, I
choose the right answer (A, B or C).
1 What time was the party?

,; I
3 9
I 1
3 4 Wfiere do they thinkAlex left his laptop? =l E
8 4 8 4
7 5 7 6 5

2 Where did the woman drive to?

ffi E
5 Which photo won the competition?


I Student's Book, page 54

f| co*plete the sentences urith the words in the box. :T
better I cheapest I faster I interesting I lighter I most boring I worse
1 I take photos with my new camera. The pictures are much from this camera!
2 I prefer using a tablet. It's and than a laptop.
3 I'm going to the cinema. I hope the film is more than the one I saw last week.
4 I bought a new printer last month. It was the one in the shop.
5 W'e usually play football. I'm not good but my brother's than me!
6 I went to a match. It was the match I've ever seen. I went home earlv.

! ff so* match the answers in Exercise 1to
questions below.
the fl Write your answers to the questions
in Exercise 2. Use a comparative or
superlative form in each answer.

Hl xl:1"#"':il'"1ffi::ff:lL u. * t

h.r;;you prefer using, a raptop or a tabret? 3

IFou, oro vou .,o on )arurcayr 4

E*., are you doing on Friday evening? 5

E*" do you like doing in your tree trme/ 6

*Studentt Soslq paqe 55

fl ltut.r, the correct person or thing (a-f) to the pronouns (1-6)

tr hrs 2 them _ 3 it_ 4us 5 she 6 her_

a) this song b) you and me c) the police d) Andra e) Monica's f) Anton's

EI Match the best reply (a-f) to the questions and sentences (1-6).
Is this vour phone? a) What was it called?
2 I saw a great film last night. b) Every day.
3 Can you call Monica back? c) The smailer one.
4 How often do you check your emails? d) I think it's A1ison's.
5 Which do you think is better? - e) Yes, it's one of my favourites too.
6 I really like this song. f) I haven't got her phone number.

El neaa the questions (1-5) and possible answers (A-C).Match each situation to the photos (a-e),
then choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the conversations.
1 It's late. Who are you chatting to?
A Some people from school.
B It's time to go.
C I've got a new tablet.
to Adam, please?
A I can speak to him.
a) b) B One moment, piease.

I 3
C They aren't here at the moment.
Where is your mum picking us up after the film?
A OnWednesday.
B In front of the supermarket.
a C In about 15 minutes.
4 Can you send me an email about it?
A I'I1 do it after the meeting.
c) d)
B I don't want to talk about it.
C This isn't very important.
5 How much is this phone?
A I prefer the other one.
B There are five of them left.
C It's half price this week.



5 L )

*Studentt Boo( pages 56*57

I neaa the texts A and B. Match the underlined
sentences to the notes (L-6) that have the
tm Read the notice and the email. FiII in the
information in Zoe's notes, below.
same meaning.

tlffi Fffiffihffiffi#ffi

$ ffi
Conne and' join :th* :§'igitál, ¡
' .:elüb and,tearn while havjng,fun. :

al Mqetinas on Tuesday and Thursd

bl Nsw members welcpma every Tueqday.
cl CallFr¿ncis o¡ Ü210
more in{ormalg&

Hi Zoe,
The screen isn't working on Dad's laptop. :
I need to take it to Quick RePair.
ffi H¡W¡II, ...

I know you really enjoy taking photos. lr,

The shop is close to the post office. l'm
going to go tomorrow. Can you come with
me? They close at half past five in the
Would you like to be a better
afternoon. Can you meet me there after
photographer? We could join the Digital
Photography Club together. d) I've got
lunch? I
rugby club on Tuesday from two in the We need to remember to bring the
afternoon, but e) l'm free after half past advertisement with us. lt's 10% cheaperl
sx so I think fl I can get there in time. Rachel
We could meet in the café opposite at ten
to seven.
Closes at (1) pi:
Not open at (2)
1 He isn't doing anything from 6:30 pm. Phone (3) on 0421 10431
2 Phone in the evening for details. - W'here is it? near (4)
3 The club meets two evenings a week. Take (5)
4 Rugby club is on Tlresday at2Pm. -
5 He can arrive in time. ffi uo- check your notes using the checklist
6 Tuesdays are for new PeoPle. below. Then change any answers you think
are wrong.
neaaWi['s notes. Choose the correct answers. I've read both texts carefully
I've looked carefully at prepositions and
lVleetings on (1) 7pm / T\resdays and Thursdays
decided what they mean.
Newpeople callgo (2) Tuesdarys / Thursdays
I've read the notes carefully so I know x-:¿:
For more details phone in the (3) afternoon / evening
information I need to look for.
Tom is busy until (a) 6:30 pm / 7:00 pm
I've checked my spelling and use of
MeetTom at (5) 6:50 pm / 7:OO pm in the café capital letters.



[ the best ansu¡er to compiete each sentence. Choose the correct urords.
the 1 --jd left the roombecause he needed to a phone call. 1 How much / many texts do you
a¡ :lake b) give c) open- receive every day?
I lJ,:io downioaded some new to edit photos. 2 Ned doesn't usually send any / some
emails when he's at school.
a) -. reens b) file - c) software
j J.=.-e the file on vour desktop.
3 This is bigger / the biggest screen in
the shop.
a¡:ake - b) start c) open
4 The new computer was a Iot fast /
.[ Prease turn off your phones when you're in the exam. faster than the old one.
a) mobile b) tablet
- c) MP3 5 Olivia hasn't got a few / much money
i ,[an ].ou my photo in front of the bridge? left after she bought her new phone.
/ a) make - b) take c) do 6 These digital cameras are cheap /
i l_iere are lots of good websites that let you _ music. cheaper than they were rwo years ago.
al upen b) blog c) stream 7 It was the most / more expensive
i T;rn on the _ player and we can watch the film.
printer in the shop.

a) -\1P3 b) DVD c) CD
8 There aren't many / any students
without smartphones, but there are
S Chris often conversations with people he meets in a few
:he street.
a) sends b) opens c) starts
9 The in the new driving game are very real.istic.
a) graphics
- b) screens c) files
trO Can you me a text when you leave the par§?
a) make
- b) give c) send

I Cumulativeprogress 1 3 B 4 s {H # E,#, ,:H'$.:""$#

A trulg Errnnected world
I: your parents ever ask you where you are going when you go
1 _ ? Do they sometimes ask you to go to the shops because
-:re isn't (2) _ milk, bread or eggs? Are they ever angry because
, - r forget to turn something otf? Yes? Soon, all these problems will
:: over when we start using the internet for these things"
--ese days, (3) _ of the things that we buy and use can be
::rnected to the internet. First, there were smaftphones and smaft
-,,'s, Recently, the heating, the lights and windows in a home have
= been able to be connected to the internet. And now, you can buy a fridge that automatically (4) _ photos of
=,,'erything inside it whenever you close it and sends this photo to your smartphone. But that's not all.
:',ery yeár, millions more things are becoming connected (5) _the internet. N/edicine boxes that tell you when to
.ake your medicine and (6) _a message to your doctor when you don't, and cars that tell our homes when we are
tist Setting (7) _ home, so they can turn on the heating or prepare a hot bath for us.
hink '!ow parents can connect their children to the internet. There are a number of different smart watches for children that
:an (8) _
their locations to their parents' mobile phones. But how popular will this new technology be with children
ard teenagers?

1 B out C off 5 Aon B with Cto

rhat 2 B some C any 6 A give B senrl C start
3 B many C little 7 A back Bin Cto
4 B makes C does I A take B screen C send
een as h¡on

+St§deñt3 8oo( pages 58-59

IT your
Decide if the sentences are T (T?ue) or F (False). Then read the article quickly to check
1 Black makes you look like the boss. T / F 4 Happy people wear yellow T/F
2 Blue is a negative colour. T/F 5 Successful people wear orange. T/F
3 Blue sports teams win more games. T / F 6 You always remember people who wear grey. T / F

G Read the article about the different colours we wear. For questions L-8, choose the best word
(4, B or C) for each space.
l Aat B after C about 5 A then B than Cas
2 A think B thinking C thought 6 Aon B for C with
3 ADo BIs C Are 7 A didn't B doesn't C don't
4 A like Bgo C want 8 Afor B like Cto

G Match the highlighted words in the text to pictures (1-6).

1 2


3 4

5 6

Tee* fasl-lian

=a -.*.



:, :.::rÍti¡,t,.

iJ¿ T/F


[Iave yCIu ever thcught (1) -----* the colour of of energy. Did you know that sports teams
lhe clothe§ ]lour friends choose to buy? tffhat inrred,w-in more games (5) teams in
Úc you (2) , the eolours yCIu wear say other colours?
about you? -
Whai:about yellow ánd oiange?
6; ':'r , 3¡oulikewearingblack? Well, we think people in i'elloü
Then yCIu are pr.obabl an ;:;, rrrB Seneratly happier" W-hy,.,
"all or, nothing' person. You notiput {6} an orange','
either work ver,y hard on r T-shirt or skirt for a party.
something or not at all. We r¡suall¡r think people
0ther people wlll,think 'r, in orange,have lot* of
you are strong and you positive energy.
will lock like the boss! So, what colours
Perhaps you like (7) You want to
weaf? Peoplewonlt ,
+r, if.yclr are a,boy, a r
rernemher yzu,,if r ,. '
suit. Bh¡*ri§ a positive :
you wear grey. If you
cclcun Feople will have a favourite grey
think you are clever sweater or dress, wear
and honest. But if something that is bright
you (4) to be and colourfql with it tíke
st¡ccessful, It a necklace tlr a scarf.
isn't necessary for you ,.ffi.
But remember, tthatever
to $rear all red, iust sümÉ you wear, clothes are
red tie will help people think ffD , thecgverofahook,
Perhaps they look nice, but it's
you are attractive and have lots
what is inside thatrs importa,nt.

with. ever
* Student'r 8ook, page 60 & Grammar reference, Unit 6, Studentt Book, page 1 55

fl f.oot at the pictures and complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in
the box.
bring lleave llose I try on lwear ffi

Carly her umbrella
with her. She it
Martin one of his socks at home.
and he doesn't know where it is

vou ever
Brittany all of the _ a suit before?'
dresses in the shop. 'No, I

Gl Co*plete the email with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

To: Itzlanu

Hi tr/anu,
I'm having a great time in New York. There is so much to do and so many great shops.
| (1) (go) shopping every day. I (Q (buy) two new T-shirts,
a skid and some breautiful shoes.
We (3) (visit) some of the most famous places including lVanhattan and the Empire
State Building. I (4) never (see) so many tall buildings
before. We (5) (not go) to Central Park because it (6)
(rain) every day. But it doesn't matter. We have got a few more days here.
(7) you ever (watch) American Football? [Vy uncle T

(8) (give) us some tickets to a game tomorrow. I really don't understand it at all!
See you next week. I (9) (not forget) it's your birthday
and I (10) (find) something I just know you'll love
See you soon,

Choose the correct words.
Efe: Have you ever / never shoPPed in 4 Sue:
London? Mick:
Alin: No. I haven't. I've ever / never been
to London. 5 Fai:
2 Jo: Have you ever / never worn a cap before?
Pete: Yes, I have. I usually wear one when I Vlad:
play tennis.
3 Dev: Do you know where the men's gloves are? 6 Hector:
Kim: No, I don't. I've ever / never been to this
shop before. Paula:

T*r¡'r f¿Ehi*¡-¡

)Student'§ Boofr¡ page 6! *Vocabulary reference, Student's Eool( page 165

2 Every morning, Leanne puts her

Í.ead the definitions and write the correct shoes before she leaves the house
m-,¡rds. The first letter is there to help you.
3 I took the dress to the shop.
ffi llln can use this to pay for something when you
4 Don't forget to pay that scarf before
::-,':ll't gOt CaSh. C c___
tT you leave the shop.
I ñe shop assistant gives you this when you pay
5 Take your shoes in the house.
É .: .:mething. r
6 I never pay with a credit card when I go
: -1- -:.rge shop with iots of different parts.
shopping. I prefer to pay cash.

4 -:--s person spends money in a shop.

I ther word for mone)¿ c _

ffi Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words in the box.
-i-:- : __
r -:- -erge buiiding with many different shops be I catch (x 2) | do I for I go I keep I save
-:-side. s c
- -::e money I got back when I gave the assistant 1 Where can I the bus to the station?

=-::or a magazine that cost €3.50. c 2 I\{um used to let me the change
l -::1s shop sells lots of different food. when I did the shopping,
3 Tom is money to buy some more
¡ -li outside place for people to sell and buy trainers.
--rrngs. m
4 I hate shopplng on Saturdays. It's so
!O This person goes shoppíng. s busy everywhere.
5 Ntlum asked if we could the

E Complete the sentences with the

prepositions in the box. 6
shopping on our way home.
Jenny saw some beautiful shoes sale
in the shopping centre.
back I down I for I in I off I on 7We the last bus home and went
straight to bed.
1 I rvrote the homework for tomorrow
rn my notebook.
8 Have you ever shopping in London?

il *= * Student's 8ook, page 63 *Grammar reference, Unit 6, Student's Book, page 156

II Complete the sentences with the past

simple or present perfect forms of the
ñm Complete the conversation with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.
verbs in brackets. Mitchell: I really like your new T-shirt. Where
1 tr{arie (be)to (1) you
Paris five times. The last time she (get) it?
(buy) me this jacket. Ella: I (2) (buy) it
2 Ella (get) the dress last week at Vintage, the new shop on
Iast year, but she West Street.
(not urear) it very often. Mitchell: I (3) (not be)
allet? 3 Richard there. What's it like?
(go) Ella: It (4) (open)
to the shops this morning? I two weeks ago and it's really cool.
(not hear) from him all day.
thing Mitchell: (5) you
4We (open) the shop (buy) anything
last year. We (sell) else there since then?
Iots of T-shirts.
Ella: No,I haven't.I (6)
5I (see) so many (be) really busy this week with the
people wearing his T-shirts. I think they school magazine and
(get) them at the (7) (not have)
concert last week. much time to go shopping.

#Studentt Book, page 62
fl (,r, Listen to part of a corn¡ersation and §l (»* Listen to Aaron talking to a friend
choose the best answer. about some of his things. For each item,
choose how he got it. There are three extra
When did the speaker get his watch?
letters vou do not need.
A on holiday
Things How?
B after his exams
1 wallet _ A gift from a school friend
C during his exams
2 watch _ B won in a competition
3 jacket C found in the park
ff No* read the conversation and underline
4 scarf - D gift from his grandfather
the words that helped you answer the
question in Exercise 1. 5 boots _ E bought on holiday
F gift after exams
Aaron: There aren't many things that I really
care about. There's my wallet, and also G borrowed from his brother
this watch. Mv parents gave it to me last H bought with his friend
year just before the holidays when I
passed my exams.
Kim: What a cool thing to have.

+ Student§ Book, page 64

fl the question prompts about

r,oot< at ff f,oot at the information about Eastland
Eastland Market. Then put the words in the Market below and urrite complete
sentences to answer the questions
correct order to make questions.
in Exercise 1. E
Eastla nd Market ffiffi
market called?

effi§Tffiffim ffiffiffiffi&T
üper¡r ruunüAy¡r
Eastland Market Bring big bags and a little money!
address? Market
car Park? I
Open six days a week. Every day except lr4onday
From l0:00 am to ó:00 Pm.
Eastland Market
3ó5 George Street
telephone number?
Free car park on Ash Road

Telephone 02778 816455

1 called / is /ttle /What / market ?
or visit the Eastland lv4arket website

2 market / X,{ondays / open / tlne / Is / on ?

3 is / address / the / What ?
4 there / park / Is / car / a?
tr 5
J nrrmhar
rD // +alonlrnna
LsrEPrru / \7[fhrf / +ha 2

T**r: l+siti*n

)student's Boo( page 65

m }tatch the (1-8).
functions (a-h) to the
ffi Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to
complete the conversations.
' r -\,-:

- -:-,: ¡ne is more popular I think. 1 How much is the bigger one?
i - :. -;ery unhappy with the shop assistant. A It's only 810.
L: . : beautiful dress with red flowers on it B It's the right choice.
+ - :: Claire and this is N{artin. C We haven't got it.
¡,:-ar's your name? ) It's a red, white and green scarf.
i -.:: r'ou help me with this, please? A I don't think so.
: l. ¿rt Friday we're having a party at B I'd like a bag.
':: house.
C It's really pretty
- ---t'much does this cost?
3 I don't think this is very good.
i -:e shoe shop is on Queen's Road. A Here's your change.
-: s next to the supermarket.
B I'm very sorry you think that.
i ..:scribing something C You're welcome.
: | :siing for help 4 How do I get to the department store?
i, l::\-1n8 something A It's at the end of this road.
I r -:.itroducing yourself B I'm going tomorrow:
l, :aiking about future plans C Only on Saturdays.
i, .lring directions 5 Can you do something for me?
gl :raking a comparison A I'd like to try it on.
:l::raking a complaint B I'm sorry I forgot.
C Yes, of course.

3 Complete the conversation between a customer arid a shop assistant with sentences A-H.
There are three extra letters you do not need.
Shop assistant: Can I help you with anything? A Can you help me choose a
Customer: (1) _ different one?
Shop assistant: Of course. They are over here. B I'm not happy with the top I bought
iT Customer: (2) _
last week.
C Yes, I'm looking for a top for
Shop assistant: I don't think we have that one here todav
my granddaughter.
= Customer: (3) _ D She's just started secondary school.
ey! Shop assistant: Yes, of course. How old is your granddaughter?
E I think the purple one is nicer.
Customer: (4) _ F I saw one here last week. It had the
Shop assistant: These tops are very popular with teenagers. Eiffel Tower on it.
Customer: (5) _ G How much is the yellow one?
Shop assistant: There's a special discount today. It's only t15. H I don't like this one at all.


*f,ry! #ft
t tu:dP
Nl ."-"#

\f ]$W
$ 49

# *Studentt Boolt, pages 66-67

lf,f neaa the exam task and the student

answers. Then tick the questions
I bought thís from one of favourite online stores.
m3 lt
that they answer. Nasn't expensive and Í liked tlte coloar. But the'calour
was different from the phato. I thoryht it was red, but it
You recently bought something new.
was purple.
Write an online review Say:
. whatyou bought.
. why you bought it.
. Last Satwrday, /ordered s new wa{/et on{ine. lt cavne
why you were surprised by it.
rery yick/y, But when I opened the box, the wa//et was
a ht bgjer than ít said on the website. lt doesn't even
What you bought ft in my pocket.
Why you bought it
Why you were surprised

Co-rlete another student's answer with the words in the box.

back I because I really I unfortunately

bouqL.¡ a now sw,rvsu,l onl,r^,e- ll)
r'""-_)' 1'm qo,nq on a boach Áoliáay soan-
J J /
unha7ry qtá woulá liZo my 'x4)

ffi Now look at this writing task and complete the plan.

You recently visited a new department store that has

opened in your town. Write an onl¡ne review. Say:
. where it is.
. what you can buy there.
. why you liked or didn't like it.

About Useful words Useful language

Question 1 Where? near, next to, It is
It's near
What you They
Question 2 clothes, shoes seI1
can buy? You can buy

Question 3 Like/Dislike? like, iove, I rea11y liked

I thought

ffi" your review in an appropriate style. Write 25-35 words

t e€n f¿si'llsn s


rcGRE§§ Ch{§f;K

.assistant I
customers I for I receipt I shopping I store I try

, :i - Oersonal shoPPer, and I helP

I * : - - -:se the clothes they want to buy,
uirl - a rarge deparlment (1)
'r r' :,::"srve shopping (2) in
-*: :r: so the customers are often rlch and
!mi*i *:s famous. I started here as a shop
t:a .üll eight years ago, and then
imr :;' .oined the personal shopping team'
:,. _:.. -, : .: <row a lot about what fashions
: )' *rfri :-: - ar with men and women and also
l"= -'-'i,best (4) is a well- ti
"- - - -';'and film actor. loften spend over
*"- -:-,:s (5) with her. We

::- =. lts of different clothes and then I look

: -- - ls for her to (6) on. lt's
-:a-: that I tell her the truth about what *, t$
*É - look like. I don't know how much i
* - -;, she has, but she never asks how
* - -- ary.thing (7) She just
:=. 8 everything with a(n)
v card and never even asks for
1- 10 sffi;

D 1 I've Jason the shirt a few years before he met me.

a)'ve a) was-buying b) has bought
c) 've c) bought
2 Jack You it much so can I borrow lt?
for a) haven't
- wear b) didn't wear
a) 's c) haven't worn
3 Andy his wallet in the park iast night.
a) a) has-lost b) lost c) ioses
4I I that necklace al1 mY life.
a) a)- owned b) own c) 've owned

Cumulativeprogress I ü345 s

E 1 What time do you close? 3 That's f28, please. 5 Id like to try this on.
A lt's late. A Can T pay by credit card? A It's Í12.
B In 45 minutes. B Here's your change. B Would you like abag?
C Please turn it o[f. C We only take cash. C Yes, of course.
2 Where are the belts? 4 Have you Bot this one in a

A Would you like to try it on? bigger size?

B They're next to the A I don't like the colour.
handbags. B No, unfortunately not.
C We only have them in C Not at aII.

I isfiHi
he future of learn¡ng
.fiE*BIHG I ¡c"rtipte-choiee cloze J A neu¡§'article T
+Student's 8ook, pages 70-71 r7l

m Read the short text about homework. Match the highlighted words to the meanings (1-5) below. E,

How many hours a week do you usualiy spend doing homework? What about your friends? How many
hours do they do each week? In Shanghai in China, students often get 13 hours of it every week. That is
more than students get anyrrhere else in the worid. But does doing more homework help these students
learn more? Not everyone thinks it does. Students in Finland get less than three hours per week and
they have one of the best school systems in the world.

1 students in Shanghai 4 homework

2 students in Finland 5 13 hours
3 your friends

m rc different
Look at the highlighted phrases in the
article on page 53. Match the underlined
words to their meanings (A or B).
How do you usually feel at this time?
Read the article about school days
countries. For questions 1-8,
choose the best word (4" B or C) for
each space.
A when you wake up l Aon Bup Cin
B when you go to bed 2 A every B ali C this
2 ... some of them think secondary schools need to 3 A lots B few C most Eü
start at 10 or 11am.
A teenagers
B scientists
A soon
A shorter
B earlier
B bigger
C earliest
C longer
C with
3 But there students usually get a lot more 7 Asee B look C think
8 A bedroom B sleeping C bed
A the school
B Russia
4 ... ín Spain the)¡ can sometimes be there from
[f firra words in the article which match
these definitions.
9am to 5pm ...
paragraph 2
A pupils
B teachers
1 this person tries to understand
how the world works
5 N{ost of them start school at Sam ...
2 a period of time you learn
A students in South Korea something at school
B parents of Korean students paragraph 3
3 a school you go to from the
age of 11
paragraph 4
4 the studying students do
after school
5 children at school
6 when you stop work to eat or rest

Thr {uture of




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a more mewo (g;l. oldaY$in ffiP'st
$ffir,rün e,u (i
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m am to
dato '*,üeenage
start at uüd, qd$m11rffiltn*
#H fiip ltu,fum¿ a erfihni;,ffiffi


I 'g*ing fo. .
&Studentt Bosk PaSe 72 4Grammar reference, Unil 7;§tudent's Book, page 156

Il Co*plete the sentences with the correct forrn of going to.

t you study English before you go and live in the USA?
2He take the bus to school; he's going to walk.
3 What I say to the teacher about my homework?
4 Petra and Sal1y get up early tomorrow because they don't have to go to schooi
5I finish my homework tonight because I don't want to do it tomorrow.
6 study hard for her exams because she wants to do well

7 we have a party after the exams?
8 Marsha study in the library later because she has volleyball practice.
9We have lessons today because we are going on a school trip'
10 Stefan askJon to work on the project with him.

§f f,oot at the table about the students' plans for the summer holida¡r Write sentences using
going fo and the PromPts.
Brad Katie Mo 4 Brad and Mo / goto summer camp -
Visit relatives x x
§tudy for the exams x x 5 Katie / go to summer camp
lüork in a shop x x
Go to summe! camp x 6 Brad and Katie / go to the beach
Go to the beach x

1 Brad / visit relatives 7 Mo and Brad / work in a shoP

2 Mo / study for the exams 8 Mo / visit relatives

3 Katie / work in a shoP

VOCABULA RY Topic vocabulary Word patterns Collocations
*' Studentt 7,3, .'.+rV§.,44*.1ar} re,fersile,§tri{*eni"s'Sii*,16

Jl ivfut.h the words in the box to the pictures (1-8)

biology board I bookshetf I desk I dictionary | geography lhistory | maths

L 2 3 4

6 7 8

La^c*¡') L¿-/

'ihe fulure *f

I i},:ose the correct words.

," .: .rimals learn almost everything from / to
-: :,-- larents.
4 How many books did you borrow to / from
the library?
:-r--,.:rd to / at the station five minutes before the 5 There is so much to learn about / on 20t]'-century
:, -, -eft. history
:r, -.',,,i1 help me with / for this question, please? 6 I'm tired. I was at / to work until 8:00 pm tonight.

Dl -lrn.h to make sentences.

. - -. =oing to leave a) pictures of animals and people.
I -. :.. learnt b) university in this city?
I t,l-.' :riends are all going to do c) a course in history next term.
+ --. 'tsually draws d) Spanish in Chile.
: ,-r:1a's going to take e) their homework this evening.
: -- '*-many students go to f) school at the end of next year.

GRAMMAR 2 will and goíftq to
+§tud.eñt'$ Bsok,Bsge 7-5 , *6r¿¡¡¡¡¿¡,¡g¡grence, Unit 7, §tudentt 8os& page-156
II I¿ok at the pictures and complete the sentences with the correct form
diwíll or going to and. the verbs in brackets.
tr ffi

Look! The train (leave) Can I borrow your tablet? I promise

Quick! I (break) it.

I E ffi


A:Excuse me.Where is the history classroom? Oh, no! Liverpool (win)

B: I'm going there now: I this match.
(show) you.


What you
Look! I think it (rain) (do)with all
\ those books?

'F ..

* Student's Book, page 74

fl r,oot at the sentences (1-5) in Exercise 2. Choose the correct type i

of information that you need to write in the gaps.
1 an age / ayear / a time 4 adaylatime/aplace
2 a subject / a piece of technology / some clothes 5 a person/ atime / a descriPtion
3 a place / aperson/ an activity

Gl (,¡)* Listen to an interview with a journalist talking about a

school in London. Complete the information.
1 The London Acorn School is for: children aged three to
2 School rules: students and teachers can't use at school.
3 TV students under 12 can't watch it at school or at
4 Computers: over 14s can use them in
5 Education: people say the teaching i.s

§tudefitt Book,,page 76

3 Co*plete the sentences with the words in

the box.
[f wftrt are the sentences in Exercise 1 about:
future plans or predictions? Circle the
correct ansurers.
future I next I plan ltomorrow lwhen
fl writ" answers to these questions
t I'm 18,I'm going to go about you.
to university. future plans / predictions 1 What languages will you study next year?
2 night,I'm going
to write an essay about my holidaY
2 How much homework are you going to do at
future plans / predictions
the weekend?
3 In the more
students will have lessons online.
future plans / predictions 3 What are you going to do in the next
school holidays?
4I to visit England in the
summer holidavs. future plans / predictions
5 In two ,alot 4 Do you think you will ever study in a

more students will want to go to university. foreign country?

future plans / predictions
6 month, there is 5 Do you think students will learn from books in
going to be an important exam at school. the future?
future plans / predictions

Th* fr¡tu¡* *l
,4,§*f q$c¡|.98*tÍi, page ? 7
I :n:: :T :;'H:'Í;#:*"J il::i"'
"-ffi ,
Choose the word or phrase that
cannot complete each sentence.
I really want to study / learn / have
Italian when I'm o1der.
I, il|"-if;, berore *r',Tffi.n", * 2 Ricardo is going to make / take / start a
I a)have
the mornine.
-Hffic) take
course in painting next summer.
3 In the UK, Iots of students finish / leave i
S learn school when they are 18.
! Oia you the homework last night?
a) make b) have
4 Mrs N{orales teaches at / in / on a school
I - c) do
inVigo in Spain.
I O ,i*urn't easy to new friends when I started at a 5 Our class is going to take a test /
I newschool.
an exam / study in physics next week.
6 Can you do / take / finish exercise six
I , il",rr;,ü, ,""u, ,l'*'T,",, o".,l,ll§can study in for homework?

I I' ltl|*r"
u' -;:1-'.":'::" end'r
bout: D Read the text below and choose the correct answer to fill each gap.

A different education
I started school when I was ñve, but I didn't enjoy it.
Everyone in my class had to do the same things, but we were
all interested (1) _ different things. In Year 2 we also had
to (2) _ tests in English, maths and science.We spent a
lot of time studying things for the tests. I didn't think it was
very interesting or important. I (3) _ my mum how I felt
l**=== +'é:"1!r!:E
t and, then, one day she decided that I didn't have to go to
school again.
I'm years old now and for the last six years I've learnt
(4) the world by myself. 1\{y two older brothers and my
mum are also at home to help me (5) _ questions and to
make sure I have something useful to do. At the moment,
I (6) _ how to make an engine for a small car I'm going
to bui1d.

il I don't usually start studyinC (7) _ about 10 or,

in because that's when I feel most awake. We always stop and
(8) _ lunch together at around 1pm and then go for a
walk. In the afternoon, we often play sport or music together
and once a week I go swimming with some other young
peopie. Like me, they don't go to school. It's a great way to
(9) _ friends. In the evenings, I often work more on my
projects, go online or read. But Ít doesn't feei like I'm
il ,
(10) _ homework because I'm really interested in
everything I d.o.

l Ain Bto C about 6 A learn B 'll learn C 'm learning
' .á.rJ.i ; 2 A have B give C take 7 A until B after C from
'|: 3 A told B spoke C said 8 A take Bdo C have
4 Afor B from C about 9 Aget B make C take
5 Ato B with C for 10 A doing B making C writing

-lStudentb Baotq p¿ses 78*79


II 1 Read texts A and B and choose T (True) or F (False).
The school sports day starts in the morning. T/E

2 You need to tell the teacher a week before. T/F 3

3 You need two T-shirts. :=

4 They need more piayers for the volleyball team. T/F
5 Linda hasn't got a blue T-shirt. T/f 8

6 Linda wants Nadia to phone her this weekend. T/F From: Linda 9
To: Nadia

Hi Nadia,
School Sports Day Have you read about Sports Day next
month? l'm going to play volleyball for

Would you like to run, swim or play
football, tennis or volleyball for your class?
The school Sports Day is on Wednesday,
our class. We haven't got enough players.
Would you like to join our team?
Just tell me if you want to do it and I will

4 June. It starts at lpm.

Complete the form below and give it to @ write your name down on the form. You'll
need one blue and one white T-shirt.
Have you got any? l've got a blue one you
your teacher before Wednesday, 28May. can borrow.
+,iffir?F Bring your trairiers, shorts, one blue lVlessage me this weekend.
t-shirt and one white T-shirt.
See you on Monday,

rE Find words in the texts which mean the

same as the underlined words in the notes.
School Sports Dag
1 afternoon
l.ilhen: Wednesdau. 4 ,lune in the a{ternoon
.J "
2 sports kit lt|hat to take: sports /'il
3 needs more Sporl: Linda needs more people to make a
4 complete I
volleuball team.

5 Text - L¡nda. She will complete the

What to dot Tell form.
Te4 Linda: this

3 You're Nadia. You're going to write a short reply to Linda. Complete the plan. t
Part Useful u¡ords and phrases lllynotes aRd ans,vers
Start your email Hello...,

Ilave you read about Yes, I saw the sign the sign about Sports I think it will be
Sports Day? day at school today
Would you like to Yes, that's a good idea. I really
join our team? I d really like to. Volleyball is
Have yqu got any? Yes, I've got aII the sports kit, thanks so Id love to borrow yours, Please.
No, I haven't got a blue T-shirt . ..
Last line See you latel


lf W"ite your message to Linda in an appropriate styte. Check that you answer her three ques
Write 25-35 words.

ffi I Beaa the sentences and complete the crossword with the answers
or rnissing words.
L ! The teacher writes on this for everyone to read.
5 I read about HenTVIII
;orr many wives he had.
last year, but I can't

I -d place that is full of books you can borrow

=-j t Can you __*...*..*.*-me with these maths questions?

f. This book tells you what every word means.
3 \rna is going to take a in painting next summer.
d \1e learn all about rivers, mountains and people in this lesson.
6 In this lesson, we learn about animals and plants.
? ll'hen I was younger, my dad me to ride a bicycle.
EI Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
Tomorrow a new student from London join 5 What do with ali that paper?
the class.
- a) will -you b) you're going to
a) is going to b) will tre c) is going c) are you going to
2 We haven't got any pens. ask the teacher 6 That car is going too fast. I don't think it stop.
for some?
- a) wili be b) isn't going to c) is - to
a) You'll b) Are you going to 7 How many people in our class do you think
c) Wiil you _ Bo to university?
-_{ 3 The new head teacher has said she talk to our a) is going to b) will c) are going to
class next week. - g 'The board is very dirff"I clean it for you.'
a) 's going to b) \\,in c) are going to
a) '11 b)'m going
- to c) 'II going to
4 'I don't feel well."OK, then we _=- go to the
concert tonight.'
a) don't b) won't c) aren't going to
Cumulativeprogress I 234s6 T

fl W"itu one word in each gap to complete the text.


I ,:, r'ou ever wake up and not want to go to schooi? Perhaps you have to (1)
. üfficult test. Well, the next time you don't want to go, just think (2) _ what
'.:hool was like in the past.
-- 1870, for the first time, every child in Britain had to go to school. But schools were
;erv different. The classrooms were large, cotd and there weren't any pictures
))) the walls or (4) books. The teacher spent most of the
-rsson writing on the board while the children sat on chairs looking (5) the
:":rard and copying what he or she wrote on small boards. At the end of each lesson,
--:ey cleaned the board and started again. They couldn't save their work. They had to
:emember everything! And they did (6) study all the interesting subjects
'* e do today They just learnt how to read, write and
do basic maths.
Children (7) school at 9am and finished at 5pm, but usually went home (8) 12 to 2pmf.or
-unch. Teachers sometimes hit children with thin pieces of wood for being late or lazy
Schools today are amazing places to study and make friends. One of the reasons is that we have learnt a
e) from the schools of the past. But what do you think the schools of the future (10)
re like?

t's onl y a game

say An online article
*Student's §ook, pages 8S*81

I neaa the article on page 61 quickly. Complete the sentences with the years in the box'
201.4 | 2015 | 2016 (x 2)

1 Josh Bayliss started his last year at school in

2 Josh left school in
3 Josh played for the Bath Rugby Club under-lS team in
4 Josh played for the England under-1S team in South Africa

ff neaa these sentences about Josh Bayliss and underline the important words.
1 Josh Bayliss comes from a large cit¡r
2 There were many pupits at Josh's school.

jl neaa the first sentence in the article. Are the sentences in Exercise
2'Right' (A) or'Wrong' (B)?
If there is not enough information to answer'Righf (A) or (B), choose'Doesn't say (C)'
1 A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY
2 A Right B 'W'rong C Doesn't saY

ft neaa the article about Josh Bayliss again. Are sentences 1-7 'Right' (A) or'Wrong' (B)? If there is
not enough information to answer'Right' (A) or ''Wrong' (B), choose'Doesn't say' (C)'
1 Josh Bayliss'school was quite far from his house'
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY
2 Tosh started playing rugbybefore he was 12.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY
3 Josh studied hard at school and passed all his exams.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY
4 drink anything he wants.
Josh can eat and
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY
5 Josh ieft school and then played with the England under-1S team'
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY
6 Josh's team won some of their matches in South Africa. tr

A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY

7 Josh is playing on the England team at the next Rugby
World Cup'
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't saY

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