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Lead and manage

organisational change

Learner Workbook
Table of Contents
Instructions to Learner...................................................................................................................3
Assessment instructions....................................................................................................................3
Assessment requirements.................................................................................................................5
Candidate Details...........................................................................................................................6
Assessment – BSBINN601 – Lead and manage organisational change..............................................6
Instruction to Learners...................................................................................................................8
Activity 1A......................................................................................................................................8
Activity 1A checklist – for assessor................................................................................................9
Activity 1B....................................................................................................................................10
Activity 1B checklist – for assessor..............................................................................................12
Activity 1C....................................................................................................................................13
Activity 1C checklist – for assessor..............................................................................................14
Activity 1D...................................................................................................................................15
Activity 1D checklist – for assessor..............................................................................................16
Activity 1E....................................................................................................................................17
Activity 1E checklist – for assessor...............................................................................................18
Activity 2A....................................................................................................................................19
Activity 2A checklist – for assessor..............................................................................................20
Activity 2B....................................................................................................................................21
Activity 2B checklist – for assessor..............................................................................................22
Activity 2C....................................................................................................................................24
Activity 2C checklist – for assessor..............................................................................................26
Activity 2D...................................................................................................................................28
Activity 2D checklist – for assessor..............................................................................................29
Activity 2E....................................................................................................................................30
Activity 2E checklist – for assessor...............................................................................................32
Activity 3A....................................................................................................................................34
Activity 3A checklist – for assessor..............................................................................................35
Activity 3B....................................................................................................................................36
Activity 3B checklist – for assessor..............................................................................................37
Activity 3C....................................................................................................................................38
Activity 3C checklist – for assessor..............................................................................................39

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 3D...................................................................................................................................41
Activity 3D checklist – for assessor..............................................................................................42
Activity 3E....................................................................................................................................43
Activity 3E checklist – for assessor...............................................................................................44
Activity 3F....................................................................................................................................45
Activity 3F checklist – for assessor...............................................................................................46
Skills and Knowledge Activity.......................................................................................................47
Skills and Knowledge Activity checklist – for assessor.................................................................48
Competency record to be completed by assessor...........................................................................49
Appendix A...................................................................................................................................51

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Instructions to Learner
Assessment instructions
Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment task and
the terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with
your trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand and
adhere to the terms and conditions and address fully each assessment task. If any assessment task is
not fully addressed, then your assessment task will be returned to you for resubmission. Your
trainer/assessor will remain available to support you throughout the assessment process.

Written work

Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and knowledge of
the overall unit of competency. When undertaking any written assessment tasks, please ensure that
you address the following criteria:

 Address each question including any sub-points

 Demonstrate that you have researched the topic thoroughly

 Cover the topic in a logical, structured manner

 Your assessment tasks are well presented, well referenced and word processed

 Your assessment tasks include your full legal name on each and every page.

Active participation

It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation is
completing all the assessment tasks on time.


Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them
as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a learner’s exclusion from a course. When
you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment, please consult
your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a learner can be
accused of plagiarism:

 Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally

 Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another learner

 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work

 Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including

assessments taken totally or in part from the internet.
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your assessment, then a meeting will be organised
to discuss this with you, and further action may be taken accordingly.


Collusion is the presentation by a learner of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the result in
whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves
the cooperation of two or more learners in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct and,
as such, both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Collusion or copying from other learners is
not permitted and will result in a “0” grade and NYC.

Assessments must be typed using document software such as (or similar to) MS Office. Handwritten
assessments will not be accepted (unless, prior written confirmation is provided by the
trainer/assessor to confirm).

Competency outcome

There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory (requires more
training and experience).

Once the learner has satisfactorily completed all the tasks for this module the learner will be
awarded “Competent” (C) or “Not yet Competent” (NYC) for the relevant unit of competency.

If you are deemed “Not Yet Competent” you will be provided with feedback from your assessor and
will be given another chance to resubmit your assessment task(s). If you are still deemed as “Not Yet
Competent” you will be required to re-enrol in the unit of competency.

Additional evidence

If we, at our sole discretion, determine that we require additional or alternative

information/evidence in order to determine competency, you must provide us with such
information/evidence, subject to privacy and confidentiality issues. We retain this right at any time,
including after submission of your assessments.


We will treat anything, including information about your job, workplace, employer, with strict
confidence, in accordance with the law. However, you are responsible for ensuring that you do not
provide us with anything regarding any third party including your employer, colleagues and others,
that they do not consent to the disclosure of. While we may ask you to provide information or
details about aspects of your employer and workplace, you are responsible for obtaining necessary
consents and ensuring that privacy rights and confidentiality obligations are not breached by you in
supplying us with such information.

Assessment appeals process

If you feel that you have been unfairly treated during your assessment, and you are not happy with
your assessment and/or the outcome as a result of that treatment, you have the right to lodge an
appeal. You must first discuss the issue with your trainer/assessor. If you would like to proceed

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
further with the request after discussions with your trainer/assessor, you need to lodge your appeal
to AIBT’s website, in writing, outlining the reason(s) for the appeal.

Recognised prior learning.

Candidates will be able to have their previous experience or expertise recognised on

Special needs

Candidates with special needs should notify their trainer/assessor to request any required
adjustments as soon as possible. This will enable the trainer/assessor to address the identified needs

Assessment requirements
Assessment can either be:

 Direct observation

 Product-based methods e.g. reports, role plays, work samples

 Portfolios – annotated and validated

 Questioning

 Third party evidence.

If submitting third party evidence, the Third Party Observation/Demonstration document must be
completed by the agreed third party.

Third parties can be:

 Supervisors

 Trainers

 Team members

 Clients

 Consumers.

The third party observation must be submitted to your trainer/assessor, as directed.

The third party observation is to be used by the assessor to assist them in determining competency.

The assessment activities in this workbook assess aspects of all the elements, performance criteria,
skills and knowledge and performance requirements of the unit of competency.

To demonstrate competence in this unit you must undertake all activities in this workbook and have
them deemed satisfactory by the assessor. If you do not answer some questions or perform certain
tasks, and therefore you are deemed to be Not Yet Competent, your trainer/assessor may ask you

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
supplementary questions to determine your competence. Once you have demonstrated the
required level of performance, you will be deemed competent in this unit.

Should you still be deemed Not Yet Competent, you will have the opportunity to resubmit your
assessments or appeal the result.

As part of the assessment process, all learners must abide by any relevant assessment policies as
provided during induction. If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or that this assessment is
unfair, please contact your assessor to discuss your options. You have the right to formally appeal
any outcome and, if you wish to do so, discuss this with your trainer/assessor

Candidate Details
Assessment – BSBINN601 – Lead and manage organisational change

Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer/assessor for marking. This forms
part of your assessment for BSBINN601 – Lead and manage organisational change


Student ID: 013506



I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the
exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this
assessment has been written for me by another person. I also understand the assessment
instructions and requirements and consent to being assessed.

Signed: BIKRAM TAMANG_________________________________________________________

Date: 5/06/2021 ____________________________________________________________

If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners
involved should be provided below:

This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it
was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that
no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where
we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been
written for us by another person.

Learner 1: ____________________________________________________________

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Learner 2: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Learner 3: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Instruction to Learners
You are required to complete this assessment workbook and obtain a satisfactory result of
all activities to be deemed ‘Competent’ in this unit of competency. You have two attempts
to submit your assessments.

Activity 1A
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify strategic change needs through
an analysis of organisational objectives.

Foundation skills: Reading, Navigate the world of work, Get the work done.
1. Why is it important to analyse an organisation’s objectives when identifying
change requirements or opportunities?

It is important to analyse an organisations objective as it keeps them

ahead from their competitors. If an organisation is not up to date,they
lose customers and their competitors are ahead of them.It is important to
ensure the various changes occuring in the exteral environment are
considered so that the opportunities of external environment can be
capitalised and threats are minimised.

2. Give three examples of strategic change needs for Australia Post (refer to
the case study – Australia Post in appendix A).

The changes are classified into Incremental change and fundamental

change.Based on these types ,some examples of strategic change needs
for Australia post are
 Because the external environment is always changing, an examination of
organisational objectives will result in the identification of new
opportunities from the environment. This may be an opportunity for
another kind of items or administrations, utilization of web-based media
as an advertising technique like making an Instagram page for Australia
post and keeping the customers up to date with information.
 In order to identify an easier approach to achieve the chosen
organisational objectives, technology will need to be upgraded.
Technological advancements will help in keeping the employees and other
stakeholders in Australia post informed of the developments.
 The staff management plan may require a significant changes. This might
include adding or reducing workers, training employees about COVID
procedures, relocating employees to new departments, and other

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 1A checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Q1. Learner gives at least one reason why it is important to analyse an Yes No
organisation’s objectives when identifying change requirements or (Please circle)

Q2 Learner gives three examples of the strategic change needs relate to Yes No
organisational objectives (Australia Post). (Please circle)


BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 1B
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective Review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives to identify
where changes are required.

Foundation skills: Reading, Navigate the world of work, Get the work done
1. Why should existing policies and practices be reviewed against strategic

Regardless of changes in the organisation, any changes have an immediate

or indirect impact on the current organisational policies and practises. As a result,
the following are the reasons why existing policies and procedures should be
reviewed against strategic goals:
 To determine the current state of existing policies and where they stand
in relation to accomplishing the organisational goal. All gaps between
the present and intended scenarios will be easily detected if existing
policies and practises are compared to strategic objectives.
 To keep the workers informed of the developments that are taking
place in the present environment. By comparing existing policies and
practises to strategic objectives, employees may stay up to speed on
changes in human resource practises throughout the world and
implement them successfully inside the organisation.
 To determine the quantity of resources that are now being used and
will be required to attain the organisational objective. A review of
existing policies in relation to strategic objectives will offer information
on how effectively resources such as employees, technology, finance,
and others have been used in the current environment, as well as what
modifications are necessary to effectively accomplish organisational

2. Read the scenario and company’s policies and practices provided below.
Scenario The company introduces a new time recorder system for employees.
The new technology will use fingerprint to record clock in and clock out time
instead of signing paper sheet individually. Benefits of the new system are;
(i) Record time accurately
(ii) Automatic time record report summary which reduces HR working
(iii) Employees able to access information via a digital system

Company’s policies and practices

Hours of work: You are expected to work 38 hours per week between 8.30 am.
until 5.00 pm. Monday to Friday. During your ordinary hours of work, you are
entitled to a meal break of up to 1 hour.
In addition to your ordinary hours of work, you agree that we may from time to
time require you to work reasonable additional hours which may include
weekends and public holidays. You acknowledge that your remuneration has
been set to take into account the reasonable additional hours that you may be
required to work from time to time.
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Time record: Employee must record clock in and clock out time at level 3, 18
Mount Gravatt, Capalaba Rd, Upper Mount Gravatt, by signing a provided
timesheet. Human resources (HR) Department is responsible to summarise the
timesheet and record late, sick leave and annual leave in the employee’s time
record report. Employees can access the report to review their time record
summary by completing time record request form and the employees must return
the record on time.

To complete the task, you are required to;

2.1 Identify where changes in policies and practices are required

2.2 Adjust company’s policies in accordance with the change

Changes will be required in Staff training, Manufacturing processes and standards,

audit processes and occupational health and safety.

In the scenario of new time recording system,the following policies and practices
must be reviewed
 Since new technology is introduced in the company, the staff training
policies and practises are affected and must be evaluated to ensure that
the practices and policies are enough to guarantee that the trainings
offered to the staffs are sufficient for the efficient use of time recording
 Changes in technology have an impact on how things are done in the
organisation. As a result, it is vital to change the policies and procedures
pertaining to audit procedures in order to ensure that the desired
outcomes are obtained.
 Manufacturing processes and standards must be examined as soon as a
new technology is implemented in the organisation to ensure that the
processes and standards are successful in running the new technology.
 With technological innovation, work health and safety standards must be
examined to ensure that new technology is used safely in the
organisation, assuring the safety of all employees

With the change, following can be seen:

1. Easy to record a staff’s attendance which means no manual recording will
be needed.
2. Proper calculation of times spent in the work place.
3. The company should be careful when it comes to staff privacy since the
company will have access to details on the staffs presence and their
activity in the firm.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 1B checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Q1. Learner gives at least one reason that the company should review its Yes No
policies and practices against its strategic objectives. (Please circle)

Learner can identify at least two areas that the company’s policies and Yes No
practices are required to change regarding the new time recorder system. (Please circle)

Learner writes a new policies and practices relates the new time recorder Yes No
system usage. (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 1C
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective Monitor the external environment to identify events or trends that impact the
achievement of organisational objectives.

Foundation skills: Navigate the world of work, Get the work done
1. Give six examples of external factors that may impact the achievement of an
organisation’s objectives.

 when the competitors are up to date with the current

technology,the competitors gain advantage.
 Government polocy can influence interest rates which impacts
achievement of an organisations objective.
 Changing market trends
 Pressure from external shareholders
 Faulty change implementation
 Internal economic or market failure

2. Use the PESTEL analysis tool to identify factors that can affect Australia Post

Learners are required to write a short explanation, how the factor affect
to the industry.

Examples of factors

Political  Tax policy- A rise in corporation tax can lead to

raised prices in services of Australia post
 Employment laws- employment laws puts
additional expenses on business since it requires
them to spend more money on recruiting,training
and compensation.
Economic  Interest rates- will affect the performance as
when it increases the company will have less
access to financing.
 Exchange rate- change in exchange rate can
impact the price of imported and exported
products and services
Sociological  Empahasis on safety- By implementing safe
workplace principles, the company might prevent
major financial implications associated with
 Cultural norms- as the belief and customs of all
the workers are different, it can impact the
operation of Australia post.
Technological  Mobile phone technology- improved and latest

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
technology makes communication faster and
 Internet- helps in marketing and promotion of
services and product in a faster way.
Legal  Resources- needs to be properly managed or it
causes inefficiencies in the system.
 Taxation- the taxes and financial requirements
should be met or else the company will fall

Environmental  Environmental and ecological factors can affect a

company's operations or consumer demand.
Access to renewable resources, climatic changes,
and corporate responsibility efforts are all
included in this.

Activity 1C checklist – for assessor

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Q1. Learner gives at least six examples of external factors that may impact the Yes No
achievement of an organisation’s objectives. (Please circle)

Q2. The learner can explain how the factor affects the company/industry. Yes No
(Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

Activity 1D
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective Identify major operational change requirements due to performance gaps,
business opportunities or threats, or management decisions.

Foundation skills: Navigate the world of work, Get the work done
1. Give 3 examples of each factor that may result in a change in an

Performance gaps  An organistation achieving only 65%
customer satisfaction review while it had a
intended target of 90%.
 A sales organisation sells $400,000 in
merchandise while having a target of
selling $100,000 in the same time frame.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
 A firm achieved just 60% of its waste
minimisation objective, while having an
anticipated objective of 90% waste

Business opportunities  Machines becoming outdated or obsolete

give a chance to assess all machines and
obtain the most up-to-date viable
 employee who leaves the organisation for
any reason gives a chance to investigate
the causes for staff turnover as well as a
chance to hire more skilled and qualified
personnel for the function.
 Any competition in financial problems
presents a chance to purchase or combine
with it in order to expand market share.

Business threats  Wage increases imposed by regulatory

agencies provide a risk of rising
production costs for the organisation.
 Poor departmental collaboration poses a
risk in terms of communication
breakdown and task coordination, as well
as a risk to overall product and service
 Poor data management and security will
increase the risk of unauthorised data
access and unintended data usage.

Management decisions  Management's changes to organisational

staff policies will result in a shift in the
organization's human resource dynamics.
 The perspectives and concepts of senior
management will give a chance to
examine and update organisational
policies and procedures.
 The decision by management to create a
new branch will provide a chance for the
organisation to expand regionally.

2. You are an owner of a graphic design company. You have reviewed your
employee’s performance and found that they fail to deliver services on
time. Only 70% of products are delivered to the customers on time. Hence,
the customer satisfaction rate is low. From this scenario, you are required to
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
identify major operational change requirements due to performance gaps.

According to the current scenario, the changes that might arise from the given
set of circumstances are:
 Competition Management: Because there is competition emerging for the
organisation in the circumstance where it is unable to perform to
expectations, the competitor organisation may pose a significant danger
to the organisation in terms of customer loss and other consequences. In
this case, the organisation may consider acquiring or merging with the
new rival in order to obtain the necessary number of extra competent
labour from them in order to meet the aim of completing 100% of projects
on time while simultaneously eliminating the competition.

 Review of Financial Strategies: Financial strategies may be altered as a

result of the current situation,since the organisation is unable to generate
money as projected due to the non-completion of previously undertaken
initiatives. As a result, the organisation may need to adjust its financial
practises in order to recover money lost due to project not completed.

 Staff training: Because they are unable to complete all projects on

schedule, staff training procedures may alter. As a result, certain new
training procedures may be required to improve employee skills and
increase their ability to complete all tasks on time.

 Review of Customer Service Policies and Practices, since there is a

situation in which the organisation is unable to deliver 30% of projects on
time, which might have a significant impact on the organization's
reputation, revenue, and client relationships.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 1D checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Q1. Learner gives at least three examples of performance gaps, business Yes No
opportunities, business threats and management decisions that require (Please circle)
operational change.

Q2. Learner writes at least two changes that would apply in the circumstance Yes No
provided. (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 1E
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Group
Objective - Review and prioritise change requirements or opportunities with
relevant managers
- Consult stakeholders, specialists and experts to assist in the
identification of major change requirements and opportunities.

Foundation skills: Oral communication, Navigate the world of work, Interact

with others, Get the work done.
1. Why is it important to review and prioritise change requirements or
opportunities with relevant managers and specialists? (Give at least two
It is important to review and prioritise change requirements or opportunities
with all the relevant managers and specialists for the following reasons:
 Maintain an Effective Communication Process: All relevant managers,
leaders, and experts will be held solely accountable for ensuring that
the changes are effectively implemented and the required outcomes
are obtained. To ensure that this occurs, all changes, requirements, or
opportunities must be adequately discussed and evaluated with the
relevant management.
 Encourage Ownership: When a change is adopted, the managers and
specialists who do those duties are held accountable for achieving the
intended result. So, in order to foster task ownership, the relevant
managers and experts must be involved in analysing and prioritising
the change needs to ensure that the change can be performed to
achieve the intended outcome and the relevant managers are satisfied
with the change requirements and take ownership for the
implementation of it.
 Ensure the Project's Feasibility: Change management is often a costly
process, thus it is critical that the experience of all experts and
associated managers is appropriately utilised. Experts and associated
management should always finalise the change requirements to
ensure that the change is appropriate and provides the intended

2. Refer to a case study – Australia Post in Appendix A

List at least five change requirements.
- 1. Booming of eCommerce and online shopping- Due to lockdowns, people
have no choice but to do more online shopping .People's habits altered,
from how they buy for ordinary items to how they pay for them. The
online .Australia post must Provide a more personalised and consistent
experience across numerous media and Adapt to changing client
expectations while providing a simple and straightforward checkout and
return procedure.
- 2. Applying contactless services- Every organisations are exploring ways to
reduce contacts with people during the COVID.Therefore, Australia post
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
must emphasise on online delivery while providing clear instructions of
time and place for parcel pickup.
- 3. Ensuring workers and visitors are 1.5m apart from each other-
According to the Social Distancing Instructions, physical distancing should
be established at all Post Offices, and floor markers should be in place to
signify physical distancing in service lineups.
- 4.Use of PPE- If necessary, ensure that all workers and visitors accessing
the jobsite wear a facial covering in accordance with public health
guidelines. Unless a statutory exemption arises, Australia Post must take
steps to guarantee that all employees wear appropriate PPE. Staffs should
be provided with adequate face covers and PPE.
- 5. Provide training to workers on physical distancing expectations while
working and socialising- Toolbox lectures, for example,should be used to
reinforce these procedures on a regular basis. Staff who move between
locations must follow site standards such as screening questionnaires,
temperature testing, and zoning regulations.

3. Discuss with your classmates who play the role of managers/specialists to

identify major changes requirement, and prioritise change requirements from
the list.

 Hand to hand delivery of items is not safe and therefore, possible

minimum customer interaction is the best.
 Importance to dropping of deliveries at a safe place to be mentioned by
the customer

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 1E checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Q1. Learner describes at least two reasons of importance in reviewing and Yes No
prioritising change requirements with relevant managers and specialists. (Please circle)

a) Learner lists at least three topics that they want to mention in the Yes No
meeting. (Please circle)

a) Learner explains managers (classmates) about the change program that Yes No
Q2. they plan to do. (Please circle)

a) Learner explains managers (classmates) about their priorities in the Yes No

change program proposed. (Please circle)

b) Learner lists at least three key points that they will include in their Yes No
conversation with the contractors. (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

Activity 2A
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective Undertake cost-benefit analysis for high priority change requirements and

Foundation skills: Reading, Writing, Numeracy, Get the work done

1. Why is it important to undertake a cost-benefit analysis for high priority
change requirements and opportunities? (give at least two reasons)

It is important to undertake a cost-benefit analysis for high priority change

requirements and opportunities for the following reasons:

 To determine if the decision taken regarding change requirements and

opportunities is sound to ascertain if the benefits from the changes
outweighs the costs incurred to the change management process.
 To provide a basis for comparison of the current status quo and change
requirements in terms of comparison of total expected cost of each option
with total benefits from each option.

2. Imagine the graphic design company has decided to invest $50,000 in new
equipment, staff training and consultancy support to streamline its

(i) What are the potential tangible and intangible benefits to be

achieved from this investment? (List 3 tangible benefits and 3
intangible benefits)

Tangible Benefits-
 Increased Productivity: The investment provided in new
equipment, staff training and consultancy support will help
improve the productive efficiency of the employees and
equipment and hence increase the productivity level.
 Decrease in Production Cost: The investment in all above
mentioned items, in long term, will result in decrease in per
unit production cost as a result of skilled manpower and
improved productivity.
 Improved Employee Turnover Ratio: With money invested in
staff training, this will help staff upgrade their skills and make
them more honest towards the organisation. This will help in
reduction of staff turnover ratio.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Intangible benefits-
 Increased Customer Satisfaction: With use of new equipment,
staff training and consultancy, the product and service
quality tend to improve, this will help to increase the level of
customer satisfaction towards the quality of service and
products received.
 Employee Motivation: With investment in aspects that will
help to increase employee skills as well as the making the
work process easier,this will help increase the level of
employee motivation.
Promote Brand Image: With investment in different aspects
that will help increase the organisational efficiency and
product and service quality, it will help the organisation’s
brand image to create a positive image in the industry and
among the customers.
(ii) Please conduct cost-benefit analysis report of using a new
equipment from the information as follows;

Detail Old equipment New equipment

Product Quantity Maximum capacity Maximum capacity

= 500 = 1000

Production time 30 seconds per unit 15 seconds per unit

Cost $1 per unit $0.5 per unit

Cost Benefit

- Indirect cost has been reduced - Direct benefits have increased

- old equipment was costly which is $1 and - increased revenue and sales generated
it has been reduced to $0.50. This shows from a new product
advantage in cost since the new
-Double profit which is 100% as maximum
equipment is cheap compared to the old
capacity increased from 500 to 1000

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 2A checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Q1. Learner describes at least two reasons about importance of undertaking Yes No
cost-benefit analysis for high priority change requirements and (Please circle)

i) Learner lists at least two potential tangible benefits relates to the Yes No
scenario provided. (Please circle)

i) Learner lists at least two potential intangible benefits relates to the Yes No
scenario provided. (Please circle)

ii) Learner identifies at least three benefits of using the new technology Yes No
(Please circle)

ii) Learner identifies at least three costs of using the new technology Yes No
(Please circle)

ii) Learner includes calculation or figures in the answers (at least 1). Yes No
(Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 2B
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective - Undertake risk analysis and apply problem-solving and innovation skills
to identify barriers to change and agree and record mitigation
- Identify and respond to barriers to the change according to risk
management plans.

Foundation skills: Reading, writing, oral communication, get the work done
1. What is the purpose of a risk analysis when developing a change
management strategy?

Risk analysis is a procedure that assists you in identifying and managing

possible issues that may jeopardise critical company efforts or projects.
Change management comes with dangers and hurdles; consequently, risk
analysis must be performed to guarantee that such obstacles and risks are
minimised. A risk analysis process during the formulation of a change
management strategy include analysing, recognising, and comprehending the
risks that a transformative change programme will encounter throughout the
change implementation lifecycle. This will help the organisation to review and
reform their change management strategy in a manner that will help
eliminate the negative effects of all the identified risk and make the change
implementation process easy and successful.

2. Imagine that the graphic design company is introducing new technology and
working practices. Discuss in pair about risk of using the new technology
and conduct risk analysis. (Please read a learner guide and refer to risk
analysis diagram in page 43) – The learner is required to list at least three
risks that may occur.

1. Adopting new technology necessitates strong leadership abilities as well

as the openness required to obtain buy-in throughout the firm. No one
wants to be forced to learn how to use a new system simply because it is
new; what matters most is that your technology is tailored to the specific
demands of your staff and consumers. Adoption rates will be minimal if
there are no evident end-user advantages.
2. Implementing new technology raises security concerns. A poorly handled
technology might readily expose company to hazards that were not
previously a concern. Implementing a cloud storage service, for example,
without considering important elements such as data encryption and
access control is a formula for catastrophe. Some firms also attempt to cut
shortcuts in order to save money and time.
3. IT leaders are frequently asked to completely disregard their legacy
procedures and infrastructure. But, in the end, all of these new systems
will be replaced by something else. This statistic emphasises the need of
viewing innovation as a journey rather than a goal, in which they
constantly adjust their surroundings to their company's evolving demands.
Therefore, there is a risk of overcoming compatibility issues with legacy
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0

3. Imagine that the graphic design company is introducing new technology and
working practices. What barriers might be encountered? (Give at least two

 Competition between different departments such as the IT and

graphic designers
 Various disagreements about priorities between the company goals
and performance

4. What mitigation strategies could be implemented to avoid the barriers

identified in the previous question? (Give at least two mitigation strategies)
 Run a pilot with the new technology to test its application in their own
 Reward staff efforts.

5. Discuss with your classmates about risks and mitigation strategies relates to
the graphic design company case.

 Involve staff in the design of the new system and working practices.
 Ensure staff understand the need for the change and the
consequences of not changing.
 Train the staff about the new technology.

Activity 2B checklist – for assessor

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Q1. Learner can explain purpose of risk analysis when developing a change Yes No
management strategy. (Please circle)

Learner lists the risk of using new technology and working practices relates Yes No
to the scenario. (Please circle)

Learner can identify level of risks and explain why those risks are Yes No
categorised in those levels. (Please circle)

Q.3 Learner explains at least two correct barriers that the company might be Yes No
encountered. (Please circle)

Q4. Learner identifies at least two correct mitigation strategy which could be Yes No
implemented to avoid the barriers in Question 3. (Please circle)

Learner uses formal language when discussing with the classmate. Yes No
(Please circle)

Q5. Learner asks questions to the classmates during the discussion. Yes No
(Please circle)

Learner confirms his/her understanding during the discussion. Yes No

(Please circle)

Learner does not interrupt other people when they are talking. Yes No
(Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

Activity 2C
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective Develop change management project plan.

Foundation skills: Writing, numeracy, Get the work done

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
1. Why is it important to develop a change management project plan? (Give at
least three reasons)
A change management plan helps manage the change process, and also
ensures control in budget, schedule, scope, communication, and resources. The
change management plan will minimize the impact a change can have on the
business, employees, customers, and other important stakeholders. It is important
to have a comprehensive and integrated change management project plan to help
clearly articulate organizational strategy, helping people understand why the
change is critical and what the future state will look and feel like. Apart from
these, developing a change management project plan is useful for following

 Enable the planning and scheduling of key tasks so that they take place in
a logical order.
 Enable accurate budgeting for the activities involved.
 Enable the systematic review of progress against the plan so that
adjustments can be made if required.

2. What key information should be included in the change management

project plan? (Give at least four key information)

 The project title

 Key people involved (e.g. project team leader, project sponsor, project
team members, other stakeholders and interested parties)
 Project objectives, ideally linked to organisational objectives
 What is/is not in the scope of the project (i.e. a specific statement of
what the project is not looking at)
 Timescales
 Budget
 Monitoring and review arrangements
 Reporting arrangements.

3. Refer to the case study – Australia Post in Appendix

3. Refer to the case study – Australia Post in Appendix A.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, Australia Post has to develop a change
management project plan. You are required to write a project plan in the table

Project Title Australia Post and Covid situation

Project detail and objective Safety measures and maximum reduction of health

Department/team which Australia post outlets, delivery staffs and health

will involve in the project department.

Estimated Timeline minimum for 1 year

List of resources - Hand sanitisers to be carried by all staffs and available

requirements (you must at each outlet. ($25,000)
identify the cost of each
spending) - Face masks in each outlet and to be compulsory worn
during work.($25,000)

Total cost $50,000 across Australia to facilitate face masks and

sanitisers to all the stores.

Risk - Spreading of pandemic or the virus through contact

between staff and customer.

Risk management strategies

- maintiaining 1.5m distance when in contact with


- Compulsory application of sanitisers and face

masks In work sites and during work.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 2C checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Q1. A learner can list at least three correct reasons to support the importance Yes No
of developing a change management project plan. (Please circle)

Q2. A learner lists at least four correct key information that should include in Yes No
the change management project plan. (Please circle)

A learner writes a change management plan. Yes No

(Please circle)

A learner can explain the project in detail and objective. Yes No

(Please circle)

A learner can identify relevant people who need to involve with the Yes No
project. (Please circle)

A learner can estimate the timeline of the project. Yes No

(Please circle)

A learner lists resources required in the project and they can identify the Yes No
cost of each requirement. (Please circle)

A learner calculates the correct total cost (monetary cost). Yes No

(Please circle)

A learner can identify risks that may occur during applying the project. Yes No
(Please circle)

A learner can identify risk mitigation strategies that relate to the risks of Yes No
the project. (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 2D
Type: Presentation and written assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective Obtain approvals from relevant authorities to confirm the change management

Foundation skills: Writing, Oral communication, Navigate the world of work,

Interact with others and Get the work done.
1. Why is it important to gain approval from relevant authorities for change
management processes?
Support for the change process is vital. Without the right support from the right
people, managing change can be an uphill struggle. Many change programs alter
or come to a halt altogether due to a lack of support from the right people.
Depending on the nature of the change program, the relevant authorities may
include senior managers, external agencies and partners such as auditors and
inspection agencies and other stakeholders such as internal and external
specialists and funding providers. Before progressing to the implementation stage
of the change, it is essential to obtain the necessary approval from the relevant

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
authorities to avoid problems emerging later.

2. Identify at least three people that you have to seek approval for your
project (refer to Australia Post Annual report 2020 page 61-63).

- Line managers
- Board of directors
- Local governing bodies/authorites

3. Refer to the project plan you developed in Activity 2C, you are required to
present your project plan to relevant authorities.

Note: you can select any technique that you think is suitable for your project
presentation. Choose the technique that you think you will get the approval.

Activity 2D checklist – for assessor

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Q1. Learner can explain why it is important to gain approval from relevant Yes No
authorities for change management processes? (Please circle)

Q2. A learner answers three people who have authority for the project Yes No
approval correctly. (Please circle)

A learner uses formal language when presenting the project. Yes No

(Please circle)

A learner uses appropriate presentation technique in the presentation. Yes No

Q3. The appropriate tool and technique is the one that helps the audiences to (Please circle)
understand your project easier.

A learner confirms understanding from the audience. Yes No

(Please circle)

A learner uses asking and questioning techniques to get feedback from the Yes No
audiences. (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

Activity 2E
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective - Assign resources to the project and agree on reporting protocols with
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
relevant managers.
- Identify and respond to barriers to the change according to risk
management plans.

Foundation skills: Oral communication, Navigate the world of work, Interact

with others, and Get the work done
1. What kind of resources might you allocate to the project (refer to the
Australia Post project)?

 Contractors
 Physical assets
 Employees and managers
 External and internal consultants
 Financial and budget allocation
 Hardware and software

2. Work in a pair, you are required to discuss with your partner and complete
the task below:

(i) Identify barrier to change and solutions.

 Funding - Funding is the act of providing financial resources,

usually in the form of money, or other values such as effort or
time, to finance a need, program, and project, usually by an
organization or company. As part of the project planning
process, it is important to assign resources to the plan so that
it is clear which resources are required, where and when.
Planning at the outset ensures that the resources are
available when needed, they do not conflict and can be
deployed at the right time/place in the project.
 Facilities and equipment – such as re-inspection station
housed in a building having garage type entrance and one or
more service bays, as well as, the materials needed for motor
vehicle re-inspectors to perform vehicle inspections.

(ii) Write reporting protocols and resources assigned. You must write detail
about stakeholders, when will they report work progress? How do they report
the progress? and who is the person responsible for the project?
For more information, you can refer to page 57 in the Learner guide.

Stakeholders When How Person

Senior Monthly Presentation at Project leader
management meeting
Project team Weekly Project plans or Project leader
progress report
Department Quaterly Summary progress Project team
managers report member

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
- Stakeholder is the person who you need to communicate/report to.
- When is how frequently do you need to report such as monthly, weekly,
annually, etc.
- How is the method, technique that you select to report the stakeholders.
- Person responsible is the person who is responsible for developing the report.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 2E checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Q1. Learner lists resources that they might allocate in the project. Yes No
(Please circle)

Learner can identify who needs to be updated as to the progress of the Yes No
project. (Please circle)

Learner explains how the update will be done. Yes No

(Please circle)

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Learner explains how often the update should be. Yes No
(Please circle)

Q2. Learner can assign people who responsible for developing reports in the Yes No
protocol. (Please circle)

Learner uses active listening when discussing with their classmates. Yes No
(Please circle)

Learner uses appropriate language in the discussion. Yes No

(Please circle)

Learner can find agreement between themselves and their partner in Yes No
generating a report protocol. (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 3A
Type: Written assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective Develop communication or education plan, in consultation with relevant groups
and individuals, to promote the benefits of the change to the organisation and
to minimise loss.

Foundation skills: Writing, Navigate the world of work, Interact with others, and
Get the work done.
1. Develop a communication plan for Australia Post, as part of implementing
change strategy. Then discuss two other members of your class, as acting
stakeholders (or as per instructed by the trainer).

Communicating the change is an important aspect of implementing change

strategy. While developing a communication plan we need to make sure that
other stakeholders comply with it. In Australia Post, different groups of people
like the staffs,costomers,regulatory bodies, suppliers etc will have different
needs of communication. A communication plan should provide a clear and
consistent communication with the employees identifying the need for change
and also which groups are going to be affected by those changes and how the
changes will be implemented by different groups.A communication plan should
also consider who needs to be communicated with,the information which is
required and how to give answers to them.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
2. What are the benefits of this change? (Give at least two benefits)

 Increased Productivity: The investment in staff training, and

consultation assistance will aid in improving the productive efficiency
of employees and equipment, hence increasing productivity.
 Increased Customer Satisfaction: when the product and service quality
tend to improve, this will help to increase the level of customer
satisfaction towards the quality of service and products received.

3. What can be the loss or drawbacks of the change? How could this be taken
into account in the communication process?

Loss of employment may occur for those involved in the change as a result of the
need for fewer employees as a result of technological advancement, as well as the
need for advanced knowledge and training to cope with new changes, which may
not be suitable for all the employees .
All potential losses from the change may be handled in the communication process
strategy, ensuring that the threats of these losses are either removed or reduced.
The communication strategy should be structured in such a way that all of the
people participating in or affected by change are educated clearly and in depth on
how to properly carry out the change process and how it may benefit both
individuals and the organisation. The communication component of the change
process should examine the perspectives of individuals participating in or affected
by the change and take it into consideration when deciding what to communicate,
when to communicate, and how to communicate.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 3A checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Learner writes a communication plan for the organisation. Yes No

(Please circle)

Q1. Learner consults with the classmates about his/her communication plan. Yes No
(Please circle)

Q2. Learner identifies at least two benefits relate to the change in their Yes No
organisation. (Please circle)

Learner identifies losses or drawbacks of the change. Yes No

Q3. (Please circle)

Learner explains how they take the identified losses into account in the Yes No
communication process. (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

Activity 3B
Type: Assessment report Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective Arrange and manage activities to deliver the communication or education plans
to relevant groups and individuals.

Foundation skills: Navigate the world of work and interact with others.
1. You are about the implement the communication plan. What are topics that
you will include in the meeting? (List at least three main topics)
a)Process- Make sure all the key steps of the process are listed so
everyone knows what to expect and when.If the process is included in the
meeting and it is executed well,it will compel others to stand up to difficulties
and inconsistencies.
b)The objective- state realistic objective that can actually be achieved.
c)Goals- Set specific,measurable,attainable,relevant and time-based goals for
your communications plan.

2. What practical arrangements do you need to consider when arranging and

managing communication/training activities? (Identified at least three areas
of practical arrangement)

1. The venue is suitable in terms of size, location, accessibility, and formality.

2. The event's duration is adequate which is not too lengthy or too short.
3. The event's scheduling is reasonable and takes into account people's
working hours.

3. Discuss with your classmate to seek feedback on practical arrangements in

your plan

As you set your first training and development budget, seek benchmark
information from other organisation or surveys regarding how much other
organisations budget for training. Also consider the types of offerings you
plan to deliver. How many offerings you are going to provide and expected
participation /number of people trained. All of this affects your training

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 3B checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Q1. Learner writes at least three main topics that they will cover in the Yes No
meeting session. (Please circle)

Learner identifies at least three areas of practical arrangements that they Yes No
need to consider when arranging and managing communication/training (Please circle)
Learner can communicate to their classmates about the communication Yes No
activities/practical arrangements. (observe by the trainer). (Please circle)

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Q3. Learner collects feedbacks from the classmates. Yes No
(Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

Activity 3C
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective Consult with relevant groups and individuals for input into the change process.

Foundation skills: Oral communication and Interact with others

1. Imagine that you are planning a consultation event in your organisation as
part of a change program to introduce the change project of Australia Post.

1.1 How would you select members of the consultation group/s?

1.2 When, where and how will the consultation/s take place?

1.3 What key questions will be asked as part of the consultation process? (at
least three questions)

1.4 What will happen to the results/output from the consultation process?
(at least two results)

1.1 Consultation often includes a representative sample of individuals from

across the organisation, such as staff, managers, workers' representatives,
various departments/job types, various periods of service, various specialisms,
and others. There are several methods I would use to select persons to
participate in the consultation process, incorporating random selection, which
is randomly selecting names from lists of different employment titles, inviting
volunteers, and inviting selected persons based on their competence.
However, regardless of the process of selection used, it is critical to maintain
an aspect of ‘fair play' so that the rest of the organisation does not believe
that the consultation group was selected as the most engaged, most positive

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0

1.2. Consultation events will take numerous forms, including questionnaires

and surveys, online forums/discussions, face-to-face consultation sessions,
virtual consultation sessions, and telephone consultation. The consultation
period will last one week, from May 10, 2020 to may 17, 2020 in the main
hall of our department just after working hours .

1.3. The key questions that will be asked during the consultation process are:
 What do you think about the proposed change project?
 What do you think about the time frame required to get used to the
change project?
 What do you think about the required resources for the change
project procedure?

1.4. The findings or output of the consultation process will be effectively

reported to stakeholders through meetings or e-mail to ensure that the
outcome of the consultation process is conveyed to all associated
stakeholders in order to carry forwards the new change process.

2. Perform a roleplay:

Student A will be a person who will seek a consultation.

Student B will be the specialist.

Student A is required to ask questions in Question 1.3 and write the answers
below. Student B is required to answer questions.

After finish, you are required to swap the role.

Abhi: Hello Mr Bikram, I had some questions about the project X. Do you mind
telling me if project X is better than project Y?

Bikram: Hello. Yes from what we have compared and analysed project X has more
potential in terms of profit and sustainability when compared to project Y.

Abhi: Can you please tell me why the firm is preferring project X?

Bikram: Sure. For the main point, project X’s budget is only a bit more than than
our previous project. But when you compare the end-game profit and achievement
from project X, it is unbelievably better for the company.

Anil: That’s great to know. Thank you for your time.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 3C checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Learner can explain how they select members in the consultation group/s. Yes No
(Please circle)

Learner can schedule the event by identifying when the consultation will Yes No
take place. (Please circle)

Learner can schedule the event by identifying where the consultation will Yes No
take place. (Please circle)
Learner can schedule the event by identifying how the consultation will Yes No
take place. (Please circle)

Learner writes at least three key questions that they will ask as part of the Yes No
consultation process. (Please circle)

Learner writes at least two results from the consultation process. Yes No
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
(Please circle)

Q2. Learner completed the roleplay and wrote a summary of answers in the Yes No
workbook. (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 3D
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective Action interventions and activities set out in project plan according to project

Foundation skill: Get the work done

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
1. Choose three of the following possible interventions and actions which may
occur on a project plan. Thinking of the context of Australia Post, describe
how you would ensure the correct/appropriate implementation of these

 Action research
 Career planning
 Job redesign
 Sensitivity training
 Succession planning
 Surveys (with feedback)
 Team building
 Termination or redeployment
 Training
 Transition analysis.

 Action research- Action research is a research approach in

organisations that seeks transformative change through the
simultaneous processes of taking action and doing study, which are
linked by critical reflection. Action research may be carried out with the
assistance of an expert team. First and foremost, it is vital to
determine which sectors of Australia Post are undergoing radical
transformation. Then, a team of specialists comprised of personnel
from similar departments as well as top management might be
formed. The funding and resources must then be allocated, as well as a
timeframe for completing the action research programme. Following
that, the study results must be continuously monitored, reported on,
and documented.
 Job redesign- Job redesigning is the process of restructuring the
characteristics of a given job, such as tasks, activities, and obligations,
in order to make it more encouraging and motivating for the
employees or workers. The process include rewriting, analysing,
changing, reforming, and reshuffling job-related content and
dimensions in order to expand the diversity of assignments and duties
available to workers and make them feel valued assets to the firm. The
basic goal of job redesigning is to place the appropriate person in the
appropriate work and get the most out of them while boosting their
satisfaction. For instance, if there is extension of trading hours in the
project plan of Australia Post, I will need to form a team and
communicate the change of trading hours and provide novel and
effective solutions to difficulties that will arise in its operation.
 Sensitivity training- Sensitivity training must be integrated into the
larger corporate culture of ethics, respect, and anti-discrimination
regulations. The firm and management must accept the training ideas
and enable them to become a part of the culture.whiile implementing
sensitivity training in Australia post it will be critical to identify the
specific requirement for the training like what do I want the employees
to be able to accomplish differently as a consequence of the training
and make practical arrangements for the training events.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
2. please schedule your selected intervention and activities in the change
process timeline.

Example of template:

Stage of Request for Planning for Implementing review

changes change change change

Date/Month May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020

Activities Identifying Identifying the Allocating Reviewing

reasons for agents of change multiple various KPIs
extension of and resources of or performing
trading hours communicating change GAP analysis
with different management on the basis
stakeholders of results

Activity 3D checklist – for assessor

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Learner chooses three of the possible interventions provided in activity 3D. Yes No
Q1. (Please circle)

Learner explains how they ensure whether the implementation of each Yes No

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
action you selected is correct and appropriate. (Please circle)

Q2. Learner can schedule their selected intervention activities in the timeline Yes No
template provided. (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

Activity 3E
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective Activate strategies for embedding the change

Foundation skills: Get the work done

 Why is it important to activate strategies for embedding the
change? (Give at least two reasons)

 It is important to activate strategies for embedding the change so as

to ensure that all relevant stakeholders, particularly workers, are
properly informed about the change ahead of time. This ensures that
workers are completely aware of any changes and their influence on
their working practises and outcomes.
 If there are any hurdles to change, such as disbelief, low morale, or a
lack of enthusiasm among staff because they are used to the previous
way of working, this will help management plan alternative initiatives
to ensure the barriers are removed.

As you start implementing the change project to Australia Post,
which strategies might you use to embed the change? (Learner must
include an explanation of how they apply the selected strategies in
the answer) (Give at least two strategies)
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
The different strategies that can be used to embed the change are
 Monitoring how teams and individuals are working – this can be done
by carefully checking the work process and maintain track of every
action taken by each individual or team.Self monitoring tools can also
be used like checklists, project plans which can help track their actions
to ensure that every individual leading the change are on the same

 Giving feedback to people on how they are implementing the changes

– giving feedback may not only assist other people in coping with
change, but it can also be used to shape the design of change
programme. Giving individuals the means to pause, ponder, gather,
and share ideas is critical to communicating through change. This may
be quite effective, as it provides leaders with the information they
require to drive change. The change project will be unlikely to succeed
until the loop on that feedback is closed. Feedback should be given in
timely manner and should be specific.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 3E checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Q1. Learner identifies at least one of the reasons why activating strategies for Yes No
embedding the change are important. (Please circle)

Learner identifies at least two strategies that they will use to embed the Yes No
change. (Please circle)

Learner explains how they apply the selected strategies to their change Yes No
program. (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 3F
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective Conduct regular evaluation and review and modify project plan where appropriate
to achieve change program objectives.

Foundation skill: Get the work done


 Why is it important to evaluate and review progress during a change

management programme?
To ensure that the change management programme continues on track and
achieves the expected goals, it is critical to analyse and monitor its progress on a
frequent basis. It's all too easy to spend all of your work and attention on
developing and implementing the change programme while paying little
attention to ensuring that the targeted outcomes are accomplished. Regular
evaluation and assessment should be carried out. The precise date will be
determined by the nature of the change initiative. It may be suitable to evaluate
on a daily basis in certain small-scale change projects, whereas monthly
evaluations may be more suitable in others.

 What methods can be used to evaluate and review the progress of the
project? (Give at least two methods)
1. Obtaining feedback from significant individuals and asking for their
views and thoughts on the progress being achieved.

2. Reviewing the change management project plan.

3. You are required to write an evaluation plan for the project. In the plan, you
must include the topics as follows:

- Evaluation method
- How often is the evaluation or performance review
- What do you want to observe/ evaluate?
- How would you know if you need to modify the project plan?
- Give an example of the modification.

Evaluation should be created during the planning stage and then into each phase of
the program cycle. This ensures that the programme objectives and criteria for
determining success are clear, and that the evaluation results and recommendations
are used to enhance future programmes. Evaluation plan goes through different
phases such as
A) Identification phase- where Various partners and organisations will be
assigned as accountable for certain objectives and activities during the
development of actions.
B) Design phase- in which various partners and organisations will be assigned
responsibility for certain goals and tasks during development of action plan.
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
C) start-up phase- to address each priority problem. Review our action plans and
make any required changes to verify that each strategy has realistic and
quantifiable objectives, responsible personnel identified, necessary and
accessible resources identified, and realistic dates defined.
D) Implementation phase- The project is launched at this phase, and actions are
monitored and tracked.Feedbacks are taken on a weekly basis from relevant
groups about the progress being made.
E) Evaluation- An essential procedure is evaluating the execution of strategies
and reviewing what has been done. “Did we succeed?” is the first set of
inquiries. The question of “Did we achieve the objectives we set out to
attain?” entails evaluating the strategy, objectives, and action plans. The
results may be utilised to help us remain on track by developing and
modifying our project plans.
F) Follow up evaluation- The final step is to check for the results of the follow-up
evaluation. A accomplished aim, a newly determined priority, a shift in duties,
or a change in resources and assets may need revisions to the plan. Is
everything going well, or is everything going as planned, and is it effective
and so forth.
Through feedbacks we can know if we need to modify the project plan
For eg- when there is a change such as extension of working hours on
Saturdays, we can measure it by employees feedback which can be reviewed
every week or month about their flexibility,roster and satisfaction. We cant
take the feedbacks just from a particular individual or group so we can
change the employee rostering every week to get feedback from other groups
as well.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Activity 3F checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist
Learner can explain the reason why it is important to evaluate and review
Q1. Yes No
progress during a change management programme.
(Please circle)

Learner can identify at least two correct methods that can be used to
Q2. Yes No
evaluate and review progress of a change programme.
(Please circle)

Learner mentions about how often they will do an evaluation.

Yes No
(Please circle)

Learner can identify correct methods that they would use to review Yes No
Q3. progress of the change project toward achieving their objectives. (Please circle)

Learner can identify what to observe or evaluate correctly. Yes No

(Please circle)

Learner can explain when they will need to modify the plan. Yes No
(Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Skills and Knowledge Activity
Type: Written Assessment Due date: TBA
Group or Individual: Individual
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the
foundation skills, knowledge evidence and performance evidence.
Activity Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your
organisational requirements for each one.

1. Describe a process or cycle for managing organisational change effectively.

The change management process is the set of actions or actions followed by a

change management team or project leader to apply change management to a
change in order to facilitate individual transitions and guarantee that the project
achieves its goals. The following are the process in properly managing
organisational change:
 Having a strategy in place and communicating with everyone who will be
impacted by the change:The management or team leader should ensure
that the Change is well-planned and communicated to all those who may
be affected by it. This is done to ensure that everyone involved in the
change process understands their roles and responsibilities, as well as how
the change will affect them.
 Having a clear vision for change: It is essential to have a clear vision of the
change, including its nature, driving factors, aims, and projected effects.
 Monitoring and assessing to ensure that the modification is reaching its
goal: To ensure that the change meets its goals, it is critical that team
leaders or other relevant employees monitor and evaluate the process.

2. What are the components of a change management project plan?

The major components of a change management project plan are:

 The project title
 Budget
 Timescales
 Monitoring and reviewing arrangements
 Reporting arrangements
 Project objectives ideally linked to organisational objectives
 Key people involved like stakeholders and interested parties.

3. Describe how organisational behaviour can affect a change management

The study of group and individual performance and activity inside an
organisation is known as organisational behaviour. It is the systematic
investigation and application of information about how individuals and groups
behave inside the organisations in which they operate. The study of
organisational behaviour provides information on how people act and perform
at work. It aids in the development of an awareness of the factors that might
encourage people, improve their performance, and assist organisations in
developing a strong and trustworthy connection with their workers. So, the
study of organisational behaviour will provide us with the primary areas as
BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
well as the variables that need to be modified or taken into account when
building a change management programme. The different factors of
organisational behaviour that can affect a change management program are:

Performance Gap: This represents the difference between desired and actual
performance. The change management plan must concentrate on how to
reduce or close this gap.
Business opportunities: These are opportunities that present themselves that
the organisation may choose to explore. This might be caused to internal or
external influences, although it is usually associated with the external
environment. The change management plan must be created in such a way
that it assists the organisation in gaining the most advantage feasible from
business possibilities.
Management Decisions: This represents senior management decisions to
produce, improve, decrease, redesign, and limit a variety of the organization's
goods, services, and procedures. As a result, the change management plan
must be created in partnership with senior management to ensure that the
long-term organisational policies benefit from change management.

4. List three potential barriers to change in your organisation and describe

specifically how those barriers may impede the change process.

The three potential barriers to change in an organisation are:

 Existing Organisational change: People in an organisation are used to
the current existing culture. They may not like that culture, but it is
familiar to them; they understand how it works and how to act within
it. Any changes in culture may be extremely threatening to people as
they learn a new way of acting.
 Fear of Loss of Security, Status, Power and Friends: A sensation of loss
is an unavoidable side effect of change. Moving an individual away
from their treasured workstation near a window in a simple office
transfer might result in a significant loss of territory, connections, and
security. This can have a big influence on that person's desire and
willingness to experiment with new ways of functioning.
 Lack of Involvement in the Change: People don’t like enforced change.
They will respond much more favourably if they are participating in
the change effort in some way. They will be more likely to participate
if they believe their opinions are being heard and prioritised.

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Skills and Knowledge Activity checklist – for assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of competency

(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Marking checklist

Q1. Learner can describe a process or cycle for managing organisational Yes No
change correctly. (Please circle)

Q2. Learners can identify at least three components of a change management Yes No
project plan. (Please circle)

Q3. Learner can explain how organisational behaviour can affect a change Yes No

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
management programme. (Please circle)

Learner writes three potential barriers to change in the organisation. Yes No

Q4. (Please circle)

Learner describes how the barriers mentioned may impede the change Yes No
process. (Please circle)


Provide your comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory

Competency record to be completed by assessor

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the overall unit. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed
competent or not yet competent for the unit or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)

Date(s) of assessment

Has the learner completed all required assessments to a satisfactory standard? Yes No
(Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner to prove Yes No
their competency across the entire unit?
(Please circle)

The learner has been assessed as competent in the elements and performance criteria and the
evidence has been presented as:
Yes No

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
(Please circle)

Valid Yes No
(Please circle)

Reliable Yes No
(Please circle)

Current Yes No
(Please circle)

Sufficient Yes No
(Please circle)

Learner is deemed
Not yet competent Competent
If not yet competent, date for re-assessment:

Comments from trainer/assessor:

Learner’s signature

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
Assessor’s signature

Appendix A
Case study – Australia Post

Australia Post delivers mails to 12.3 million delivery points across Australia. In 2020,
Australia Post recorded its revenue of $7.5 billion and profit before tax of $53.6 million
(Australian Post, 2020).

Since 2019, Australia Post has been encountered a big challenge from the COVID-19
pandemic. The organisation need to change its strategy and practice on delivering services.
There are a few trends that Australia Post has to consider during the COVID which are as
- Booming of eCommerce and online shopping
- Applying contactless services
- Increasing in online or digital communication

Change management involves extensive consultation with internal and external key
stakeholders and can include the development of a wide range of documentation. For
example, policy and procedures manuals, communication plan and materials, training plan
and materials, reporting plan, development of key performance indicators, and a review
plan for ongoing feedback and monitoring to implement continuous improvement (QGCIO,

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0
As this change process will be used for future rollouts in post offices across Australia, it is
critical that extensive formal monitoring and evaluation be undertaken to identify any
changes to the process that may be needed.


BSBINN601 Lead and Manage organisational change_version 4.0

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