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13/11/23, 18:19 3.

3 Big Data

3.3 Big Data

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What is Big Data?

"Big data is the large volume of structured and unstructured information that gets flooded into a company
on a daily basis. The importance of big data is not the amount of information a company receives but rather
how they choose to organize the data to understand the actions, needs, wants, and buying habits of their

How is Big Data used in digital marketing?

"Data is currency in this digital marketing era. Data is what guides the strategic efforts within a company as it
helps marketers understand their target audience in order to create more personalized campaigns... As a
marketer in the modern world, it is important to understand what Big Data is and how it can help you optimize
your efforts and maximize ROI."

– From The Influence of Big Data in Digital Marketing (


What is the difference between Big Data and Raw Data?

Raw data is always unprocessed, but the data can be small or large. It could be 5 surveys or 500 surveys. The
term raw data only refers to the state of the data, but not the size. Big Data refers to massive amounts of data
with potentially millions of data points. "Traditional data sets tend to be measured in gigabytes and terabytes. As
a result, their size can allow for centralized storage, even on one server. Big data is distinguished not only by its
size but also by its volume. Big data is usually measured in petabytes, zettabytes, or exabytes."

"Big data uses a dynamic schema. In storage, big data is raw and unstructured. When big data is accessed, the
dynamic schema is applied to the raw data. Big data analysis can occur in real-time. Because big data
generates on a second-by-second basis, analysis can occur as data is being collected. Big data analysis offers
businesses a more dynamic and holistic understanding of their needs and strategies.
- From The Difference Between Big Data and Traditional Data

Instructions 1/2
13/11/23, 18:19 3.3 Big Data

1. Begin by reading and watching the following:

What is big data? ( (1:49, Transcript)

6 Steps To Clean Up Your Data Swamp (

2. Next (
definitions.html) , think about how Big Data applies to the gospel by reviewing the following slides: Big Data
and the Individual. (


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