3-wk Unit Plan - Eportfoli Artifact Standard 3

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NYS Health Education Curriculum and Assessment Initiative


PBH 645 Methods In Health Education
Health Education Learning Experience Design (Part I)

Learning Experience Title: Tobacco and Vaping

Level: 8th grade
Your Name: Casey Schmitt

A. Standards and Performance Indicators for ONE AUTHENTIC SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT

National AND Health Ed Standard and Performance Indicators

8SL5: Integrate digital media and/or visual displays in presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add elements of interest to
engage the audience.
8SL4: Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, valid reasoning, and well-chosen
details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear enunciation.

Health Ed Standards:
1.8.3 Analyze potential risks and consequences of practicing unhealthy behaviors.

1.8.8 Predict the likelihood of personal injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.

2.8.5 Analyze how media, social media, and technology (e.g., television, movies, video games, advertisements, apps, and other screen
time) influence health behaviors.

3.8.6 Demonstrate interactive health literacy by talking about print media and social media that address different populations,
perspectives, and practices

4.8.1 Examine how effective interpersonal communication can benefit personal health and well-being.

7.8.4 Analyze the impact of making health and safety practices into personal health habits.

8.8.2 Create an action plan with advocacy strategies related to a position that promotes personal, family, peer, and school health.
8.8.1 Use valid and reliable information to identify advocacy positions that meet personal, family, peer, and school health needs.

B. Authentic SUMMATIVE Assessment(s)

Students will be creating an anti-smoking/anti vaping PSA presentation. It will be a creative poster, video, or google slide which will
attract peoples attention. The PSA will accurately communicate at least three health risks associated with eother smoking or vaping. It
will include a catchy slogan, phrase or short poem to draw the audience in. The project will include pictures, colors, and images to
demonstrate the students creativity. And finally, the project must be neat and clean and accurately express why a person should not
use tobacco or vaping products. Students will be able to create a PSA presentation to shows the required material on the rubric so the
teacher can confirm they are developed in the skill of communication.

C. Essential and Guiding Questions

Essential Student Question (ONE REQUIRED)

What health knowledge about tobacco and vaping and refusal skills do I need to know and be able to do to be safe and healthy

Diagnostic Questions (TWO REQUIRED)

What refusal skills and knowledge of tobacco/vaping do I currently use to be safe and healthy?
What refusal skills and health knowledge about tobacco/vaping do I need to learn to be safe and healthy?

Guiding Questions (10 REQUIRED)

How can I reduce my health and safety risks when in a unsafe environment?
How can I use my strengths of refusal skills to enhance my health and safety?
Who can support me when I feel pressured in an environment with vaping or tobacco?
How can I develop the confidence to use my prior knowledge and refusal skills I need to refuse tobacco or vaping?
What internal and external pressures influence my ability to be safe and healthy?
How do my peers’ attitudes and behaviors influence my choices of trying tobacco or vape products?
How can I resist unhealthy pressures when involved with tobacco or vaping?
Why are health and safety skills and knowledge important to me?
How do the positive and negative consequences of healthy behaviors compare with those of risky behaviors when involved with
How can I help others to be safe and healthy if in an environment of pressure with tobacco or vapes?
Student Assessment Question (ONE REQUIRED)
How will I demonstrate what I have learned and am able to do to be safe and healthy?

D. Enduring Understandings

DIRECTIONS: delete any you are not including in your unit plan

 Individuals need knowledge, skills and resources to be healthy.

 Personal strategies can be learned to develop and enhance healthy behaviors and to avoid, reduce and cope with unhealthy,
risky or potentially unsafe situations.
 Individuals have a personal responsibility to develop, maintain and increase safe and healthy behaviors.
 Most individuals do not engage in high-risk health behaviors.
 Culture, media and social pressures influence health behaviors. Risk reduction or cessation/treatment programs may be
successful for the prevention or reduction of risky health behaviors.
 Many individuals find it hard to stop or reduce unhealthy behaviors despite knowledge of health hazards and risks.
 Community organizations have information, resources and services to assist individuals with developing and increasing healthy
behaviors and resisting, reducing or abstaining from unhealthy behaviors.

E. Skills


Self-Management or Relationship Management


Stress Management
Planning and Goal Setting
Decision Making

F. Functional Knowledge
Sexual Risk
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Family Life/Sexual Health
Unintentional Injury
Violence Prevention
Other Required Health Areas
Physical Activity and Nutrition (NOT ALLOWED)

. G. Skill Pedagogy

DIRECTIONS: delete any you are not including in your unit plan

A. Individuals learn a skill when it is clearly explained, broken down into simple steps, and modeled in a demonstration using all the steps in the
correct sequence.

B. When learning a new skill, it is important for individuals to have an opportunity to carefully examine a few examples in-depth.

C. Individuals need to practice all the skill steps in large group and small group sessions receiving feedback from others.

D. During skill practice, it is important to allow time for constructive feedback and discussions with others.

E. Individuals need multiple opportunities to adapt, personalize and shape a skill as they learn it.

F. Individuals must over practice a skill until it is automatic (requiring little or no conscious thought) to effectively transfer it to
real life situations.

G. Confidence in the use of a skill increases when practice sessions increase in difficulty and complexity.

H. Internal and external rewards for using a skill correctly will increase the likelihood of continued skill use.
The greater the similarities between the skill practice situations and real life, the greater the amount of positive transfer of the

H. Effective Instructional Strategy(ies)

One instructional strategy I will be using in this learning experience is simulation. I will give student scenario
cards of events that could occur in their lives, and they would need to utilize the skill of refusal to say no to the
scenario. This strategy allows them to have the confidence and competence to utilize refusal strategies if a situation
like these could potentially occur. Another instructional strategy I will be using is an educational game. I will be
having my students participate in a game of jeapordy. The layout will be identical, but I will be including topics
discussed during this unit. The game is interactive and enjoyable and students will be able to continue reviewing
material taught. Another instructional strategy I will be using is project based learning. Students will be creating
public service announcements which will be directed towards a specific audience and allow them to identify effects
of smoking, phrases to use for their project, and other facts which can be added to show creativity for this topic. I will
also be using the K-W-L Chart instructional strategy to allow kids to come to class the first day of our unit and reflect
on what they know, what they want to know, and what they have learned in the end.
NYS Health Education Curriculum and Assessment Initiative

MODIFIED Learning Experience Part II: 3 Week Unit Pacing Chart

PBH 645 Teaching Methods in Health Education

Learning Experience Sketch with directions

Week 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
TITLE OF Each Intro to self Myths or facts Hello my name is Escape the Vape Peer pressure and
LESSON management and Tobacco Refusal Strategies
Standards and NHES 7.8.1 NHES 1.8.3 NYSHE 3A NYSHE 1D NYSHE 1B
Indicators NYSHE 1D NYSHE 3A NHES 3.8.1 NHES 3.8.1 NYSHE 1D
NHES 3.8.1 NHES 2.8.3
NHES 4.8.1,.2,.3
Skills and subskills SM.I.1 SM.I.2 SM.I.1 SM.I.1,1.2,1.3,1.4 SM.I.5
SM.I.2, 1.3 CM.I.1
CM.I.2, CM.I.4,
Skill pedagogy Individuals learn a skill When learning a new Individuals learn a skill When learning a new Individuals must
when it is clearly skill, it is important when it is clearly skill, it is important over practice a skill
explained, broken for individuals to explained, broken down for individuals to until it is automatic
down into simple have an opportunity into simple steps, and have an opportunity (requiring little or no
steps, and modeled in to carefully examine modeled in a to carefully examine conscious thought)
a demonstration using a few examples in- demonstration using all a few examples in- to effectively
all the steps in the depth. the steps in the correct depth. transfer it to real life
correct sequence. sequence. situations.

Functional TB.I.1 Most individuals TB.I.2 Tobacco contains the TB.I.2 Tobacco contains the TB.I.2 Tobacco contains the TB.I.4 Stopping tobacco
Knowledge do not smoke or use addictive drug, nicotine, and addictive drug, nicotine, and addictive drug, nicotine, and use has short term and
smokeless tobacco. other harmful substances. other harmful substances. other harmful substances. long term benefits.
TB.I.6 Environmental TB.I.6 Environmental TB.I.8 Tobacco TB.I.5 Smoke cessation
tobacco smoke is dangerous tobacco smoke is dangerous manufacturers use various programs can be
to health. to health. strategies to direct successful.
advertisements toward
young persons.
Instructional Learn relevant Learn relevant Learn relevant Learn relevant Simulation
information about information information information
self management
(skills, steps, and Myth bustin

K-W-L Chart
Assessment(s) Journal: Students End of class feedback In class graded Journal: Students Observational:
moments form question
will write down assignment. Handed will write down their Teacher will walk
things in their life in at end of the reactions to the the around during
that they gave period. marketed products simulation activity
responsibility for for vapes and the and listen to
as well as explain different desings, students
why they are ingredients, and responses to the
responsible for flavors that are situation.
those things. used to draw people Students who can
to the product. successfully use
any of the refusal
strategies to say
no to a situation.
Learning Students will Students will be Students will start Students will be -Students will be
define self given a worksheet by watching a short introduced to what introduced to the
management and that has 15 myths 5 minute video about Vaping is. topic of peer
“what the
students will do” list the or facts. As a class, tobacco products -First they will pressure. They will
educational we will go through and the most watch a short 5 follow along to a
outcomes as well each statement and harmful ingredients minute video on how nearpod which
as the relevance students will guess to refresh their vaping was first allows them to
of self whether that memory of last class. started and how it follow along
management statement about is advertised. answering
through tobacco and Students will work in -Then they will questions and
powerpoint slides. products associated groups to complete a follow along taking responding to
Students will also are myths or facts. in class assignment notes on a packet prompts about
list steps to the where they will similar to the what peer
skill of self Students will then research tobacco powerpoint pressure is,
management. They begin learning more product facts, regarding facts and whether it is good
will then talk with about tobacco definitions, and health concerns or bad, and if
partners and products and the important health about vapes there are ways to
groups and discuss drugs that are used risks associated with -Students will then stop peer pressure
who helps them be that can cause harm tobacco to learn analzye flavors, from occurring if
healthy and tyen by following a power more about the designs and negative.
facilitate the point presentation. harmful drug. ingredients that are
discussion to add used to market -In the same
why they may have products and journal nearpod, students
not included their thoughts and will be introduced
themselves. expressions. to refusal
Students will then strategies. They ill
speak about go through the list
whether or not of strategies they
they use tobacco can use alongside
products and how examples of the
they may decide strategies in use
to or not to use
the product. -Students will
work in group to
Students will simulate potential
create a K-W-L senarios in which
Chart about their they may have to
knowledge of overcome peer
tobacco and vape pressure by
products utilizing a refusal

Learning Experience Sketch with directions

Week 2 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10
TITLE OF Each Tobacco resource Tobacco resource Tobacco Unit Decision Making The influence of
LESSON assignment assignment Jeapordy advertisments
NYSHE 3F NHES 3.8.4,.5 NHES 2.8.3 NYSHE 2A NHES 8.8.1,.3,.4
NHES 3.8.1 NHES 4.8.1,.2,.3 NHES 2.8.3
NHES 3.8.4,.5 NHES 4.8.1,.2,.3
NHES 5.8.1
NHES 5.8.3
Skills and subskills CM.I. 9 CM.I.9 CM.I.2, CM.I.9 CM.I.2, CM.I.4, CM.I.6, CM.I.4, CM.I.5
steps CM.I.8
Skill pedagogy Individuals need to Individuals need to Confidence in the use Individuals need When learning a
practice all the skill practice all the skill steps of a skill increases multiple opportunities new skill, it is
steps in large group in large group and small when practice to adapt, personalize important for
and small group group sessions receiving sessions increase in and shape a skill as individuals to have
sessions receiving feedback from others. difficulty and they learn it. an opportunity to
feedback from others. complexity. carefully examine a
few examples in-

Functional TB.I.3, TB.I.5 TB.I.3, TB.I.5 TB.I.2, TB.I.3, TB.I.4, TB.I.1, TB.I.3 TB.I.8, TB.I.9
Knowledge TB.I.8

Instructional Cooperative learning Cooperative learning Educational Game Self-imrpovement Concept mapping
Strategies homework

Assessment(s) Jigsaw Jigsaw Quiz show Interview homework End of class feedback
moments form question
Learning Students will be put Students will present Students will participate Students will be Students will watch a
Opportunities into assigned groups their powerpoint in a friendly class game discussing how they short clip about
where they will presentation on a of jeopardy. The topics make decisions. As a advertising and the
“what the research companies specified support will include: tobacco class, prompts will ask effects of advertising
students will do” and groups that are of resource which will be information, refusal students to reflect and products. As a class,
support for current graded using a rubric. skills, vaping information, think about deciding we will discuss the
tobacco users, or peer pressure, and factors they use when role of advertising and
potential tobacco situation examples. making tough decisions. whether or not it is
users. They will create The teacher will go direct or indirectly
this powerpoint through powerpoint advertised. Students
project which will be slides about the will research
presented next class decision model and give different
students examples in advertisements to
which they would have show examples to one
to decide what is best another and determine
for them to do. whether the
advertisement is
For homework that will direct or indirectly
begin in class, students targeting them or a
will be interviewing a population
parent, grandparent,
neighbor or other adult
with their own questions
about how this
particular person makes
a decision. Students
must create at least 8
questions to ask that
can lead their interview
to discuss decision
making with that person
Learning Experience Sketch with directions
Week 3 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15
TITLE OF Each What is a PSA PSA Projects Present PSA Project 5,10,20 year plan of Letter to self:
LESSON goals for personal Don’t use tobacco
tobacco use
Indicators NYSHE 2B NYSHE 3D NYSHE 3D NYES 5.8.4,.5,.6,.7 NYSHE 1D
NYSHE 3D NHES 8.8.1,.3,.4 NHES 6.9.1,.2,.3 NYSHE 3E
NHES 4.8.1,.2,.3 NHES 7.8.1 NHES 6.8.1,.4
NHES 8.8.1,.3,.4 NHES 8.8.1,.3,.4
Skills and subskills CM.I.2 CM.I.2 CM.I.2 SM.I.5 CM.I.2
steps CM.I.8 CM.I.8 CM.I.8 SM.I.8 SM.I.5
CM.I.9 CM.I.9 CM.I.9 SM.I.7
Skill pedagogy Individuals need Individuals need Individuals need to Internal and external Individuals must
multiple multiple opportunities practice all the skill steps rewards for using a over practice a skill
opportunities to to adapt, personalize in large group and small skill correctly will until it is automatic
adapt, personalize and shape a skill as group sessions receiving increase the (requiring little or no
and shape a skill as they learn it. feedback from others. likelihood of conscious thought)
they learn it. continued skill use. to effectively
transfer it to real life

Functional TB.I.3 TB.I.3 TB.I.3 TB.I.1 TB.I.3

Knowledge TB.I.4 TB.I.4 TB.I.4 TB.I.2 TB.I.7
TB.I.8 TB.I.8 TB.I.8
Instructional Project based learning Project based learning Project based learning Vision Boards – goal Service learning
Strategies setting and planning
Value clarification
-KWL Chart
Assessment(s) Observational Graded rubric out of 25 Exit slip: students will One minute paper
moments Check for assessment points hand in personal goals to
understanding be reviewed

Learning Students will watch a Students will continue Students will present . Students will create Students will write a
Opportunities short clip on Public working on their PSA. PSA and be graded on personal goals regarding letter to future users
service Each PSA must include a their product following a tobacco use giving them ways to
“what the announcements. They catchy slogan, 5 health rubric say no to the pressure
students will do” will learn what the risks, 3 fun facts, and Students will also look as well as reasons not
necessary tools are to images and design to back on their KWL chart to begin use.
create a PSA and draw their audience in. to see if what they
begin to create one wanted to know was
for their own. satisfied and also fill
Students will have the out what they learned in
remainder of class to the end as a reflective
brainstorm a PSA idea idea.
that will be worked on
during the next class.
The PSA will be for
anti-vaping or smoking.

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