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MAGA ELEMENTARY STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY Eto hei On WTA, 2. cr Oy ayes Lesson 19 ; HYPOTHESIS TESTING FOR DIFF’ BETWEEN TWO MEANS OF INDEPENDENT S. 1. Perform hypothesis testing for difference between two means of independent samples. 3 hours module, exercise sheet, writing materials iii In the previous lessen, we discuss the statistical test to be use in answering inferences about a mean. In this lesson, we will discussed the statistical test to be used on inferences between two means. 19.1. _¢ Test for Two Means of Independent Samples Suppose a researcher wishes to determine whether there is difference in the average age of nursing students who enroll in a nursing program at a community college and those who enroll in a nursing program at a university. In this case, the researcher is not interested in the average age of all beginning nursing students; instead, he is interested in comparing the means of the two groups. His research question is, Does the mean age of nursing students who enroll ata community college differ from the mean age of mursing students who enroll ata university? Here, the hypotheses are Ho: y= Mp and ty # Hz Another way of stating the hypotheses is Har fy z= 0 and = Hsp — Hz #0. If there is no difference in population means, subtracting them will give a difference of zero. If they are different, subtracting will give a number other than zero. Assumptions: 1. Both samples are random samples. 2. The samples must be independent of each other. That is, there can be no relationship between the subjects in each sample, 3. The standard deviations of both populations must be known. 4, Ifthe sample sizes are less than 30, the populations must be normslly or approximately normally distributed The theory behind testing the difference between two means is based on selecting pairs of samples and comparing the means of the pairs. The population means need not be known. All possible pairs of samples are taken from populations. The means for each pair of samples are computed and then subtracted, and the differences are plotted. If both populations have the same mean, then most of the differences will be zero or close to zero. 130 The formula for z testis where: X, = mean of the first group X, = mean of the second group 0, = population standard deviation of the first group v2 ~ population standard deviation of the second group m, = sample size of the first group my = sample size of the second group Mlustrative Example 1 Problem: Hotel Room Cost. A survey found that the average hotel room rate in New Orleans is $88.42 and the average room rate in Phoenix is $80.61. Assume that the data were obtained from two samples of 50 hotel each and that the standard deviations of the populations are $5.62 and $4.83, respectively. At a=0.05, can it be concluded that there is a significant difference in the rates? souce-tss ropay Problem Question: Is there a significant difference between the average hotel room rates in ‘New Orleans and Phoentx? Hypotheses: ‘H.: There is no significant difference between the average hotel room rates in ‘New Orleans and Phoenix. Hor ty = hy or Hy ty — ‘Hz: There is significant cifference between the average hotel room rates in ‘New Orleans and Phoenix. (claim) His, # zor Hi yp #0 Critical Value: Since a = 0.05 and the test is a two-tailed test, the critical values are +1.96 Refer to this arbitrary critical values of z in different a en0iacy.=-128 tow = (Scone em < Kg =0.01,0¥. (a) Left-tailed o eg tan tow 2 (Scoaweyicntas Wm > K ly 2001, CV. 242.93 (b) Righ-taited ° Hew = & [2 Mem +k [aot ov, 22258 () Two-tailed 0 Test Value: Compute the test value using the given values. Be cautious in dealing with the given measure of dispersior, either variance or standard deviation. Here, since the given is standard deviation, we have to square it to correctly get the test value, Decision: Since the test value of +7.43 is beyond the critical values of £1.96, we reject the null hypothesis. In the figure on the left, it clearly shows thatthe test value falls within the critical region, clearly supporting our decision. a6 3 86 tas Conclusion: There is a significant difference between the average hotel room rates in New Orleans and Phoenix. Furthermore, average hotel room rates in New Orleans is more costly to that of Phoenix. Mlustrative Example 2 Problem: College Sports Offerings. A researcher hypothesizes that the average number of sports that colleges offer for females is lesser than the average number of sports that colleges offer for males. A sample ofthe number of sports offered by colleges is shown. At a= 0.10, is there enough evidence to support the claim? Assume that the population variance is 10.89. Females M Seg teat a 6 a aaa as 7 5 3 4 6 6 4 8 2 WB OLS He RH Hi 6 9 § 6 8 ao ets itis ip ae ee 6 0 7 8 5§ is 6 WM 5 5 as ge Ore ee 9 w B 7 Ww ep gg 7 8 5 7 6 9 5 Ws 8 ae ee Tg i “4 2 5 8 Ss o 7 0 8 W Problem Question: Is the everage number of sports that colleges offer for females is lesser than the average number of sports that colleges offer for males?” Hypotheses: He: The average number of sports that colleges offer for females is the same as the average number of sports that colleges offer for males. He: fy = plz or Ho: ty ~ M2 = 0 H,: The average number of sports that colleges offer for females is lesser than the average number of sports that colleges offer for males. Hr: fy # ig or Flr: ly ~ bz #0 (cl) Critical Value: Since u — 0.10 and the test is right-tailed. the critical values are +1.65 Test Value: Compute the test value using the given values. Be cautious in dealing with the given measure of dispersior, either variance or standard deviation. Here, since the given is standard deviation, we have to square it to correctly get the test value. (79-8.6)-(0) 10.89, 10.89 50 50 Decision: Since the test value of —1.06 is not beyond the critical values of +1.96, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. In the figure on the lef, it clearly shows that the test value falls within the noncritical region, clearly supporting our decision. 1 168 9% Conclusion: The average number of sports that colleges offer for females is the same as the average number of sports that colleges offer for males. 19.2, 1 Test for Two Means of Independent Samples The z test was used to test the difference between two means when the population standard deviations were known and the variables were normally or approximately normally distributed, or when both sample sizes were greater than or equal to 30. In many situations, owever, these conditions cannot be met—that is, the population standard deviations are not known. In these cases, a t test is used to test the difference between means when the two samp'es are independent and when the samples are taken from two normally or approximately normally distributed populations. Samples are independent samples when they are not related. Also it will be assumed that the variances are not equal. Assumptions: 1. Both samples are random samples. 2. The samples must b> independent of each other. That is, there cen be no relationship between the subjects in each sample. 3. The standard deviations of both populations must be unknown. 4. Ifthe sample sizes are less than 30, the populations must be normally or approximately normally distributed. The formula for ¢ test is The degrees of freedom isn, +7, — where: a mean of the first group E, = moan of tho second group St population standard deviation of the first group & population standard deviation ofthe second group nm, = sample size of the first group nz = sample size of the second group Mustrative Example 3 Problem: Farm Sizes. The average size of a farm in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, is 191 acres. The average size of a farm in Greene County, Pennsylvania, is 199 acres. Assume the data were obizined from two samples with standard deviations of 38 and 12 acres, respectively, and sample sizes of 4 and 5, respectively. Can it be concluded at « = 0,05 that the average size of the farms in the two counties is different? Assume the populations are normally distributed. Problem Question: Is the average size of the farms in Indiana and Greene different? Hypotheses: H.: The average size of the farms in Indiana and Greene is the same. Hoses =H or Hetty =z =0 ‘Fh: The average size of the farms in Indiana and Greene is different. Hiway # ig or Hip, — hy #0 Critical Value: The test is two-tailed in «= 0.05. In this case, the d.f.= 445 ~ 2 =7.Hence, from the critical values are +2.365. Lest Value: Compute the test value using the given values. Decision: Since the test value of —0.405 is beyond the critical values of 2.365, we fail to reject the null, hypothesis. In the figure on the le, it clearly shows thatthe test value falls within the nonecritical region, clearly supporting our decision. BS at ae Conclusion: The average size of the farms in Indiana and Greene is the same. Exercise 19 HYPOTHESIS TESTING FOR DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO MEANS OF INDEPENDENT SAMPLES CHECK YOUR PROGRESS: Answer the following problems. 1. California and New York lead the list of average teachers” salaries, The California yearly average is $64,421 while teachers in New York make an average annual salary of $62,332. Random samples of 45 teachers from each state yielded the following California _New York ‘Sample mean 64510 62,900 Porulation standard deviation $200 7,800 ‘Ata = 0.10 is there a difference in means of the salaries? 2. The dean of students wants to see whether there is a significant difference in ages of resident students and commuting students. She selects a sample of 5) students from each group. The ages are shown here. At « = 0.05, decide if there is enough evidence to reject the claim of no differeace in the ages of the two groups. Assume that the resident and commuting students population standard deviation is 3.68 and 4.7 respectively. Resident students Commuter students ns 7 8 6 BW % M i 0 i I 2 2 2m 35 2% 2 2% 4 27 % Is 9 3B 1B 2B 2 wW 2% 2 24 is 30 2% 18 18 19 32 23 2% 30 2 B RB 2 18 2 bp 9 Bb 2 9 2 Wb 2 9 2% 3 19 © 18 19 32 % 19 19 2 2 1 2 IR 2 2 2 19 % 27 27 20 2 ou w 2 2 2 Ww 202 0 nm w w B 2» 9 19 p23 2 25 3. A researcher claims that the mean of the salaries of elementary school teachers is greater than the mean of the salaries of secondary school teachers in a large school distriet. The ‘mean of the salaries of a sample of 26 elementary school teachers is $48,256, and the sample standard deviation is $3,912.40. The mean of the salaries of a sample of 24 secondary school teachers is $45,633. The standard deviation is $5,533. At a = 0.05, can it be concluded that the mean of the salaries of the elementary school teachers is greater than the mean of the salaries of the secondary school teachers? 4, The data show the number of students attending cyber charter schools in Allegheny County and the number of students attending cyber schools in counties surrounding ‘Allegheny County. At a = 0.01 is there enough evidence to support the claim that the average number of students in school districts in Allegheny County who attend cyber schools is greater than those who attend cyber schools in school districts outside Allegheny County? Allegheny County Outside Allegheny Co 25 75 38 41 27 32 25 38 14 10 20 ‘Sour: Ptsturgh Trine Revie

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