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MAGA ELEMENTARY STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY Eto hei On WTA, 2. cr Oy ayes Lesson 22 HYPOTHESIS TESTING FOR DIFFE! BETWEEN THREE OR MORE MEANS. INDEPENDENT SAMPLES. OF | 1. Perform hypothess testing for difference between three or more means of independent samples. 3 hours module, exercise sheet, writing materials iii In the previous lesson, the test was used to compare two sample means when the samples were dependent. In this section, we discuss the statistical test to be used when there are three or more means of independent samples under study. 22.1. One-Way Analysisof Variance In many cases, we test hypothesis involving comparison of three or more means of independent samples. We use a type of F test called the one-way analysis of variance or also abbreviated as One-Way ANOVA. If the F test indicates that there is a difference among the ‘means, other statistical tests are used to find where the difference exists At first glance, you might think that to compare the means of three or more samples, you can use the ¢ test, comparing two means at a time, But there are several reasons why the t test should not be done. 1. When you are comparing two means at a time, the rest of the means under study are ignored. With the F test, all the means are compared simultaneously, 2. When you are comparing two means at a time and making all pairwise comparisons, the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true is increased, since the more £ tests that are conducted, the greater is the likelihood of getting significant differences by chance alone. 3. ‘The more means there are to compare, the more t tests are needed. For example, for the comparison of 3 means two at a time, 3 t tests are required. For the comparison of 5 ‘means two at a time, 10 tests are required. And for the comparison of 10 means two at a time, 45 tests are required. Assumptions: 1. The populations from which the samples were obtained must be normally distributed. 2, The samples must be independent of one another. 3. The variances of the populations must be equal. 152 Even though you are comparing three or more means in this use ofthe F test, variances, are used in the test instead o” means. With the F test, two different estimates of the population variance are made. The first estimate is called the between-group variance, and it involves finding the variance of the means. The second estimate, the wihin-group variance, is made by computing the variance using all the data and is not affected by differences in the means. If there is no difference in the means, the between-group variance estimate will be approximately equal to the within-group variance estimate, and the F test value will be approximately equal to 1. ‘The mull hypothesis will not be rejected. However, when the means differ significantly, the between-group variance will be much larger than the within-group variance; the F test value will be significantly greater than 1; and the null hypothesis will be rejected. Since variances are compared, this procedure is called analysis of variance (ANOVA). For a test of the difference among three or more means, the following hypotheses should be used: Ho! thy = Ma = ke Hy: Atleast one mean is different from the others. As stated previously, a significant test value means that there is a high probability that this difference in means is not due to chance, but it does not indicate where the difference lies. The degrees of freedom for this F test are d.f{N.= k — 1, where k is the number of groups, and .fD. =N— k, where N is the sum of the sample sizes of the groups ny * nz ++ ng. The sample sizes need not be equal. The F test One-Way analysis of variance to compare three or more means is always right-tailed. Formula for One-Way Anaiysis of Variance variance between groups 'y Variance within groups i Variance Between Groups The variance between xroups or betneen-group vuriance, denoted bys”, , measures the differences in the means that result from the different treatments given to each group. First to find is the grand mean, denoted by Xaxr, which is the mean of al the values, in all the samples. The formula for grand mean is Once the grand mean is determine, compute the between-group variance using the: SS, ___sum of squares between groups _ y(¥—Xew)? GFN. degrees of freedom between groups Fl Variance Within Groups The variance within groups or within-group variance, denoted by s*y-, measures the overall variance by calculating a weighted average of the indi iual variances. The formula for within-group variance is SS, __sumof squares within groups___ (,—Ds", d.f.D. degrees of freedom within groups )°(n,—1) where: number of groups sample size of the groups 5°, = sample variance of the groups Finding the F Test Value for the Analysis of Variance Step1 Find the mean and variance of each sample. Bi, 5), Ras BD, --- Re st) Step2 Find the grand mean. ee Fou = 3X Step3 Find the betweer-group variance. go 2GiKar? Step4 Find the within-group variance. pieces Zo 1) Step5 Find the F test value. ‘The degrees of freedom are dfN=k=1 where k is the number of groups, and df. =N-k where Nis the sum of the sample sizes ofthe groups Nem ttt me Mlustrative Example 1 Problem: Lowering Blood Pressure. A researcher wishes to try three different techniques to lower the blood pressure of individuals diagnosed with high blood pressure. The subjects are randomly assigned to three groups; the first group takes medication, the second group exercises, and the third group takes a diet. After four weeks, the reduction in each person’s blood pressure is recorded. At a= 0.05, test the claim that there is no difference among the means. Data below: Medication Exercise Diet 10 6 5 12 8 9 9 3 2 15 0 8 B 2 4 154 Problem Question: Is there no significant difference on the mean blood pressure of the three techniques? Hypotheses: H,: There is no significant difference on the mean blood pressure of the three techniques. Ao: Wy = be Ue Hi: There isa significant cifference on the mean blood pressure of the three techniques. Aj: Atleast one mean is different from the others. Critical Value: Since k = 3 and N = 15, the d.£N. = Hence, from the critical value a = 0.05 is 3.89. 2 and dD. = 15-3 = 12 eect cnet On Om Test Value: Compute the test value using the given values. ‘A. Compute the sample mean and sample variance of each groups. Medi Exerc 10 6 2 8 ° 3 15, 0 B 2 18 38 = 57 102 B. Find the grand mean. Kya hatter 44 ‘Note: When samples are equal in size, you can find the grand mean by summing the sample means and dividing by the number of groups. 155 C. Find the between-group variance. sill 160.13 = Sy = 80.07 D. Find the within-group variance. oy = Da st ® = Xin, = (5 = 106.7) +6 = 110.2) + 5 = 1103) 6-1+6-)+6-1 E. Find the F test value. _ sh _ 80.07 _ Poy 8 o'7 ANOVA Summary Table ‘ORE.WAY ANOVA TABLE i ‘Sumot | Dagreesof | Mean FVvalues Seueeefvaration | squaret__| Freedom | Square __[TeatValue | Tabular Vaue | DECISION Between Group i603 z 007 37 339 | Repeat Within Group 10880 @ a TOTAL 25895 Decision: Since the test value of 9.17 is beyond the critical value of 3.89, we reject the null hypothesis. In the figure on below, it clearly shows that the test value falls within the critical region, clearly supporting ovr decision. ae 07 Conclusion: There is a significant difference on the mean blood pressure of the three techniques. 156 When the null hypotaesis is rejected using the F test or One-Way Analysis of Variance, the researcher may want to know where the difference among the means is. Several procedures have beon developed to determine where the significant differences in the means lie after the ANOVA procedure has been performed. Among the most commonly used tests are the Scheff test and the Tukey test 22.2, Scheff Test - _ it is used to determine where the significant differences in the means lie after the ANOVA procedure has been performed with the sample size NOT the same - To conduct the Scheffé test, you must compare the two means at a time, using all possible combinations of means. For example, if there are three means, the following comparisons must be done: %, YS X, X, VSX3 ¥, VSX, = to do this comparisons, use this formula where: Fy Scheffé F test value X ‘mean of first group/sample X mean of second group/sample si = within mean squares/ within-group variance ny sample size of first group/sample n sample size of seond group/sample - To find the critical value F” for the Scheffé test, multiply the critical value for the F test by &~ 1, that is F’ = (Kk 1)(C.V.) atthe same significance level to the original problem Considering the previous example “Lowering Blood Pressure”, we have the parameters and ANOVA table below. Medication Exercise Diet Hens X= 38 s= 57 02 ‘OXEWAY ANOVA TAI samot | Degreesot | Mean Squares | Freedom | Square F Values Tet Tabular | DECISION Value Vale Between Group Twos z 3007 317 389 Reel, ‘Wiihin Group 103.80 z 573 TOTAL. 26498 i Source of Variation 157 Mlustrative Example Critical Values: The critical value for the analysis of variance for Example 12-1 was 3.89, found by using Table H with @ = 0.05, d.£.N. = k— 1 = 2, and d.£D. = V— k= 12. In this it is multiplied by k — 1 as shown. The critical value for F” at a = 0.05, with d.f.N. = 2 and d.f.D. = 12, is F’ = (k= INC) = G — 1.89) = 7.78 Test Values: a, For X, versus X,, Fe Suing + aah ~ au + 3 b. For X, versus X,, (% - XP B. 6) 414 Sen.) + ()ny)] 8.73075) + 5) c. ForX, versus ®y, Fy (% - XP (11.8 — 7.67? 5.05 © S/n) + (asl) 8.73[0/5) + 73 Decision: Since only the F test value for part a (¥, versus X,) is greater thaa the critical value, 7.78, the only significant difference is between X, and X,, that is, between medication and exercise. Make a Schefifé Test Summary Table for easy comparison. ‘Scheffé Test Summary Table Between Groups F F Decision EVs ¥, 18.233 778 Significant X, VS Xa 414 7.78 Insignificant ¥, SX. 5.05 7.78 Insignificant Conclusion: Among the three techniques, the most effective is the Medication technique than the Exercise and Diet techniques. 158 Exercise 22 HYPOTHESIS TESTING FOR DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THREE OR MORE MEANS OF INDEPENDENT SAMPLES: CHECK YOUR PROGRESS: Answer the following problems. L.A large school district has several middle schools. Four schools were randomly chosen, and four classes were selected from each school. The numbers of pupils in each class are shown here, At a = 0.05, is there sufficient evidence that the mean number of students per class differs among schools? School 1 ‘School 2 ‘School 3 School 4 2 28 25, 30 23 22 20 29 19 25 23 29 7 30 22 26 2. The data show the particulate matter in micrograms per eubic meter for a sample of large cities on three continents. At a= 0.05, is there a difference in the mean particulate matter among these continents? Asia Europe —_North America 3 24 21 46 36 2 118 34 34 154 27 17 50 22 16 127 42 29 26 30 159

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