Syl For NT Survey2

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Syllabus for New Testament Survey

Rev. Fred Cromer

Wesleyan Institute for Biblical and Sacramental Studies
April, 2016

Course Description: An overview study that focuses on the major themes of the New Testament. It surveys
the history, literature, and religious ideas of the New Testament. Special attention is given to the history and
the times of Christ and the early church within the context of modern textual and historical questions.

Course Objectives:

1. The student will know the main divisions of the New Testament and how each part relates to the whole.
2. The student will know the main themes of each book in the NT.
3. The student will learn how to teach and preach from the main divisions of the NT.
4. The student will understand the significance of the key people in the NT.
5. The student will know the historical background of the NT time period.
6. The student will learn how to apply the Bible in their personal lives.

Course Procedure:
1. The Significance of the NT
2. Historical background of the NT
3. Basic themes of the NT
4. Different categories of the books of the NT, eg Gospels, epistles, history-(Acts) and Revelation
5. Overview of each book of the NT, it’s themes, key verses and importance.

Course Requirements:

a. Attend all classes and participate in discussion. If you miss more than 3 sessions you will not pass.
b. Take final exam.
c. Read and complete student handout- Due Friday, M 4, April 16, 2016 at 4:00 PM
d. Read and complete student book-The Story of the New Testament- Due Friday, April 16, 2016 at 4:00
e. Write one page inductive Bible Studies from 4 passages. Choose one book from each of the following
categories. They are due at 8:00 AM. 1) Synoptic Gospels (Due April 13) 2) Acts (Due April 14) 3) Pauline
Epistles (Due April 15) 4) General Epistles (Due April 16).
1. Find the key verse/chapter in that book. Explain why you think it is the key chapter/verse.
2. Choose 5-10 verses from that section that focus on one theme.
3. Write out your theme/purpose statement.
4. Explain how your section relates to the theme of the book.
5. Make observations, interpretations and applications from the passage.
6. Write a conclusion

f. Memorize 10 key scriptures listed below.

Matthew 28:19-20 II Corinthians 5:20
John 8:31-32 Galatians 5:22-23
Acts 15:8-9 Ephesians 2:8-9
Romans 1:16 James 1:12
I Corinthians 1:18 Hebrews 4:12


60%-Final exam
10%- Student Handbook
10%- Story of The NT
20%- Four one page papers.

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