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Journal of Hydrology 634 (2024) 131072

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Technical Note

Numerical impact of variable volumes of Monte Carlo simulations of

heterogeneous conductivity fields in groundwater flow models
Massimiliano Schiavo
Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry (TESAF), University of Padova, Via dell’ Università 16 - 35020 Legnaro, PD, Italy


Keywords: The knowledge of aquifer systems, their geological setting, their structure, and subsequent modeling is highly
Monte Carlo uncertain and is usually faced through Monte Carlo-based methods in hydrogeology. One of the most important
Numerical stability uncertainty sources for groundwater models is represented by input hydraulic conductivities, related to the
Sequential simulations
aquifer’s structure. There are no specific rules when simulating hydraulic conductivity fields within Monte Carlo
frameworks to instruct numerical models, and information about employed conductivity fields and their nu­
Hydraulic conductivity
merical convergence is often not given. This technical work aims to fill this gap by investigating the impact of
employing conductivity information upon different volumes of Monte Carlo simulations applied to a real case
study. Thus, this work estimates the minimum volumes of Monte Carlo hydraulic conductivity fields to be
employed in groundwater flow models for achieving numerically stable (i) boundary conditions, (ii) global
model performances, and (iii) local ones such as simulated hydraulic heads. The present results aim to be
indicative of similar hydrogeological settings and will serve as a basis for more complex ones and for investi­
gating transport problems.

1. Introduction et al., 2001; Ballio and Guadagnini, 2004) have been mostly produced
almost 20 years ago and mostly applied to synthetic or plot-scale cases,
The numerical stability of Monte Carlo realizations of aquifer prop­ or are theoretical contributions (e.g. Geyer, 1994; Li et al., 2003; Heard
erties to be employed in numerical hydrogeological models is a chal­ and Turcotte, 2016).
lenging issue, which is largely taken for granted when dealing with Ballio and Guadagnini (2004) investigated the impact of the nu­
multiple realizations e.g. of conductivities. In the last two decades (e.g. merical convergence of Monte Carlo realizations of aquifer trans­
Riva et al., 2001) as well as in recent times, Monte Carlo frameworks missivity fields on a 2-D flow example, i.e. a steady-pumping well with
have been widely employed when dealing with highly uncertain and outer steady constant head boundary conditions. In their work, Ballio
complex aquifer systems. Stochastic simulations in groundwater-related and Guadagnini (2004) quantified the convergence of Monte Carlo re­
problems are employed for the widest variety of purposes, from alizations of transmissivity through the numerical stability of first sta­
hydrogeological modeling under geological uncertainty (e.g. Hariharan tistical moments. Bellin et al. (1994) propose a convergence criterion
et al., 2021; Schiavo, 2022; Schiavo, 2023a), subsurface connectivity based on the simulation volume’s moments and the size, while Ballio
(Schiavo, 2022) and energy patterns of groundwater flow systems and Guadagnini (2004) appropriately extend these criteria to the first
(Schiavo, 2023c), the appraisal natural background level concentrations two (simulations ensemble’s mean and variance) statistical moments.
of contaminants (Guadagnini et al., 2020), to saltwater intrusion in The works presenting this kind of information for stochastic simulations
coastal (Schiavo et al., 2023) or deltaic areas (Xu et al., 2021), and are not so recurrent in literature, but examples can be found in Geyer
addressing well-related uncertainty within a Bayesian framework for (1994), Paninski (2003), and others already cited. Moreover, the
groundwater flow modeling in Northern Italy (Baker et al., 2023), just to convergence of groundwater models’ results, such as hydraulic heads, is
cite some recent literature examples. Although their usage is widely qualitatively approved if the curve of Monte Carlo-based simulation
spread and very well known, it is also true that for Monte Carlo-based volumes is flat or not on the ensemble average.
simulations a clear convergence criterion is still not established. Liter­ These numerical aspects have been not fully explored in real case
ature examples in this research direction (e.g. Hassan et al., 1998; Riva study applications. This lack of knowledge may be significant when

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Received 4 January 2024; Received in revised form 5 March 2024; Accepted 7 March 2024
Available online 12 March 2024
0022-1694/© 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Schiavo Journal of Hydrology 634 (2024) 131072

dealing, as well as in several previously cited works, with computa­ support variable for random measurements χ i = K(xi ).
tionally heavy meshes hence conductivities’ discretization in the 3D The local ensemble variance is
space. Therefore, the main reason for studying this topic is the aim of ( )2
defining, for a real aquifer case study, which may be the magnitude of σ 2 [K(xi ) ]NMC = μ[K(xi ) ]NMC − K(xi )NMC (2)
reliable volumes of Monte Carlo simulations to be employed in numer­
ical hydrogeological models, and for any volume the subsequent impact The local ensemble standard deviation, i.e. σ[K(xi ) ]NMC =
( 2 )1/2
on models’ input and results. This technical paper aims to add a σ [K(xi ) ]NMC , coincides with the Kullback-Leibler divergence
contribution to the present knowledge by investigating the impact of concept (e.g. in Kullback and Leibler, 1951; Mood et al., 1974) between
Monte Carlo conductivity fields in each stage of a numerical hydro­ the estimator ΠNMC (χ i ) estimated for a finite volume NMC of Monte
geological model. There are several elements of novelty, such as (i) the Carlo simulations and its value in numerically stable conditions, i.e. for
analysis of a real case study, focusing on large-scale aquifers within the NMC which implies σ2 [K(xi ) ]NMC ≈ 0.
province of Lecco (Lombardy, Northern Italy), based on previous works; Moreover, the distance to the numerical stability condition, i.e. the
(ii) the local variability of hydraulic conductivity fields across variable local ensemble variance, is (non-linearly) proportional to the absolute
volumes of employed Monte Carlo simulations, as well as (iii) their value of the entropy of the Monte Carlo process (Shannon, 1948), i.e. its
impact on groundwater flow numerical models’ global and local thermodynamical temperature coded as its susceptibility to variations
boundary conditions, (iv) global outputs, and (v) local ones (so head- along with the volume of Monte Carlo simulations, NMC (Paninski,
dependent ones). Moreover, (vi) the probability distribution of the ab­ 2003; and Schiavo, 2023c).
solute residuals between each Monte Carlo conductivities volume and Therefore, from an ensemble of 2000 Monte Carlo conductivity
the numerically stable one (2000 realizations) is appraised to relate the fields, different volumes of simulations are employed as ensemble mean
absolute standard deviation of heads and heads’ exceedance probabili­ conductivity fields. Each NMC-dependent model run is performed in a
ties throughout the domain. A final Section (vii) is dedicated to the MODFLOW environment (Harbaugh, 2005). The groundwater model
appraisal of the variation of the Peclet Number upon varying Monte used in this study is the well-known code MODFLOW 5 (Harbaugh,
Carlo volumes of conductivity fields or as the average among these fields 2005; Harbaugh et al., 2017). It simulates spatial and temporal
across the domain. The impact of volumes of MC simulations on the groundwater heads by solving the governing differential equation in
Peclet Number gives a preliminary perspective on diffusion or every model grid cell using the finite difference method. Here the
advection-dominated transport problems. After this Introduction, the steady-state version of the model has been considered, whose governing
Methodology Section briefly recalls the elements to be employed in equation is:
further calculations, and the Results Section gathers all the results and
comments on major points. The Conclusion Section follows to itemize ∂ ∂h ∂ ∂h ∂ ∂h
K + K + K +W = 0 (3)
the main take-home messages of this work. ∂x X ∂x ∂y Y ∂y ∂z Z ∂z

where KX , KY , and KZ are the principal components of the hydraulic

2. Methodology
conductivity matrix (L/T) along the principal coordinate axis x, y, and z;
h is the piezometric head (L); W is a volumetric flux per unit of volume.
The Monte Carlo hydraulic conductivity fields ensemble is achieved
Positive and negative terms represent sources or sinks of water (L3/T)
from previous works within a geostatistical framework (for the full de­
directly injected or extracted from the water table, respectively. The
tails, see e.g.: Schiavo, 2023a; b) and here briefly recalled. A certain
governing equation (Eq. (1) is derived from the continuity equation for
number of Monte Carlo simulations (NMC = 2000) of saturated con­
the conservation of mass and Darcy’s law for saturated porous media.
ductivity fields have been achieved from Sequential Indicator Simula­
The NMC employed for running models spans the whole ensemble of
tions (SISIM; see Deutsch and Journel, 1998) of geomaterials (or facies)
conductivity field, hence NMC the ensemble conductivity mean varies
from available hydrogeological information to represent the 3D aqui­
between NMC = 1 and NMC = 1000, which is enough to gain the local
fer’s structure, homogeneous along the vertical direction, hence along
numerical convergence, hence negligible variations of conductivity
the local aquifer’s thickness. Each depth-averaged conductivity field is
ensemble mean, and variance is appraised when increasing the NMC
obtained by employing the technique of indicator variograms, one for
beyond that limit. Hence, the employed conductivity fields, for certain
each geomaterial via an exponential correlation structure (details in
NMCs, are called ensemble-averaged (EA) ones.
Schiavo, 2023a). The SISIM procedure returns a local simulated value of
The impact of the number NMC of conductivity fields employed is
conductivity within a confidence interval regulated by the local stan­
then quantified by assessing (i) the local variation in conductivities
dard deviation, hence ±2σ(K(xi ) ).
( ) across variable NMC volumes, (ii) the effect on a model’s boundary
The local value of conductivity embedding the location of xi , yi
( ) conditions, (iii) simulated water table for the undifferentiated aquifer,
coordinates, hence K(xi ) = K xi , yi , to be employed as an input for the and (iv) models’ performance appraised by the sum of squared residuals
hydrogeological model, is calculated as the ensemble mean across a (SSR) between simulated and observed heads at 12 available piezome­
portion of the Monte Carlo ensemble of a certain volume (i.e. containing ters (details in Schiavo, 2023b). The criterion for evaluating the nu­
a number NMC of Monte Carlo simulations). This local ensemble mean is merical stability of conductivity fields, boundary conditions, and
expressed as models’ results is established as a maximum total error of 5 % as a
( )
The local value of conductivity embedding the location of xi , yi convergence-stopping criterion. For lower errors, the previous ones
( )
coordinates, hence K(xi ) = K xi , yi , to be employed as an input for the become numerically stable, hence negligibly dependent on EA conduc­
hydrogeological model, is calculated as the ensemble mean across a tivity simulations.
portion of the Monte Carlo ensemble of a certain volume (i.e. containing
a number NMC of Monte Carlo simulations). This local ensemble mean is 3. Application and discussion of results
expressed as
3.1. Domain and available data
1 ∑
μ[K(xi ) ]NMC = (K(xi ) ) (1)
The impact of the NMC in conditioning the conductivity fields as an
The local ensemble mean of conductivities, μ[K(xi ) ]NMC , for a volume of input for numerical models, hence the subsequent results, is investigated
Monte Carlo realizations’ volume NMC, coincides with the concept of in the most recent literature works. The alluvial aquifers area encom­
the estimator ΠNMC (χ i ) as e.g. in Heard and Turcotte (2016), if the generic passed between rivers Adda and Lambro, within the province of Lecco

M. Schiavo Journal of Hydrology 634 (2024) 131072

(Lombardy, Northern Italy), two of the main tributaries of the Po River, alluvial and fluvioglacial sandy soils, vertically alternated by mostly
has been already investigated in several works (e.g. Schiavo, 2023a; continuous clayey layers (e.g. Cavallin et al., 1983). Surface water
Schiavo, 2023b; and Schiavo, 2023c). The latest referenced one pre­ bodies are carved into quaternary fluvioglacial sedimentary fans. Allu­
sented some numerical models, performed in a MODFLOW environ­ vial sediments are carved by many paleochannels (Fontana et al., 2014;
ment, upon different input conductivity fields. The following Fig. 1 Schiavo, 2022), as subsurface counterparts of surface rivers, such as
recalls the domain (panel a); the available data with an attention to the those below River Adda and Molgora Stream (see Fontana et al., 2014),
local prevalent geomaterial (or facies) at available borehole locations and are mostly located in riparian areas (e.g. Fontana et al., 2014). In the
(panel b), among five main categories (i.e. clay, sand, gravel, compact present study, the average borehole depth is around 40–50 m while the
and fractured conglomerates); and boundary conditions (panel c). For domain extension is 25 km x 31 km. The domain extension, compared to
detailed geological and model setup information, the reader is kindly the order of magnitude of its vertical one, allows to consider it as a
readdressed to Schiavo (2023a) and Schiavo (2023b). mostly bi-dimensional domain discretized by regularly gridded cells of
dimension L = 0.1 km. The Fig. 1′s panel d illustrates a hydrogeological
cross-section (Section A-A in panel a) which exemplifies the described
3.2. Hydrogeological setup setup under investigation. The cross-section illustrates how the aquifer is
shallow and its highly stratified patterns allow to consider it as mostly
The hydrogeological setup of the domain is mostly characterized by

Fig. 1. Sketch of the domain (a) and available data, prevalent lithological facies (b), the types of boundary conditions (c), and an exemplary geological cross-section
(d). In panel d, the main 5 geological facies (clay, sand, gravel, fractured, and compact conglomerate), are depicted in colors (see also Schiavo, 2023b).

M. Schiavo Journal of Hydrology 634 (2024) 131072

bidimensional and vertically homogeneous. Since both Figs. 2 and 3 enable to appraise that conductivity fields do
not locally vary after a volume of MC simulations larger than NMC =
3.3. Monte Carlo conductivity fields 1000, only volumes of MC conductivity fields spanning from NMC =
1,1000 will be considered from now on for evaluating the impact of EA
Along this pathway, the present works inform the same hydro­ conductivity fields on boundary conditions, global, and local modeling
geological numerical model with conductivity fields obtained as outputs.
explained in Section 2. Hence, with ensemble-averaged (EA) conduc­
tivity fields. The first set of results regards the input data each numerical 3.4. Impact on boundary conditions
model is informed with. Fig. 2, depicts the local conductivity first two
statistical moments at four different aquifer locations within the Underlining the local variability of EA conductivities is important to
domain, reported by as many columns. The four exemplary locations are be related to the variability in model boundary conditions, depending on
among the most variable ones in terms of simulated conductivities. The the local conductivities, and even more to models’ outputs. The
vertical axis illustrates the normalized ensemble-average conductivities, following Fig. 4 enables to investigate to susceptibility of inlet and outlet
μ[K(xi ) ]NMC , and ensemble-variance σ 2 [K(xi ) ]NMC , conductivities at these boundary conditions to EA conductivities. The inlet (in blue) and outlet
exemplary locations. Red dashed horizontal lines highlight the variation (in orange) constant head (CH, panel a) and general head (GH, panel b)
of the statistical moment concerning the EA value for NMC = 2000 (i.e. boundary conditions, as they are illustrated in Fig. 1, are expressed as
for reached numerical stability conditions) with the 5 % confidence. The flow volumes per unit of time (m3/s), as they are offered as outputs of
results show that conductivity almost becomes stable for all the inves­ MODFLOW runs (see Harbaugh, 2005). The results show a very poor
tigated locations for the first moment after NMC = 200, i.e. when about NMC-variability of both boundary conditions; this was expected for
10 % of the full volume of NMC is simulated; and for the second moment constant head conditions, as the local head rules the groundwater flow
with values ranging from NMC = 500 to 750, depending on the local through the boundary; nevertheless, this is true also for the general head
conductivity variability, meaning that for the variance a good numerical conditions, and this means that the local flow is much more affected by
stability requires a Monte Carlo simulations volume of about 25–30 % of the role of the local head than that of the local aquifer’s transmissivity,
the ensemble one. In any case, the numerical stability of conductivities is hence conductivity in local aquifer thickness units. However, results
appraised for NMC < 1000 and is significant (for the EA first moment) show that the maximum variability in boundary conditions is about 10
only for NMC < 10 % (i.e. NMC = 200). % for both constant head and general head conditions; these variations
A wider perspective on the variability of conductivities across NMC are fully neglected for MC simulation volumes higher than NMC = 10,
can be assessed by inspecting the following Fig. 3, illustrating several while maximum variations in boundary condition discharges are about
EA-averaged conductivity fields at the full inspection scale. These fields 2 % when employing EA conductivities with NMC = 20 and NMC = 50,
span several employed NMC = 1,2000, and exemplary NMC volumes becoming negligible for NMC > 50. The poor overall variability of
and then EA conductivity maps (colored map) are offered in panels a-j. boundary conditions in the Lecco province aquifers mutually partially
variation of the EA conductivity in a sample location across different supports the choice, embedded in the works of Schiavo et al., 2022, and
exemplary NMC sets. Then, a sample location (identified by the yellow Schiavo, 2023b, of studying local groundwater fluxes in steady-state
marker) is chosen to enable the understanding of the local variation of conditions. After all, the impact of the local variability of conductivity
EA (local) conductivities across varying volumes of NMC. The subpanel due to variable volumes of EA fields is quite weak.
below each conductivity map refers to the employed NMC volume
employed to locally calculate the EA conductivity, through the (1). The 3.5. Impact on global model outputs
number of NMC employed within the EA conductivity calculation is
highlighted by vertical red lines in the subpanels. For NMC = 1 (panel a), The full-size portrait of the impact of EA conductivities on numerical
the first simulated conductivity fields stemming from the SISIM pro­ models can be achieved only by analyzing the global and local model
cedure are employed for running the first MODFLOW run. As one can outputs. The following Fig. 5 illustrates the variability of global outputs
appraise, the higher the NMC, the smoother local EA conductivity values varying by the employment of EA conductivities. The global numerical
across conductivity NMC, and the more similar the EA conductivity field performance of a numerical model is here appraised by the Sum of
to the one obtained for NMC = 2000, although results become numer­ Squared Residuals (SSR, in m2), in blue, and SSR’s percentage error
ically stable, i.e. not significantly varying for larger sets of NMC, by (dotted green line), on the left and right axes respectively, between
using a minimum NMC = 1000 (panel j). For NMC = 1,2000, the range simulated and observed heads at available monitoring piezometers,
of EA conductivities at a sample location spans from 3.4 to 4.2E-04 m/s. where steady water table measurements are available. For NMC < 50,

Fig. 2. EA conductivity fields at an exemplary aquifer’s location, illustrated as full-scale conductivity maps and local value, and the corresponding employed NMC.

M. Schiavo Journal of Hydrology 634 (2024) 131072

Fig. 3. Some exemplary EA conductivity fields at an exemplary aquifer’s location, illustrated as full-scale (31 km x 25 km) conductivity maps and local value, and the
corresponding employed NMC.

Fig. 4. The impact of EA conductivities on MODFLOW models’ boundary conditions, as they are depicted in Fig. 1.

the variation of SSR is always smaller than 5 %; the variation in SSR with the NMC volume of the SSR error objective function as reported in
neglects for NMC > 200, while the SSR percentage error ranges between Fig. 5 is aligned with considerations made for the numerical conver­
− 2% and 5 %. gence of velocity fields on randomly generated porous media fields
The function represented by the SSR error (green dashed line in within Bellin et al. (1994). As it is shown, barely appreciable fluctua­
Fig. 5) represents the pointwise difference of the SSR as an object tions on numerically acceptable conditions can be appraised for NMC
function and gives an appraisal of the distance between the EA and the volumes larger or equal to 50, which is a small NMC portion of the
process at its numerically stable conditions. Moreover, the non-linearity accepted volume of simulations (NMC = 1000, hence the 5 %), and an

M. Schiavo Journal of Hydrology 634 (2024) 131072

% of the total ensemble volume. The convenience of having a volume of

Monte Carlo simulations not lower than 10 % of the original one for
numerically stable water table levels is perfectly aligned with conclu­
sions suggested by Ballio and Guadagnini (2004). Again, low entropy
values for heads’ numerically stable conditions are reached for quite low
volumes of simulations.
In the end, the empirical probability distributions of simulated heads
for the NMC-varying numerical runs are fitted upon Gibbs’ distributions
(Troutman and Karlinger, 1992; and Schiavo, 2023c). The empirical
density functions of fitted heads upon simulated outcomes are then
offered in Fig. 7 for each run upon varying NMC conductivity simula­
tions volume. This enables the appraisal of the overall behavior of
ensemble (absolute) standard deviations, σ[H(xi ) ]NMC =

Fig. 5. The impact of EA conductivities on the Sum of Squared Residuals (left

axis) and percentage error (right axis) as a global model’s output.

even smaller fraction of the whole simulated volume of conductivity

fields (2.5 %). Therefore, low entropy values for global SSR’ numerically
stable conditions are reached for very low volumes of simulations.

3.6. Impact on local model outputs

Another kind of result pertains to the impact of the NMC of con­

ductivities on the local performance of the numerical model. The latter
can be appraised by investigating the simulated heads against observed
ones, as in Fig. 6. This task is fulfilled by replicating the analysis for
variable volumes of NMC simulations, as done so far, for head residuals
and percentage head error (panels a and b, respectively). The results are
aligned with previous ones. While heads’ variation may range from
about 15 m when spanning across variable volumes of NMC (panel a),
the local variation is highly dependent on each piezometer (panel b).
The percentage error (panel b) varies between − 25 % and 85 % for NMC
= 1, underlining a large local error concerning the head simulated for
achieved numerical stability conditions. For ranging NMC between 10
and 35, the percentage error in heads is reduced between − 5% and 25
%, hence is about a third of that for NMC = 1. For NMC = 50, the error is Fig. 7. The impact of EA conductivities on simulated heads’ empirical proba­
reduced between − 3% and 5 %, which is 2.5 % of the total volume of bility distributions, in this case for local ensemble standard deviation with the
full numerical stability condition (NMC = 2000), along the y-axis; distributions
Monte Carlo simulations (2000) and 5 % of those required for conduc­
fitted upon Gibbs’ distributions are offered for different NMC volumes
tivity numerical stability. The total error variation becomes lower than
(in colors).
5 % of the total Monte Carlo simulations volume for NMC = 200, i.e. 10

Fig. 6. The impact of EA conductivities on local residuals across varying NMC.

M. Schiavo Journal of Hydrology 634 (2024) 131072

|σ[H(xi ) ]2000 − σ [H(xi ) ]V |, (in m), obtained from NMC volumes V = throughout the domain. It seems useful to appraise, at least prelimi­
1,1000 across simulated heads H(xi ) (m) with different exceedance narily, how much the variation of the average Peclet Number across
probabilities, p, across the domain. Indeed, the x-axis spans the proba­ MC-averaged conductivity fields, spanning various volumes of
bility of a local simulated head to be exceeded by others, hence the MC-averaged conductivity fields as input, and as raw values. This result
lowest head values are located at the righter part of the plot. Ground­ is offered in Fig. 8, panels a, b, and c, respectively. As it can be appraised,
water heads with high exceedance probabilities, i.e. low piezometric the average Pe across the domain is mostly lower than 1 (panel a),
levels, are those with the lowest deviations from the numerically stable implying that a large portion of the domain’s aquifer hosts mostly
condition (full NMC = 2000 conductivity simulations volume employed diffusion-dominated transport mechanisms, whereas Pe might not be
for the numerical run). This is also true for very high water table levels, low enough to be ruled by diffusion mechanisms. Moreover, in panel b it
however with higher deviations (deviations with lower exceedance can be appraised that the percentage variation of the average Pe
probabilities). Moreover, the lower the NMC volume, the higher is the throughout the whole domain locations assumes maxima of about 8 %
deviation from the stable condition for high simulated levels, hence the with NMC < 50 and average variations of about 2 % for NMC < 200.
less reliable is the simulation obtained with the finite size NMC volume. Since the Pe values, at least on average within the domain (panel c),
Whereas the NMC volume is low (from 50), the deviations for heads with increase while employing larger volumes of MC-conductivity fields, it
low exceedance probabilities (p < 0.2) and those for heads with ex­ can be stated that the diffusion tendency is smoothed for increasing
ceedance probabilities p > 0.8 are quite low too, being for NMC = NMC volumes. Pe estimates (panel 8) and their values across NMC are
50–1000 always between than 1.2 m and 0.005 m, respectively. For consistent with the available literature.
water table levels with elevations exceedance probabilities 0.2 < p <
0.8, heads’ deviations are already significant for NMC = 20–150, i.e. 4. Conclusions
between 2.5 and 0.15 m, respectively. Furthermore, maximum heads
deviations for NMC = 200 (in red), 10 % of the total simulation volume, The convergence of Monte Carlo simulation runs must be evaluated
are about 0.1 m than those for NMC = 2000, which is a reasonably low upon input and output data at global and local scales of inspection. It is
residual, occurring for heads with about p = 0.2. For NMC = 200, heads possible to quantify the order of magnitude of the uncertainty associated
with p > 0.8 have maximum residuals of 0.05 m. For NMC = 100, 5 % of with the first and second moments of conductivities or a state variable of
the total NMC = 2000 vol and 10 % of that suitable for numerical sta­ interest (i.e. simulated heads), simulated upon a finite volume of Monte
bility (NMC = 1000), heads with p > 0.8 have maximum residuals of Carlo runs. Moreover, it is possible to identify a minimum NMC limit
0.12 m, which is a conveniently low residual. In conclusions, all the required for a numerically stable model result. In this work, the impact
deviation’s fitted distributions are slightly right skewed, hence residual, of the different volumes of NMC simulations on hydrogeological nu­
as one can expect, are higher for water table measurements with low (p merical models is investigated these results can be itemized according to
< 0.50) exceedance probability. Anyway, for NMC = 100, simulated their type as follows:
heads’ deviations with the numerically stable condition (NMC = 2000)
are always lower than 0.8 m, and lower than 0.2 for NMC = 200. • The first statistical moment of conductivities is the main input for
Furthermore, this Work’s results are one of the few examples of numerical models, offering the EA conductivity fields for certain
quantifying how large should be the minimum volume of MC conduc­ NMC. The numerical stability of input conductivities is reached for a
tivity realizations to assure the numerical stability of boundary condi­ minimum NMC = 200, i.e. 10 % of the total MC simulations volume.
tions, and global and local model outputs. Indicative volumes of the • Input boundary conditions, both constant and generalized head ones,
original MC volume of conductivity simulations to be employed as a are poorly affected by local EA conductivity values. Their numerical
minimum MC volume for each type of model input or output have been stability is reached for a minimum NMC = 50, i.e. 2 % of the total MC
underlined. Of course, highly vertically heterogeneous domains or simulations volume.
transport problems would require dedicated analysis, and the present • Global simulations’ results weakly depend on the conductivity in­
suggestions are enough neither to understand these kinds of problems puts, as their numerical stability is reached for NMC = 50, i.e. 2 % of
nor to investigate the full spectrum of quantifying the impacts of MC the total NMC simulations volume. Local simulations’ results are
conductivity fields employed in numerical models. more influenced by the conductivity inputs, as their numerical sta­
bility is reached for NMC = 200, i.e. 10 % of the total NMC simu­
3.7. Preliminary perspective on the impact in transport problems: The lations volume.
Peclèt number • The ensemble standard deviations of simulated heads are investi­
gated. Simulations volumes of NMC = 100 and NMC = 200, i.e. the 5
The present work is focused on groundwater models. Of course, the % and 10 % of the total volume of the ensemble’s conductivity fields,
impact of MC-averaged conductivity fields should be investigated also return head deviations with the numerical stability condition lower
for transport models, in a dedicated work. But, at least preliminarily, the than 0.8 and 0.2 m, respectively.
present results give some hints for subsequent investigations. In partic­ • Domain-averaged Peclet Numbers non-linearly increase with larger
ular, transport mechanisms can be roughly delineated by using the Peclet volumes of NMC, hence transport processes tend to be more
Number, Pe (Huysmans and Dassargues, 2005). The latter, written as advection-dominated than diffusion-dominated.
Pei = Lvi /D, depends on the scale length L (m) of the flow system (e.g.
the mesh resolution, in this application), the local velocity, that can be These conclusions are framed to increase the knowledge about this
expressed via Darcy’s formula: vi = Ki ∇hi , with Ki (m/s) as the local technical hydrogeological topic. About 10 % of the total volume of
MC-averaged hydraulic conductivity and ∇hi the local piezometric original simulations is enough to get low varying head residuals across
gradient (m/m), and is available for each cell of the domain as described the whole probability spectrum, as well as low varying boundary con­
in Schiavo et al. (2022); and D (m2/s) as the diffusion coefficient. The ditions, and of course ensemble-averaged (EA) conductivity fields. These
latter is (empirically) estimated to be between 10-5 and 10-4 m2/day for results could be employed for further works and even for different case
permeable, hence mostly gravely or sandy, aquifers (e.g. Zhang et al., studies as indicative of the minimum required volume of conductivities
2015; Mustafa et al., 2020), and is here taken as the mean value between simulations useful for stable numerical models. Hence, these can be
these extremes. The Pe for these kinds of aquifers is generally between employed for further research steps, e.g.: when dealing with (i) transport
1E and 03 and 1E + 01 (Huysmans and Dassargues, 2004). Here the problems, such as for delineating well (time-related) capture zones and
interest is not in the quantification of the local Peclet number, which of catchments; (ii) hydrogeological settings with high degrees of vertical
course depends on the local conductivity, and thus can widely vary heterogeneity; (iii) for refining both the planar and vertical meshes in

M. Schiavo Journal of Hydrology 634 (2024) 131072

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