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Oral Pathology

What you need to know

By: Vanessa Chamberlin
Oral Pathology
• The specialty of dentistry and discipline that deals with the nature, identification, and management of diseases
affecting the oral and maxillofacial regions.
Biological- There are more than 700 bacteria/microorganisms in the
Hormonal- Estrogen, progesterone and even testosterone fluctuations.

Chemical- Tobacco, alcohol & drugs.

Causes of Oral
pathology Nutritional- Diet/certain foods.

Physical- Trauma & heat.

Idiopathic- It just happens and we don't know why.

What role does • The Hygienist performs the preliminary evaluation of the patient's oral cavity.
*Checks with the patient for any health changes.
the dental *Looks in the oral cavity.

hygienist play in
*Palpates the area in question bi-digitally. (Feels it with two fingers)
*Shows the patient the area in question with a hand mirror.

regards to oral *Asks the patient about any symptoms such as pain & duration.
*Measures the lesion with a probe.

pathology? *Describes the lesion with a minimum of 5 descriptors.

Pathologies: Variant of normal
• These are pathologies that are not concerning. They may cause pain & if so, they should be monitored & treated
accordingly by your dentist.
*Hard, bony growths. LOCATIONS
*Called tori or torus. *Roof of the mouth.
*In front of the upper and lower teeth.
CAUSES * Behind the lower teeth.
*Can form after a palate expander. TREATMENTS
*Can be common in people 40+ years of age. *Surgical removal.
Geographic tongue
*Looks like moving "spots" on the edge of the tongue.
*Red/white patches. TREATMENTS
*Not typically painful. *Avoidance of acidic, salty
CAUSES or spicy foods.
*Spicy, salty or acidic foods *Can be treated with
may make it worse. steroids or topical numbing.
*Typically on the tongue but can be on the gum tissues.
*Spots that are different colors than the rest of the tissue. (freckles)
*Hyperpigmentation of a mucus membrane. One produces more pigment than usual.
*Can be anywhere in or around the oral cavity.
*Surgical removal.
Lingual Varicosities
*Dilated veins. TREATMENTS
*Purple or red in color. *Sclerotherapy. (Injection into
CAUSES the vein)
*Stretched veins/veins that have lost elasticity.
*Under the tongue or on the floor of the mouth.
Fordyce granules
*Small, dot like bumps. TREATEMENTS
*Typically white in color. *Micro-punch surgery.
CAUSES *Laser removal.
*Overgrowth of sebaceous (oil) glands. *Topical cream.
*Inside of the cheeks and lips.
Fissured tongue
*Found in any person of any age/gender.
*Deep grooves.
*Idiopathic. TREATMENTS
*Hormonal changes. *Tongue scrapers to remove
*Sleep habits. (Open mouth) excess bacteria sitting on the
*Top of the tongue.
Pathologies: Abnormal
• These are pathologies that are not normal and can be cause for concern. Can cause pain, odor & obvious enlargement of
tissues in or around the oral cavity, head & neck. These pathologies should be noted & treated as quickly as possible.
*Dark colored mole. (Blue or black)
*Vary in sizes. TREATMENTS
*Not painful. *Excision (surgical removal).
CAUSES *Biopsy may be needed to decide
*Clusters of pigment-forming cells. whether or not further
*Excess skin growth. treatment is needed.
*Typically on the palate (roof) of the mouth but can be found anywhere in the oral cavity.
Cold Sores
*Blister like sore.
*Causes itching & burning sensations.
*When broken open they weep. TREATMENT
CAUSES *Antiviral medications,
*Herpes Simplex Virus-1. in pill or cream form.
*Due to saliva transfer during an active cold sore.
*Any area of the lips.
*Also referred to as thrush. LOCATIONS
*White coating. Plaque-like. *The entirety of the oral cavity
*Can be a localized or generalized. including lips and tongue.
(Cover a small area or entire mouth) TREATMENTS
CAUSES *Oral or IV antifungal
*The fungus Candida Albicans lines the mouth. meds.
*Medications and health issues such as diabetes.
Black hairy tongue
*Hairy tongue can be brown or black.
*Fuzzy appearance.
*Lengthening of the papillae of the tongue.
*Overgrowth of dead skin cells. TREATMENTS
*Bacteria, yeast, food, tobacco. *Good oral hygiene and
LOCATION avoidance of use of tobacco
*Top of the tongue. products.
Squamous cell carcinoma
*Cancer in the mouth.
*Presents as unhealthy, irritated tissues both red and white.
*Tobacco use. TREATMENTS
*Idiopathic. *Surgical removal of entire lesion
LOCATION and margins.
*Anywhere in the oral cavity. *Radiation therapy.
*Blood blister appearance.
*Typically red or purple in color. TREATMENTS
*Doesn't blanche when pinched. *Applying a warm compress.
CAUSES *Warm salt water rinses.
*Local anesthesia site. *Time.
*Laceration of an artery or vein.
*Anywhere in the mouth especially the tongue and lips.
Thanks for reading!

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