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ELEMENT SELECTION ‘SELECT APPROPRIATE FINITE: ELEMENTS THAT WILL SIMULATE THE PROPER BEHAVIOR OF THE ACTUAL STRUCTURE CONROD = AXIAL MEMBER: LONGERONS, POSTS, STIFFENERS- AND BEAM CAPS a BAR BENDING MEMBER: BEAMS, FRAMES Wa ‘AND INTERCOSTALS CSHEAR = SHEAR. PANEL: BUCKLED SKINS DUE steerer TO: COMPRESSION, BEAM AND BULKHEAD WEBS — CQDMEM 1 - MEMBRANE: (VARYING STRAIN) NON “BUCKiED SKINS AND BEAM WEBS CQOMEM 2. ~ MEMBRANE: (CONSTANT STRAIN) NON BUCKLED SKINS CTRMEM =~ MEMBRANE:\ICONSTANT. STRAIN. NON BUCKLED, SKINS CHUAD t= SIND BEADING PLATE ‘ HONEYCOHE-BO0RS AND. RADOME qua 2" - -SOLID HOMOGENEOUS BENDING PLATE: : WINDSHIELD) #910. RADOME > > SANDWICH BENDING PLATE: “'HOREYCOMB:g00RS' avo. RADOME CTRIA2 > - SOLID. HOMOGENEOUS “BENDING PLATE: WINDSHIELD” ANO RADON. rR GLOBAL COORD SYSTEMS y +X (to LEFT) POINT (n) COORDINATES OF y NODAL POINT (i) } YI zi . NODAL POINTS DESCRIBE THE LOCATION OF’ STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS WHICH COMPOSE THE TOTAL STRUCTURE 15776-03115 M1226 5 LOCAL COORD SYSTEM @X ~ AXIS OF THE ELEMENT 1S DEFINED BY A LINE CONN END "A" TO END ©Y - AXIS IS DEFINED IN THE PLANE (ABC) NORMAL TO THE X-AXIS 9% ~ AXIS IS DEFINED TO BE NORMAL TO THE (ABC) PLANE. CR.U. $01.8) THE ORIENTATION OF THE ELEMENT CROSS SECTION IN THE SPACE AND THE INTERNAL LOADS OF ELEMENT ARE DETERMINED BY THE LOCAL COORDINATE SYSTEM Tse; 30164 Wn-76-826 ) STRUCTURAL LAOS FOR TE OISRLACENENT weTICO > uh i} fen, Gero Ruy Pane 2 A sit MN MM ia mM ©) 8 coordinate system. Figure 208 geometry S26) I 7 mn S th: i OF GROSSECTION Soman OF INERTIA ~ [MAJOR GLOBAL cooRD SYSTEM ‘MOMENT OF INERTIA ~ [MINOR « cuidpoins(@XG) ae bar teraction point with eennactng [Spal ane (0 rn aan ce cr, rej an gi on Si a Tr + The reteence point @) lation depend on Char crottcton pinta! axis eriotation s1-82-0031 doe C BAR ” - PRINCIPAL AXIS: a OF enosstcTion ’ MOMENT OF INERTIA ~ 0B coon MOMENT OF INERTIA ~ ‘sere Aland{@H -b} arte reautant oe vec ot (and po (2 Ioaon re fied tobacco SY and Merete menouted am Ss # cra mae and @) ara€ bar nterction pins wth connecting eloents system, by: « The reterence pont @) locaton depend on bar eressecton principal xis orientation 1-82-0022 C BAR (STRESS RECOVERY) REF GRID ‘STRESS RECOVERY POINT fe Bee x fo - Ti 4 Ty o4rewo ow kecatiow Y ag ase ~L an tt nen au o pore \ ene ~ a \ esas norm “sinh EE 22631 © At each end of the C bar four stress recovery (arsiérary? points could be requested: A-1, A-2, A-3, A-d at ‘A’ end and B-1, B2, 83, B4 at ‘B’ end pee ~ oe 1D61-82-0830 A AL ay Ay Ss Sevy eo or Bs By Points C BAR (STRESS RECOVERY) REF GRID PRINCIPAL | x fate OL 7 LA Ll ‘ \: to So noe TR SS eee perenne ee eee ccna eer es Reese Racer ue ey ga tg 1 a nth er er pesos Shee Spo fathow gato ALJ geet EE Er { rasuasursoe azismaevoe 02 00 2sueeesoe Lans2esot zassamesee asteoe ser ware ere Pe. 9-8 {| LA BEAM DISCONTINUITIES y LOCAL (BEAM COORD: BAR, SYSTEM ~ \ rs DISCONTINUITIES AOR B END NASTRAN CODE. NASTRAN CODE . x , My My \, ’ y _ WEBNS ye~ (Eee) y V, wey" y TSPH 6654 MODELING OF TAPERED BEAMS WITH C BARS NODE. l Nee ores a et ‘CORRECT MODELING WRONG MODELING WITH C BARS . WITH C BARS 1-82-0034 MODELING OF DISCONTINUES BEAMS soo i 3 ober use Cuan PROVIDE NODE [ATEND OF TRANSITION coari jceanz, / coans_y =. I Al Agta M aa 5-0 OFFSET +] mansirion. si-82-0829 INEFFECTIVE ‘AREA (NEGLECT) CORRECT MODELING OF DISCONTINUES BEAMS orser “F coaRA cpanz cosa resets For CBAR-LAND. CBaR2 MUST BEEQUAL AT FACHNODE POINT WRONG MODELING OF DISCONTINUES BEAMS 698 FRAME REMAINS STRAIGHT dee oF ) h Q FUSELAGE BEFORE DEFORMATION FUSELAGE AFTER DEFORMATION SECT A-A THE FRAME DEFORMATIONS ABOUT THE MINOR AXIS (OR PLANE-2) DUE TO FUSELAGE BENDING ARE NEGLIGIBLE & THEY CAN BE NEGLECTED, ASSUME THE FRAMES DEFORM & CARRY LOADS ONLY IN THE PLANE OF THE FRAME.- ABOUT MAJOR AXIS 15°76-07666 Na-76 ELEMENT INTERNAL LOADS CBAR - BENDING BEAM ELEMENT As Mz; 4 REFERENCE 5 2. Fig 77 ibe, POINT (> POINT OFFSET << My ~~ ALL LOADS Fx, Vy My & M, ARE POSITIVE ‘AS. SHOWN. ° . @ NASTRAN OUTPUT GIVES LOADS, STRESSES, AND MARGIN OF SAFETIES AT EACH END OF THE » ELEMENT. 15P76-0..08 na 76-226 2, +¥ DIRECTION TOWARD }. +Ma CAUSES COMPRESSION IN 1. *V,q AWAY FROM +#¥ AT END A BAR ELEMENT COORDINATE SYSTEM & ELEMENT FORCES +X DIRECTION FROM 1ST CODED" . 4, NODE TO 2ND CODED NODE, . ATO B AS SHOWN REFERENCE NODE FROM END A FIBRE ON #Y SIDE . uel “4FXq CAUSES TENSION IN BAR END B AS. SHOWN LOCAL COORD SYSTEM (b) MEMBRANES AND PLATE ELEMENTS MIDPLANE © X- AXIS 1S DEFINED ALONG THE EDGE OF THE ELEMENT, ALWAYS FROM THE FIRST NODE TO THE SECOND NODE. © Y-AXIS 1S DEFINED IN THE PLANE OF THE ELEMENT, ALWAYS DIRECTED TOWARD THE NODE 3°AND 4. © Z-AXIS 1S PERPENDICULAR TO X~-Y PLANE. (R. H. RULE APPLIES) ELEMENT INTERNAL LOADS CONROD - ELEMENT CARRIES AXIAL LOADS ONLY. a 5.” NODE - 1. 1 o> rf} Fy \, Fy ~ LOAD 1S CONSTANT THRUOUT THE ELEMENT 4ENGTH, Fy ~ POSITIVE AS SHOWN AND PRODUCES TENSION IN ROD, = NASTRAN OUTPUT GIVES LOADS AND STRESSES FOR EACH ELEMENT. ELEMENT INTERNAL LOADS C-SHEAR~SHEAR PANEL THE INTEGERSC@)@GYANDGREFER TO THE ORDER OF THE CONNECTED GRID POINTS ON THE C SHEAR INPUT DATA © A SHEAR PANEL IS A TWO DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURAL ELEMENT THAT _ RESISTS ONLY THE ACTION OF TANGENTIAL FORCES APPLIED TO ITS EDGES © POSITIVE DIRECTION OF FORCES .ARE SHOWN IN SKETCH Fj - CORNER FORCES (LBS) qi - SHEAR FLOW (LB/IND Kj - "KICK FORCE" (LBS) QUE TO "WARPING" OF PANELS "KICK FORCES" ATTHE CORNERS ACTING iN A DIRECTION NORMAL TO THE PLANE FORMED BY TWO ADJACENT EDGES tave “Lt 72 * 3 * 4 ues PARALLEL TO PANEL EDGES TMAX = MAX 5 (Psi) ELEMENT INTERNAL LOADS CQDMEM 1 ~ QUADRILATERIAL MEMBRANE ELEMENT © CQDMEM 1- IS A TWO DIMENSIONAL MEMBRANE ELEMENT THAT RESISTS IN PLANE LOADS ONLY. NO STIFFNESS NORMAL TO XY PLANE “THE INTEGERS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 REFER TO THE ORDER OF THE CONNECTED GRID POINTS ON THE CQDMEMI INPUT DATA * ©THE STRESSES ARE EVALUATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF DIAGONALS (ONLY IN THE MEAN PIANE ELEMENT INTERNAL LOADS CQDMEM2 ~ QUADRILATERAL MEMBRANE ELEMENT © CQDMEM2 IS A TWO DIMENSIONAL MEMBRANE ELEMENT THAT RESISTS IN PLANE LOADS ONLY. STRESS FIELD IS CONSTANT THRUOUT THE ELEMENT. POSITIVE DIRECTION OF FORCES AND STRESSES ARE SHOWN IN THE SKETCH Fij ~ CORNER FORCE PARALLEL TO PANEL EDGES =, Kj - "KICK FORCE" NORMAL TO THE PLANE FORMED BY THE TWO ADJACENT EDGES yy AND 1) ARE THE AVERAGE MEMBRANE STRESSES IN ELEMENT COORDINATE SYSTEM ote +e +0 5, 7 7 Te * Sg * Sg Tere screens 18 ELEMENT INTERNAL LOADS PLATES CQUAD 1,CQUAD 2,CTRIA 1 & CTRIA 2 © PLATE IS AN ELEMENT WITH INPLANE AND BENDING STIFFNESS, OUTPUT LOADS: . (1 ) Ib, VyACtind Vy ‘in (TRANSVERSE SHEARS) ‘ALL THESE FORCES ARE AVERAGE VALUES AT C.G. OF THE PLATE ib, op ( (AXIAL LOAD) wor shown | Px find. Py \ lin " ELEMENT INTERNAL LOADS PLATES CQUADI, CQUAD2, -CTRIAL AND CTRIA2 QUTPUT_STRESSES: a, oy & (PS1) TOP FIBRE yup TNT & 7, (PSI) BOTTOM FIBRE "xg" “ye * "18 SOLUTION FINITE ELEMENT SOLUTION 1S UNIQUE FOR THE STRUCTURAL MODEL IN QUESTION. THE SOLUTION SATISFIES THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 1. EQUILIBRIUM 2. COMPATIBILITY 3. BOUNDARY COND SOLUTION EQUILIBRIUM EACH NODE IS IN EQUILIBRIUM : * Y a SOLUTION COMPATIBILITY EACH. ELEMENT DEFORMS IN SUCH A MANNER THAT DEFORMATIONS AT EACH NODAL POINT ARE COMPATIBLE WITH ADJOINING ELEMENT . DEFORMATION DEFORMATIONS OF Baas “paas INDIVIDUAL ELEMENTS { DEFORMED FRAME —f _SOLUTION BOUNDARY CONDITIONS IMPOSED CONSTRAINS. ON STRUCTURE DUE TO BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ARE SATISFIED i @y, + 0 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: axy 70 oy, 0 atl am +0 Heo oy; ° SYMMETRICAL FRAME. ANI. CVRIMETEICAY I antnie Sa STRUCTURAL IDEALIZATION SKIN. PANEL SKIN PANEL (C SHEAR) (C SHEAR) LONGERON NODAL (ConroD) POINT INFINITLY RIGID “OFFSET BEAMS" El.= GA -e2 GAP - ELEMENTS CONNECTCO AT NODAL POINTS ONLY \. : YQe\ IDEALIZED STRUCTURE ACTUAL STRUCTURE (C SHEAR) SKIN. PANEL (C SHEAR} EXAMPLES CBAR - BENDING BEAM NODAL POINT. F, We C BAR - (BNDG BM M, the [ mM, Ate tM, ACTUAL BEAM IDEALIZED BEAM Cc ae EXAMPLES € BAR WITH OFFSET NODE, SHEAR PANEL OR MEMBRANE SHEAR Panel NoDe (a) ‘8 MEMBRANE IDEALIZED BEAM ACTUAL BEAM . H= RESULTANT INTERACTION MoM, FORCE BETWEEN THE 1M . PANEL AND THE BEAM Fre, if PAR Roe yey, ie AoA oH MybMy: HxC + aM = M, - Mh Vy" Vy (FOR THIS EXAMPLE) ‘1 EXAMPLES CNROD WITH MEMBRANE ee | al #17 wooe nd,? Vt 3 EHDRANE -—_—— oo rere CONROD AND MEMBRANE STRESSES ARE NOT COMPATIBLE BUT STRAINS ARE exc *b°XM €xC_= £XM LOAD BALANCE AT THE NODE (} Fo+F, a PtP EXAMPLES CNROD WITH MEMBRANE ‘No0e © ‘connoo 7, wove (10,2 Ft en ut ENBRARE. CONROD AND MEMBRANE STRESSES ARE NOT COMPATIBLE BUT STRAINS ARE exc +°XM fxc + = xc_= *XM om «Lh % —— XM +E XM - wy) exc 8 OXM = x LOAD BALANCE AT THE NODE (1) +f, Athy = 1 CONROD - C SHEAR LONGERON INTERNAL LOAD ANALYSIS AVERAGE. AXIAL LOAD: 1065.5 LB >. a 1065.5 1B 1065.5 [B 6 CONROD 18 0 LB CONROD 18 NASTRAN OUTPUT SINGLE POINT f REF PCS ¢ SHEAR 301 ConstRenT 810,14 W558 ee Ny, nt Me evo] fo cate eet0 PH ee He 2 eax Fy +E, pate, Fug? Py Vy &Vy AS 15) 6. 1f LOCAL FREEBODY 1S DESIRED USE ELEMENT EQUILIBRIUM LOADS IN GLOBAL COORDINATE SYSTEM EXAMPLE SRD Pony -79 4 ae E taser Tite Lo ze oo Cogan $280, casee | Fas [eounn| ler is [Pat eun onsenn cal am] 2% NOFFRETS Ae Ins Glowne ESRI Bre [sa] Gero) cero) “Oy esse oe? @-c8-20 = Ste, Ceres) ae is = Stk 422) Baad car o E eon carers anes ete acco ume me BA “nner eo eve cue " eee . : 1 po1ggp5 escoveer eeavae OFF " Tx Me | zs |e clas? sh came | Rept oT a! 1a [Ya Gor pao paner acc Soe et he ema aa, Lea wie re ee 0. 7 lage i 1] oo morse T3. Hobe te 3 ora ay soe ste a te nce 58 ‘MaAsuRe of SOLUTION stutacy, Zousveain7s pax HY} ttm fae sis as ona we é TRANSLATION ~ inch. Mert: Dursacenenrs ane i Suas Cosonnre Syren m weets, Aueses ase ioe anus Segoe ceoeonare —_. Ager | Sieus posrrme as siount Se Oa ae RAED nx ney 2 Tae ob ise Were: Arreree “cone vecress” ane w Gunam, Gneoouare Sreven BRo Stooas Coomomare. Srsren : Re Mc) loap vectors Ace Burrus Ths Rae Ad Sows CR-He Reve) Rye My Cai) ose forces ¢ Peeecepeensn ears Aus eeserion iS ayewes. CR. ” Lecat Coon San | Vian r6e conene arin 4. 49re uasmas urerce pee oeatntse) nan boort More: PostTive Moment AuuAys PRopuces ComPeession To THe FEANGE CLOSER To THE REP. Point Na “sce nau (a) owene Gnsod yest) 6 han nese perme warm a ume ence snes & ’ 2 connen Loans fy kes Se1tHe OF Gomenz ELEPERES tcoorme se pmeeatrese Sessa ES eet —Auigoan Sean: rf 2789 3% eaonna coved; 23-110 Bisirive(e) SHEAR Plott Gua Barres 01 zens Cost ty Ronee Por ® tie ei caer Lone BEE TS Rt Fete BED kant, peopoe!we FENeron ma element 7 suacast t segs sue snuceen(h) —tasdecn(t) Lon Per wey ARE GIVEN / 2888 eae Oe amaut , [Be suhaned) —-nanductt) ene aero ® a ‘y Locat Coord. Syste oF Elaheny / Besstess fos OF ELamessr CGeCCs Tm CeMEHsL CusoRILarenan ELerents GeavsorD ” 7 sg sancti) uli) cauaDe coped: 4-5-12-12 é eero ” : Egeae Coono- sae seer loaos rut()ane Giusy, fue BE SSE camer st DIAGONALS. eal fron of, 7 rtoesnsce ” ” ‘iad Te oe MGj=-|.24 ——_s_—. ogee 87, re tocar coven. Siten arta sit ttc) w: . " - 4h ‘nai, Lon bone — pact Oe Gere. 413 Cott) of Phe Parse Que Fe catia Pine) fegoh SE ie » ae ~HtAR fonda pe (tice Lomo) nest bas’ Zyoh? Po 7h stvene: oot! 5.6.14: SEER COOP: Sucve eae ase aE iS Let, (arrive sneak Frou Gio bees 98 por POrn® tounad Bute 4 7 eo aren sy tore usta wr sre rte “eg ete x. (2) oue * S (per jue) Ane aoe ” Sone lettse" FRING uy AL BCEHENT orate tier keene Coon DinaTe redo acamertwaes rome asec surcise ¢ Fences Te COmCHAL TREAWEULER Clements coTmraey Cy suet, nconni2t)—s.acatazeons(t) —-asnurbecens GL) scene) cnet) e7e1A2- Lonoe (ree tnes) Age crven AP 0.6 oF TEIANGUAR Flenen? crane 402 on pe eeee Baten ep ccecanr ‘ Troe rok =; i \ KA Nee beet Conn otware Srerem es Cc cr ee “hie ene begat coono. dea OF erp YO Scar Yo a- Gm arr0p sup eo Signs conven trons 4) Tension (4 compression % ea as cATERTATLON 10 C1 ora 55 3006 wae oe eld Bd ssebtanteeet ai Gree cucu sreesses) . [enue (SEs eh Hi EB v aie fm Jaero e102 RGSSES Ace GIVEN AT DI TER SECTION oF ELEMENT DIAGOUALS, AND ARE CONSTANT THevouT Ta ZLEmanT. 5 even tae yu), staan EE Gores cncie saeises) Samana cooker sete Gone SE NE, Trane NE Wore: STRESSEC ARE GIVEN AT INTERSECTION Of ELEMENT DIAGONALS, AND ARE ConsTANT TiRvowT THE ELEMENT. ' 6 ey wre | SRUADE coped: * 3 Trae" eee . a ne bersem mane ot Dintervens {7 ea y Teme mate vg pacer Breesses Ace sive AT INTERSECTION of ELEMENT DIAGONALS. AND ARE Sous TANT. THRUOUT THe ELEMEGT ca 4” ai) Cqun% cvoen: 4-5-1482 1 cap er More: S7e6s365 AE OVEN AT LTERSECTION OF ELereslT BIAGONALS, AO ARE CONSTANT TnRua THe ELEManT, Grant flewear’ he fe SS ane arom sss wos ieee aero "-—— eres Gy Ta, hTa ace THe Steassee AT Tae Corveks. Tage BBB IY ie pe Cavennce) telah = EY6o pe (avsovure vauwe) 8 TRIAL = coven: H-12-1F i —— [En fegee oo norog race (2) . * Tae acat, cooeo Sinan ce wiemen? Nore: Breesses Ane Sivan AT 6.3 of Tie BLeenT ‘wo ARE Constancy Tnmvour Te Citar Tr Noe a Leche, Cone. ‘sraren oF tinen? Sg Sy eS 3 (ESS) hy Sredices age arven i \\ - AY €.G. OF Twa Letmeur Aue Aes consrany watch 7] NALS =" Benen? Tape 4 en fences tv Gina Goemuare SYSTEM, t Es "tas Globac Cope OsiATE syeTene Alsre; Feet’ Acting ov GRID Pants Meter ELEnENTE Sevenst eurpee: y i Lannea) igen, cooee- Codes} (Cmte ae Fegiso? set . ~ ore Ath Foxces ARE APPLIED To GRIu avaieet Porn ta Int GLOBAL Cooma: VATE wy rz a Sys7a "7 HOw TO PLAN AN ANALYSIS Before starting an analysis the considered = Jing points should be 1) thy do you need to use Nas 2) what do you want from the analysis 3) What results ace required 4) How mich tine have you got 5) How long will it take 5) Wow accurate are the reeults to 5 As the cecent introduction of the forms on the procedures to 2 Stress Office task coccespond co many of the above questions, justification and procedure for a finste eleaent analysis should be Supplied by the Scoup Leader he type of analysis, i.e. coacse ex fine mesh, should indica! subsequent actions to be taken. A fine mesh genevally follows a co: sesh analysis, therefore it wil be necessary to understand any, previous analysis which will influence the new anslysis. fe. boundary ditions. For new analyses a coarse mesh analysis is advisable, this relatively simple to set up, underatand, and produce reliadi jhese answers vill, provide sufficient infocastion, of indic further analysis work is neceseacy, a which case the course provides the justification. Having decided upon the analysis requirements, the user is responsible for subdivision of the real world structure into elements and the selection of the element types. ‘This requires the user to understand the structure, materieis, ioading, constraints, so thae the relevant data can adequately desezibe the behaviour of the structure The following classes of input data ace prepared by the user, and gare aust be exercised to ensure the veracity of this data, especssily for the more complex analyses now being underteken, as the ease of Problem solving depends on the quantity of dats present. 1) Geonetcy 2) Elesent connectivities 3) Element propectie: 4) material properties 5) Consteaines 6) Loads and enforced motions ‘aking the EFA Front Fuselage as an exanple, a finite element analysis would represent the major secuctural iteas, i.e. franes. Dolkheade, floors, shear vebe, king. ete.. Using the existing dfavings and Key diagrans the details to be modelled shoud be identified. at this stage ene Usec must de avace of Nov the structural itens incecsect with each other and position the grid points accordingly, It is not alvays possible to aodel every feature accurately, therefore some engineering judgenent nas to be employed to ensure the critical fea have priority. Geid points vould be located to define the profile, internal structure, local losd input positions, ete, and may be defined by the ‘Atecsection of structural datum and profiie lines, given expiic in key diagrams, of f=p: reuceural £ stiffener paccerns. further grics my be sesh can be produced It is advisable to begin defining the sesh onthe sost-conplex or ai led item vaich contains the most grid points. This User to work avey from thie position and all points to produce a aesh of quadrilacral e! Sf triangular elesents toa ainiaun. * Having defined an initial analysis sesh, the user aust now formulate a numbering aysten to identify the grié points and connecting elements Previous attempts to include sone fora of code into the identification nunber have usually resulted in large six or seven figure nunbers, Ghich ace difficult to manipulate and verity. Patcan has a Liat on the size of identification number it can plot, this say be overcome by allocating sore resources, but usually requires manual editing by the User. Its therefore advised that a range of consecutive numbers be allocated to sections along the proposed model, the range being of Sufficient size to accomodate any subsequent additions. ‘The question of model symnetcy should be considered. rt may be porsibie to sodel hal? seructure and apply aymmbricabr anti Eyametcical boundary conditions, this will obviously reduce the amount of data input with foresponding savings in time and error detection. Points to cemenber when preparing an analysis are :— 1) The analysis is an aid to help complete a stressing task, it does not necessarily replace it 2) An unfinished analysis, or a complex analysis where the user cannot understand the output, if a waste of tine and effect \~ SHEAP WEB & S|] / S3 a i INT. / LOWER Ly \GERON ;| cb] Es a| TEE BOOM Q\ ole 28 7 IND! EN ARCH. eee POINT _'M' peas a ro POINT'CC RADAR BAY ‘ z WINDSCREEN avONIC_BAY_ ROOF y| FRAME. i a fel ero wae | EFA FRONT FUuscLAQe ANALYSIS MobeL (Roast se) RES The idealisation of the ceal structure into an acceptable geometrical grid, set of elements, sizes, constraints, matecials, loading etc. has but one purpose, to enable the REAL Btructure Loads, stresses and deflections. to jeulated. The {dealtsation should thus represent all the load paths and realistic loading distributions set up. At the stage of formulating the size and: scope of the analysis, decisions will be sade which force the Idealisation of the seeuetice long fairly recognisable paths. Pur example in the aedelling of 3 fuselage a course mesh vith skin panels bounded Sy najor #20022" would isply the use of shear and fod elenents for the sking. " unless the idealisation is carried out keeping in mind the full cequitesents, pitfalls are numerous. Overkill of the meah size may Greate 8 dinausaur with no futuce; over simplification can leave but load paths which may be critical. the use of pre-processors Gach as Patcan gives the engineer the ability’to ge Structures vith ease, but this does not nece; Mill be more accurate, \intrinsically the solution of the stiffness matrix, application of loading and constraints, ehe generation of displacements, and Back substitution to obtain losds and stresses t2-an accurate RATHENATICAL process. This does not imply that the results from any model ace correct. Accuracy should not be confused with correctness The correctness of the result is in the hands of the user. Overall accuracy, no doubt, remains Linked to the source and quality of the infocaation available. It is pointless setting Up SComplex analysis based on preliminary scheme drawings, Appeokinace Loading and uncertsin matecials. The question "How accurate is the available data?" is racely asked, and if qualified would generally lead to suprising tolerances on the resuits. ‘The process of idealisation requires geometry to be defined and element sizes to be calculated which satisfy area or stiteness Fequirenents, and only carely both. Thus in most instances the aodel {sa compromise, and the subsequent interpretation to the Feal structure is treated differentiy. ‘The stress engineer should not use analysis results blindly: Modelling, loading and constraint ecrocs should be eliminated in the checking, groceas, ‘Dut may #til1 be present, Thus elon guard for Snexpected results ‘the user should only Launch into the idealisation process having ficst determined for himself a clear method of appcoach and a good understanding of the tovel requirements SELECTING THE GzonET? ‘There ace two stages in determining the nodel geometcy, locatin the source, and its application te the adel. goth of these’ stages have several options. Source of geo » a ° try = The source can play a vital pact in the ‘scope of an analysis, not only in the accuracy Sut in the elapsed tine to definition. A wing analysis, for example, vould require a greatly extended tine seals if the surtace geoneccy was not available. tf key diagrams for a steucture are not available 2 complex analysis should not be undertaken since By implication the Fesuits vould be approximate. Defined explicitely .. drawings giving all the required geometry. This ady be input directly into Nastran oc Scale drawings .. chese nay be interpreced several ways, hand Measurement, using 2 digitiser, of if available Sa'anvil by convergion into # mesh via Patrans Key diagcams .. giving the intersect points of major itess, cibs/spacs etc. The mesh nay Be created using Anvil and converted tos Nastcan set of points o¢ passed to Fatran for fucther cefinenent, Surtaces .. available on Anvil of catia. These are used to form up the besic model using intersects az paten boundaries whicn ace chen put to Patcan for further fefinement, or to generate profile geometry by project ing 2 previously defined 2-b mesh of pointe onto the surface, Solid geometry .. catia itens. the process of conversion to an analysis grid is currently being studied and Femains 2 specialist activity Applicae: me geometry may be used direct!y in sone cases, but ir other cases should be modified to reptesent the sest interests of accuracy or expediancy to the user. Sone conaents are given below. a) Flying surfaces, wings ete .. are celatively thin structures and thus in order to keep the skin meabrane loading and stiffness correct, the mid skin chictness Geometry should be used. There is a proceedure within the optimisation routines which will carry out this task automatically. b) Fuselage shells .. a decision should be nade on the geometsy profile vhich should be consistant, ies at the cule, Get, the inner skin point, or the mid skin point, Actes for calculating frame flange areas etc can thus be fied, Because of the celative size errors are saall whichever approach. yf ©) Fuselage frames .. sloping franes should be converted to 7 Yocal axes so that the in plone stiftness 1 not lose due to small kinks. P95 offers an automatic conversion Of conordinate sysiens in option 6. €) Fuselage floors, shear vebs .. ensure the geometcy is planac, convert to local axes if nesessary, @) Ring frames .. modelled as sheac webs and cods, geometry at ‘Skin points and internal points (observe 3 above) s; modelled as bar elements, geonetry as 2 above and un Offset vectors to section N/A £ Longerons/spars .. ensure that these follow the corcect (straight) lines. Geoneery eccors which create kinks both ceduce the effective stiffness and iapose uneeal loads on the support points. 9) Offset joints .. beware of setting up joints involving offsets from the main load pachs unless the offset hhas been aodelled corcectly and the local steucture is capable of ceacting the kink loads. Ie is better to put the joint coincideat with a skin/Ecame/longeron junction The joint loads can be re-calculated and offsets taken into account in the subsequent detailed stressing work fh) Winge Lines .. the geometry of the hinge points must be set ‘up conlingar in order to avoid ‘locking up’ Use 2 Coordinate systen with the hinge line axis nearest basic x, y, or 2 direction. See the section on the modelling of Hinges. Zo Mover. GEONETEY RY nim SKm 3cPrH — MESERES Sknv WADING” Abia seeTow Eniermess ANCE sueLLs « USE censistanT GeonereY ANG FRAMES + erat &y ws \ eH8t eo fen oR ‘eer Ponr BAR IDEALISATON _ SLOPNG FRAMES, Fioots, SUEAR weRs: uiKS oan HATE oss. srierncss AVOID KMS nk GEOMETRY = fOr TO LOCAL RES Lonecee 1S, SPS Ere: Nom es ih econc rey a Feane] toe Loans mina masse IL toncekon ok se Fhe idealisation of the real structure into the tastcan model should, as previously stated, only be undectsken shen the full purpose and Scope of the analysis has bees deteeeiney What should be clear is :- The size of the grid The position of ail major load pathe The interface points to other componants or between frames and'shell ete The leading and support requirements. Additional points may have to be created, Nastran is 2 displacement method program - it solves for Gisplacenents at grid points. Thus the geneeal sin idealization process is zo model the CORMECY STiPeNEss this norsally sequices (ie specification of the corsece ehickeets and area of the teens, Lut in wany instances these tee Mea ered ae tora compromise 14 the selection of the geonetcyy Tf a single element copresents several iteas with different areas or materials, the calculation of the idealized sisecaite be Linked to the selected idealised material stiffness, and the subsequent interpretation of the results will have to Use che sane relationships to obtain the real structuce leads. wastran element forces and stresses balance the applied loading, however STRESSES are only accurate for the evel seruct- ure in the instances where the GEOMETRY is ae the centeoia ot and the element SIZE is correct. Thus in gost ingtonce. the element FORCES are used in che subsequent incerpretarien she Feal structure. The user must ensure the element and seat structure forces ace in balance when correcting for geometcy and size idealisation methods (or changes to the seructucey The following page illustrates some general idealisation ond interpretation methods RING Feanes - Licxr Sections = 9 Sais ceontret sur ar Heavy Ring Fane s. Ay ~ QQ nsec ation &, oe sen tn Srabesine Murwons-uee Aoaireis GlontraY awa cfs Futees Te Monte Dewanie HewEWT sierAtorens food Hane, cneae stor eens hs awe a ©) pexemrrwe vento ume BAR cuenenre 2 Fae FAME EEnoMEY Herts waite E08 Reaves > cacuntin of offstr eee “eran oF ete re sme SME ema ne aeaecar | Nea Re td Ma Te de® fore tine 2 ayer) ge = Ate FURGGEMG HeTIODe = AERO outer oe O48 woth, newer | WME WISTANW STRESEES oe choDS, 6; we era A A ae hee es” | cate Maest time ee ended be bar meta. I i Jo sm oe or ! wf NS oUF ; = flo+ er 1 i Lohas iw _cfon Beer AREA Reverion sues rlaeSewe wrens oP CoD AREA © MER OF Lonecnon 4 CFFLETICE MAEAS Ere tern oe fun 5 Puke be Ps fee bane A tation Leneennt fe vnrchns Me aurFeKUNe RENE ates BY Ab fo one BUEES 5 Gwen my = PRY be werent _oorrer ie pane Lops paces erronces earner eee — we Se EN ie F ae at TA Tet. 7 te ter - etal a EnsTeNeR tons tien tans chen Smet cn a Cuan aeié at Sori! tne wren Uh as 2 wneee G+ DOE ENEAE, Be NL LENE Conveniently the various A/C seaponents can be covered BEpSEately and the cecomended nedeiting techniques £24 Efoyq Belov. ‘the elenent sizing is 1inked tothe solder ion eenee BREBFECY, and the types of element chosen, thas in the sxeneles thae follow the sizing method is siovn expiicieery INTERPRETATION of the cesults is linked zo the method of idealisation and thus guidelines ace included sere convenseng® Fuselage Frames These can be in vacious foras, cing frames, machined pact/full frames of pressure bultheads’ Light Ring frames :- two aethods of idealisation are possibie. a) Shear web and boom. the fran ts repre: web and boom using CSHEAR and C200 elenests Combine the effective jemand flange arene geometry should be set at the avecage depth Setvoen flanges et flange efficiency faccors shoul! be used in detecainiey the e809 areas SEEStELDY RegPOd 3 use, the sending sonent calculated athe boom end loads “and shear values to cocty aut detailed stressing round the frase fe 48 assured that the fuselage akin effective area is fedelled as a separate CROD and thus the frame Losdrag cos be readily found. If the outer cR0D ineludes the effoctice ghia, some load sharing 1s nesessary before the outer fiesge Road’ can be determined and thus the frame Bending severe > 3ae representation. CBAR elements are specified using the guter geometry and offset vectors to the N/A of the osch en. The frame bending moment and shear values are output dizectly. Make sure that the bars ace co-plana’ (eg xeconst) and if not supply all properties A,ii,i2/9 eve, heseasee the Getault for shear flexibiiity is ENO" (infinitely eeeeT. Note that additional D.0.F. ace cequiced for Enis socked, Stressing method : “some interpolation is required erice the Skin shears ace applied at :he grid points snd tous SEEPS appear in the ak at the grid pointe ~ use the everage. ‘Te'moments at the centre of the elements will be sonvece? Heavy Ring Frames :~ ‘the idealisation is calcula: aonent of inertia and N/A gost dictated by the fuselage skin The stresses in the tesl_ serve astag fa. to maintain the correct sn, ‘the geometry being nd internal skin if present. fe can then be calculated ess levels. athe analysis, A method is shown below :- INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS TDEALISATION Format INVOLVES A MURDER OF OPERATIONS Te DETERMINE THE STROCTORAL SauWWALENCE - Tas moar ae REVERSED Te Movie CORRECT RESULTS on we REAL sTRUCTURE. GEOMETRY ELEMENT TYPE ALL SIZE (area, twexness) | RELATED BALANCE . SBLEULATIONS. | NASTRnd 1S A DiseLacenenT METHED PROGRAM - SoLVES FoR DISPLACENENTS: AT Gap PDINTS ELEMENT FORCES AND STRESSES BALANCE THE REPLIED LOADING HowevER HASTRAN STRESSES ARE onLY ACCURATE FoR THE REAL STRUCTURE IN A FEW INSTANCES «) WHERE THE GeoneTRY 1s AT THe CENTROID oF THE (TEM uy bY WHERE THE ELEMENT SIZE AS AcevanTE USER MUST ENSURE ELEMENT AND REAL STRUCTURE FORCES ARE IN BALANCE WHEN CORRECTING FoR GEOMETRY AND site To THE STRUCTURE VDEALISATION METHODS, oR CHANGES Usually these can ce cegacded as being fully Gtkective in end load and shea, and may be cequised to pressure loading. the nocnal iesalisacion ts by using fo! SHEAR elements, che ROD elenents cepeasenting any seittence areas plus the effective panel acess If the panel has any sig: and/or is subject to pressure with offset vectors, Leaving th Toad paths. Hicant stiffener offsets fing, BARS should be used 008 only for the panel end For initial project work the pressure effects can be added in the detail stressing, she Rodel. reduced to in plane effects only and thus no rotational 5.0.8. are needed. CS cos SHEARS 3 yas FoR ERFECTIVE! PANE! 2, he ERFEeTA L oss AREAS. See OFFSET BARE Fok STIFFENERS ‘The panel effective end load areas can be set up automatically by seteing Fi andf2 = 1-0 on the PSSzAn card, in which case each ekgective rod area vill be 1/2 the panel width x thickness. GEOMETRY ., make sure the floors are planar, put into a local axis systen if nesessaty. A slight ou: of plane kink in any of the grids vill destroy the load carrying capability MINGS — RIBS, SPARS, SKINS wings, fins ete. are thin sta nated by bending loading fof the skin design and shear loading for ne internal spac/eid construction. Thus the idealization should aim at providing the correct stiffness for these teas ‘The geometry should be set up at the mid depth of the skins, this the load:ng and stiffness will be correct. The spac/ Fib ideallsation shouid ais at obtaining the corcece moment of inertia'- ina similar way to that for heavy fing frames, ‘The skins should be idealised as QUAD¢ elements, the spac/ cib webs as SHEARS and the flanges as RODS. Since the CSHEAR @lenent only has 20D elenents along the skit some stift Ress must be given in the enough thickness direction, this use natively use thickness D.0.?. between f ‘and bottom tkin grid points. If one of these nechods is not used excessive displacements will be generated since the vebs will be WINGS ere. - RIBS AND SPARS Tmenuisatiog Swourd REPRESENT SECTion STIFFNESS cRop AREAS ARE CALCULATED To GWE eoRRECT noneNT eFreetwe, Hea, ENERTIA OF SPAR Talexnest wesness °| auane gf _auans GEONETRY IS SET OP AT SKIN KO >EPTH ACCURATE IF SIZES ARE coRRECT = GLADE LOADS ARE EDEALISED ROD AREAS CALCULATED FRon :- Aig? + Aegt = T SPAR/RIB MOMENT oF ZNERTIA Arg, = Rada FRINTAINING —on.A. POSITION HENCE Ar AND Ad : rae -) STRESS IN UPPER FLANGES Gwen 3Y 6, + ga(4-3) syne _ ow AND IN Lowee FLANGES BY Le om. 3 he Nore :- USE PSAEAR Fy, oR F2 FACTOR To GivE THROUGH — THCKNESS SPAR/AIB END LOAD STIFFNESS. Fusetace sxINs The idealisation of fuselace skins is prabably the no. Sifticult te aedel coccectly in shat the modelling iz dependsns on several factors = a) the size of the mesh 5) the frame suppoce ¢) the skin thickness @) the design condition, buckled/unbuckled ete However it ig possible to divide the methods into two groups coarse mesh and fine mesh coirse Mesh Fuselages :- In the coarse mesh idealisation the Skin between the aodelled frames is represented by single Slenentas“FE is" not possible to represent. any skis bendine {pressure loading will toad the frame geids Saly) or noo, UEnsion effeces = these sust be taken inte account in the detail stcecsing woos. the skits are thus cepeesented by SHEAR elenents and the effective end ioed areas by #00 elements. Longetudinally the skin will be fully effective and thus the F factor an the :PSHEAR cacd-nay oe used to provide this, ia ‘mien case Longéeudinal chops vill cepeesent any longercn or Stringer areas. Alternatively if the f factor if not weed che CROD ateas should represent the sum of the effective end Load and longeron/stringer areas ‘The CRODs along the pane! edges bounded by the franes will be sized depending upon the effective area of the skins in the Ciccunfrential direction. ES0U 71304 gives formulae for the effective aceas for single and multiple frame attachment lines ‘The CRODs vill be indepencant of any feane flange ateas, whieh Should have been modelled sepacately. For thick skins the effective areas say approach 1008 (intake ducts etc.], and in this case the CSHEARS may be replaced by CQUADES, ie'fully end load effective. In this case RODS would be required only for the longerons etc. ‘The design condition will dictate the material stiffness used, ie s reduced © for a buckled structure. WARNING ... if QUADSs ace used for skin elenents globally the structure could/will be significantly oversstif#, wach vould Iead to incorrect load paths and deflections. Fine Mesh Fuselages aaenans In a Eine mesh situation the skins between frames are modelled in sufficient detail to enable skin bending and hoop tension effects to be predicted. this forces the model to have rotational 5.0.F. and this ineveases the running time considerably. The sesh sfould be sufficiently fire (minimum € panels) so that the skin effects can be seen in the output. ‘The panels should be bending QUAD¢s and any longerons or sttingers should be CBARs. Pressure loading should now load the id-bay points. FUSELAGE Shs - coatse nest SOLE fONEL BETWEEN FRAMES - tant SENG Groner GS ESD Hee (SLE Blow) fA nue 2a to mnuas ser ne MER mene Gee 1 Er Psuene 2 Frere emia SRO) seu Arrncaty BY 71 uot of avers Soc, “ae wex Ses. wrnee avers eve TFECTWE SKM ARIA AY AIPEORCA Wo X — KAMLACE CSHEARS mcecune_sgrone, TRESSORES on PONELS LokD femme Gar eH FUSELAGE Skins - fine Mesa fe panels form a large gar: of present day structures I Rethods of idealigation ace possible. a) single QuaD¢ anisitropic panel b) mulitpre Quant panele ¢) Nagtean PCOMP facility Corcect bending stiffnesses can be obtained with aethode a) and ec), sethod by 1s used for menbeane effects only (uevally 19 optimisation work). Single Anisitropic Panel :- For meabrane only panels the QUAD’ Baterial is specified by a single MATZ card, the stiftness. ‘being calculated using the ADS CFO? program. The fibre dpecified relative to the 0 deg direction, the ‘Sn be this. Layer can then be input on ene QUADE card ithe: an angle oc a co-ordinate syétem, as shown below. MATERIAL DIRECTION SIECIMIED AS ANGLE Flow 2 PANEL eDce of ooAD SvETEN Nattean QUADS element would be specified as cqUADE 1 100 aon 201s Gguane 2 1 100 ton 202200 where the 1 in field @ vould point to a CORD card. WARNING .. the material direction is the PROJECTION of the x axis onts the panel. Bevare of panels out of plane with the CORD Specification. Consider a layup of total thickness 4.0mm tayer thickness a/2 unit “45 0.5 0625 ng 018 10625 0 210 125) 90 Yo 125 CFO? should be run vith layer thicknesses totalling UNITY, option 0 giving the stiffness matrix as. shown below. Mmocnaime cfa2 + Issue 2. = anisortorie poate stisewess, SYMMETRIC FLARE no TEMPERATURE OM MOISTURE USED The HATZ aetectal data is epectfied using the upper trianguler teens from the stiftness aatrix i noo 8 Fe rs rs fn Fe mara 1 78663,3 5741.66 0-0 €7033.8.0,0 —10934.5 ‘The PSHELL cacé would thus be :- PsHELL PID 1 40 If BENDING effects are to be modelled, CFO? is used with the full laninate specification in order to obtain s rigidity (bending) sateix for a UNIT thickness of Laminate. The rigidity satrix fg then aultiplied by 12.0 snd a seperate RAT2 cord Specified for the bending material. A typical stacking sequence 1S"shown below together vith the CFO2 output. aoyseensuees gszencegzeene tn

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