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8/11/23, 15:09 Post-Self-Assessment

finalizada: nov 8 - 3:09 PM

Mónica S. Cordero A.

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Respuestas correctas: 4/4

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8/11/23, 15:09 Post-Self-Assessment

Detalles de la respuesta

Tus respuestas

Pregunta 1 de 4

How likely are you to recommend this learning path to a

peer? 16279594

Not at all likely 1 2 3 4 5Extremely likely

Pregunta 2 de 4

How confident are you in your ability to: 16279594

Explain how Google Analytics 4 properties address your measurement needs

Not at all confident

Slightly confident

Somewhat confident

Very confident

Extremely confident

Describe the key differences between Google Analytics 4 properties and Universal
Analytics properties

Not at all confident

Slightly confident

Somewhat confident 2/4
8/11/23, 15:09 Post-Self-Assessment

Very confident

Extremely confident

Navigate the features and interface in Google Analytics 4 properties

Not at all confident

Slightly confident

Somewhat confident

Very confident

Extremely confident

Set up Google Analytics 4 properties for your business

Not at all confident

Slightly confident

Somewhat confident

Very confident

Extremely confident

Pregunta 3 de 4

What are 1-3 specific things you found helpful in the learning
path? 16279594 3/4
8/11/23, 15:09 Post-Self-Assessment

The notes contained crucial information that helped me understand better.

The diversity, together with images I was able to understand the differences between
each one.

The funnels, along with the folding windows, have a brief but subtle shape and provide
the most accurate learning process.

Pregunta 4 de 4

What are 1-3 specific things you think we can improve upon
for future iterations of this learning path? 16279594

Place more videos or interactive images and not so much text, this can be
overwhelming for people who barely know the field of analytics,

Provide more examples to illustrate the topic

Place more reflective questions about how to apply knowledge in theory. 4/4

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