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EE3121 Electronic Circuits I

Tutorial – 4
Example 1
Determine vo for each network of Fig. for the input shown.
Example 2
Determine vo for each network of Fig. for the input
Example 3
For the network of Fig., (a) Calculate τ (b) Sketch vo.
Example 4
Design a clamper to perform the function indicated in
Example 5
For the network of Fig. determine the range of Vi that will maintain VL at 8 V
and not exceed the maximum power rating of the Zener diode.
Practice Problems
1. Sketch the output of the network of Fig., if the input is a 50-V square wave.
Repeat for a 5-V square wave.

2. (a)Design the network of Fig. to maintain VL at 12 V for a load variation ( IL ) from 0

mA to 200 mA. That is, determine RS and VZ .
(b) Determine PZ max for the Zener diode of part (a).
Practice Problems
3. Design a clamper to perform the function indicated in Fig.

4. Design a voltage regulator that will maintain an output voltage of 20 V across a 1-

kΩ load with an input that will vary between 30 V and 50 V. That is, determine the
proper value of RS and the maximum current IZM .

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