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• Welcome / Introduce yourself

Thank you all very much for coming today. Let’s introduce ourselves, I am Alex Galarza and I
am Juan Viviani.

• Explanation of structure: a-what´s the presentation about? b-Into how many points is your
presentation divided? c-Questions? End of the presentation

Together we will talk about the distrust of young people in politics. Our presentation is divided
into three points: firstly, the lack of representativeness of political parties, corruption in
politics and finally false promises.

If there are any questions you’d like to ask, please leave them until the end, when we will do
our best to answer them.

• 1 st point / aspect

Let’s start with the first point. Young people feel that political parties do not represent them.
The lack of representation has recently been aggravated by some factors: Citizens perceive a
lack of sensitivity on the part of those in power, they consider that they are far from the social
reality. The poor economic performance of some governments that fail to reduce inequality,
along with corruption, erodes or breaks the pact between politicians and citizens. There are
parties without ideas, but also ideas without parties: there the demands of disadvantaged
groups (young people who see themselves without a future)

• 2 nd point / aspect

Let’s continue with the second point. With all the current problems there are, young people
consider political corruption the most important. Corruption is one of the facets that define
the political class today, several times scandals involving political parties are uncovered. This
calls on young people to demand a change in the traditional way of doing politics for a better
development of the country. Against this situation, social pressure increases to fight
corruption with protests in the country.

• 3 rd point /aspect

We’ve finally reached False Promises. Politics is the art of looking for problems, finding them,
making a false diagnosis and then applying the wrong remedies. The sad thing is that after all
these years, everything is the same. Unfulfilled promises such as "fighting insecurity" or
"fighting poverty". Tired young people ask: Why don’t they tell us the truth?

In this way it is believed that lies, fakery and false promises are a political instrument. The
words and actions of politics never coincide. It generates indignation and impotence for young
people. So that concludes “False promises”

• Summing up all points

That concludes our presentation. Summarizing these three points, young people are so
suspicious of politics that they wonder if it is worth voting or if their vote is useful. Therefore,
although politicians do not always tell the truth, they must strive to fulfill promises otherwise
politics will see how young people look for other horizons. Thank you for your attention

• Questions

If anyone has any questions, we will do our best to answer them.

• Goodbye and thank you

Thank you for your attention

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