Lesson Plan in TVL 12 Topic 2

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School Magpayang National High Grade level Grade 12


Teacher Ms. Michelle Jane Salino Learning Area Organic Agriculture

Time 1:00-2:00 Quarter 3rd

Date: February 26, 2024

I. Objective a. Understand the importance of fertilizers in agriculture.

b. Identify different types of fertilizers

c. Evaluate the benefits of using fertilizers

II. Subject Topic Lesson 4: Caring for Organic Vegetables

Topic 2: Fertilizer

Reference Tesda.gov.ph

Materials Power Point Presentation, Video presentation, Laptop

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

III. Procedure A. Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed

be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will
Let us pray first, please everybody stands.
be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread; and forgive
us our trespasses as we forgive those
who trespass against us; and lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
B. Greetings

“Good morning class!”

“Good morning, Ma’am!

C. Physical Arrangement

Before you take your seats, I want you to arrange

your chairs and pick up any trash that you can see on
the floor. “Yes Ma’am”

“Please arrange your chairs according to your row.”

“You may now take your seat.”

D. Checking of Attendance

“I am going to check your attendance. Once your

name is called, please say “present” Understand?”

“Yes Ma’am”
(students names)

(students names)

(students names)
(students names)


E. Reviewing of Past Lesson

“You have learned in the previous lesson about the

common types of irrigation, who can summarize our
last topic? “



“Thank you” Manual
F. Motivation

Activity 1. Identify each picture with their

corresponding name of fertilizers.
Based in our activity, what do you think our lesson
for today?
About fertilizer, ma’am

Yes! You are right!

Now, in your own idea, what is fertilizer?

A fertilizer is a substance that is added
to soil or plants to enhance their growth
and health. It typically contains essential
nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus,
and potassium.

Very good!

Vegetables, or any crop, cannot live on water and

soil alone. Nutrients required for vegetable growth
may not always be present in the soil. Thus, applying
fertilizers has become a common practice.

“There are two types of fertilizer, can someone give Dry and Water-Soluble, ma’am
me those two types?”

Very good. Thank you!

Dry Fertilizers- plants and animal material which

have undergone complete decomposition, has soft
like texture.

Examples are?



Very good Bokashi

“Second type of Fertilizer is Water Soluble, can

anyone read?

Organic fertilizers in liquid form

“Thank you”

Examples are;

 IMO’s

“There are two types on how to apply Organic

Fertilizer, Basal and Foliar application”

Can someone explain what is basal application?

Basal application is fertilizers are applied

That is correct
directly to the soil by mixing.
How about Foliar Application?

That is also correct Foliar Application is fertilizer is applied

directly to the leaves usually by spraying.
When do you apply fertilizers?
 During land preparation
 During transplanting
 2 weeks after transplanting
Note!  Throughout the growing stage
That the frequency of fertilization varies for every
vegetable type and variety. To succeed at fertilizer
application, keep tabs on industry knowledge and

G. Application

Direction: Read the following Questions And

choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a definition of fertilizers?

a) Substances added to soil or plants to provide
essential nutrients

b) Chemicals used to kill pests and weeds in


c) Tools used for watering plants in a garden

d) Devices used to measure the pH level of soil

2. What are the two main categories of fertilizers?

a) Organic and synthetic

b) Dry and liquid

c) Nitrogen and phosphorus

d) Slow-release and fast-release

3. Which type of fertilizer is water-soluble?

a) Organic fertilizer

b) Synthetic fertilizer

c) Slow-release fertilizer

d) Fast-release fertilizer

4. Which of the following is an example of an organic

a) Urea

b) Ammonium nitrate

c) Bone meal

d) Triple superphosphate

5. When is the best time to apply fertilizer to plants?

a) In the morning

b) In the evening

c) During the rainy season

d) Before planting or during the growing season

Instructions: Answer the following questions and read the following properly, choose the correct

6. What is the purpose of basal application of fertilizer?

a) To provide nutrients directly to the leaves of plants
b) To apply fertilizer to the base of the plant or in the planting hole
c) To mix fertilizer with water and spray it on the plants
d) To apply fertilizer evenly across the entire field

7. What is the purpose of foliar application of fertilizer?

a) To provide nutrients directly to the leaves of plants
b) To apply fertilizer to the base of the plant or in the planting hole
c) To mix fertilizer with water and spray it on the plants
d) To apply fertilizer evenly across the entire field

8. Which of the following is a potential drawback of using fertilizers?

a) Increased crop yield
b) Environmental pollution
c) Improved soil fertility
d) Reduced plant growth

9. What is the impact of excessive fertilizer use on water quality?

a) It improves water quality by providing essential nutrients
b) It has no impact on water quality
c) It can lead to nutrient runoff and water pollution
d) It increases the pH level of water bodies

10. Which sustainable farming practice can help minimize the use of fertilizers?
a) Crop rotation
b) Overwatering plants
c) Using synthetic fertilizers only
d) Applying fertilizers in higher quantities

11. Which nutrient is commonly found in fertilizers and is essential for plant growth?
a) Carbon
b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen
d) Hydrogen

12. Which type of fertilizer has slow-release properties?

a) Organic fertilizer
b) Synthetic fertilizer
c) Dry fertilizer
d) Water-soluble fertilizer

13. What is the main purpose of fertilizers in agriculture?

a) To kill pests and weeds
b) To improve soil structure
c) To provide essential nutrients to plants
d) To increase the pH level of soil

14. Which type of fertilizer provides immediate nutrient availability to plants?

a) Organic fertilizer
b) Synthetic fertilizer
c) Slow-release fertilizer
d) Fast-release fertilizer

15. What is the recommended application rate for fertilizers?

a) Apply as much fertilizer as possible for maximum plant growth
b) Apply fertilizer only once during the growing season
c) Follow the recommended rates to avoid overuse and environmental pollution
d) Apply fertilizer in equal amounts to all plants, regardless of their nutrient needs
Answer the following questions!

1. What is a fertilizer? Explain its purpose in

2. Differentiate between organic and inorganic
fertilizers. Provide examples for each.
3. Describe the process of how plants absorb
nutrients from fertilizers.
4. Research on a specific type of fertilizer. Discuss its
composition, benefits, and potential drawbacks.

Write it in a whole sheet of paper.

That’s all for today. See you all again next meeting!
Class dismissed. Good Bye Class! Goodbye Ma’am

Prepared by: Cooperating Teacher: Checked by: Approved by:

Michelle Jane G. Salino Alcherry M. Revil Larry M. Loquias Marilou C. Naquila, EdD

Practice Teacher, SNSU SHST II Master Teacher I School Head Teacher V

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