Lesson 3 - Art History

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LESSON 3: Art History


This lesson tackles on the philosophy of art and the context of art history to fully understand its
essence in all aspects of the society.

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

LO1. Summarize the development of the arts from its historical antecedents up to
contemporary arts
LO2: Recognize trends, patterns, underlying philosophy of the era or movements in art
LO3: Develop a deeper appreciation of art through reflecting its physical, historical and
cultural context

LEARNING OUTPUTS/REQUIREMENTS: Art History Timeline (Infographic)




Direction: Analyze the quotation below. What can you infer from the quotation made by the
author? It will be presented during synchronous discussion

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
Click and watch the attached video link below.


History of Art

Ancient Art (3000BC - 300BC)

The Paleolithic era, an ancient cultural phase of human history

(literally “Old Stone Age”) spanned between two and a half to three
million years. Paleolithic art related to the Late Upper Paleolithic
era of art history. This started about 40,000 years ago and
continued through the ice age of Pleistocene, which ended around
8,000 BCE. The increase of Homo sapiens and their developing
capacity in producing tools and weapons for survival marked this
Tutankhamun & Ankhsenamun

Egyptian Art (31st century BC - 4th century AD)

Egypt is among the places in the world where civilization was cradled. Among these pieces of
shreds of evidence of life are artworks that can be considered unique and ahead of their time.
Egyptian art consisted of forms carved in stones and woods. During this period, the sun, moon,
stars, and sacred animals were a common subject of art. Artists also decorated the tombs of the
dead with scenes from his life and signs of his rank and profession with the assurance that his
spirit may continue his existence within the tomb.

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
Hellenistic Art (4th century - 1st BC)
This art was created during an age characterized by a strong sense of
history as it is generally taken to begin with the death of Alexander the
Great. When Alexander was advancing the Greeks through victory, he
divided up the conquered lands amongst his generals.
But the death of Alexander made these dynasties and alliances broke
up into smaller kingdoms infused with Greek cultural elements.

Marble statue of an old

woman A.D 14-68
Medieval Art
The medieval period of art history spans from the fall of the Roman
Empire to the beginning of the Renaissance. In the Middle Ages, art
evolves as humans continue addressing the traditional and the new,
including biblical subjects, Christian dogma, and classical mythology.
This introduces concepts of three periods namely:Romanesque, Gothic,
and Byzantine.

Mosaic of Jesus Christ in

Renaissance Istanbul, Turkey

The term “Renaissance” translates to “re-birth.” Humanists sought

fulfillment in daily life and believed individuals had dignity and worth. The
belief in the ideal person- one who participates in a variety of activities.
Humanists have opened to spread the humanities ofphilosophy, history,
Latin, and Greek. Renaissance art emphasized paintings that depicted
man and nature in the fresco technique with simplicity, gesture, and
expression. The Creation of Adam

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
Baroque Period

The baroque period is elaborately covered with decorations. These

appeal to the emotion of the viewers as it is ornate and sensual. Artists
make use of different elements such as light and shadow to produce
dramatic effects. The paintings show figures in diagonal, twists, and
zigzags. In terms of architecture, it flourished in the seventeenth
century and is characterized primarily as a period to elaborate
Henry Purcell (1659-1695) sculptural ornamentation

Post-Modern Art (1950-mid 1980)

This art aimed to please the public as artists were able to achieve
simplicity, brilliance, perfect balance, and brightness of colors and
a sense of depth in a painting. The postmodern sculpture, on The
other hand, showed realistic figures which depicted perfect human
Self Portrait Along the Boarder
anatomy with a calm and reflective look. Also recognized as a Line Between Mexico and the
United States, 1932
period of eclecticism was this period.

Contemporary Period 20th Century-Present

Characterized by its diversity and difficult nature with a vibrant

mixture of materials, techniques, ideas that challenge the traditional
and defy simple definition. This art era aims to understand the
present and look forward to the future with artists exploring ideas
problems and techniques. Because of the diversity of methods
Contemporary Art is often seen as lacking a standardized structured
principle, ideology, or label and sometimes so straightforward that the
Female Head 1977 Buste Femme
audience. Au Chapeu 1939

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
Think Pair Share!

Directions: You may ask why I need to study art history? In this part, you will choose a partner,
exchange ideas and compare your thoughts about the eastern and western art history and
present it during our virtual class recitation. You may opt to read the information below about
eastern and western history and do further research before exchanging ideas. Take note that
finding your pair and exchanging ideas should be done before the scheduled class.

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
Art History Timeline!

Direction: Create a timeline from pre-colonial art to contemporary art in a separate flow chart both
in Eastern and Western Art and how such contributions really helps in the field of art and in cultural
context. Do your best and be creative because this will be graded activity with rubrics. You can
use the sample template below. Kindly post it in our LMS discussion.

From the mentioned ideas above we can, therefore, conclude that art history is the academic study
of the history and development of the visual arts. And art appreciation, the application basic tools
of visual literacy to understand and appreciate works of art.
Studying art history to many is just a way to get extra credit, while to others they do just because
it is mandatory. So why go through a whole undergraduate life just to earn a bachelor’s degree?
Here, we are going to answer all your what and whys.

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
What is the value of studying art history?

Art has already existed even in the earliest civilizations. In ancient times, it was used to appease
the gods, scare their enemies, compel people, and distinguish between various cultures and
even served reasons for personal and economic

1. Its main role is to preserve culture. For example,

conservation of Philippines’ rich cultural heritage and
promotion of all forms of art and culture, both tangible and
intangible, including monuments and archaeological sites,
anthropology and ethnology, folk and tribal arts, literature.
Reyna Juana and St. Nino

2. It promotes creativity among aspiring artists. Because

of technological advancements that have been a great
contributor to development in our society, artists can also
adopt this technology to further design traditional artif1acts
since they remain symbolic in their lives. People from
Art No. 2 by Chuck Baird different walks of life have various symbols they identify
with, and this knowledge is very important since they can use it to improve various artifacts
that are important in their lives. For example, recovering an old photo in the 1800s

3. It acts as a source of livelihood like any other

profession. Aspiring artists need to understand the
history of an art piece so that they can be in a better
position to comprehend it with their skills to be able to
get jobs that suit their qualifications.

Tagaytay CJ Artist

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
Rubric for Infographic

infographic The The
The infographic
includes all of infographic infographic is
is missing
the required includes the missing
some of the
information as required several pieces
outlined on information of the required
CONTENT information as
the as outlined information as
outlined on the
assignment on the outlined on the
sheet in an assignment assignment
exceptional sheet. sheet.
The The
infographic The infographic
infographic infographic
incorporates somewhat
incorporates does not
principles of incorporates
principles of incorporate
design such principles of
design such principles of
as alignment, design such as
as design such
balance, alignment,
alignment, as alignment,
consistency, balance,
balance, balance,
contrast, consistency,
PRINCIPLES OF consistency, consistency,
directional contrast,
DESIGN contrast, contrast,
flow, focus, directional flow,
directional directional
proportion, focus,
flow, focus, flow, focus,
white space, proportion,
proportion, proportion,
document white space,
white space, white space,
layers, text document
document document
effects, and layers, text
layers, text layers, text
color in an effects, and
effects, and effects, and
exceptional color.
color. color.

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
elements Graphic Graphic
support and elements elements do
GRAPHICS enhance the support and not support
support and
message in enhance the and enhance
enhance the
an exceptional message. the message.
Infographic is
is formatted Infographic is
formatted to
to enhance somewhat Infographic is
readability formatted to not formatted
and enhance to enhance
audience readability and readability and
and audience
understandi audience audience
ng. understanding. understanding.
. Consistency
Consistency Consistency in Consistency in
PRESENTATION/ in formatting
in formatting formatting is formatting is
FORMATTING is clearly
is evident. somewhat not evident.
Appropriate evident. Semi- Appropriate
typeface, appropriate typeface, text
use of
text effects, typeface, text effects, type
typeface, text
type size, effects, type size, and
effects, type
and size. and assigned color
size, and
assigned assigned color are not used.
color are are used.

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
Final product
Final product
shows little
The work does not show
effort, quality is
was done effort, quality
not what the
Quality of with is not
learner is
infographic satisfactory acceptable. It
capable of. It is
exceeds effort. is evident that
evident that the
expectations. Criteria was the work was
work was
Contains no met. rushed. Work
rushed. Work is
WORK QUALITY keying or Contains 1- is sloppy and
grammar 2 keying or incomplete.
Contains 2-3
errors. The grammar Contains more
keying or
infographic is errors. The than 4 keying
clear, and infographic or grammar
errors. The
concise. is fairly clear errors. The
infographic is
and infographic is
concise. not very clear
clear or
or concise.
Submitted a
Submitted a
complete Submitted a Did not submit
biographical biographical list a complete
list of three
list of three or of two or less biographical
more sources sources used list of sources
used in in semi-correct used in correct
used in
correct APA APA format. APA format.
APA format.


• Caslib et.,al., . Art Appreciation. Rex Book Store. 2018

• Solmerano, E.T. Art Appreciation. Mandaluyong City.Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.2019
• Artyfactory “Art Appreciation”. Last accessed: August 3,

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph
2020 Retrieved from: https://www.artyfactory.com/art-appreciation.html
Blogger. “History of Painting”. 2020. Last accessed on August 01, 2020. Retrieved
• Chung, K. “The Purpose of Art According to Picasso” (2016). Last accessed: August
3, 2020. Retrieved from:

• Encyclopedia of Ancient Art. “Asian Art”. Last accessed on August 01, 2020. Retrieved
from: http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/ancient-art/asian.htm Frank Lloyd Wright’s
Work. Last accessed: August 3, 2020. Retrieved from:
• Mr. Donn.org. “Ancient Mesopotamia Art And Craftsmen”. 2020. Last accessed on
August 01, 2020. Retrieved from: https://mesopotamia.mrdonn.org/art.html
• International Studies in History and Business of Art & Culture “What is
Art History” Last accessed: August 3, 2020. Retrieved from:
e%20study,the %20time%20they%20were%20cr eated.
• Pablo Picasso: 150 Famous Paintings, Bio & Quotes by Picasso. Last accessed: August
3, 2020, Retrieved from: https://www.pablopicasso.org/
• The Schoole Creative Center. “Why Art History is Important?”. Last accessed August
01, 2020. Retrieved from: http://theschoolcreativecentre.co.uk/why-art-history-
• Your Dictionary “Examples of Iconography” Last accessed: August 3, 2020 Retrieved
from: https://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-oficonography.html

Address: Governor Feliciano Leviste Road, Lipa City 4217, Batangas, Philippines
Telephone Numbers: +63 43 757 5277
Website: www.ub.edu.ph

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