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Student’s name:………………………………………………..

3rd year………………………
Hello, everyone! I’m “Three”,
welcome to 3rd year

1. Classify the following literary genres into FICTION and NONFICTION. Draw a chart in your binders.



2. What literary genre do these icons represent? Match


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

3. Are the books in activity 2 fiction or nonfiction?

4. Pair work. Interview a classmate about their reading habits.

a) Where do you like reading?

b) Where do you usually read?
c) What are the last two books you read? Did you like them?
d) Do you read printed books or from the screen?
e) Do you buy or download books for you?
f) Do you give books as a gift?
g) What’s your favourite literary genre?
5. Write a paragraph about your classmate’s reading habits. Use present simple.
My classmate is……………………………………………..He / She likes / doesn’t like reading. He / She
…………………………………………………………………………….. .
Before you read. 1. Match these words with the correct picture, please.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1……………………………… 2……………………………….. 3……………………………. 4……………………….. 5…………………………..

While you read – 2. Read the text and complete the gaps with words from exercise 1 

The Elephant Man

We gave Merrick two rooms at the back of the hospital. One room was a bathroom, so he could
hace a bath every day. Soon his skin was much better, and there was no horrible 1…………….. .
The secons room had a bed, table and chairs. I visited him every day and talked to him. He loved
reading and talking about books.
But sometimes it was difficult for him. At first, one or two people in the hospital laughed at Merrick
because he was ugly. Sometimes they brought their friendsto llok at him.
One day a new nurse came to the hospital, and nobody told her about
Merrick. She took his food to his room and and opened the door. Then
she saw him. She 2………………. And dropped the food on the floor,
and ran out of the room. “People don’t like to look at me. I know that,
Dr Treves,” he said. “They usually laugh or scream.” “Well, I don’t
want nurses to laugh at you, Joseph,” I said angrily. “I want them to
help you.”
“Thank you, docotr,” he said, in his strange low voice. “But it’s not
important. Everone laughs at me. I understand that.”
I looked at him sadly. In his one good hand, his left hand, he had the little
picture of his mother. He looked at the picture for a minute, and then put it by a flower on the
table. A tear ran out of his eye and down the skin of his 3………………, ugly face.

3. Listen to the text, check activity 2 and then, answer the questions below.

1. Where did Merrick live? ……………………………………………………………………………..…

2. Why did his skin get better?......................................................................................................................
3. What did the new nurse do when she saw Merrick?.............................................................................
4. Why was Dr Treves angry?...................................................................................................................
5. Was Merrick happy when he looked at he photo?................................................................................
4. Match the sentences 1-4 from the text with the people in the pictures. Write their names.
1. She screamed when she saw Merrick the first time.
2. He went to see Merrick every day.
3. They laughed at Merrick.
4. Her son has a little picture of her in his room.

Past simple revisited – Regular and irregular verbs

Analyse the sentences below.

Please, check Google Classroom, print and

study the lists of regular and irregular verbs.

You also fin extra practice on past simple there.

C. What did you do? Answer the questions
about you
1. What sports did you practise last year?
2. Did you lose a game last weekend?
3. Did you go cycling with friends last month?
4. Where did you watch TV last Saturday?
5. When was the last time you went to sports
6. Did you do gymnastics in PE last week?

Regular verbs

1. Write the Spanish equivalents of these questions words.

Interrogative words:

What / Which How Where When Why Whose

2. Complete the questions with a wh-word.

A. _________did you play football? (in the sport club)

B. _________did you celebrate your birthday? (on July 07th)
C. _________money did you spend in the market last Monday? (I spent 562 pesos)
D. _________did you feel sick in the classroom yesterday morning? (because I ate too much chocolate?
E. _________cartoons did you watch when you were 9? (I watched Dragon Ball)
F. _________did you buy that beautiful jacket? (I bought it at the street market)
3. Complete the questions and short answers using the phrases in brackets.

5. Complete the post in a blog with the past form of the verbs in brackets.

In 1998, Philip Boit_______(take) part in the Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan. His event ___ (be) cross-
country skiing, and the newspapers ________(write) about him a lot because he was from Kenya, a country
with no snow!
Boit___________ (prepare) well for the Olympics. Before the competition, he _______ (spend) two months
training in Finland. However, he _______ (not win) the race – in fact, he______ (finish) last.
A Norwegian skier called BjØrn Dæhlie _______ (win) the event, but he_______ (not leave) immediately
after the finish – he ________(wait) for Boit because he ________ (want) to shake his hand. After this, Boit
and Dæhlie________ (have) a son a few years later, he__________ (name) him Dæhlie Boit.

6. Complete part of a dialogue. Use the past simple affirmative, negative or interrogative form of the verbs

Past continuous
1. Listen to the article about expeditions in the past and mark the correct option.

Pioneers like to discover pins / rings / things before anyone else, and are prepared to risk everything.
Sometimes their experiments /expeditions / experts end in tragedy, and on others they
go to the wrong planets! / places! / plates! Luckily, however, a lot of these expeditions
are successful.
In 1497, John Cabot thought he is / was / wasn’t travelling to Asia. But he wasn’t
sailing in the right direction – and banded / handed / landed in what is now Canada!
In 1766, Frenchwoman Jeanne Baré and a group of botanists are / were / weren’t
sailing on the French ship Étoile. Baré is / was / wasn’t wearing men’s clothes, because
women weren’t allowed on the ship. About nine years later, Baré becum / became /
become the first woman to cross the entire world by ship.
In 1911, Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen is / was / wasn’t trying to reach the
South Pole before British explorer Captain Robert Falcon Scott. On 14th December,
Amundsen becum / became / become the first man in history to get there. Scott and his team arrived a month
later, but sadly died during their return.
Today, science is / was / wasn’t taking us further and further, and now we are exploring space. Your
generation holds / held / holding the pioneers of the future. Are you one of them?

2. Mark examples of past simple (regular and irregular verbs)

3. Mark examples of past continuous: What are the auxiliaries of this tense? How do we write verbs?
Let’s practise!

3. Rewrite the sentences in activity 1. Make

them negative.

4. Read the answers carefully and complete

the questions.


Keep up with the practice!




Revising important rules!

1. Last Friday afternoon, I took a picture of my neighbourhood, what were the people doing? What
weren’t they doing? Write sentences to describe

3 1 Beto
1 4 5 2. Román
6 3. Sole
and Betty
4. Carlos
5. Julián
6. Mateo
7. Lucy
7 9. Daniel
10 10. The
8 police

2. This is another picture, on Saturday morning. Take a look and answer the questions.

A. Was Beto working? G. Was Mateo feeding a dog?

B. Was Beto alone? H. What else was he doing?
C. What was Román doing? I. What was Lucy doing?
D. Were Sole and Betty fighting? J. Was Raúl stealing?
E. What was Carlos doing? K. Was Daniel drinking a coffee?
F. Was Julian talking on the phone inside his car? L. What was the police officer doing?
1. Read the magazine article about the James Bond actor Daniel Craig.

Past simple and past continuous – WHEN

Past simple and past continuous – WHILE

Let’s keep up with the practice


A. Listen to the conversation between Kiran and Jodie and complete the gaps with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets. Use present simple, past simple or past continuous.

Kiran: Why have you got blue plasters on your knees? What happened?
Jodie: I fell off my bike yesterday while I ……………. (come) home from
Tom’s house.
Kiran: Ouch! How ………it……. (happen)?
Jodie: I was cycling down the hill when a cat ……………. (run) across the
road. I tried to stop, but the road was wet and I ……………. (fall off).
Kiran: What happened to the cat?
Jodie: The cat was fine. It just ……………. (run) up a tree. But I cut my knees quite badly and my bike
was a mess.
Kiran: How ……you………. (get) home?
Jodie: Well, fortunately, while I ……………. (pick up) my bike, Dad drove past.
Kiran: That was lucky.
Jodie: Really lucky. He put my bike into the car and ……………. (take) me home.
Kiran: So are you ready for three hours of Romeo and Juliet? The play starts at two o’clock.
Jodie: I’m fine, but it hurts when I bend my knees.
Kiran: That’s OK. We’ve got standing tickets. You can ……………. (keep) your knees straight.
4. Choose the correct options. 5. Complete the sentences with WHEN or WHILE

7.a. Complete the text with words from the box.

b. Write the verbs in the correct form.

6. Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words


8. Write sentences using the past simple, the past

Continuous and the words in brackets.

Go to the
on pages 20, 21, And
revise irregular verbs


Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s son – an extract

Popular characters – Fictional and historical
1. Work in pairs. Do you know anything about Christopher Columbus? Look at the pictures and share what
you know.

Video session: Crime writers

• Before you watch

1. Answer the following questions
a. What types of stories do you enjoy reading?
b. Do you know any famous writers of crime? Who? Make a list.
2. Vocabulary. Match the phrases in bold with pictures below
A book, doctor, house, letter, the planet, puzzle, Reichenbachfalls, university

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

• While you watch
3. Watch the clip and classify the phrases in activity 2 into the correspondent author according
to the info given.
Arthur Conan Doyle Agatha Christie

4. Watch the clip and choose the correct option for each sentence
1. Where was Arthur Conan Doyle born?
a. in Torquay b. in Edinburgh c. Dublin
2. Arthur was a(n)
a. vet b. detective c. doctor
3. Arthur’s character – Sherlock Holmes – inspired
a. soap operas b. crime fiction c. comedies
4. Moriarty and Holmes died in
a. the Reichenbachfalls b. the Iguaçu falls c. Niagara falls
5. People wrote letters to Arthur Conan Doyle because they wanted
a. Moriarty back b. Watson back c. Holmes back
6. Where was Agatha Christie Born?
a. in Torquay b. in Edinburgh c. Dublin
7. Agatha Christies published
a. two books a year b. one book a year c. ten books a year
8. Agatha’s books often follow a familiar plot
a. after the crime: search the house / interview suspects / find clues and solve the puzzle
b. after the crime: search the house / find clues / interview suspects and solve the puzzle
c. after the crime: interview suspects / search the house / find clues and solve the puzzle
9. Agatha became the most famous author of the
a. UK b. continent c. the planet
10. Agatha died in
a. 1926 b. 1959 c. 1976

• After you watch

5. Complete the sentences with the words in blue below

1. The detectives launched a(n)_______________________after they found a dead body in

the library.
2. Police is arresting the _________________. He stole money.
3. The detective has interviewed a(n) _____________________ to check where she was at
the time of the murderer.
4. Police searched the house for ________________about the dog disappearance.
5. The ________________went to prison for 25 years after he killed a person.
6. The culprit is explaining she committed the ________________ because she needed money.
She stole $10,000 last month.

Adverbs and expressions of time
Past Present Future
yesterday today tomorrow
last week this week next week

an hour ago now in an hour

recently as we speak soon

a little while ago at this moment in the near future

a long time ago these days way off in the future

in the past nowadays eventually

this morning at this time later this evening

1. Look at the photos (A-D) which job looks the most interesting, in your opinion? Why?

2. Match four of the words below with photos A-D. Then listen to the wordlist and check your answers.
Make sure you understand the meaning of all the words.

…………………………………….. …………………………………………… ……………………………………… …………………………………………………….


3. Complete the ideas with your opinions. Use vocabulary from previous activities.

a. The best 3 jobs in activtiy 2 are:____________, ________________and ______________

b. For my classmate, the best 3 jobs in activtiy 2 are:__________, _____________and ______________

c. which job(s) in activity 2 is/are…

a…creative?_____________ e…stressful?____________
b…challenging?__________ f…tiring?_______________
c…repetitive?___________ g…varied?______________

4. Look at the photos (E-H) Match two or more phrases from the list below with each holiday job.

A Aur Pair A Gardener A sports coach A charity fundraiser

Go to the VOCABULARY section on page 46,

study and classify the different jobs, please

6. Do the quizz with one of your classmates. Then, try to find ideal jobs for each other. Use the jobs in
activity 2 or look up professions in the dictionary or vocabulary section.
Just the job?
1 Which is more important to 2. which do you prefer? Do you want a job that involves
you? a. working indoors? travelling a lot?
a. doing a challening and b. working outdoors? a. yes
rewarding job b. no
b. earning a lot of money c I don’t mind
4. which sentence is true for 5. do you want a job that
you? involves dealing with the public
a. I like being part of a team and / or serving customers?
b. I prefer working alone a. yes
b. no
c I don’t mind
6 which sounds better? 7 Which sentence is true for
a. Sitting at a desk for most of the you?
day. a. I don’t mind working long
b. Being on your feet for most of hours.
the day. b. I want to work nine-to-nine.


What’s the extra job?

2. Complete the work activities with the words below. Use each word or phrase only once.


Be going to

Before you read – 1. Answer the questions about your goals.

What is your dream job? What are its main features? Mention two or three.

While you read – 2. Read the posts from a blog about future careers and do the activity below.

Who is going to choose your career and when?

Dad says I’m going to become an accountant, like him. We both love working with
numbers! My A levels start next year, and I’m going to study maths, economics, and
accountancy. Some of my classmates don’t want to choose three subjects so early.
They’re only fifteen and don’t know what careers they want. But my future feels
secure. (Oscar, 15, UK)
I’m not sure what I’m going to be. Possibly a lawyer or a sales rep. Luckily, I can
decide when I’m older! But one thing is certain: my parents aren’t going to choose
my career! I know that they have more experience, but it should be my decision. (Antonella, 15)

Are the statements true (t) or false (f)?

1. Oscar is going to choose the same career his father has. T / F
2. He is going to study for only one subject next year. T / F.
3. Oscar is not very sure about the choice of career. T / F.
4. Antonella is going to be a lawyer, for sure. T / F
5. Antonella’s parents aren’t going to choose her career. T / F
Let’s practice!

Keep up with the practice!

Write the expressions in

your binders, please.

1. Focus on questions


3 4
. .

2. Dylan is thinking about his future career.

Write sentences, questions, and answers with be going to.

EXAMPLE: Dylan / have / stressful job / ?

Is Dylan going to have a stressful job?
No , he isn’t.
1 he / do / different things / every day / ? 4 he / do / something / varied
________________________________________? _________________________________?
_________, he____________ . __________________________________
2 he / work / indoors 6 What / he / be / ?
________________________________________? _________________________________?
________________________________________ __________________________________
3 he / not do / anything / unrewarding 7 he / be / an artist
________________________________________? __________________________________?
_______________________________________ ___________________________________
_____ 28
Extra practice: be going to

A. Complete the sentences. Use be going to and the verbs in brackets.

o I’m going to buy some clothes, but I’m not going to spend a 1ot of money.(not spend)
1 Tom's going to stay in bed on Sunday morning. He ................. ..... .......... ........... .early. (not get up)
2 Lucy's going to meet Charlotte tomorrow, but they ................................... ........ .lunch together. (not have)
3 We're going to stay in a hotel. We ............................................ with our cousins.(not stay)
4 Jo's going to take her skirt back to the shop. She ........................ ...... .... ....... ... it.(not keep)
5 I'm going to work with animals. I ............... .......... ......... ....... ... in an office.(not work)
6 My parents are going to paint the kitchen, but they ... ....................................... bedroom. (not paint)
B. Write questions. Use be going to.

EXAMPLE: o you I phone I her tonight? Are you going to phone her tonight?
1 she I stay I with you on Sunday? ……………………………………………….
2 your friends I have I a party? ……………………………………………….
3 we I tell I Ryan about Becky? ……………………………………………….
4 what I you I do I in the summer? ……………………………………………….
5 Matt I learn I to drive next year? ……………………………………………….
6 where I they I stay? ……………………………………………….
7 you I see I Justin tomorrow? ……………………………………………….
8 he I move I here in September? …………………………………………
C. Complete the conversation. Use be going to and the verbs in brackets.
A: Coralie and Thomas (o ) are going to visit (visit) us next weekend . Do you
remember them?
B: Yes, I do. What about Pauline? (1) .................................... (she / come), too?
A: No, she (2) .................................... .She wants to come in October.
B: What (3) .................................... (you / do) with them?
A: We (4) .................................... (take) them to London on Saturday. We
(s) .................................... (not stay) in a hotel. We (6.................................... (go) for the day. Would you
like to come with us?
……………………………………………………………………………… 29

Before you read - 1. answer the questions:

 Would you like to have a robot as a teacher? Which subjects would be better with a robot as a
teacher, in your opinion?

While you read – 2. Read the article and do the activity

Will all teachers be robots in the future?

How will technology change the world of work? Nobody really knows, but we
can make predictions. Scicentists think that some jobs will diasappear because
of new technology. Forexample, there won’t be any mechanics because robots
will reapir our cars. Programmers will lose their jobs too, because robots will
write all the computer software. And scientists don’t think we’ll need pilots,
as robots will fly planes. But what about teachers or doctors? Will robots take their jobs?
Probably not. Robots are very good at technical work, but theey aren’t very good at dealing
with people.
2. Answer the questions with information from the article.

1. Who makes these predictions about the jobs that will disappear?
2. Which professions will disappear?
3. Will teachers lose their jobs because of robots? Why?
4. Are robots good at technical work?


3……………………………………………… 4 …………………………………………………
……………………………………………… …………………………………………………
……………………………………………… …………………………………………………
……………………………………………… …………………………………………………
Let’s practice


 Time expressions used with WILL

The day after tomorrow
Next week/month/year
In a week/ month year

 Verbs: hope, think, believe, expect

 Other expressions: I’m sure, I’m
afraid, probably, perhaps
Extra practice: will

a. Complete the sentences. Use will and the verbs in brackets.

o The shops will be very busy tomorrow. Let's go on Monday. (be)

1 I'm nervous about the party. I ................................ anybody. (not know)
2 Kirsty ................................ those earrings. They're beautiful. (love)
3 We ................................ this match without Tom. He's our best player. (not win)
4 That train's always very crowded. You ................................ a seat. (not get)
5 Ask Lisa. She ................................ you some money. (lend)
6 Rome's a beautiful city. You ................................ a great time. (have)

b Write positive sentences, using will.

1. We ................................................... our parents in Cuzco. (visit)

2. I .........................................………a new house. (buy)
3. I think our team ..................................the match. (win)
4. She...................................... her homework tomorrow. (do)
5. We .......................................... our house. (clean)
c Unscramble the following sentences.

1. We/ take / the / buss.……………………………………………………………

2. I / drive / slow.…………………………………………………………………
3. You / pass / the / exam.………………………………………………………
4. I / be / there / next month.………………………………………………
7. Tomorrow / it / rain / a lot.……………………………………………………
8. I / go / out / this / evening.……………………………………………………

d Make negative sentences

1.. They tomorrow. (call)

2.. You .................................................... to the party. (go)
3. Ana…………………………………………………….volleyball tomorrow (play)
4. I …………………………………………… a delicious soup tomorrow ( cook)
5. He …………………………………………. French next month (study)

f Change these sentences to the negative form

1. I will travel to Cuzco next year.______________________________________
2. She will wash the clothes next week______________________________________
3.He will go to the beach tomorrow______________________________________
4.We will buy a new car next year _____________________________________
Present continuous for future arrangements
Focus on reading

Before you read – 1. Answer the question about your preferences?

❖ How often do you read posts on a travel website? _________________________________

Analise these sentences from the text on
page 33. Underline eight more examples of
present continuous.

Let’s practise!


FOCUS ON LISTENING – Complete the dialogue between Jodie and Kiran with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets. Use present continuous for future arrangements. Then, listen and check.
Kiran: What are you doing this weekend?
Jodie: I ……………. (hang out) with my friend Nick from the Scilly Isles.
Kiran: The Scilly Isles! Where are they?
Jodie: They’re miles away, off the coast of Cornwall.
Kiran: How……………. (he / get) here?
Jodie: It’s complicated. First, he’s taking a boat from St Agnes to St Mary’s. Then he……………. (get) a
minibus to St Mary’s airport. Then he ’s flying to Penzance.
Kiran: How’s he getting from Penzance to London? ……………. (he / fly)?
Jodie: No, he isn’t. He’s coming by train. It takes six hours.
Kiran: Wow! That’s a long trip. When……………. (he / arrive)?
Jodie: At seven on Thursday evening, with a bit of luck.
Kiran: ……………. (you / meet) him at the station?
Jodie: Yes, I am. Then we ’re going home together. He thinks London’s scary and he always gets lost on
the Tube.
Kiran: Remind me, how old is Nick?
Jodie: He’s sixteen and he’s very cool. But you know St Agnes is a really small island and there are only
three cars on it.
Kiran: Three cars? I don’t believe it! That’s really scary. 35
Conditional sentences type 0

1. Label pictures with the following words describing type of weather. There is ONE EXTRA word that
doesn’t match any pictures.


A. B. C. D.
………………………………………. …………………….. ………………….. ………………………..

EXTRA WORD:_______________

2. Complete the sentences according to your preferences.

a. I love cold days because…….. d. I don’t like sunny days because …

b. I don’t like cold days because…… e. I love rainy days because …
c. I really enjoy sunny days because ….. f. I don’t like rainy days because …

1. Read the article about natural phenomena and match them with the pictures below.

If you aren’t prepared, it blows you off your feet!

Earthquakes: if rocks at the earth’s surface move suddenly, an earthquake occurs, Certain countries experience lot of
earthquakes, and Indonesia, In South East Asia, is one of them. There, earthquakes are a daily occurrence, but luckily,
most of them are small. However, there are serious consequences if a big one happens.
Lightning: If you like lightning, Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela is the perfect place! Lightning strikes the region over a
million times a year and flashes are visible from 400 km away! Scientists believe that when clouds form above the lake,
they create electricity, and this produces lightning. The lightning appears in beautiful different colours if there is dust or
water in the air.
Wind: What is wind? It is, quite simply, the movement of air, and Patagonia lies at a latitude where there is more water
than land. And when wind moves across the region from the sea, it becomes incredibly strong. If you aren’t prepared for
it, it blows you off your feet!
2. Make a list of sentences containing “if” in the article. What do they refer to?
…………………………………………………………………….. These are examples of
Conditional type: ____
……………………………………………………………………….. 36
3. Complete the sentences (Zero
conditional) with the prompts below.
Use the correct forms of the verb. There
is one extra prompt.

5. Look at Tito’s zero conditional sentence about his life. Write two
sentences about yours. Use conditional zero, please.
Keep up with the practice!


5) Complete the facts. Use the verbs

4) Match the two parts of the zero conditional sentences. Then choose
below and the zero conditional.
the correct words in italics.
1. If it rains / rained, a. they die / will die. water get heat melt freeze
1. Metal turns red and then white
2. The engine starts /will start b. if you have / had any problems
3. If I drink too much coffee c. I take the tram to school.
2. Water expands if it __________
4. I always watch comedies d. if I felt / feel sad.
3. Plants die if _________________
5. If plants don’t get water, e. I get / will get a headache.
4. If you mix green, red and blue
6. My teacher gets angry f. if you turn the key. paint, ______________________
7. Phone this number g. if I am / will be late for school. 5. If you leave butter in the sun,
6) Write the zero conditional sentences using prompts.
Example: I / feel / faint / I / see / blood I feel faint if I see blood.
1. Sam / feel / depressed / it / rain
2. It / not matter / you / be / late
3. Mary / listen to / classical music / she / always / feel / happy /
4. I / get / home / on time / my dad / shout / at me
5. your / dog / sit down / you / say ‘sit’? _____________________________________________________

Conditional sentences type 1


Let’s practise!

F. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in

Brackets to make 1st conditional sentences.



1. Go to page 47, read the classified skills for 21st jobs and do the activities below.

1. a. In your binders, answer the questions about you.

a. Which of the 3 sets of skills is the most important, in your opinion?

b. Which skills you have or master?
c. Which skills do you need to upgrade?
d. Which skills do you think you will need in your future? Why?
2. Make some research on the Internet about 21st century jobs and make a list. Include some skills needed
Work collaboratively and make a list of at least four 21st-century jobs, and add a few words about what
responsibilities the job has and the skills people will need for them.

Job title Responsibilities Skills (from the 3 sets)

Example: Example: Creativity
Cyber security specialist Working with organisations to Technology
protect their electronic data from Initiative
hackers and viruses.

Present a 21st century job!

o Do some research and prepare a presentation: a poster

o Work in pairs or individually

Work collaboratively
Be organised
Respect deadlines
Enjoy your creativity

Video session: Jobs

1. Look at the pictures, what are the jobs these images describe?

1 2 3 4


2. Watch the video clip and complete the description of their jobs: Choose jobs from activtiy one and the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
A _____________________________
Hannah is a hairdresser.
She ______________________(cut) hair at a small hairdressing salon called Philosophy.
Five hairdressers work at the salon with Hannah.
They cut both women’s and men’s hair at Philosophy.
Hannah ______________________(enjoy) her job as a hairdresser.
I like my work. I like changing people’s style.
I ______________________(usually work) from nine till half past five.
On a Thursday I work from nine till seven.
And on Saturday I work from nine till four o’clock.
I ______________________(not work)on Fridays or Sundays.
Hannah doesn’t drive, so she takes the bus to and from work.
I live quite far from work. Sometimes it ___________________(take) two hours on the bus to get to work.
When she’s not at work, she likes spending time with her family and friends.
In my free time I like to go shopping, relax, socialize with my friends, and I ________________(not think)
about work.
I think I have a good work-life balance.

A __________________________
Matt is a paramedic. He works for the ambulance service.
He ___________________(work) in a 999 medical emergency control centre, and drives an ambulance car.
In the control centre, he answers medical emergency calls.
Sometimes people _____________(not need) an ambulance, they need medical advice, so Matt helps them.
When he’s in the ambulance car he drives to emergencies and ______________________(help) people.
I love my job. I like helping people.
I work many hours. I work days and night shifts.
When I work a day shift, I normally work from 7.00 a.m. in the morning through to 7.00 p.m. in the evening.
And then when I ___________________(work) night shifts, it’s generally from 7.00 p.m. in the evening
through to 7.00 a.m. in the morning.
I sometimes work late when there is a 999 call at the end of my shift.
Because he works long hours, and___________________(study) part-time at University, Matt doesn’t have
much free time.
I enjoy spending time with my family. I have two young children, Alexander and Isla. So I have to balance
studying and my children.
I don’t have a good work-life balance.
I enjoy my job. It’s just tiring, and the night shifts mean that sometimes I’m very tired on my days off.
A ___________________
My name is Sally and I’m a cake decorator.
I work in a shop and I decorate and finish birthday cakes, celebration cakes.
Three cake decorators ___________________(work) in the Cake Shop with Sally.
People come to the Cake Shop to buy cakes for birthdays, weddings, or other special occasions.
They ___________________(not bake) the cakes in the shop, but they decorate them with amazing designs.
People ___________________(watch) the cake decorators work.
I love my job. Every day is different. Every order we have here at the shop is different. So no day is ever the
I work nine to five, Monday to Friday. I ___________________(not work) late.
I leave for work at seven o’clock in the morning, and I travel by van into work, and it __________________
(take) one hour twenty minutes.
When she’s not at work, Sally is very busy.
I enjoy gardening and cooking at home, and reading, and I just enjoy spending time with my family.
I like my job, I love my time at home, so I do have a good work-life balance.

A ___________________
My name is Rob Palliser. I’m a florist, and I work at Scott’s Flowers in New York City.
Scott’s Flowers is a flower shop in Midtown Manhattan.
The shop ___________________(be) very big and it’s full of beautiful flowers. Rob’s job is very busy.
I make bouquets every day and I arrange flowers for all different kinds of parties - birthday parties, weddings,
and other kind of events.
I__________(talk) with customers every day, I also take orders on the phone every day, and I do deliveries.
Being a florist is a fun job. I like it very much. I like talking to people, I like using my hands, and I like being
Every day I ___________________(wake up) at 7.00 a.m., I take the train into the city, and I get to the flower
shop at 9.00 a.m., and I leave every day at 5.00 p.m.
When I’m not working I enjoy relaxing, watching TV, meeting new people, going out with my friends, and
I’m a DJ.
I___________________(think) it’s difficult to have a good work-life balance, I work a lot of hours, but when
I ________________ (be) off I enjoy my free time.

After you watch – 3. Answer the questions about the people in the clip. Write the correct names:


1. –works from Monday to Friday?........
2. –drives at work? ……..
3. –takes the train to work? ……
4. –takes the bus to and from work? ……….
5. –likes gardening? …….
6. – is a DJ? ……
7. –studies at university? ………..
8. -likes going shopping in his / her free time? ………


Before you read – 1. Match the following global issues with the best picture to describe it.


1 2 3 4 5
……………………….. …. ………………………….. ……………. …………… ……………..
While you read –
2. Read the fundraising leaflet and answer Who are the organisers? What’s the purpose of this event?

3. Complete the sentences with the underlined words in the text.

1. When there is ……………, people starve. On pages 62-64
2. If you have a……………, you need medical treatment. you can find a
3. When ……………is high in an area, many people can’t read or write. glossary of global
4. In some countries, there is a lot of …………… - people don’t have money. issues
5. People can suffer from…………… when they eat.
6. When there’s a war, people often have to leave their country and become…………… .
7. Some people live in the streets. ……………is a serious problem in a lot of countries.
8. People suffer from ……………when they don’t have the same rights as other people.
9. A ……………occurs when a disease affects people globally.
10. Cutting down forests causes…………… and …………… .
4. Answer, please

A. Which global issues from the leaflet are a problem in your country?


B. Is there a community service club in your school? If yes, what do they do?


5. Complete the sentences with the words from the box:





Before you read – 1. Complete the sentences with true information, please.

 Mentions charity events or organisations popular in your country or school:

 Mention a charity event organised in your school:
 Mention a charity event you’d like to take part in:

While you read – 2. Read the blog entry about a charity event and do the activities below.

FOCUS ON READING -A magazine article about volunteering

Before you read – 1. What is Volunteering? Choose the most appropriate image to illustrate this word.

A. B. C.

While you read –

2. Read the article and answer the questions below.

1) How does the Project Trust choose its volunteers?

2) Where does Eva want to go?

3) Which continents do the volunteers work in?
4) What makes the experience difficult?
5) How is Eva going to raise money?


1. Read the web page and match names (Adam, Hannah, Sabrina) to the quotes (1-3)

1. ‘I want to help people who don’t have access to medical assistance.’………………………………..

2. ‘I want to be a positive role model for other young people.’……………………………………………
3. ‘I’d like to see an end to poverty and illiteracy in the world.’ …………………………………………..

2. Read the web page again for detail > Answer the questions

1) What problem was there in Adam’s town?

2) Why is everything different now?
3) What does Adam want to do in the future?
4) What happened on ‘hunger lunch’ day?
5) Why did Hannah organize a book sale?
6) What happened as a result of the war in Afghanistan?
7) What does Sabrina do in her free time?
8) What does she want to do in the future?

NGO = ONG in Spanish (organización no gubernamental)
FOCUS ON VOCABULARY – citizenship: word families (nouns and adjectives)
1. Do you know about these people? Read the text and match sentences 1-6 to photos a-f

a b c d f g
Mother Teresa Martin Luther King Aung San Suu Kyi Rigoberta Menchú Nelson Mandela Amnesty International
2. Complete the table with words from the article. 3. In pairs, complete these ideas for good causes.
Voluntary work A. Let’s organise a peaceful protest to
fight for / against … .
A fundraising event
B. Let’s become fundraisers to collect
A peaceful protest
money for …
An active person
C. Let’s write a letter to politicians and
A presidential election ask them to …
A political party
A leading member
A magazine article: Read about Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King
At present, although African-American people in the USA have the same right as white people,
they still have to fight for their rights because there is discrimination against them. However,
the situation today is very different from 60 years ago. At that time, black people didn’t have
the right to vote and black children had to go to different schools. If a person got on a bus,
black people had to stand up, give up their seat and go to the back.
In December 1955, an African-American woman called Rosa Parks was travelling home from
work when a white person got on the bus and the driver told her, “You have to stand up and go
to the back.” Rosa didn’t stand up and, as a result, the police arrested her and took her to prison. The leader of the
American civil rights movement, Martin Luther King, took action to help Rosa. He believed in peaceful protests,
so he organised a boycott of the bus company: black people stopped using buses until Rosa was free again. This
event stopped segregation in public transport.
In 1957, a group of nine African-American teenagers thought, “we are American citizens. Why do we have to go
to a different school?” So, they decided to go to a school for whites. At first white angry people tried to stop them
when they arrived at school every morning. But then, white people accepted and after that African-American
teenagers and white ones went to the same schools. Those boys were called the “Little Rock Nine”.
Another landmark in the civil rights movements was the march organised by Martin Luther King in 1963. More
than 200,000 people marched to demand equal civil rights for African Americans. Luther King made his famous
speech, “I have a dream…” Even today, many people remember his phrase. The following year, African Americans
obtained full civil rights and Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize. Sadly, a man killed him in 1968.
1. Answer the questions about the article.
1. Was Rosa violent inside the bus? What do you know about?
2. What did the boys – the Little Rock Nine – want?
3. What did Martin Luther King do during the march?
4. Were Rosa, the nine boys and Martin Luther King rude people?
2. Do some research and post it
on Classroom.

What’s the meaning of “have to…”

“had to…” in the article?


Let’s practise!

7. Write sentences about you and your partner’s necessity and obligations.

______________________________________________ .


10. Grammar focus

Student’s name: _______________________________


Team work!
1. Get together in teams (talk to your teacher if you prefer to work alone, please)
2. Do some research on global issues / national issues
3. design a draft to present – hand in a first draft to your teacher.
4. Present your final work to the rest of the class (recorded or live)

Video session: A charity expedition

Before you watch – 1. What’s a fire Engine? Match, please.

A. B. C.

While you watch – 2. Watch part I from the clip about this group of friends and chose the best option to
complete the sentences.

It’s an October morning/ afternoon / evening in North London.

A group of friends are very busy. They’re bluffing / planting / planning a route from Perth, in Western
Australia, to Auckland, in New Zealand.
But they aren’t going to travel by car, van or bus. They are going to thrive / drive / cry a big red fire engine
called Martha.
They are all part of an amazing charity expedition called Follow That Fire Engine.

Amy is one of the crew members.

So, Follow That Fire Engine is a charity expedition. We’re thriving / driving / crying a fire engine around
the world to raise money for charity.
It’s going to take nine / ten / twelve months. It’s 26,000 miles, twenty-eight countries, and three charities.
There are 25 / 35 / 55 people in the crew. At any one time there can be five people in the fire engine.
Steve is thriving / driving / crying for the whole nine months. Some people are driving, going out for two
weeks / weekends / months, some people three months, and I’m going out for five months to drive the fire

So why are they going to drive a fire engine around the world?
Just over a year ago Steve’s father, Garth, died. Garth was a firefighter for thirty-three years and Steve, his
brother, and their friends wanted to do something to remember him.

3. Complete Steve’s description with words from the box.

Ben is a friend of Steve’s, and a member of the Follow That Fire Engine crew.
We decided to drive a fire engine around the world to ………….. money for three charities, UK charities, and
also to do something in Garth’s ………….. because he was a very, very special person and he was also a
leading firefighter for our fire ………… our home town.
There are eight stages in their journey around the world.
I was very lucky in a way ………….. I was on stage one. And stage one left London on July… Sunday, July
18 and then for two…………..we drove the fire engine from London, through Europe, and finally finished in
Moscow in Russia, on 1 August. I ………….. we travelled through sixteen countries in ………….. days,
which was quite, it was quite an achievement.
I’m very excited ………….. I’m going to be joining the fire engine again on stage seven of the ………….. in
January next year. I’m ………….. to be joining, or arriving at a place called Grays Harbor in North America,
which is approximately 100 miles from the Canadian border.
I’m going to be travelling from Grays Harbor in North American down the ………….. coast of America.
Through cities such as Las Vegas, through San Francisco, through Los Angeles, and California, and I’m going
to be travelling through the Mexican border and finishing in Hermocillo.
I’m really looking forward to going to San Francisco,…………..I think driving the fire engine across the
Golden Gate Bridge will be …………..amazing.
Global issues – a glossary
Climate Change:
The long-term alteration of Earth's climate, primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels
and deforestation.
Global Warming:
The increase in Earth's average temperature caused by the greenhouse effect and excessive emissions of
greenhouse gases.
Environmental Degradation:
The deterioration of the environment and natural resources, often resulting from human activities.
Natural Disasters:
Catastrophic events caused by geological, meteorological, or hydrological forces, such as earthquakes,
hurricanes, and floods.
Biodiversity Loss:
The decline in the variety and abundance of plant and animal species in ecosystems worldwide.
The condition where the human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth, leading to various
environmental and social challenges.
Water Scarcity:
Insufficient access to clean, safe drinking water for human consumption and other purposes.
Food Crisis:
A shortage of food supply that affects a large number of people in a region or globally.
Energy Crisis:
A period of severe energy shortage or rising energy prices, impacting economies and societies.
The state of extreme deprivation and lack of access to basic needs, such as food, shelter, and education.
The uneven distribution of wealth, opportunities, and resources among different groups in society.
Economic Recession:
A period of significant economic decline, leading to reduced production, employment, and spending.
The increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of economies, cultures, and societies worldwide.
Measures and practices to protect computer systems and networks from cyberattacks and unauthorized
Acts of violence and intimidation used to install fear and achieve political, religious, or ideological
Human Migration:
The movement of people from one place to another, often driven by economic, social, or political factors.
An outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high
proportion of the global population.
Digital Divide:
The gap between those who have access to modern technology and the internet and those who do not.
Nuclear Proliferation:
The spread of nuclear weapons and technology to additional countries.
Refugee Crisis:
A situation where a large number of people are forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in other
countries due to conflict or persecution.
Human Rights Violations:
Actions that infringe upon the basic rights and dignity of individuals, as recognized by international law.
Healthcare Access:
The availability and affordability of medical services and healthcare facilities for a population.

The introduction of harmful substances or contaminants into the environment, causing damage to
ecosystems and human health.
Social Unrest:
Public dissatisfaction and protests against social and political issues, often leading to demonstrations and
civil disobedience.
Trade Imbalance:
A situation where a country's imports exceed its exports or vice versa, leading to economic challenges.
Gender Inequality:
Discrimination and unequal treatment based on gender, particularly affecting women and girls.
Racial Discrimination:
Prejudice and bias against individuals or groups based on their race or ethnicity.
Climate Adaptation:
Strategies and measures to adjust and prepare for the impacts of climate change.
Sustainable Development:
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs.
Renewable Energy:
Energy sources that can be replenished naturally, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.
Child Labor:
The employment of children in hazardous or exploitative conditions, depriving them of their childhood and
Hunger and Malnutrition:
The condition of not having enough food or not getting adequate nutrition, leading to health problems.
Educational Disparities:
Unequal access to education and quality schooling, often linked to social and economic factors.
Digital Transformation:
The integration of digital technologies into various aspects of society and the economy.
Economic Inequality:
The unequal distribution of wealth and income among individuals and social groups.
Health Disparities:
Differences in health outcomes and access to healthcare services among different populations.
Criminal activities carried out through the internet, such as hacking, phishing, and identity theft.
The suppression or control of information and communication, often by governments or authorities.
Mass Surveillance:
The extensive monitoring and collection of data on individuals by governments or corporations.
Natural Resource Depletion:
The exhaustion and reduction of natural resources, such as fossil fuels and minerals.
Global Poverty:
Widespread poverty and destitution affecting people in various regions of the world.
Environmental Sustainability:
Practices that promote the protection and preservation of the natural environment.
Armed Conflicts:
Wars, armed confrontations, and violence between nations or within countries.
Political Instability:
Uncertainty and turmoil in the political landscape, often affecting governance and policymaking.
Digital Divide:
The gap between those who have access to modern technology and the internet and those who do not.
Nuclear Proliferation:
The spread of nuclear weapons and technology to additional countries.
Refugee Crisis:
A situation where a large number of people are forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in other
countries due to conflict or persecution.
Human Rights Violations:
Actions that infringe upon the basic rights and dignity of individuals, as recognized by international law.
Healthcare Access:
The availability and affordability of medical services and healthcare facilities for a population.
The introduction of harmful substances or contaminants into the environment, causing damage to
ecosystems and human health.


Before you read – 1. Make a list of things that make you feal afraid of.

1………………….. 2…………………. 3…………………

While you read – 2. Read the quiz, choose the best option for each topic, A, B or C.


A I’m really interested in snakes. I A I climbed to the top of the Eiffel A I read lots of horror stories, and I really
can touch them. Tower last year. It was cool! enjoy them, and horror films too.
B I’ve touched a snake once, but I B I’m not scared of heights if I know I B I sometimes watch horror films, but
wasn’t happy. can’t fall. only with friends
CI have a phobia of snakes and I C I don’t like high places. I’m nervous C I have bad dreams after a scary film. I
keep away from them about going into a tall building! never watch them.
A I love roller coasters. I’ll try A I’ve had a lot of injections; I’m not A I’ve tried climbing, snowboarding,
anything once. worried about them. horse riding and now I want to do caving.
B I’ll try things if they aren’t B I’m not happy about injections, but B I’m not keen on adventure sports, but
dangerous. But I’m scared of things they aren’t scary. I’d like to try snowboarding just once. I’m
that are really fast. C I’m really scared of them. good at regular sports like tennis and
C I hate roller coaster! I prefer to swimming.
have my feet on the ground. C I’m bad at sports, I’m much better at
creative things, I like writing. It’s safer.

After you read – 3. Read and answer Three’s questions about your fears

1. What makes you feel really scared?

2. Are you afraid of an animal in particular? Which one?
3. Do you enjoy horror films?
4. Can watch them alone?
5. Mention a memory in which you felt really afraid, how old were you?

Keep up with the practice

6. Study, revise and use short forms of present

perfect simple. They are usually used in
everyday language. Practise:

8. Write sentences about activities you’ve done in the last 5 years.

FOCUS ON READING – A Magazine Article

Before you read – 1. Match some of the words with the correspondent picture.


1 2 3 4
_________________ _______________ _______________ ___________________

2. Use the words in activity 1 to complete the opposites in the column of words below.

1. Courageous / …………… 4. Safe / ……………

2. Dead / …………… 5. Serious / ……………
3. Harmless / …………… 6. Unexcited / ……………
While you read – 2. Read the article and do the activities below.

Scream machines – scary or fun?

Why do millions of people love roller coasters?
The answer is that people love feeling afraid when they know they’re on no real danger. But Jane Clark has
never been on a roller coaster. She is frightened of heights and speed. ‘It’s ridiculous. All my friends have
ridden on roller coasters, and they love it,’ says Jane. ‘I’ve always wanted to try, but
I’ve never been brave enough.’ Well, Jane has decided that today this is going to
change. She has bought a ticket for Oblivion and her friends are here to support
her. Her heart is beating and she can’t speak as she gets in. Then they’re off.
People are screaming because they’re scared, or is it because they’re excited?
She screams, too. Three minutes later, it’s all over. Jane is
happy. She’s done it! She’s been on her first roller coaster.
‘Words can’t describe it!’ she says.
But for some people, roller coaster phobia never goes away. Psychologist
Frank Farley believes that there are two types of people when it comes to fear and risk. Some
people prefer the quiet life. For others, danger and excitement make them feel alive. Their
brains produce ‘feel-good’ chemicals in risky situations, and they love extreme sports like
climbing or paragliding. Roller coasters are great for these people because they can get the excitement without
danger. The chance of a fatal accident is one in 50 billion. Driving to the amusement park is more dangerous
than riding on a ‘scream machine’!

A. Complete the chart with verbs in infinitive and past participle form. Check the article 



B. Answer the questions with information from the article.

1. Do some people enjoy feeling afraid on real danger? ______________________________

2. What is Jane afraid of? ______________________________
3. Has Jane been courageous? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.
4. What has Jane bought? Jane has bought_________________
5. How is she feeling? _________________________________________
6. Which are the two types of people, according to the psychologist?
7. What do brains produce? ____________________________________
8. Are roller coasters very dangerous? ____________________________
1. Write questions. Then complete the short answers. Use the present perfect.
o Emma and Sam / wake up?
A: Have Emma and Sam woken up?
1 they / have / breakfast?
A: ......................................... ... ..................... B: No, .................................. .
2 Emma / get /dressed?
A: ...................... ........ ...... ............................. B: No, .................................. .
3 Sam / make /any coffee?
A: ..... ........................ ...................... ......... ..... B: Yes, .......... ....................... .
4 he / walk /the dog?
A: ... .. .......... ....... ........................................... B: No, ............................ .... .. .
5 you / finish / your breakfast?
A: ........ ........................ ........... ...................... B: Yes, .. ............................... .
6 you / have / a shower?
A: ............................... ............. ..................... B: No, .................................. .
2. Write questions. Use the present perfect with ever.
o you / use / this machine? Have you ever used this machine?
1 you / be / late for a meeting? .............................................................. ..
2 the director /speak / to you? .............................................................. ..
3 you / visit / this website? .............................................................. ..
4 Kim and Zoe / have / lunch with you? .............................................................. ..
5 you / be / to that cafe? .............................................................. ..
6 Tom / phone / you? .............................................................. ..


A. Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect of the verbs in brackets.

EXAMPLE: These cups are clean. Laura ‘s washed them. (wash)

1 The table's next to the sofa now. We .... ....... ........... ........ it. (move)
2 You can use your bike now. I .............................. it. (mend)
3 Ryan looks different. He .............................. a lot of weight. (lose)
4 She can't walk. She .............................. her leg. (break)
5 The boys aren't here. They .. ............................ their friends to the airport. (take)
6 It .............................. raining. We can leave now. (stop)
7 I can't open the door. Jack ........................... ... it. (lock)
8 Let's take some photos. I .... .... ...................... my camera. (bring)

B. Complete the conversations. Use the present perfect of the verbs in the box.
not come, not invite, not open, not pack, not read, not see, not turn

EXAMPLE: A: What's in that box? B: I don't know. I haven’t opened it.

1 A: Are Joe and Nicole here? B: No. They ......... .... ................... home.
2 A: Is he going to her party? B: No. She .......................... ...... him.
3 A: Where are my keys? B: I don't know. I ................................ them.
4 A: Is Luke ready? B: No. He ................................ his bag.
5 A: Is the television on? B: Yes. We ................................ it off.
6 A: Is that a good book? B: I don't know. I ................................ it.
C. Complete the conversation. Use the present perfect of the verbs in brackets.
A: Can you help me? This girl (o) ‘s fallen (fall) off her bike. She
(1) ................................... (hurt) her leg.
B: My leg's OK, I think. But this arm really hurts. (2) .................................. .(I / break) it?
C: I don't know, but don't worry. (3) ................................... (you / hurt) your head?
B: No, I (4) ....................................
C: Good. I'll call an ambulance. Can we call somebody for you? A relative?
B: I'm staying with a friend. Her number's in my address book but I (5) ................................. (not / bring)
that with me. Is my bike all right?
A: I don't know. I (6) ..... ........................... ... (not / look) at it. Don't worry about your bike. Just relax.

D. Complete the conversation. Use the present perfect of the verbs in brackets.

A: Can you read the map? This is the first time I (o) ‘ve driven (drive) in London.
B: Yes, sure. Don't worry. Let's listen to a CD. Do you know this one by Jose Gonzalez?
A: No. I (1) ................................. (never I hear) anything by him.
B: I think he's good. He's coming to the Latitude Festival next month. (2) …………… (you I ever I be) to
A: No, I haven't. Is it good?
B: Paul thinks it's good. He (3) . …………… (be) to it. Oh! What was that? What's happened?
A: Oh no! We've got a flat tyre! This is the first time this (4) ……………(happen) to me! I don't know how
to change it. My dad (s) …………… (never I show) me how to do it.
B: Can he come and help us?
A: No, my parents aren't at home this weekend. They (6) ……………(go) to Nottingham!
E. Complete the sentences about Tim. Take a look at the table, please.

Video session: Experiences
Before you watch? – 1. Complete the questions and then interview one of your classmates.

1. Have you ever…………………………..? ________________________________

2. Have you ever…………………………..?_________________________________
3. Have you ever…………………………..?__________________________________
While you watch –

2. Watch part I of the clip and mark the activities the speakers have done in the chart.
Becky Cathy Sophie Nicol Stuart Malon
1….has lived in other countries
2. …has got married.
3.has played music in a band?
4 has been at heavy metal festival.

3. Watch part II and III and complete the sentences taken from the description with a verb from the box in
the past participle form:
1. I’ve scuba …………. in Australia at the Great Barrier Reef, and in Egypt, in the Red Sea.
2. I’ve …………. around Africa with two close friends. It was about three years ago.
3.I’ve …………. bungy-jumping. I did it when I was in South Africa, travelling. It was very frightening, but
exciting at the same time.
4. I’ve …………. crocodile tail. It was at a hotel in Zimbabwe, when I was twelve.
5. I have………….camel. It was at Ayres Rock in Australia and I was on a trip, and we cooked a camel
6. The strangest thing I’ve ever …………. are sheep’s brains. I ate them when I was in Marrakesh, in
7.I haven’t ………….many strange things. I’ve eaten mussels, which I think look really strange. But I didn’t
like them at all.
Part 3:
8. I have …………. time in Antarctica on a research ship, where the night time temperatures were greater
than -40°C and the daytime temperatures were -39°C.
9. I have ………….many times, but I am very scared of flying. My husband has booked tickets to Prague
three times. Each time I have made it to the airport, but not onto the aeroplane. I have tried a fear of flying
course, 10. I’ve …………. to the doctor, but nothing can help.
11. I’ve never ………….to Russia. I want to take the train. I want to take the Trans-Siberian Express across
Russia to Mongolia and China.
12. We’ve………….all over the UK, but we’ve never played in North America.
13. I’ve just …………. my driving test. I took 40 lessons before the test, but I still failed.
14. I’ve never scuba-dived in Thailand, but I’ve ………….from other people that it’s a really nice place to
dive. 73

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