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Solar energy or solar panels are emerging as a new environmentally responsible energy

consumption alternative to the impact generated by non-renewable energy.

Although the development of solar panels began in the 1860s, at the beginning of the 20th century
the availability of non-renewable sources such as coal and oil halted their growth.
It was the oil crisis in 1973 and 1979 that brought about a change in world energy policy, to finally
have its great boom from 1998 until today, after the Kyoto Protocol, a 1997 agreement within the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that aims to reduce emissions of
greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
but what is this technology, what are solar panels?
Solar panels are the structures that allow us to capture the sun's energy to transform it into
electricity for a variety of uses. These solar panels are usually made of aluminum and are formed
by a set of several solar cells or solar cells, which contain mainly silicon. Thanks to the
photovoltaic effect, explained above, these solar panel cells are able to capture solar radiation and
transform it into electrical energy.
the advantages are:
It is renewable.
It is an unlimited source of energy.
It is the cleanest source of energy and does not endanger or increase global warming, since it
does not produce greenhouse gases or dangerous by-products for the environment.
It has a low cost of use, after the initial investment in the manufacture of components and
installation, which can be the most expensive.
It can produce clean energy that is cheaper than energy purchased from the grid.
It is available all over the planet, making it the best way to provide electricity to isolated locations
where the cost of installing power lines is too high.
The technology makes it possible to convert solar energy into electricity through photovoltaic and
solar thermal devices.
It contributes to sustainable development.
Generates employment in the areas where it is installed.
Reduces the use of fossil fuels.
Reduces energy imports.

1. High initial cost.
2. Their low capacity to generate energy in cold climates.
3. Their reduced performance as their distance from the sun increases.
4. Vulnerability to dirt and fog.

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