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Lesson 4

Storytelling skills
Lesson 4. Storytelling skills

In the previous lesson, we learnt what’s important

▶▶ detailed segmentation of the competitive niche
to describe the unique properties of the product
to remember when creating texts for business, and
what tricks can be used for high-quality storytelling. ▶▶ knowledge of your target audience or a portrait
of your customer accurate to your interests and
We talked about using the principle of the series in sto-
a rough list of favourite books
rytelling thus building an email sales funnel. We also
got acquainted with the rules of digital storytelling. ▶▶ the ability to make a pitch and to close the sale

3 Motivation, or the ability to induce a targeted

Today, we’ll move on to the topic of developing the nec- action, such as buying your product. At this
essary skills to create good stories, and discover sto- stage, you’ll need the following skills:
rytelling as a method of engaging employees. ▶▶ skills in presenting the product and yourself
as a speaker

STORYTELLING SKILLS: ▶▶ the ability to collaborate and work as part

of an effective team — for example, with your
A MUST-HAVE FOR A GOOD STORYTELLER partners and employees
Any good leader should be able to speak convinc- ▶▶ being a flexible and optimistic person, despite
ingly, and any creator of a product must be able to talk the obstacles that arise, as well as the ability
about it effusively. Nevertheless, how do you do it well? to transfer this dynamism to others
Additionally, how do you encourage a person to take
a targeted action after reading your text or watching 4 Branding your product consists of many aspects,
a video on YouTube, buy a product, register for your and important for you are:
event, or call you? Let’s find out what it takes to become ▶▶ understand marketing and advertising
a master in business storytelling. ▶▶ possessing the skills for working with graphic edi-
tors and layout
1 Articulate the mission of the product. Any
physical product or service is a solution ▶▶ be able to work with various social networks,
to a customer’s pain, focus your story on that. as well as internal advertising offices
Visualise and then talk about who you expect ▶▶ be charismatic and possess the ability to commu-
your customers to be and give concrete and nicate with a variety of people
specific examples using:
▶▶ the corporate values that
​​ you will have to create This is just a small list of the most important qualities
for a successful creator of quality business storytelling.
▶▶ the ability to see the explicit and hidden needs
of the client
You can further add to this list by — for example, add-
▶▶ the ability to analyse and sell evaluation
ing copywriting skills, erudition, etc.
▶▶ have empathy
▶▶ the ability to formulate the mission of the com-
pany and the mission of the product STORYTELLING TO FORM AN HR BRAND
2 A value proposition is appropriate when you’ve Why is storytelling usually targeted only to custom-
explained what the product is for and who ers? After all, our current employees and candidates
needs it. Now you should talk about the value for various positions are the same people! Stories that
of the product, but bearing in mind that when are told internally, in a work chat, or in a general office
we mean ‘value,’ we aren’t just talking about mailing list are a great way to unite a team and increase
money, but also the emotional value, as well the level of employee loyalty and involvement.
as the value it has in regards to it’s functionality
and problem solving for the customer. For this,
the following are required: This figure is shocking, but, according to statistics,
on average only 15% of employees are interested in the
▶▶ knowledge of the relevant statistics in your area
life of a company! However, you can change that just
▶▶ actual results of using your product based by starting to tell stories that emotionally resonate.
on analysis and statistics Emotions bring people together much better than
▶▶ critical thinking teambuilding and corporate events. 2
Lesson 4. Storytelling skills

Invite colleagues to share childhood memories, for 1 Don’t be afraid of being vulnerable. Speak hon-
estly and openly, sharing your experiences and vic-
example, by sharing family stories and telling them tories, as well as the emotions that you experience.
about, say, grandparents. By humanising yourself, your Don’t hide or try to distort the truth: it’s always
employees will stop seeing with sterile eyes as just noticeable to the reader and only repels the lis-
as their boss, but as a warm, feeling, caring person tener. Always be sincere.
who’s just like them, and shares the same trails, trib- 2 Learn to repackage the same story in different
ulations, and triumphs in life, just like them. formats. Try to rewrite the text over and over again
for the company’s website, for Instagram and Face-
You’re building empathy book, as well as for third-party business media.
It might seem easy, but keep in mind that you must
and your employees never lose meaning and you must hold the reader’s
attention, reducing the length of the longitudinal
And by doing this they’ll see you in a fresh, warm, new line to 2200 symbols (post in Instagram).
light. Moreover, during such personal stories, a per- 3 Build your personal brand, in other words, show
son cannot hide behind the usual mask their position your own face. People are more willing to listen
in the company, instead they open up, and you can to human stories than to the stories of an abstract
re-acquainted with your old colleague, only this time company that produces something. Therefore,
the real person underneath. don’t be shy about telling your own story in the
company, and share your first experience of inter-
acting with the product — this is valuable for your
Or, imagine that an employee spoke about his failure audience.
in the management of a project — for real, with emo- 4 Tell the stories your customers want to hear.
tions, not hiding their frustrations and disappoint- Analyse your own company data, refer to third-
ments. Such a story will help a newcomer, or candi- party statistics, study national and global brands,
date, to believe that real people work in your com- but don’t talk about what is important to you. Your
pany — real people who make mistakes — and here reader dictates the content.
they are, as a real person — and this is normal. Fur- 5 Forget about the ordinary benefits of the
thermore, your managers will have the opportunity product, be original. Better yet, focus on the true
to see that this employee isn’t just a cog of the corpo- success stories of your customers who’ve been
helped by the company or your product solution.
rate machine, but a warm living person — and be able This is more difficult than just listing the product
to identify their strengths and weaknesses, gain a bet- features, but it works.
ter understanding of what makes them tick and motives 6 Give readers unique content, for example, share
them and so on... the inside stories of your company, and open
the veil of secrecy in your financial statements.
Turn your colleagues into participants in the story- Tell them what you’re doing in this quarter or not.
telling process, encourage them to share their emo- Satisfy the curiosity of the reader.
tions and experiences, success stories, and failures, 7 Try to use the same register as your customers,
in their messages. Make everyone feel involved and copy the way that they speak and write. They
get involved yourself. must understand what you’re talking about, they
should understand your examples, your language
should not fall on deaf ears. Be attentive and obser-
vant, and make sure that your website is user
HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR friendly and easy to navigate.
STORYTELLING SKILLS 8 Find a comfortable storytelling style. Certainly,
If you feel that you aren’t a good storyteller, don’t despair. don’t adopt a coercive and aggressive style by insert-
Actually, even if we don’t realise it, we all know how to tell ing ‘Buy! Buy! Buy!’ into every paragraph. Never-
stories — if only because in childhood we listened to fairy theless, don’t be distracted from the main purpose
tales and fantasised and played during our childhood of your stories — to lead the reader to the implemen-
tation of the target action. Find a happy medium,
dreams on how this or that story could end. Remember and to achieve this don’t be afraid to try different
this point, and now listen to some advice that’ll help you things and experiment. For example, start by look-
start talking again and get some good feedback. ing for a working structure for your texts and scripts. 3
Lesson 4. Storytelling skills

9 Weave current informational events and events A QUICK SUMMARY OF THE LESSON
from the lives of celebrities into your stories.
These examples will help you level the playing field
between you as a representative of the brand and In this lesson, we learnt what skills a successful sto-
your audience. ryteller needs, how to develop them, and why sto-
rytelling is needed to build an HR brand. In the next
10 If you can show without telling, then show it.
Use any format you like for visualisation, so long lesson, we’ll pay more attention to the main charac-
as your presentation is clear. So, don’t be afraid ter in storytelling. We’ll also discuss who can be your
of adding or replacing text with pictures because main character, why you must study the target audi-
this always works. ence, and what path your character should take. 4

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