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School: Silago National Vocational HS Grade Level: 10

Teacher: Sharlene Cecil O. Pagobo Area: Science
Teaching Dates & Time: February 2024 Quarter: 3rd

The learners demonstrate an understanding of organisms having feedback which
A. Content Standards
are coordinated by the nervous and endocrine systems.
B. Performance Standards
Explain the role of hormones involved in the female and male reproductive
C. Learning Competencies
systems. (S10LT-IIIb-34)
K: Identify the effect of a particular hormone in the body if not properly regulated.
D. Learning Objectives S: Define Hormonal Imbalance.
A: Recognize some steps to help avoid hormonal imbalances.
II. CONTENT Hormonal Imbalance
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 177-179
2. Learner’s Materials pages 244-246
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint presentation, pictures, animation, video clip
ELICIT What are the different hormones released by the following glands:
a. Thyroid e. Parathyroid
A. Reviewing previous lesson or b. Adrenal f. Thymus
presenting the new lesson c. Pancreas g. Testes
d. Pituitary h. Ovaries
ENGAGE Show pictures/short clips of persons with goiter, gigantism, and dwarfism
B. Establishing a purpose for the
Ask the students what they can say about the pictures.
(Show the pictures one at a time)
C. Presenting examples/ instances
Essential Question:
of the new lesson
What will be the effect if a particular hormone in the body is not properly
EXPLORE Effects of Hormones in the Body
D. Discussing new concepts and Several processes in the body are coordinated by hormones which regulate and
practicing new skills #1 balance the working of organs, tissues, and cells. The endocrine system influences
how your heart beats, how your bones and tissues develop and even your capacity
to have a baby. It plays an essential role in th occurrence of disorders such as
diabetes, thyroid disease, growth disorders, and/or sexual dysfunction.
Some hormones have short-term effects while other hormones have long-term
effects such as those that control our growth and the changes at the onset of
puberty. During puberty, there are many hormonal changes that happen in your
body. One moment you laugh, and then suddenly you feel like crying. Sudden
mood swings are relatively caused by the increasing amount of hormones in the
body at this stage.
Hormones act in very small amounts. If the organ and hormones do not produce
the regulated amount of chemicals to your body, it may result in an abnormality of
your body. This condition is called hormonal imbalance. An increase or decrease
in its amount may have a significant effect in the human body.
Osteoporosis is a disease that happens when the mineral density of the bone is
reduced making it brittle and porous. Parathyroid hormone secretion is one of the
possible causes of this disease.
Goiter is an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland. It results from the
underproduction or overproduction of thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency is the
most common cause of goiter.
Gigantism is a disorder that happens during childhood when there is abnormal
increase in height associated with too much secretion of growth hormones.
Dwarfism is a condition wherein the production of growth hormones in the
pituitary gland is insufficient resulting in short stature.
Hyperglycemia is a condition wherein glucose levels are too high because there is
no insulin or not enough insulin produced in the pancreas. (Hypoglycemia)
Activity: What Went Wrong? (Refer to pp.244-246 LM)
E. Discussing new concepts and
Provide the students with worksheets. Pair up the students and have them answer
practicing new skills #2
the activity.
EXPLAIN Answer the guide questions in the activity.
F. Developing mastery. Q1. What condition may arise if the pituitary gland is not producing enough
(Leads to Formative Assessment growth hormones?
3) Q2. What will happen to a person with excessive secretion of growth hormones
from the pituitary gland?
Q3. Why is there a noticeable swelling in the front part of the neck of a person who
has goiter?
Q4. How does using iodized salt help in preventing thyroid problems?
Q5. How does the medical condition of a person with endocrine dysfunction affect
his or her way of life?
G. Finding practical applications of Tips to Help Keep the Endocrine System Healthy
concepts and skills in daily  Get plenty of exercise.
living  Eat a nutritious diet.
 Go for regular medical checkups.
 Talk to the doctor before taking any supplements or herbal treatments.
 Let the doctor know about any family history of endocrine problems, such as
diabetes or thyroid problems.
H. Making generalizations and
Ask students to generalize what they have learned.
abstractions about the lesson
EVALUATE Fill in the Blank: Identify the disorder associated with the following hormones.
I. Evaluating learning Disorder What happens?
1. G_g_nt_s_ Too much secretion of growth hormones.
2. O_t__p_r_s_s Overactivity of the parathyroid hormones.
3. H_p___yr__d__m Not enough thyroid hormone.
4. D__rf__m Growth hormones are insufficient.
5. Hy___gl__em__ No insulin or not enough insulin produced.

Essay: What is hormonal imbalance? (5 pts.)

J. Additional activities for Read in advance the Male and Female Reproductive system. (pp.247-249)
application or remediation
B. REFLECTION Sardonyx Opal Sunstone Onyx
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation.

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Sharlene Cecil O. Pagobo Benjie Mae C. Gomez
Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher
BSEd – Science 4 Special Science Teacher I
SLSU-HC Science 10

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