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1 The verb be has 3 conjugations: am/is/are

1st person singular ---- What’s your name? I am /My name is Maybee.
I am = I’m What’s your job? I am a teacher.
How old are you? I am 40 years old.
How are you today? I’m fine, thanks.
Where are you? I am at home.
Where are you from? I am from Peru.
Are you married or single?/What’s your marital status? I am married.

2nd person singular ---- You are Pierre.

You are = You’re You are a student.
You are 20 years old.
You are at school.
You are from France.
You are single.
© Oxford University Press
1 The verb be has 3 conjugations: am/is/are

1st person plural ---- What are your names?/Who are you?We are Mary and Tony.
We are= We’re What’s your occupation?/What do you do? We are doctors.
How old are you? We are in our twenties.
Where are you? We are at the hospital.
Where are you from? We are from Brazil.
What’s your marital status? We are divorced.
We are tired.

2nd person plural ---- You are twins.

You are= You’re You are students.
You are 10 years old.
You are at school.
You are from Italy.
You are happy/sad/busy/tired/tall/slim
© Oxford University Press
1.3 Question words: When/Who/Which/Why

1 We use different question words for different types of information.

For questions about … we use …

people or things What What is your name?
places Where Where are you from? I’m from Peru.
how we do things How How are you? I’m fine, thanks.
How old are you? I’m 20 years old.
2 We make Wh- questions with: What/Where/How + be (is/are) + subject.
Yes, I am. I’m a university student.
Where are you from? I’m from Lima, Peru.
3 We only use contractions with is in Wh- questions.

What is your name? – What’s What are your things? – What’re

How is – How’s your mom? How are you?– How’re
Where is – Where’s your house? Where are you? – Where’re © Oxford University Press
1.3 Question words

1 Complete the mini-conversations with the missing words.

Where ’m It’s How What’s What ’s

1 A __________
What ’s your name? It’s John.
B My name __________ John.

2 How
A __________ do you spell your first name?
B D-O-M-I-N-G-U-E-Z./ M-A-Y-B-E-E

3 A __________are you from?
B I __________ from France.
@= at . = dot _ = underscore - = hyphen
4 A __________ your e-mail address? It’s
B __________ 02939 734 261.
© Oxford University Press

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