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Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Tool-Kit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Written by: JOLIFE B. CASTAÑARES (Lesson 1)

Written by: JASMIN E. REBAYA (Lesson 2)

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit


English 7 3 6 DAY ________________________________


TOPIC Identifying Collocations

Identify collocations used in a selection.

LEARNING • Define collocations.
COMPETENCY • Use collocations in sentences correctly.
• Identify collocations used in a selection.
• Observe proper use of collocations in a

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

What are collocations?
Collocations are two or more words that often go together naturally in English.

For example, you shouldn’t say, “A big rain will hit the city tomorrow.” But you should say,
“A heavy rain will hit the city tomorrow.”
You shouldn’t use “big rain” in a sentence but, “heavy rain” because that sounds natural and right.

Another example, you shouldn’t say, “They will make a party tonight.” But you should say,
“They will have a party tonight. Have a party is the correct collocation because they are words that
sound together naturally.

Look at these examples!

1. have a good time
Let’s go to the beach and have a good time!
Meaning: to enjoy

2. get a job
I can’t get a job because of this Pandemic.
Meaning: to apply for a work and get hired

3. take a shower
You should take a shower because you stink.
Meaning: to take a bath

4. make a difference
You can make a difference by staying at home in this situation.
Meaning: to make a change by being a role model

5. give a hand
In this time of pandemic, we should give a hand to those people in need.
Meaning: to help 2

Written by: JOLIFE B. CASTAÑARES (Lesson 1)

Written by: JASMIN E. REBAYA (Lesson 2)

Why learn collocations?

✓ It makes your language sound natural and easy to understand.

✓ It makes you express yourself more.
✓ Our brains easily remember language that are used in chunks rather than single words.
How to learn collocations?
✓ be mindful of collocations and try to recognize them when you hear or read them.
✓ treat collocation as a whole and not word by word
✓ when you encounter new words, write down words that may collocate with it.
✓ practice and use collocations in your everyday speech or writing as soon as you learn them.

SAQ-1: Pick it out!

Directions: Underline the collocations used in this dialogue. You can use your
dictionary as reference.

Anna: Can you do me a favor?

John: But I’ve just got in from the canteen. Can I eat my snacks first?
Anna: But I have a big problem! I think I made a mistake in solving my homework in
Mathematics. Math is after recess.
John: Oh! Is that so?
Anna: Yes! I got confused with the formula because I wasn’t listening to the teacher
during the discussion.
John: Okay, give me a minute. I have notes here from yesterday’s discussion. I can
lend you this.
Anna: Oh, thank you!
John: You’re welcome. You should do your best in solving them. And next time,
listen to our teacher.

SAQ-2: Fill it!

Directions: Use the collocations in the box correctly to complete the dialogue below.

have a good time do business catch a cold

save time make a difference

Anna: Tomorrow, I will go out to (1.) ______________because I am so bored here.

John: But the policy clearly indicates that we should just go out if we are going to
(2.) _____________that is only essential for us and not for leisure.
Anna: I don’t intend to (3.) ______________ or the virus when I’m outside, I will
follow the protocols. I will also take a cab to (4.) ______________travelling and to get
away from crowds.
John: It’s not about being a follower of rules literally but it is about
(5.) ______________by being a responsible citizen that has a concern for your fellow
mankind and not being selfish.
Anna: Thank you for that advice. You are a true friend.
John: You are welcome.

Written by: JOLIFE B. CASTAÑARES (Lesson 1)

Written by: JASMIN E. REBAYA (Lesson 2)

Let’s Practice!
(Answer on the separate sheets provided.)

Directions: Identify collocations used in this selection. Write your answers on the answer sheet

I have plans to attend the Independence Day parade. So, I take a shower and make the bed before
leaving home. I decided to take a taxi to arrive at my destination faster. Upon arriving at the event, I
met with my friends to have a good time celebrating our nation’s freedom. We felt a great sense of
pride being a Filipino citizen.

Key Points

Collocations are set words that together naturally. They are word pairs that sound to form a perfect
meaning combination.
Why learn collocations?
✓ It makes your language sound natural and easy to understand.
✓ It makes you express yourself more.
✓ Our brains easily remember language that are used in chunks rather than single words.
How to learn collocations?
✓ be mindful of collocations and try to recognize them when you hear or read them.
✓ treat collocation as a whole and not word by word
✓ when you encounter new words, write down words that may collocate with it.
✓ practice and use collocations in your everyday speech or writing as soon as you learn them.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Directions: Read and understand the following questions. (Answer on the Learner’s Activity
and Assessment sheets.)
1. Which of the following describes 4. Why do we have to use collocations
collocations? correctly in our conversation?

a. Collocations are words that a. Using collocations correctly in

contradict with each other. a conversation makes us sound
b. Collocations are set of words that go natural like native English
naturally together. speakers.
c. Collocations are words with the b. Collocations help us sound
same meaning unnatural.
d. Collocations are words with c. Collocations are everywhere.
different meaning. d. because it will not help you
2. Supply the correct phrase: Collocation is express yourself.
important because…
5. Which of the following sentences used
a. learning them make your language collocation correctly?
sound natural and easy to
understand a. If you want to reach your
b. collocations help you learn words dreams you have to make risks.
with the same meaning b. You have to do some appoint
c. collocations are confusing before you go to the Dentist’s

Written by: JOLIFE B. CASTAÑARES (Lesson 1)

Written by: JASMIN E. REBAYA (Lesson 2)

d. collocations help you write one c. If you’re tired with work, you
good paragraph can always rest.
d. You need to take a taxi to go to
the mall.
3. The following are ways on how to learn
collocations EXCEPT______________?
a. be mindful of collocations and try to
recognize them when you hear or read them.
b. treat collocation as single blocks of
c. when encounter new words, write down
words that may collocate with it.
d. don’t mind them when you see or
encounter them

For further reading, please visit the following links:

“Collocations/Vocabulary/EnglishClub,”, accessed June


“Do These Things to Improve Your Collocations – VOA Learning English,”

VOA Learning English, accessed June 21, 2020,

“Intro to Collocations: What is a Collocation, How to Remember Collocations, 8

types of Collocations!” JeN, accessed June 22, 2020,

“Collocations in English-Learn English Vocabulary, ” Oxford Online English

accessed June 22, 2020,

Written by: JOLIFE B. CASTAÑARES (Lesson 1)

Written by: JASMIN E. REBAYA (Lesson 2)

Capsulized Self-Learner Empowerment Tool-Kit

English 7 QUARTER 3 WEEK 6 DAY ___________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy


LEARNING Determine the words or expressions with genus-species
COMPETENCY (hyponymous) relations in the section.

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

Unlocking of Terms:
❖ Hyponym
➢ are the specific instances
also called “species”
❖ Hypernym/Superordinate
➢ is the general term
➢ also called “genus”
❖ Hyponymy
➢ It is the relation of inclusion
➢ It is the state or phenomenon that shows between more general term and the more
specific instances of it when the meaning of one form is included in the meaning of
another, the relationship described as hyponymy.

❖ Hyponymous relationships (hypernym-hyponym)

➢ also termed as “genus-species” relations
Let’s illustrate the terms to understand clearer

Plant Hypernym

Grass Bush Tree Shrub Flower

Co - Hyponyms
Pine Ash
Oak Maple

In the given diagram, the hypernym is the word plant with it being the most general of the bunch.
While grass, bush, tree, shrub and flower are co-hyponyms of the word plant being more specific.
This is the same with pine, oak, ash, and maple being co-hyponyms of the word tree

Written by: JOLIFE B. CASTAÑARES (Lesson 1)

Written by: JASMIN E. REBAYA (Lesson 2)

SAQ-1: Which is more informative, hyponyms or hypernym? Why?

SAQ-2: As a student, in what situation can you apply the general specific relations or the
hyponymous relations?

Let’s Practice!
(Answer on the separate sheets provided.)

Directions: Study the diagram below. From the list of words, identify the general and specific words
and write in a hierarchal diagram.

Vegetable Insect Dog Jasmine

Animal Living things Cockroach Ant

Flower Cat Plant Rose

Key Points

• Hyponymy is the lexical relation in which the meaning of one word is included in the meaning of
another (e.g. “Daffodil” is a hyponym of “flower”).

• When we consider hyponymous connections, we are essentially looking at the meaning of words
in some type of hierarchical relationship.

• When the meaning of one form is included in the meaning of another, relationship is described as

Written by: JOLIFE B. CASTAÑARES (Lesson 1)

Written by: JASMIN E. REBAYA (Lesson 2)

• Examples are the pairs: animal/dog, dog/poodle, vegetable/carrot, carrot/flower, rose/tree,


Let’s see how much have you learned today!
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets.)
A. Read the question carefully. Write the letter of
the correct answer.
5. What is the relationship of an ant and
spider in the given diagram?
1. What is the definition of HYPONYMY?
a. hypernym
a. A word or phrase that means exactly or
b. superordinate
nearly the same as another word.
c. hyponyms
b. A word of more specific meaning than a
d. co-hyponyms
general or superordinate term applicable to it.
B. Read and understand the given
c. A word opposite in meaning to another.
selection. Identify the hypernym and
d. Each of two or more words having the same
pronunciation but different meanings, hyponyms. Write it in a hierarchal
origins, or spelling. diagram.
Jessica was assigned to do a science
2. Which of the following pair is a hyponymy? report on Monday. She still hasn’t decided on
a. bedroom-frying pans what topic to present so she quickly goes to the
b. beverage-orange juice internet to look for interesting ideas. Upon
c. school-hospital further research, she decides to do a report
d. classroom-cafeteria about gemstones. She learns that a gemstone is
a piece of mineral crystal which, in cut and
polished form, is used to make jewelry or other
3. Which of the following is the hypernym of adornments, and that it has many forms such as
lily, rose and daisy? the ruby, emerald and diamond. After writing
a. tree all her notes down, she was able to pull of her
b. grass science presentation that revolved around the
c. flower
treasure of these gems.
d. shrub
For items 4-5, Refer to the Hierarchal
Diagram below:

Dragonfly Ant Spider

4. What is the hypernym of dragonfly?

a. ant
b. insect
c. spider
d. fly

Written by: JOLIFE B. CASTAÑARES (Lesson 1)

Written by: JASMIN E. REBAYA (Lesson 2)

For further reading, you may access the following link:

Ignacio, Alona Agramon Ledesma. 2019. Hyponymy. July 17. Accessed June
28, 2020.

REFERENCE/S Kushinka, Matthew. 2016. Hypernyms and Hyponyms: The Genus and Species
of Linguistics. October 5. Accessed June 28, 2020.

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not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making this
learning resource in our efforts to provide printed and e-copy learning
resources available for the learners about the learning continuity plan of this
division in this time of pandemic.
Credits and respect to the original creator/owner of the materials found in this
learning resource. This material is not intended for uploading nor for
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Written by: JOLIFE B. CASTAÑARES (Lesson 1)

Written by: JASMIN E. REBAYA (Lesson 2)

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