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Compare and Contrast Online Learning and Classroom Learning

It goes without saying that learning is indispensable part of a student’s life. In these days and age,
students and teachers have been employingy 已经开始利用 the virtual meeting applications like Zoom and
Meet to have their teaching and learning process since the outbreak of pandemic. It is undeniable that online
learning and classroom learning have their similarities and differences. Both the learning systems require
students to participate in as well as manage their time wisely although they different from the availability of
evaluations, practicality of physical interaction , access to Resources and Materials and the flexibility in

First and foremost, both learning process require students to manage their time wisely. In tradisional
classes, students structure their time outside the classroom to allow for doing revision, projects and
homework. On the other hand, virtual learning also requires students to learn material(study) on their own
time. As the saying goes, time lost cannot be won again. As such, it is significant (essential /crucial /critical
/dominant) for students to be self disciplined in both learning methods to ensure they can get all the tasks
given on time. Therefore, studying online and studying in the classroom are similar in terms of time

Moreover, both methods require students’ participation. Typically(biasanya) 通 常 , students

voluntarily 自 愿 participate in discussion or ask and answer questions in physical classes. For some E-
learning, participation may not be mandatory(compulsory) 限制性 , usually through written discussion, chat
room or a message board. However, some students may be shy(passive/ introvert)内向 or unwilling(enggan)
不愿意 to contribute, leading to lopsided class dynamic 不平衡的课堂形态 where the same students will
keep answering or asking question and sharing their ideas. Hence, e-learning and physical classroom are in
need of (memerlukan) students’ participation in order to keep the learning going on 继续.

Nevertheless, online learning and classroom learning different from the availability of assessment
and assignments. Traditional classroom teachers can offer every type of assessments from written work to
test or oral assessment and presentation. Those assessments are indispensable to evaluate 评 估 /assess
students’ understanding of what they have learnt. On the contrary 相反地 , online facilitators grade students
through assignments and open book tests which may not convey 表 达 the true proficiency(ability) of
students in that particular subject. Thus, the availability of assessments in both learning methods may be

Other than that, both learning methods are also different from the practicality 实 践 性 of physical
interaction. Classroom learning involves face-to-face interaction among students and teachers. Students in
the classroom learning are mostly actively participate in asking question and clearly their doubts.
Conversely(In contrast), in e-learning, this kind of interaction is not there but it is possible through chats,
forums 论坛 and so forth. In this context, students study in confinement and need to be self-reliant 自我依靠
because god helps those who help themselves 自助者天助. Besides, practical experience in virtual learning is
missing such as hands-on activities. As a result, face-to-face learning provides students with more practical
experiences than distance learning.

Last but not least, virtual learning and tradisional classes show the difference in terms of the
flexibility 弹性 in learning. E-learning provides flexibility to students across the globe. Students can study at
their own pace and there is no pressure to stay in class. Nonetheless, some students drag 拖着 their feet to
school on the time set 在特定时间内 and may feel uneasy 不安 learning in the classroom. Furthermore,
there is always a set of rules and regulations that students have to forcefully 强迫性 obey. As a result, online
classroom are more flexible in learning than face-to-face classroom.

In online learning, students often have access to a wide range of digital resources and materials,
including e-books, videos, online libraries, and educational websites. These resources can be easily updated
and are often readily available, allowing students to explore a variety of materials to enhance their
understanding of the subject matter. In traditional classroom, students rely 依 赖 on physical textbooks,
printed materials, and the knowledge presented by the teacher. While physical resources can be valuable,
they may not always be as up-to-date 最新的 as digital materials. Additionally, classroom resources can be
limited by the availability of textbooks and other physical materials, and students may need to share or wait
for their turn to use them. Overall, this distinction 区 别 can influence students' access to the latest
information and the convenience of studying with various materials.

All in all, there is no denying that online learning and classroom learning has no only similarities but
also differences. In spite of the fact that the current COVID-19 pandemic has revolutionized 彻底改变 our
daily routine, we should always be optimistic as well as cherish positive attitudes towards the future. Just as
the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining 黑暗中总有一线光明.

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