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Emma: Hey Jake, what are you up to this weekend?

Jake: Not much, just planning on relaxing at home. I’ve had a busy week at work so
I could use some downtime. How about you?

Emma: Same here. I was thinking of checking out that new art exhibit downtown
though. Have you heard of it?

Jake: No, I haven’t. What’s it called?

Emma: It’s called “Colorful Abstractions.” They say it features works from local
artists who specialize in abstract expressionism.

Jake: That sounds interesting. Maybe we can go together tomorrow afternoon?

Emma: That would be great! Let me check if they have any time slots available.
(pauses) Yes, looks like there is one spot open at 2 pm. Want to grab lunch

Jake: Yeah, sure thing. Where do you want to eat?

Emma: There’s a new Thai restaurant near the gallery that I’ve been wanting to try.
Do you mind giving that a shot?

Jake: Sounds good to me. I love trying new foods. Just text me the address and
time, and I will meet you there.

Emma: Will do! Thanks for joining me, Jake. I always have more fun when I explore
new places with you.

Jake: Likewise, Emma. See you then!

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