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Once upon a time, there was a teenager living in Monaco, she was
vegan and incredibly famous on Instagram with 2,7 Millions of
followers. People named her Britney Spears but tragically, she has only
a certified British copy of the original face. As a vegan, Meghan was
whispering at Wildlife and making a strange syrup from the majestic
“Aloe Vera” every 8 AM as a morning routine. All of a sudden, her sister
contacted her, she was in trouble, in Atlanta, therefore, Meghan offered
her to be living in Monaco with her “Healthy Sister” ! I failed to specify
that Rachel was the exact opposite of our vegan, and that was the
primary reason why they were separated. The “Rachelunatic” rented
little studio near her sister's loft, they were together almost all the time.
Now trouble are staring at them looking for a potential prey. Time was
flying, and Rachel seems to be annoyed by something…

“_ What’s going on? You are weird… asked Meghan

_ Oh really? I’m not!
_You can’t even see it…Something happened ?
_No, no, just a strange kinda of somethin’ talked to me yesterday and
asked me if I wanna’ be a Princess… said Rachel, ironically
_ Wait what? A strange what? Okay listen sis, yesterday you was high
you remember? Of course you can’t, okay, stop messing up my mind, I
have a date girl!
_ I was right when I left you, you’ bad… I’mma’ sleep now, so burned
out, Imma’ smoke too.
_ Don’t smoke inside ! yelled Rachel, but she was already gone...

Rachel was doing a lot of bad, or “Gangsta” deeds and was often
compared to a man because of her manners: spitting, fighting , yelling
everywhere at night. Her Girlfriend was exactly the same, as tall as her,
as violent as her, and as ugly as her.

After the sort discuss with Meghan, she fell asleep while smoking her
1,4 gram. She woke up in a horrid bed pink colored. Every wall were in
stone bricks, and the wardrobe was full of dresses. After shaving her
disgusting legs with her pointy knife, the spooky was able to get out
and discover what was happening. “Her” servant told her to stay in her
bedroom until all the remaining spinning wheels were carbonized… But
Rachel had another concern…

“_ Sorry man, but, right now, I need a jogger. Right now. So, we are in a
castle, you have money I guess, gimme’ that pant bro’.
_ I hope you will forgive my rudeness, but, I am not able to grant your
requests, furthermore, because of your curse, you can not be walking in
the castle without any risks, you are sixteen today, do you remember
Rachelady ?”

At this moment, the girl realized that, first: something went wrong in her
life; or: it is just a “Big Dream”, as she calls it. She remembered the
“strange kind of something” talking to her last time, and as soon as she
found out, it appears in the corridors. As a “Gangsta”, the girl started to
run behind the thing saying “Wassup!” with a slight head movement. A
few minutes later, the Silhouette was sat on a chair, sewing with a
spinning wheel, our next generation Princess asked her or him a favor…

“_ Hey man! What’s that! Are you sewing or somethin’? I’ll be a princess
if you make me a Joggo, you’ down?
_Come here dear Princess and let me offer you a present.” said the thing
with an old man voice.
Now, the story feels a little bit obvious,
but, The Rachel Princess, was not a fairy tale adept, she never heard
about those popular stories, that is pretty easy to guess…

She found herself trapped by pricking her finger with the spinning
wheel trying to take the Jogger-pant. And then, as provided, Rachel
became the Sleeping Spooky but only for 14 days, her periods got her
awaken, and her girlfriend was sitting next to her, on the ugly
bed. The awakening girl did not even realized the two weeks Blackout
because of her many 3days long ethyl-comas… The lesbians are now

“_Oh! Seriously? You here ?

_ Hmm Hmm, On point!”

The Girlfriends are now together, and decided to baste a gigantic Loft in
the Dark Forest around the Castle, with the help of “Strange Kinda
Something” aka S.K.S, and his powers, because yes, he is a man.

A Hundred years later, the whole Castle was awaken, looking for the
Princess, and the lonely Prince with no friends was crying, alone, in the
empty ugly room without knowing his own name.
Wrote by DJODJO Toua to fight against stereotypes. 11/03/2020

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