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Libertad National High School

Libertad, Bunawan Agusan del Sur

Third Quarter Examination

Name:_________________________________________Grade/ Section:______________
Teacher: ROANN MARIE C. MADRESTA ______________ Score:___________

Direction: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following refers to an author’s expression of his/her own opinion on a particular issue
without examining and presenting enough evidences.
A. bias B. judgment C. objective D. subjective
2. Which of the following factors influences a person to be biased?
A. evidence B. experiences C. facts D. reality
3. Which of the following statements expresses bias?
A. The Earth rotates around its own axis.
B. Jose Rizal is our country’s national hero.
C. Putting rubbing alcohol is the best way to kill bacteria and viruses.
D. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus
4. .Which of the following statements does NOT manifest bias?
A. Filipinos are considered the best English speakers in the world.
B. Women leaders are better than men when handling a health crisis.
C. Research studies are undertaken to help improve human condition.
D. Online games are the main cause of mental health problems among teenagers nowadays.
5. As a reader, how can you determine that the author is biased on his writing?
A. Use of words
B. Use of credentials
C. Use of personal thoughts
D. Use of diction and evidence
6. “Fathers are always responsible in making decisions than mothers.” Which of the words below makes
the statement biased?
A. always B. decision C. making D. responsible
7. What do you call the spreading information with a purpose of influencing feelings or actions.
A. Bias B. Evidence C. Propaganda D. Techniques
8. What types of propaganda techniques that trash talking to another product or person?
A. glittering generalities B. name-calling C. testimonials D. transfer
9. What types of propaganda techniques that helps a person to imagine himself as a part of the picture?
A. glittering generalities B. name-calling C. testimonials D. transfer
10. What types of propaganda techniques that a famous person recommends a product or a political
A. glittering generalities B. name-calling C. testimonials D. transfer
11. What technique is used to convinced the audience by using selected information and not presenting the
complete story?
A. card stacking B. plain folks C. testimonials D. transfer
12. What propaganda technique is used in the statement, “Things go better with Coke”?
A. card stacking B. glittering generalities C. name-calling D. plain folks
13. What propaganda technique is commonly used in the world of advertising because buyers are on the
lookout for real experiences?
A. card stacking B. name-calling C. plain folks D. soft soap
14. "I love visiting you folks in the city because people are wholesome, hardworking, and family –
centered.” Which propaganda technique is used in the statement?
A. glittering generalities B. name-calling C. plain folks D. soft soap
15. “A superstar mother talks about her experience of using the diaper that she prefers for her baby and the
advantages of using it.” What propaganda technique is used in the situation?
A. loaded words B. simplification C. testimonial D. transfer
16. What do you think is the right thing for you to do if you see a propaganda of a slimming tablet with a
promo sale of buy 1 take 1 and sold at a very cheap price and you really want to lose weight?
A. Immediately buy the product for its very good offer.
B. Buy the product because of its convincing promotion.
C. Not buy the product until I can prove that it is effective.
D. Conduct a thorough research on the product especially for possible negative side effects of the
product before buying it
17. Which statement uses soft soap propaganda technique?
A. You are a criminal! You don’t deserve to be elected.
B. My actions of service for you are my best work in life.
C. I am the right person to be voted because of my visible services.
D. I know that you are wise voters. The future of this country is in your hands.
19. What issue reflects the scarcity of resources which are deemed insufficient
to satisfy human wants and needs?
A. economic issue B. moral issue C. public issue D. social issue
20. What do you call an important problem or topic that people in the society argue about or
discuss since it negatively affects many people in the society?
A. Issue B. problem C. propaganda D. topic
21. Which of these factors is NOT part of a moral issue?
A. lack of compassion for others
B. poor regard of the common good
A. difference in beliefs or preferences
D. price increase in basic commodities
22. Which of the following best describes a social issue?
A. It causes an increase in unemployment.
B. The people recognize the situation as a huge problem.
C. Only overseas workers consider the issue as a problem.
D. It involves a difference in beliefs and preferences of people.
23. Which of the following situations presents a social issue?
A. A school conducts symposium about bullying.
B. A group of students cheats in an examination.
C.A community works together for a clean-up drive.
D. A group of people is having a hunger strike on the street
24. What kind of issue is presented in the following situation?Children die quietly in some of the poorest
villages on earth because thefamilies cannot afford medical services.
A. economic issue B. moral issue C. psychological issue D. social issue
25. Which type of literature is a product of a writer’s imagination?
A. feature B. fiction C. parable D. non-fiction
26. “Long ago, the kingdom of Ayodhya was ruled by a wise king. Ayodhya is part of the Ancient Sarayu in
India.” What literary element is emphasized from this statement?
A. character B. plot C. setting D. theme
27. “While it is true that Rama’s stepmother, the second wife, is against Rama to be
crowned as the next king, Ravana is considered as the main antagonist of the story Ramayana.” What
literary element is emphasized in the text?
A. character B. plot C. setting D. theme
28. Literature reflects the culture of a certain place. In Ramayana, Rama shows
his undying love to Sita by risking his life just to protect her. Which of the
following Filipino culture mirrors this value?
A. A husband remains loyal to his wife no matter what trials come along.
B. A husband remembers the wedding anniversary with his wife.
C. A husband works hard in order to provide food for his family.
D. A Filipino family loves gathering especially during special occasions
29. Theme is the central meaning or idea that the writer conveys to the reader.
What do you think is the theme of the story Ramayana?
A. seeking happiness
B. doing one’s duties
C. forgiving and forgetting
D. giving importance to wedding
30. What do you call this text serves to provide interesting and useful information to your audience?
A. Demonstrative Text B. Informative Text C. Narrative Text D. Persuasive Text
31. Bullying is not good as it affects emotional and psychological behavior of an
individual. Most victims of bullying experience physical, emotional and mental health
issues. What cohesive device is applied in the given sentences?
A. Pronouns B. Repetition of words C. Synonyms D. Transitional devices
32. The mountainsides are fertile and abound in vegetation, but the lowlands are
rocky and barren. Which then is the meaning of barren?
A. dry B. hard C. productive D. unproductive
33. Which among these sentences uses a cohesive device correctly?
A. I want to enroll this school year, but I want to continue learning.
B. I want to enroll this school year, yet I want to continue learning.
C. I want to enroll this school year, yet I want to continue learning.
D. I want to enroll this school year, because I want to continue learning.

34. In the above paragraph, how is the word “and” used?

A. to show reason
B. to add information
C. to compare two things
D. to show contrast of ideas

35. How will you describe the character in the story?

A. boastful B. disobedient C. kind D. impatient
36. It refers to the use of the same word or grammatical pattern, structure, or form.
A. bias B.parallel structure C.propaganda D. structure
37. The following statements below are considered when checking for parallel structures in writing
A. parallel structures is used when elements are joined by coordinating conjunctions.
B. parallel structures is used when elements in writing in the form of a list or a series
C. parallel structures is used when comparing or contrasting an elements (A is better than B or X is
better than Y)
D. All of the above.
38. Toni Gonzaga is a multi-talented celebrity. Singing, acting and being a host are some of her talents.
What do you think is the error of the sentence?
A. acting b. being a host c. multi-talented d. singing
For items 39.. Analayze the sentence which word or phrase that need to be change to make the sentence
39.After class hours, the students went to the plaza, to the mall and home.
A. After class B. and home C. the plaza d. No error
40. If you were constructing a sentence out of the 2 phrases, which of the following sentences below is
correct? ( Laughed, cried)
A. No one is laughed as long as I cried.
B. Jayson is laughed when my baby Anna cried.
C. She laughed at her jokes and cried at her misfortunes.
D. I laughed because he cried at the back of the gymnasium.

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