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Thuong Mai University

Department HTTTKT &TMDT

The challenges
students face at

Lecturer: MS. Le Thi Tuyet Nga

Group: 04
Class: 2294ENTH1411
MEETING MINUTES (1) – GROUP 4 ............................................................... 3

MEETING MINUTES (2) – GROUP 4 ............................................................... 4

BODY .................................................................................................................7

1. Definition of “challenge” ...........................................................................7

2. The challenges university students face and tips to overcome these
challenges .........................................................................................................7
2.1 Money management ..........................................................................................7
2.1.1 Fee, scholarship ..............................................................................................7
2.1.2. Living expenses ...............................................................................................7
2.2 Time management .............................................................................................8
2.2.1 Study time .........................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Part-time jobs, extracurriculars, etc. .............................................................9
2.3 Relationships .....................................................................................................9
2.3.1 Friends .............................................................................................................9
2.3.2 Lover, roommate ............................................................................................10

CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................11

NEW WORDS..............................................................................................................12

DOCUMENTATION ..................................................................................................13



Topic: The challenges students face at university

Group: 04 Class: 2294ENTH1411

Teacher: Le Thi Tuyet Nga

Group preparation assessment:

Preparation assessment: List of students (in the order of presenting)

No. Name (for students) Duties Comments (for Mark

teacher only) (for the leader)

1. Le Thi Hong Minh 1. Introduction +

(Leader) Definition

2. Do Duc Minh 2.1.1. Fee, scholarship

3. Nguyen Ngoc Yen 2.1.2. Living expenses

(Secretary) + Word

4. Tran Luc 2.2.1 Study time +


5. Do Thi Ly 2.2.2. Part-time jobs,

extracurriculars, etc.
+ Powerpoint

6. Luu Thi Loc 2.3.1. Friends +


7. Nguyen Thi Hien 2.3.2. Lover,

Mai roommate

Time: from 11:10am to 12:00am
Place: Room P.905
Date: 24/08/2022
Members: Luu Thi Loc, Tran Luc, Do Thi Ly, Nguyen Thi Hien Mai, Do Duc Minh,
Le Thi Hong Minh
Contents for discussing:
Contributing ideas related to Life challenges and Challenges students face at university

- Definition of “challenge”
- The challenges students face at university
+ Money management
+ Time management
+ Relationships

Duties for members: Think and choose the outline suitable out of the suggestions above
to decide on next Wednesday

Head of the team Secretary

Le Thi Hong Minh Nguyen Ngoc Yen

Time: from 11:00am to 12:00am
Place: Room P.905
Date: 31/08/2022
Members: Luu Thi Loc, Tran Luc, Do Thi Ly, Nguyen Thi Hien Mai, Do Duc Minh,
Le Thi Hong Minh, Nguyen Ngoc Yen
Contents for discussing:
Presentation outline about “Challenges students face at university”
1. Definition of “Challenge”
2. The challenges university students face
2.1. Money management
2.1.1. Fee, scholarship
2.1.2. Living expenses
2.2. Time management
2.2.1. Study time
2.2.2. Part-time jobs, extracurriculars
2.3. Relationships
2.3.1. Friends
2.3.2. Lover, roommate
3. Tips to overcome these challenges

Head of the team Secretary

Le Thi Hong Minh Nguyen Ngoc Yen

1. Greeting:
Good morning everybody. On behalf of group 4, I’d like to welcome you. Our
presentation is about Life Challenges. Specifically, we will talk about “The challenges
students face at university”.
2. Introducing the group’s members:
There are 7 members in our group: Luu Loc, Tran Luc, Do Ly, Hien Mai, Duc
Minh, Hong Minh and Ngoc Yen.
3. Introduce the group’s topic
University is an amazing time in your life. There's the promise of new, exciting
experiences, personal growth, and freedom. After students begin their college
experience they are faced with obstacles and challenges that can seem insurmountable.
We’ll find out “What are they?” to answer the question “How can students be affected
by these challenges?” and “How to overcome these challenges?”
4. Outlining the presentation:
There are 3 main parts in our presentation. The first is the introduction. The
second are the definition of challenge and the challenges students face at the university,
and tips to overcome these challenges. Firstly, we’re talking about expenditure
management that almost all students need to have in daily university life such as tuition
fees, living expenses,... The next section is time management to balance between study
time and part-time work or participation in extracurricular activities. The following
section is about relationships in college such as love relationships, friends, and
roommates,... The final part is the conclusion.


1. Definition of “challenge”

2. The challenges university students face and tips to overcome these challenges

2.1. Money management

2.1.1. Fee, scholarship

2.1.2. Living expenses

2.2. Time management

2.2.1. Study time

2.2.2. Part-time jobs, extracurriculars

2.3. Relationships

2.3.1. Friends

2.3.2. Lover, roomate


1. Definition of “challenge?”
Challenge is a new or difficult task that tests somebody’s ability and skill. It could
be something as big as going bankrupt or something as simple as learning how to ride a
bike. Obstacles and challenges are part of what makes life interesting. They play a vital
role in the journey of life. Before being here today, you did the college entrance exam
which is the most important exam in life. Do you remember the time when you stayed
up late to study and try your best to get into your favorite university? That is a life
challenge everyone has to face.
2. The challenges university students face and tips to overcome these challenges
2.1 Money management
2.1.1 Fee, scholarship
Four years of university is a meaningful period in our lives. This is the time when
each of us reaches an unprecedented level of maturity in the way we think and live. This
is the time when we gain invaluable knowledge and hands-on experience. Along with
the positive things, there are always challenges we have to face. One of them is the issue
of tuition fees. Tuition is the amount that we have to pay to the university each semester
based on the number of credits we have signed up for. Therefore, tuition fees at
university will be higher than those at lower levels. Although many families have
already saved money for their children's college education, this is still a big investment.
There are many different ways to deal with this. For families who aren’t too rich,
students seek jobs early to be able to partly cover their tuition costs. But this will take
up a fair amount of your time, so you need to learn how to manage your time effectively.
The more academically excellent students will choose to study hard to get a scholarship.
This can save a lot of money, but it is also very difficult to achieve. The number of
scholarships is limited, so you will have to be at the top of your field to have a chance
to win a scholarship.
2.1.2. Living expenses
In the context of a developing economy, students who are on a new journey will
have to face financial expenses. We understand spending management as the activities
of managing money, arranging to spend, and planning long-term savings.
For students, if they don’t control their spending, they will face problems such as:

• First, if we spend profligately, we are always in a state of the budget deficit.
Students often spend at the beginning of the month and then have debt at the end
of the month.
• Second, we won't have enough money when unexpected things happen. Life is
always unpredictable.
On the contrary, spending management will bring many benefits to students such as:

• First, bring a stable life, and a feeling of happiness.

• Second, we are always ready and proactive with emergencies such as illness,
school fees, etc.

• In addition, this helps students have budget estimates for plans.

So what will you do to learn how to balance your finances? Here are some ways you
can manage your spending properly:

• Financial planning for daily expenses: Every day we will have a lot of things to
spend, so financial planning will help us manage our finances.
• Take advantage of spending management apps: There are many good and
effective financial management applications on the market such as Money Lover,
Fast Budget, and Level Money.
• Take advantage of the free stuff: Free doesn't mean bad, you should take
advantage of what's available around you.
2.2 Time management
2.2.1 Study time
According to the credit system, the university differs from previous high school
levels in its training methods. Students must register for credits online on the university's
website a few months before the beginning of a semester for the courses they will take
during that semester. As a result, the number of credits a student enrolls in determines
how long they will spend in school. Students, on the other hand, have access to
considerable knowledge which is greater than in high school. Students need to spend
additional time learning outside of class because some of the material is still fairly
challenging to comprehend. Hence, every student needs to develop the ability to study
independently. After our time in school, we should learn more about other talents to help
us in our future careers. Examples include communication, presentation, foreign
languages, and other specialized abilities. You can only get a specific knowledge

foundation through a university training program. When you start working, you'll need
both professional knowledge and other job-related abilities. For instance, if you want to
work as a professional programmer, you need to have excellent computer abilities, but
you also need to be able to collaborate with others and communicate effectively.
Students will have to work really hard if they want to maintain a high academic standing
and get ready for their future careers.
2.2.2 Part-time jobs, extracurriculars, etc.
The next challenge in managing students' time when going to college is to balance
study with extra-curricular activities or part-time jobs. You have to find a way to divide
your time properly because when you go to university, most of them have to do their
own research. But students also have a lot of free time. Instead of studying all day, you
can find and join clubs, extra-curricular activities that are useful and suitable to your
interests and needs or maybe looking for a part-time job. Both of these activities help
you to improve yourself and expand your social relationships. If extracurricular
activities help you reduce stress, the pressure of studying and improve your health,
improve your skills to gradually improve yourself, then doing part-time jobs also has
great benefits. Especially, if you do a job related to your major, it will not only create
money for you to spend, but also help you improve your professional skills and beautify
your CV after graduation, giving you more experience to have an advantage over other
But almost every problem in life has two sides and this is no exception. Taking
part in extra-curricular activities or doing part-time jobs is good, but if you do not know
how to arrange your schedule to balance study, it is really alarming. Focusing too much
on one job and neglecting the rest will lead to many consequences and especially
neglecting your studies will affect your future and future job opportunities. So, learn
how to allocate time more reasonably so that you can both perfect your skills and learn
in-depth knowledge about your future profession!
2.3 Relationships
2.3.1 Friends
If it has to be defined, peer pressure is the influence on a person caused due to
their friends. To elaborate, it can be said that when a person changes their ways of
lifestyle, perspectives, habits, and similar things in accordance to that of the people that
they choose to stay around, they are said to do so under peer pressure.

College is a great time where you get to experience plenty of new things for the
first time. Moving out of home and into your own place can get daunting, and stressful,
we often latch onto the next best safety blanket, a supportive friend group, which makes
us feel comfortable. If you have good and talented friends around you, they'll be your
promotion, they can make you become a better version of yourself. But when you can't
catch up with their level, it will become your real peer pressure which makes you tired
and disappointed in yourself.
Or you can make friends with some toxic people. Being in a new environment
where we want to fit in can push us to do things for the approval of others that we might
actually be uncomfortable doing.
The desire to fit in can drive people to make choices that they wouldn’t normally
consider. It’s the mistaken impression of some students that, unless they behave in a
similar way to those around them, they won’t be accepted or will fail to fit in. Many
students will take advantage of the freedom afforded when studying in a big city. Just
because your peer group is doing these things it doesn’t mean that you have to do the
same, and no one is going to judge you for making your own decisions in life. If you
decide that certain things aren’t for you, don’t join in simply as a way of seeking
approval from your peers. Most students will admire you more for being yourself than
for going to great lengths just to fit in.
2.3.2 Lover, roommate
From new friendships to romantic relationships, the university is a time to meet
new people and have new experiences.
You will have to be far from your family and in a new place, a new city, you can
need some healthy relationships, for example, you want to find someone to care for you
and to be a part of your daily routine with whom you can share your good and bad
moments. Also, whenever you are sick, someone would make sure you have taken your
medicines and cook you your favorite meals.
These relationships can be a great source of love, pleasure, support, and
excitement, but sometimes they take a lot of time and can affect your studies. These
relationships if go out of control or if not handled properly can add to the existing
problems. Moreover, these can also be a source of pain and suffering when things go
wrong. It is important to always remember to love yourself first and not to change for
anyone else.

GROUP 4 10
Well, we all know people aren’t perfect and there may come a time when you
face some conflict with your roommates. A great way to deal with potential problems
before they arise is to make a roommate agreement. It could be issues with rent, living
expenses, cleaning, house rules, and other obligations. If you are having issues with your
roommate, take 10 minutes out of your day to sit down together and get to the root of
the problem. This will help you understand each other better and avoid conflicts.
In general, university time is quite a special period for students because we must
live far away from home, study and even earn money independently. But this time also
gives us many great experiences and feelings about social life. As a result, every student
has to equip some serious “luggage” to pass those challenges and thereby absorb the
experiences to step into real life. Maybe it made you feel down, tired, and want to give
up. But if you overcome it, you are a better version of yourself. Nothing is
insurmountable. Be strong and do your best. Our presentation will be finished here. Are
there any questions for my group? Please ask us because all of your comments will be
listened to and answered.

GROUP 4 11

Words Definition Vietnamese meaning

unprecedented (adj) that has never happened, been done chưa từng xảy ra
or been known before

profligate (adj) using money, time, materials, etc. in hoang toàng, trác táng,
a careless way hoang phí một cách
bừa bãi

emergency (n) a sudden serious and dangerous event sự khẩn cấp; tình trạng
or situation that needs immediate khẩn cấp
action to deal with it

deficit (n) the amount by which money spent or số tiền thiếu hụt (do chi
owed is greater than money earned in lớn hơn thu)
a particular period of time

proactive (adj) controlling a situation by making chủ động giải quyết

things happen rather than waiting for một khó khăn đã dự trù
things to happen and then reacting to

go out of control no longer under management, vượt ra khỏi tầm kiểm

(phr) direction, or regulation; soát
unmanageable or unruly

handled (v) deal with a situation, a person, an xử lý

area of work or a strong emotion

potential (adj) that can develop into something or be tiềm ẩn

developed in the future

arise (v) to happen; to start to exist phát sinh, xảy ra

obligation (n) the state of being forced to do nghĩa vụ

GROUP 4 12

root of (sth) (phr) the main cause of something, such as nguyên nhân chính của
a problem or difficult situation điều gì đó

extracurricular a range of activities organized hoạt động ngoại khóa

activity (n) outside of the regular school day,
curriculum or course intended to
meet learners' interests

obstacle (n) a situation, an event, etc. that makes trở ngại

it difficult for you to do or achieve


GROUP 4 13

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