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4 Speaking and writing

GOALS ■ use everyday expressions ■ W rite a social media message

Listening & Speaking everyday expressions

Excuse m e.
Tea? T h a t's m y s e a t. C an l s it
A fte r you.
h e re ?

E xcuse m e. S o rry
T h a n ks v e ry
A tis h o o l W h e re 's th e I'm la te .
m uch.
to ile t?

1a 3.21))) Look at illustrations 1-8. Listen and complete the 3a 3.23 I))Listen to four everyday expressions and tick ( / ) the
conversations with responses a-h. correct box.
a Oh, thanks, 1 2 3 4
b That's OK. Don't worry,
P olite 0 □ □ □
c Sorry, I don’t know,
N o t p o lite □ □ □ □
d Yes, of course,
e You're welcome,
f Yes, please, b 3.23))) Listen again and for each expression choose the
g Bless you! correct response from exercise la.
h Oh, I'm so sorry. 4 Talk to other students in the class. Practise the everyday
expressions. Use the Language for speaking box to help you,
b 3.21 § Listen again and repeat each conversation.
LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING everyday expressions
C Work with a partner. Practise the conversations.
Atishoo! Bless you!
2 3.22 J))Read the Understanding... box and listen to the
Excuse me. That's my seat. I'm so sorry.
Tea? Yes, please.
UNDERSTANDING ... polite intonation Excuse me. Where is the toilet? Sorry, I don't know.
L isten fo r th e in to n a tio n in e v e ry d a y e x p re s s io n s t o u n d e rs ta n d Can isit here? Yes, o f course.
if th e p e rs o n is p o lite o r n o t. in p o lite e x p re s s io n s th e s p e a k e r's
Thank you. YouYe welcome.
v o ic e g oe s u p W r a n d d o w n a lot:
After you. Thanks.
A Excuse me. Can l sit here?
B Yes, of course. Sorry I'm late. That's OK. Don't worry.

4.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ A s k fo r th in g s in a s h o p ■ w r it e an in fo rm a l e m a il

Listening & Speaking in a shop

1a Match the shops to photos 1-4.
D pharmacy D department store D electronics shop □ bookshop

c 1____________
SA Yes. They're over there C 5_________________
near the window. SA Can l help you? SA is tha t everything? SA It'S £75.
C 2_________________ C 3_________________ c 4____________ C 6_________________

b 4.13 1)) Listen to four conversations between the customer 4a 4.15))) Listen. Do you hear one number or two numbers?
(C) and the shop assistant (SA). What does each person 1-4 1 one / two 3 one / two
want to buy? 2 one / two 4 one / two
• vitamins • a tablet
• an umbrella • nothing b 4.15))) Listen again and write the prices.

2a Complete the conversations in exercise la with items a-f. 5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer about prices.
Student A, turn to page 108. Student B, turn to page 113.
a No, thanks. Just looking,
b OK. I'll take it. 6a Read the Language for speaking box.
c Excuse me. Do you have any umbrellas?
d How much is this tablet, please? LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING in a shop
e Great. Thank you. Customer Shop assistant
f No, I need vitamins, too. Excuse m e Do you have a/any... ? Yes, it's! th e y re over there.
How much is/a re ...? it's SlOJThey're £24.99.
b 4.13 1)) Listen again and check your answers. OK. /'// take it./l'll take them.

Shop assistant Customer

C Work with a partner. Practise the conversations in exercise la. Can l help you? Yes, please. ı need a(n)/four...
No, thanks. Just looking.
3 4.14 ))) Read the Understanding... box and listen to the
Is that everything? Yes, thank you.
No, I need a(n)/two .... too.
To understand prices, listen for: Work with a partner. Take turns to be a shop
• one number: $10 - te n dollars, £23 - tw e n ty-th re e pounds,
assistant and a customer. Ask for the items in the box.
85p - eighty-five pence OR Use the Language for speaking box to help you.
• tw o numbers: €37.50 - thirty-seven (euros) fifty ,
laptop nothing notepad pens
£9.99 - nine (pounds) ninety-nine

5.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ A s k f o r a nd g iv e tra v e l in fo rm a tio n ■ M a ke a rra n g e m e n ts b y te x t

Listening & Speaking asking for and giving Barcelona, Spain

travel information
1 a 5.171 Angelo Santos is on holiday in Barcelona. Listen to
four conversations. What does Angelo want? I Las Arenas
1 a bus / train ticket
2 the number of the bus to Las Arenas / the station
3 the number / tim e of the metro
4 the price o f a ticket / time o f the journey

b 5.17))) Listen to the four conversations again and complete

questions 1-4 with words from the box.

buy go much next

1 Where do I _________ a ticket?

2 Does this bus_________to Las Arenas?
b 5.20))) Listen to six travel announcements and complete
3 What time is the_________metro? the table.
4 How_________ is it to Las Arenas?
2a Match answers a-d with Angelo's questions 1-4 in Time:
exercise lb.
a It's €2.15 single.
b No, it doesn't. The number 13 goes to Las Arenas,
c It leaves at 9.35.
d You buy your ticket on the bus.

b Compare your answers with a partner. C Compare your answers with a partner.

3a 5.18))) Listen to Angelo's questions again and repeat. 5a Read the Language for speaking box.

b Work with a partner. Practise the four conversations. LANGUAGE FOR SPEAKING asking for and giving
travel information
4a 5.19))) Read the Understanding... box and listen to the Ask fo r inform ation
examples. where do ı buy a ticket?
Where does the bus/train go from?
UNDERSTANDING ... travel announcements What time is the next train to the University/bus to the
To understand travel announcements: town centre?
Does this train/bus/ferry go to Vancouver/the museum?
• think about the information you need - place, time, etc.
How much is it to the centre/the University?
• listen for important information - place, time, numbers and
Give inform ation
This bus/train goes to Upper Street/Ottawa.
- city centre, New York, Barcelona It leaves a t 3.30.
it arrives a t 4.15.
- 10.35,8.40, 15 minutes late
It'S £10/525.
You buy your ticket from the ticket machine/on the bus.
p la tfo rm 3, 4A, 9B

gate A10, 93 flig h t EZ402, BA 66 b Work with a partner. Find out information about two
stop G, 12F num ber 73, 38B journeys. Use the Language for speaking box to help you.
Student A, turn to page 109. Student B, turn to page 114.

6.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ E xp la in p ro b le m s ■ w r it e a h o te l re v ie w

Listening & Speaking explaining problems 3a 6.17))) Listen to the conversations again and complete
the sentences.
1 Work with a partner. Think of three common problems 1 _________ air conditioning. The switch is next to
in hotels. the_________ .
old b ed s,... 2 It's A_________.
3 Hmmm... Try in the cupboard_________ the window.
2a Match problems 1-5 to illustrations a-e.
4 I’m so sorry. You can have another_________ .
1 My room is very hot. 5 Oh, I'm _________ . I'll send someone to _________ .
2 I don't know the code for the door.
3 There aren't any towels in the bathroom. I'll + infinitive without to - to offer help
4 Our room is very noisy. I’ll do it.
5 The shower in my room is broken.
b Work with a partner. Practise the conversations.

4 6.18))) Read the Understanding... box and listen to the



When people give information to help you, listen for the key
words. These can be nouns (e.g. names, places), adjectives,
verbs, numbers, etc.
There is a ir conditioning. The s w itc h is near the door.
I'll send someone to help.
The museum is on Bridge Street.
The code for the safe is B50079.

5a Work with a partner. Look at the four problems in the

table. Think of solutions for each problem.

Problem S olutio n
1 The phone in my room is broken.
2 The bathroom is very dirty.
3 ı don't know the address of this
4 My room is very cold.

b 6.19 ))) Listen to four conversations. Write two or three

key words for each solution in the table. Are any of the
solutions the same as yours?
b Work with a partner. Match solutions a-e to problems 1-5.
C Use the prompts to practise conversations.
a send someone to look
1 A The phone in my room is broken.
b try in the cupboard
B Oh, I’m, sorry. I'll...
c use air conditioning 2 A The bathroom is very dirty.
d go to another room B I'm so sorry. You can ...
e give the code number 3 A l don’t know the address of this museum.
B It’s...
C 6.17 ))) Listen to five conversations and check your answers. 4 A My room is very cold.
B There's a heater. The ...

7.4 Speaking and writing
GOALS ■ M a ke s im p le re q u e s ts ■ w r it e a p o s t o n a so c ia l m e d ia w e b s ite

Listening & Speaking simple requests 3a 7.17))) L is te n to t h e c o n v e r s a tio n s . C o m p le te t h e a n s w e r s .

1 A E x c u s e m e . I c a n ’t o p e n t h i s b o x . C a n y o u h e lp m e ?
1 W o rk w i t h a p a r t n e r . M a tc h p r o b l e m s 1 -6 to illu s t r a ti o n s a -f. B O f c o u r s e l ___________ .
1 m I c a n 't o p e n t h i s b o x . 2 A I c a n 't u n d e r s t a n d y o u . C a n y o u s p e a k slo w ly ?
2 □ I c a n ’t u n d e r s t a n d y o u . B S u r e , n o ___________.
3 □ I 'm lo s t. 3 A E x c u s e m e . I'm lo s t. C a n y o u te ll m e t h e w a y to t h e
4 □ I w a n t to g o t o t h e a i r p o r t . c ity c e n tr e ?

5 □ I 'm r e a lly t h i r s t y . B S u re . I t 's ___________w a y .

6 W e o n l y h a v e o n e c h a ir . 4 A I w a n t to g o to t h e a i r p o r t . C a n y o u c a ll m e a ta x i?

B Y es, o f c o u r s e . D o y o u w a n t i t ___________?
5 A I’m r e a lly th i r s t y . C a n I h a v e s o m e w a te r , p le a s e ?
B S u r e . H e r e y o u ___________.
6 A E x c u s e m e . W e o n ly h a v e o n e c h a ir . C a n I t a k e t h i s
c h a ir , p le a s e ?
B ___________ . I t 's t a k e n .

Can l have some water/tea?

j you / to the / centre / Can / b W o rk w i t h a p a r t n e r . P r a c t i s e t h e c o n v e r s a tio n s .

the w a y / c it y / t e ll me ? this / Can / chair / take / 1?
4 7.18))) R e a d t h e Understanding... b o x a n d l i s te n t o t h e
e x a m p le s .

When you ask for something, it's important to understand

the answer.
Q Can you help me? A Sure./Of course. (= Yes)
A Sorry.... (= No)

5a 7.19))) L is te n to f o u r c o n v e r s a t i o n s . Is t h e a n s w e r yes ( / )
me /h e lp /C a n /y o u ? 11 / some w a ter / Can / have ?
or no (X)?

b C o m p a re y o u r a n s w e rs w ith a p a r tn e r.

6a R e a d t h e L a n g u a g e fo r s p e a k i n g b o x .


Can you speak slowly?
speak / slowly / you / Can ? you / me / call / a taxi / Can ?
Excuse me. Can you... help me?/call me a taxi?
tell me the way to...?
2a P u t t h e w o r d s i n a - f i n t h e c o r r e c t o r d e r to m a k e r e q u e s t s
fo r e a c h i l l u s t r a t i o n . Excuse me. Can I ... have a/your/this... ?
take th is ...?/use your...?
b 7.16))) L is te n , c h e c k a n d r e p e a t . Answers
Of course./Sure./No problem./Here you are.
Sorry. I'm busy./Sorry. It's taken.


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