Peace Education

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Month and Week: January, Week 1

Theme: Positive and Negative Peace


I. Objectives: Understand the concepts of positive and negative peace.

Explore the importance of peace in society.
II. II.Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Introduction to Positive and Negative Peace
B. References: Peace Education Resource Materials Articles on Positive and Negative Peace
Multimedia resources on peace
C. Materials: Whiteboard and markers Multimedia presentation Collage materials (magazines,
scissors, glue)
Group discussion handouts Timer

III. Procedure:

A. Preparation and Settling In:

Ensure all materials are ready.
Greet students as they enter the classroom and create a peaceful atmosphere.
B. Peace Education Learning Session:
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes): Begin the class by discussing the importance of peace.
State the objectives of the lesson.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Peaceful World Collage" (10 minutes):
Divide students into small groups. Provide magazines, scissors, and glue.
Instruct each group to create a collage that represents their vision of a peaceful world.
Encourage creativity and discussion within the groups.
B.3 Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes):
Show a short multimedia presentation about positive and negative peace.

Discuss key concepts and examples with the class.

B.4 Small Group Discussions (8 minutes): Assign specific discussion questions to each group
related to positive and negative peace.

Instruct groups to discuss and come up with their answers.

B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group): Each group presents their collage and shares their
thoughts on peace.

Encourage questions and feedback from the class after each presentation.

C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:

C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes):

Lead a brief class discussion to reflect on the collage activity and group presentations.

Ask students to share what they learned about positive and negative peace.
IV. Wrap Up: Conclusion and Homework Assignment (2 minutes): Summarize the key points discussed in
class. Assign homework, which may include reading articles on positive and negative peace or reflecting
on their personal experiences related to peace. Thank the students for their participation and

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