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Which of the following spellings is correct?

A) chaufer B) chauffuer C) chauffer D) chauffeur

1. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) caffiene B) caffeine C) caffeen D)
2. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) commision B) commicion C)
commiccion D) commission
3. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) consession B) concession C)
concesion D) concsession
4. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) chrysanthemum B)
chrisanthemum C) crysinthymum D) chrysanthymum
5. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) colaboration B) collaboration C)
collaberation D) collaberation
6. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) camoflage B) camouflage C)
camuflage D) camouphlage
7. Which of the following spellings is correct?
8. A) colleage B) colleague C) collaegue D) collegue
9. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) chauvinism B) chauvenism C) chauvinisim D)
10. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) calender B) calandar C) calendar D) calender
11. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) contigous B) contiguous C) contigous D)
12. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) conquerer B) conqueror C) conqurer D)
13. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) conveyence B) conveyance C) convayance D)
14. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) cieling B) ceiling C) celing D) ceilling
15. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) constelation B) constellation C) constelation
D) constallation
16. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) comitment B) committement C) commitment
D) committment
17. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) desicate B) dessicate C) desiccate D) desicait
18. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) dysentary B) dysenteri C) dysentery D)
19. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) dilema B) dilemna C) dilemma D) delima
20. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) dieing B) diing C) dying D) dieing
21. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) diarrhoea B) diarhea C) diarrhea D) diareha
22. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) dosier B) dossiere C) dossier D) dosiere
23. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) decathalon B) decathlon C) decathalon D)
24. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) chauvinism B) chauvenism C) chauvinisim D)
25. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) calender B) calandar C) calendar D) calender
26. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) contigous B) contiguous C) contigous D)
27. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) conquerer B) conqueror C) conqurer D)
28. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) conveyence B) conveyance C) convayance D)
29. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) cieling B) ceiling C) celing D) ceilling
30. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) constelation B) constellation C) constelation
D) constallation
31. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) comitment B) committement C) commitment
D) committment
32. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) desicate B) dessicate C) desiccate D) desicait
33. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) dysentary B) dysenteri C) dysentery D)
34. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) dilema B) dilemna C) dilemma D) delima
35. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) dieing B) diing C) dying D) dieing
36. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) diarrhoea B) diarhea C) diarrhea D) diareha
37. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) dosier B) dossiere C) dossier D) dosiere
38. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) decathalon B) decathlon C) decathalon D)
39. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) discusion B) discussion C) discusson D)
40. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) entreprenuer B) entrepreneur C) entreprenuer
D) enterpreneur

41. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) discusion B) discussion C) discusson D)

42. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) entreprenuer B) entrepreneur C) entreprenuer
D) enterpreneur
43. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) embarassment B) embarrasment C)
embarrassmant D) embarrassment
44. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) encyclopaedia B) encycolpedia C)
encyclopædia D) encyclopedea
45. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) exilharation B) exhaliration C)
exhilaration D) exhillaration
46. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) extention B) extension C)
extenton D) extenssion
47. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) fallacious B) fallacios C) fallaccious
D) fallacius
48. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) fullfilment B) fulfilment C)
fullfillment D) fulfillmant
49. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) forfeit B) forfit C) forfiet D) forefeit
50. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) fascination B) fasination C)
facination D) fasinattion
51. Which of the following spellings is correct? B) foreigner A) foreinger C) foriegner
D) forienger
52. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) fulfill B) fulfille C) fulfil D) fullfil
53. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) gazette B) gazzete C) gazettee D)
54. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) grievance B) grievenance C)
greivance D) grievancee
55. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) gynecology B) gynacology C)
gynæcology D) gynaecology
56. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) gesture B) jesture C) jester D)
57. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) guillotine B) guillotene C)
guilloteen D) guillotin
58. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) hienous B) heinious C) heinous D)
59. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) hygene B) hygiene C) higene D)
60. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) heterogenous B) heterogenius C)
heterojenous D) heterogeneous
61. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) hallucination B) halusination C)
hallucinattion D) hallusination
62. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) humerous B) humourus C)
humorous D) humurous
63. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) inflammation B) inflamation C)
inflamattion D) inflamasion
64. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) indigeneous B) indigenious C)
indigenous D) indigeneus
65. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) inaccesibility B) inacessibility C)
inaccessability D) inaccessibility
66. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) itenerary B) itinery C) itinarary D)
67. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) innumerable B) inumerable C)
innomerable D) inumerabble
68. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) incrimminate B) incriminaate C)
incriminate D) incriminatte
69. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) inaugerate B) inaugurate C)
innagurate D) inaugrurate
70. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) impresionable B) impressionnable
C) impressionable D) impresionnable
71. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) intollerance B) intolerance C)
intollerence D) intolerence
72. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) innocuous B) innocous C)
innnocuous D) innocuus
73. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) emminent B) iminent C) imminent
D) immminent
74. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) irrisistible B) irresistable C)
irrisistable D) irresistible
75. Which of the following spellings is correct?
76. A) incandecent B) incandiscent C) incandescent D) incandisent
77. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) interogate B) interrogate C) interoggate D)
78. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) juresdiction B) jurisdiction C) jurisdiktion D)
79. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) juvinile B) juvenille C) juvinille D) juvenile
80. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) jewellry B) jewelery C) jewlery D) jewellery
81. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) kaliedoscope B) kaleidoscope C) kaleidascope
D) kalidoscope
82. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) leisur B) leaisure C) leisure D) lieasure
83. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) leutenant B) lieutenant C) lieutennant D)
84. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) lisence B) lisence C) license D) licensce
85. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) mispell B) misspel C) misspell D) mispel
86. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) millenium B) millennium C) millenium D)
87. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) mongose B) mongoose C) mongouse D)
88. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) miscellaneous B) miscelaneous C)
miscellaneus D) miscelleneous
89. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) massace B) masacre C) massacare D)
90. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) malitious B) malicous C) malicious D)
91. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) allegience B) allegance C)
allegiance D) alegiance
92. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) admissable B) admissibel C)
admissible D) admissable
93. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) adolecence B) adoleccence C)
adolescence D) adolecense
94. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) aborigines B) aboriginies C)
aboriginis D) aborrigines
95. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) approval B) aproveal C) apporoval
D) approvel
96. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) aquaintance B) acquaintence C)
acquaintance D) aquaintence
97. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) assylum B) asylumm C) asilem D)
98. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) arbitrariness B) arbitrarines C)
arbitrarinesse D) arbitrarynes
99. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) amatuer B) amateur C) amature D)
100. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) alighnment B) alignement C)
alignmant D) alignment
101. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) annonimous B) anonymus
C) anonymous D) anonimous
102. Which of the following spellings is correct? A) abattoir B) abatoir C)
abatoir D) abbatoire

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