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Give biological reasons for the following questions listed below: -

1. Chloroplast and Mitochondria are called as semi-autonomous cell organelle.
2. Mitosis is called equational division.
3. Meiosis is called reductional division.
4. Gametes are always haploid in number.
5. DNA is called the blue print of our life.
6. Genes are called physical basis of heredity but DNA is called the chemical basis of heredity.
7. S phase of interphase is also called as Synthesis phase.
8. Mendel selected Pea plants for conducting his experiments.
9. Haemophilia and Colour blindness are more prevalent in men.
10. Mutation affects the genetic makeup of an organisms.
11. We use salt and sugar to preserve food.
12. Grass die when we sprinkle salt on it.
13. Raisins swells up when placed in water.
14. Grapes shrink when placed in sugar solution.
15. We generally gargle with saline solution in case of throat infection.
16. Leaves of wilted lettuce becomes crisp when placed in water.
17. Fresh water fish cannot survive in salt water.
18. Sea water fishes burst when placed in tap water.
19. A closed can of dried seeds busts open when accidentally some water enters.
20. Wooden doors generally stuck at the hinge region during monsoon season.
21. Plants growing in soil with fertilizers wilts if not well watered.
22. Plants begin to die if excess fertilizers are added to the soil.
23. A higher rate of transpiration is witnessed on a windy day as compared to the dry day.
24. Transplanting of the seedlings in the flower bed should be done in the evenings and not in the early morning.
25. More forests bring rain more frequently.
26. Leaves of herbaceous plants wilts in the midday but recovers in the evening.
27. Plants like Nerium lose less water due to transpiration.
28. Leaves of cactus plants are modified into spines.
29. Transpiration increases on a windy day.
30. Guttation normally occurs during early mornings or at late nights.
31. Dorsiventral / Dicot leaves usually transpires more from the ventral surface as compared to dorsal surface.
32. Green Leaf is said to be the food factory of the plant.
33. Green leaves are generally thin and broad.
34. All life comes to an end if there will no green plants.
35. Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis.
36. We can’t demonstrate respiration in plants during the day time.
37. Leaves are boiled in hot water and methylated spirit during starch test.
38. We destarch the leaves of the entire plant before conducting any experiments on photosynthesis.
39. Bananas ripen very quickly when kept with oranges.
40. Plants grow in light illuminating them from all directions grow more or less upwards.
41. Cuscuta and Vines have tendrils which coils around other plants.
42. People have common belief that heart is on the left side of the chest cavity.
43. Veins have valves at regular intervals but arteries do not have valves.
44. It is necessary to know the blood group of a person before blood transfusion.
45. Number of leucocytes does increase during infection.
46. Left ventricle has thicker walls than right ventricle.
47. Ventricles have thicker and more muscular walls than auricles.
48. Sleeping in non-ventilated rooms with burning furnaces may result in death.
49. If a Rh-negative mother carries an Rh-positive foetus, it causes problem leading to death of foetus.
50. Mature mammalian RBC’s lacks nucleus, Endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria.
51. Vitamin K is essential for the process of blood clotting.
52. The right kidney is at slightly lower level than the left kidney.
53. Renal cortex of the kidneys shows a dotted appearance.
54. Renal medulla of kidneys shows a striped appearance.
55. We urinate fewer times in summer than in winter.
56. Urine is slightly thicker in summer than in winters.
57. If we donate one kidney to a needy person it would not cause any harm to us.
58. It is necessary to maintain a normal osmotic concentration of the blood.
59. An alcoholic person when drunk walks clumsily on road.
60. An injury to medulla oblongata leads to death.
61. Hanging by rope causes instantaneous death.
62. When a person moves from a brightly lit area to a dark room, he experiences difficulty in seeing objects for a
short while.
63. When a person moves from a dark room to a brightly lit area, he experiences a dazzling effect for a short
64. We can’t distinguish various colours of flowers in a garden on a moonlit night.
65. If eustachian tube gets blocked, it causes rupturing of tympanum giving popping or cracking sounds.
66. Deafness is caused due to rupturing of the tympanum.
67. If three tiny bony ear ossicles are replaced by one big bone, there is a loss of hearing.
68. If we spin round and round for a short while and then stop suddenly, we feel dizzy.
69. Pilots are not allowed to take off the aircraft if they suffer from cold and cough.
70. Adrenaline hormone is commonly called emergency hormone.
71. Hypothalamus is called masters of master gland.
72. Pituitary gland is called master gland of endocrine orchestra.
73. Thymus and Placenta are called temporary endocrine gland.
74. Pancreas is called mixed or myxocrine or hertocrine gland.
75. Simple goitre is commonly seen in people of hilly regions.
76. Insulin is always injected and never taken orally.
77. Human heart exhibits double circulation.
78. Tonsils swell up during severe viral infection.
79. Glucose is usually absent in the urine of a healthy person.
80. Brain and spinal cord are considered as a part of CNS.
81. We readily withdraw our hand on touching a hot iron.
82. A trained musician can effortlessly play any composition on a guitar / piano with looking at the chords / keys.
83. We salivate at the site of our favourite food such as Biriyani.
84. We salivate at the thought of the food, when we are hungry.
85. Older people require glasses to read and write.
86. Deficiency of Vitamin A causes night blindness.
87. Hormones are called chemical messengers.
88. Our grandmothers can knit sweaters without looking.
89. Our face turns pink in hot sun and bluish in excessive cold.
90. Blind spot is called the area of no vision.
91. Yellow spot / Fovea centralis is called the area of best vision.
92. We generally move our eyes from word to word when we read from printed pages.
93. Sometimes medicines dropped into the eyes / ears comes to nose and even to throat.
94. It is true that simple goitre can be cured using iodized salt.
95. Testes are located inside the scrotal sac outside the abdominal cavity.
96. Chances of pregnancy to be occurred on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle.
97. Male reproductive system in humans can also be called as Male Urinogenital system.
98. Missing of periods is the first sign of pregnancy in females.
99. Millions of sperms enter the female vagina during copulation but only one capable to fertilize the ovum.
100. Although there are two ovaries in human female but still most of the times only one embryo is formed.
101. A fully grown human foetus respires but doesn’t breathe.
102. Peppered moth shows industrial melanism.
103. Survival of the fittest also aimed to explain Natural selection.
104. Certain parts of the body like pinna and wisdom teeth are found in reduced form in humans.
105. Birth rate is excessive high in India.
106. Population explosion to be controlled immediately.
107. There are more survival rates in developed countries.
108. Medical discoveries in recent times have contributed in increasing the population.
109. Use of CFCs to be banned in some countries.
110. BS VI norms is recently being followed in automobiles of metropolitan cities.
111. It is mandatory to take Pollution control certificates for automobiles.
112. Use of horns needs to be prohibited near schools and hospitals.
113. Nuclear power plants to be set up remote from the residential areas.
114. Use of 4R’s to be promoted and encouraged.
115. Demographic transition is also referred to as Zero population growth.
116. Biofertilizers should be preferred over chemical fertilizers.

Prepared by: Mr. Sumit Roy [Senior Biology Teacher] (9830431393 / 7044929409 / 9874577160 )
M.Sc (Zoology), Gold Medalist of Vidyasagar University, B.Ed . Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Biotechnology
E mail: -

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