Settlement Calculations

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load trial 1 b

width b unfactored Bearing width b

(ft) qult (psf) qallow (psf) (kips) width b (ft) pressure (ft) uw water 62.4 pcf
A 29103.45 9701.15 56000.00 2.40 9701.15 2.50 total UNIT WEIGHT 136.3 pcf
B 29103.45 9701.15 125000.00 3.59 9701.15 3.60 phi' 0 deg
C 29103.45 9701.15 170000.00 4.19 9701.15 4.20 c' 0 psf
D 29103.45 9701.15 220000.00 4.76 9701.15 4.80 Df 1.5 ft
E 29103.45 9701.15 280000.00 5.37 9701.15 5.40 su 3900
F 29103.45 9701.15 500000.00 7.18 9701.15 7.20
A 29103.45 9701.15

eff. Uw 73.9 pcf

Nc = 5.7
undrained conditions Nq = 1
Nγ = 0
Sc =
Sq =
Sγ =
dc =
dq =
dγ =
ic =
iq =
iγ =
ψc = 1.3
ψq = 1
ψγ = 0.8
preconsolidation stress is constant throughout the soil
consolidation analysis carried out up to b/2 + b+2b
groundwater is at ground surface

input parameters
modified compression index, Cc3 = 0.25
modified recompression index, Cr4 = 0.025
total height of compresssible layer
initial effective vertical stress
change in vertical stress
preconsolidation stress
unit weight layer 1 = 120
unit weight layer 2 = 105
unit weight layer 3 = 90
unit weight layer 4 = 117.9
unit weight of water = 62.4

column a

depth to
midpoint depth
depth to of from the
depths of midpoint of consolidati surface to
allowable depth of discontinut consolidati on layer end of
bearing foundation ies below on layer from frim discontin thickness
trial 1 pressure width b (ft) (ft) the footing from df (ft) surface (ft) uity of layer 1
3000.00 10.00 4 4 2 6 8 4
3000.00 10.00 4 8.00 8 12 16 4
3000.00 10.00 4 12 18 22 28 4
3000.00 10.00 4 16 32 36 44 4
effective change in
initial preconsol effective
effective idation vertical
thickness thickness initial vertical vertical stress influence stress
of layer 2 of layer 3 stress(psf) stress(psf) (psf) factor (psf) nc/ oc case type SP (ft)
12.00 28 690 565.2 2000 0.96 2880 OC CASE B 0.291067
12.00 28 1320 820.8 1500 0.46 1380 OC CASE B 0.385349
12.00 28 2280 1156.8 1200 0.11 330 OC CASE B 0.283991
12.00 28 3540 1543.2 1543 0.045 135 OC CASE B 0.145889
total sp
SP(in) (inches)
allow foundatio
width b qallow load Q+ n weight maximum Q maximum
(ft) area (ft2) qult (psf) (psf) Wf (lb) (lb) (lb) Q (kips)
8 64 23101 7700.33 492821.3 48000 444,821.33 444.82
10 100 25545 8515.00 851500 75000 776,500.00 776.50
12 144 27989 9329.67 1343472 108000 1,235,472.00 1,235.47
12.5 156.25 28600 9533.33 1489583 117187.5 1,372,395.83 1,372.40
13 169 29211 9737.00 1645553 126750 1,518,803.00 1,518.80
14 196 30433 10144.33 1988289 147000 1,841,289.33 1,841.29
15 225 31655 10551.67 2374125 168750 2,205,375.00 2,205.38
uw water 62.4 pcf
total UNIT WEIGHT 127.4 pcf
phi' 35 deg
c' 0 psf
Df 5 ft

eff. Uw 65 pcf

Nc = 58
Nq = 41
Nγ = 47
Sc =
Sq =
Sγ =
dc =
dq =
dγ =
ic =
iq =
iγ =
ψc = 1.3
ψq = 1
ψγ = 0.8
allow foundatio
width b qallow load Q+ n weight maximum Q maximum
(ft) area (ft2) qult (psf) (psf) Wf (lb) (lb) (lb) Q (kips) uw water 62.4 pcf
8 64 17771 5923.67 379114.7 28800 350,314.67 350.31 total UNIT WEIGHT 127.4 pcf
10 100 20215 6738.33 673833.3 45000 628,833.33 628.83 phi' 35 deg
12 144 22659 7553.00 1087632 64800 1,022,832.00 1,022.83 c' 0 psf
12.5 156.25 23270 7756.67 1211979 70312.5 1,141,666.67 1,141.67 Df 3 ft
13 169 23881 7960.33 1345296 76050 1,269,246.33 1,269.25
14 196 25103 8367.67 1640063 88200 1,551,862.67 1,551.86
15 225 26325 8775.00 1974375 101250 1,873,125.00 1,873.13

eff. Uw 65 pcf

Nc = 58
Nq = 41
Nγ = 47
Sc =
Sq =
Sγ =
dc =
dq =
dγ =
ic =
iq =
iγ =
ψc = 1.3
ψq = 1
ψγ = 0.8

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