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Junior High School

Grade 10



First Quarter - Week 5

Analytical Listening
in Problem Solving

Grade 10- English

Grade 10 – English
Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving
Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving
English – Grade 10
English Learning Kit
Analytical Listening in Problem Solving
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

by the Department of Education
Schools Division of Iloilo
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

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This English Learning Kit is published to be utilized by the Schools Division

of Iloilo.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the Schools Division of Iloilo.

Development Team of English Learning Kit

Writers: Lysa P. Laza

Illustrators: Armand Glenn S. Lapor, Ryan D. Orig, Mark T. Dasa

Layout Artists: Lysa P. Laza, Julieto T. Montenegro Jr.

Division Quality Assurance Team:

Lilibeth E. Larupay, Dr. Ruby Therese P. Almencion
Armand Glenn S. Lapor, Dana D. Detablan
Julieto T. Montenegro Jr.

Management Team: Dr. Roel Bermejo, Dr. Nordy D. Siason, Jr.

Dr. Lilibeth T. Estoque, Dr. Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque, Lilibeth E. Larupay
Dr. Ruby Therese P. Almencion

Grade 10- English 2

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving
Analytical Listening in Problem Solving


As a Grade 10 learner, you must be

equipped with appropriate skills in listening.
Listening is the key to an effective
communication. It is primarily achieved when
the person has the ability to receive, process,
and interpret information.
Listening is a familiar activity of our
everyday experiences. In fact, most of us spend
most of our time in listening may it be natural,
technical or digital. We tend to receive various
languages and other stimuli. However, if we are
not trained or used to listen proficiently,
misunderstanding may occur. There are several
types of listening depending on how you put
attention to what is being heard.
This module presents one of the Most
Essential Learning Competencies in the
domains of Listening Comprehension. This
module is designed to cater the academic needs
of the Grade 10 students and provide activities
to facilitate the mastery of the focused skill.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. recall types of listening;
2. distinguish analytical listening;
3. identify a problem in a scenario;
4. formulate the best solution by analyzing a problem; and
5. employ critical or analytical thinking skill in problem solving

Grade 10- English 3

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving

Activity 1
Directions: Here are some classroom scenarios. Check the activities that require
listening skills. Copy and do this in your English activity notebook.
_______1. Lina recites a poem to the class.
_______2. The class completes a task while tuning to a radio drama.
_______3. Jude finished his essay at the library.
_______4. Jenny laughs so hard to Johnny’s joke.
_______5. Tim wrote a reaction paper after playing a song.
_______6. Ken danced to an entertaining drumbeat.
_______7. Mrs. Diaz explains some special arrangement for the class.
_______8. A learner asks the teacher a question about the meaning of a word.
_______9. The teacher conducts a drill with the class.
_______10. Andy formulates a sentence silently.
_______11. The teacher converses with the class before the lesson starts.
_______12. The class is engaged in a pronunciation exercise focusing on two
contrasting sounds.
_______13. Mr. Lim disagrees with Pio’s thesis proposal.
_______14. The class cried on Lily’s poem presentation.
_______15. Jude believes in Joey’s stand on Anti-Terror Bill.

Well, I believe you know which activities

require listening skills. However, before you engage
yourself to important ideas related to listening, you
need to review some important concepts about
listening first.
By then, you are ready to hurdle the next

Grade 10- English 4

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving
Types of Listening
Marginal/passive listening. This also called hearing. The listener hears the sounds,
often in the background but simply ignores them because he or she is engrossed in
another task.
Attentive listening. The listener focuses attention and shows interest in what is
being said. He or she takes note of the specifics and how they relate to the main
points made by the speaker.
Analytical/Critical listening. In this type of listening, one has to decide on the truth
of ideas, pass judgment on claims made, and make decisions on whether to accept
what she or he hears, reject it or take it.
Appreciative listening. This type of listening gives the listener pleasure maybe from
the humor or the blending of voices in choric arrangements. 1


Activity 2
Directions: Identify each listening activity by checking the appropriate column.
Copy and answer in your activity notebook.

Types of Listening
Listening Activities Marginal/ Analytical/
Attentive Appreciative
Passive Critical

1. Dina was listening to the radio commentator

while talking to her friends.

2. Rex is discontented with the news and issues

on ABS-CBN shutdown.

3. After hearing the SONA of Pres. Duterte, Jin

rewrote it in Hiligaynon.

4. Mera was calling on the phone while playing

her MP3 player.

5. Nesa enjoys listening to a Kpop song without

understanding its meaning.

English Listening Skills. English Club.

Grade 10- English 5

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving
6. Gina takes important notes during her class.

7. Max interpreted the audiotaped song.

8. Rita did not bring her umbrella in spite of the

weather forecast.

9. Kiv answers the test after the teacher’s


10. Yam and Rem listened to the issue of the

SAP distribution and gave their own opinion
about it.

Activity 3
Directions: List down 5 scenarios in your place where people are listening to other
people. Follow the example below. Do this in your activity notebook.

Topic Speaker Listener Where is it heard? Types of Listening

Amelioration DSWD
Mother Over the radio Passive
Program staff

Great! You did a wonderful job in
providing possible solutions in the first activity.
Now let us connect your responses to the
following questions. Write your answers in your

1. What can you say about the activity?

2. What are the cues you used to answer the activity?
3. Why do you think it is important to identify the types of listening?
4. How can this activity develop your listening skills?

Grade 10- English 6

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving

Well done! You have successfully

made a meaningful connection after
answering the previous activities. Now you
are all set for the discussion.

What is analytical listening?

Analytical listening is one of the types of listening that refers to the ability and
the capacity to analyze properly what is being heard. This does not only mean
understanding what the other person is saying and what they mean to say, but also
being able to divide difficult questions into separate parts in order to get to the core.
Analytical Listening sounds easier than it is. Distinguishing between central and
peripheral issues is a prerequisite. The objective of Analytical Listening is to quickly
see logical connections, as well as detecting possible gaps in all the information.2

Analytical Listening Technique


Listen to the end Analyze and Connect

Analytical Listening and Problem Solving

Analytical listening helps bring balance to a conversation and process
information objectively. In conversation with others, feeling plays an important role.
When the atmosphere of the conversation is good, chances are objectivity will
disappear into the background. Being mindful of this allows for a balance to be
created between feeling and logical reasoning. Analyses of causes can be made,
after which the consequences of a problem can be better detected as well.
An analytical listener is able to critically look at elements of a problem and
apply models to them. By distinguishing main problems from partial problems, the
analytic listener can collect a lot of information, then research it. After collecting all of

“What Are Problem-Solving Skills?”,

Grade 10- English 7

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving
the data, the analytical listener will be highly able to make logical connections, detect
the actual cause, and think of fitting solutions.



You are almost done with this

module. You have employed analytical
listening in problem solving. Now, let’s
recap important things you have learned.

In problem solving, one must first dig up the root or the cause of it. Upon the
receiving the information, he or she needs to understand its whole meaning and
implications. It is a must for him or her to analyze and evaluate data, isolate possible
contributing circumstances, and figure out what needs to be addressed for a
In analytical or critical listening, one has to decide on the truth of ideas, pass
judgment on claims made and make decisions on whether to accept what she or he
hears, reject it or take it.

Grade 10- English 8

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving

Activity 4
Directions: Read and analyze each scenario below and identify its problem. Write
your answers in your activity notebook.
1. When Julia walks in her neighborhood, she notices litter and graffiti
everywhere. People throw their fast food boxes and cups on the sidewalk.
There are usually flyers and other papers in the gutters and the trash cans are
always full. Many of the stores have graffiti on their windows and walls. The
graffiti is colorful, but Julia does not like it. Sometimes Julia thinks about
picking up the trash, but she does not want to touch it. What is the main
problem of Julia?

2. Mario is at the wedding reception of a co-worker. His boss and several other
co-workers are guests as well. When the reception ends. Mario knows that his
boss has been drinking all evening. The boss offers to give Susan, Mario’s co-
worker and friend, a ride home. Mario does not think his boss should drive.
What would be the problem of Mario?

3. Two months ago, three young men moved next door to Rosa and her
children. The men stay up late, play loud music and have lots of parties. The
walls of the building are thin and Rosa and her children cannot sleep because
their neighbors make so much noise. She is afraid to knock on their door and
complain to them because they drink a lot and are not very polite. Rosa called
the landlord but he did not do anything to stop them. Rosa is very unhappy
and feels tired when she wakes up in the morning. What seems to be the
problem of Rosa?

Activity 5
Directions: Read and analyze the scenario and answer the questions that follow.
Do this in your activity notebook.
1. Manny works as a skip loader. On his lunch hour the boss asked him to open
some boxes to make sure that they were in the right order. He did not have a
knife so he borrowed a co-worker’s knife to open the boxes. The boxes were
okay, so he went out to take a break. When he came back, the co-worker was
yelling that his knife had been stolen. Manny did not want to say anything
because he did not want to get in trouble.
a. What is the problem of Manny?
b. What are the solutions in his problem? (Cite at least 3)
c. What is the best solution? Why?
d. What do you think Manny should say?

Grade 10- English 9

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving

Well done! You have shown great

improvement after accomplishing all the
tasks in each lesson. This time you will
reflect on your work and rate your

Activity 6
Directions: Accomplish the infographic. Write your answers in your notebook.

How are you doing so far?

Grade 10- English 10

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving

Test 1. Directions: Choose the best solution to each problem. Write only the
letter of the correct answer in your notebook.

1. Jenny is a consistent MTAP awardee. She volunteers to solve an algebraic

problem on the board during their Math performance. She starts to write the
equation given by the teacher and realizes that she has no idea on how to
solve it. What is the best thing for her to do?
a. Try to finish answering the equation.
b. Sit down and let her classmate do it.
c. Ask the teacher for another problem.
d. Admit that she does not know how to solve it.

2. The cost of electricity is very high. Your sister always leaves the lights or TV
on when she leaves the house. You know that she is wasting a lot of
electricity. What is the best thing for you to do?
a. Refrain from talking to your sister.
b. Leave the problem to your parents.
c. Turn the lights and TV off.
d. Remind your sister on the cost of electricity.

3. The teacher asks the class to retell the story of Orpheus. Josh raises his hand
to answer but the teacher did not call him. If you were Josh what would you
a. Make a scene to be noticed.
b. Continue to raise hand until you are called.
c. Share the answer to your classmates.
d. Write down the story and submit to the teacher.

4. The school principal sternly warned that students are not allowed to charge
their cellphones in the classroom. Rene walks into his last period class and
his phone starts to ring. It was his mother who just left for Singapore last
week. As soon as he presses to answer, his battery went off. What should
Rene do?

a. Ask permission to the principal to charge the cellphone.

b. Wait until he gets home.
c. Charge the phone if the teacher is not around.
d. Borrow phone to his classmate.

Grade 10- English 11

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving
5. Before starting a story analysis, each student is asked to create a folder and
the save it to Shared Documents in a computer lab. Zen sets up her
information and starts her analysis. She logs out at the end of the period and
goes to her next class. It was already 5 o’clock in the afternoon when she
remembered that she was not able to save it in the Shared Documents and all
files created will be in deep freeze. How is she going to address the situation?
a. Encode the Story Analysis again the next morning.
b. Explain the situation to the teacher and ask for an extension of
c. Send a copy of the analysis to the email of the teacher.
d. Blame the system of the Computer lab.

Test II. Directions: Ask at least 2 of your barangay officials and discuss some
contemporary social problems and its details. Employ analytical
listening in solving the said problems. Write your answers in
your notebook.


decision (n) a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration

implication (n) the conclusion that can be drawn from something
although it is not explicitly stated
judgement (n) the ability to make considered decisions or come to
sensible conclusions
logical (adj) of or according to the rules of logic or formal argument:
prerequisite (n) a thing that is required as a prior condition for something
else to happen or exist:

Grade 10- English 12

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving

Department of Education. “Celebrating Diversity through World Literature - Grade 10

Learner's Material”, 2015.
English Listening Skills. English Club. Accessed July 15, 2020.
Asuncion, Tessa. 2014. Module 6.1 english. Slideshare. Last modified September
Mulder, P. (2019). Analytical Listening. Accessed [July 8, 2020] from toolshero:
Ribo, L., Racadio B., Nery R., Quintero, G 2010. Language in Literature II.
Vibal Publishing House., Inc.
Ribo, L., Racadio B., Nery R., Quintero, G 2010. Language in Literature IV.
Vibal Publishing House.,Inc.
What Are Problem-Solving Skills?The Balance Careers. n.d.
Accessed from

Accessed from

Grade 10- English 13

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving

Activity 1 - WHEN TO LISTEN?

1. / 6. / 11./
2../ 7. / 12. /
3. x 8. / 13. /
4. / 9. / 14. /
5. / 10. X 15. /

Listening Types of Listening

Activities Passive
Attentive Analytical Appreciative

1 /
2 /
3 /
4 /
5 /
6 /
7 /
8 /
9 /
10 /
Answers may vary
Answers may vary
Activity 5 – ONE MORE TRY
Answers may vary
Answers may vary
Test I
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. B
Test II. Answers may vary

Grade 10- English 14

Competency: Employ analytical listening in problem solving

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