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Appendix A — Draft Construction Methodology

and Programme

NZ Transport Agency
Basin Bridge Project
CEMP – Appendix A Draft Construction Methodology and
May 2013

Quality Assurance Statement

Prepared by: James Lake and Duncan Kenderdine

Reviewed by: Steve Croft and Nigel McCreight

Approved for Issue by:

Project Manager (NZTA):

Revision Schedule
Date Description Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
1 29 05 For Submission JL DK

Status Draft May 2013

Document Reference Proposed CEMP – Draft Construction Methodology
NZ Transport Agency
Basin Bridge Project
CEMP – Appendix A Draft Construction Methodology and
May 2013

NZ Transport Agency


Contents ......................................................................................................................................................... 1

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Construction Sequencing and Temporary Traffic Management ................................................................ 2

2.1 Construction Programme and Phasing .......................................................................................... 2

3. Basin Building ...................................................................................................................................... 18

3.1 Site Clearance ............................................................................................................................ 18

3.2 Foundations .............................................................................................................................. 18

3.3 Floor Slabs................................................................................................................................. 18

3.4 Super structure / Envelope ......................................................................................................... 18

3.5 Site Area / Fencing .................................................................................................................... 20

4. Bogarts Corner and Green Wall ............................................................................................................ 20

4.1 Site Clearance ............................................................................................................................ 20

4.2 Foundations .............................................................................................................................. 20

4.3 Floor Slabs................................................................................................................................. 20

4.4 Super structure / Envelope ......................................................................................................... 21

4.5 Site Area / Fencing .................................................................................................................... 21

Status Draft May 2013

Document Reference Proposed CEMP – Draft Construction Methodology
NZ Transport Agency
Basin Bridge Project
CEMP – Appendix A Draft Construction Methodology and
May 2013

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview

This draft document outlines the current sequencing of construction timing and methodology of the Basin
Bridge, buildings, landscaping and urban design elements.

Schematic Drawings have been prepared (refer BRB-04-9000 to 9008) of the staging, however it is important to
note that these are indicative at this stage. As set out in the other plans under the CEMP there is a series of
steps to progress the actual construction planning, eg CPTED review of the pedestrian access ways in detail.

2. Construction Sequencing and Temporary Traffic Management

2.1 Construction Programme and Phasing

The forecast duration for the construction period is 28 months. Assuming a start of Q1 2014 for construction
the forecast completion date is Q3 2016. A six month contingency is appropriate to add to that.

The exact construction phasing sequence will be developed and refined as the design nears finalisation,
however at the time of preparing this, the general methodology is likely to entail:

 Work at Pirie/Vivian/Kent/Cambridge and Buckle/Taranaki intersections to accommodate construction

activities and manage the impact of the project on the transport network.
 Realignment of the eastbound state highway will occur early in the construction programme to facilitate
pier and bridge superstructure construction.
 Work on abutments will be concurrent with pier construction. This approach is likely to maximise resource
availability and usage whilst acknowledging technical complexity at either end and to have as many
concurrent activities as reasonably and safely practical.
 Bridge deck construction will progress as bridge piers are constructed.
 The building under the bridge is likely to be constructed after piers and the bridge superstructure have
been completed.
 Improvements in the Sussex Street and to Rugby Street area will occur after the Bridge has been opened to
westbound state highway traffic.

The key activities that will influence the likely construction methods are listed below. Potential construction
sequencing and programming are indicative only and demonstrate how the works might be undertaken.
Alternative sequencing and construction methodologies do exist and might be used instead as a result of
detailed design.

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CEMP – Appendix A Draft Construction Methodology and
May 2013

The programme is based on the following construction elements:

 Relocation of Services
 Site clearance
 Existing intersection capacity improvements at the Pirie/Kent/Cambridge/Vivian and Taranaki/Buckle
 SH1 Eastbound realignment (Kent Terrace – Paterson Street) and part of the eastern abutment
 Western Abutment
 Pier construction
 Deck construction
 Completion of the eastern abutment
 Dufferin and Rugby Street works
 Bogarts Corner Building and Green Wall
 Basin Reserve Screen and Building
 Landscaping

An indicative programme based on the currently known variables is below:

Figure 1

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CEMP – Appendix A Draft Construction Methodology and
May 2013

2.1.1 Relocation of Services

Service authorities with infrastructure in the area with potential conflicts with the proposed design are:

 Wellington Electricity (Northpower as contractor)

 Powerco (Electrix as contractor)
 WCC Water, stormwater, sewers (Capacity as contractor)
 Wellington Cable Car Limited
 Chorus as contractor
 Telstra Clear
 City Link

Service relocation or protection work will most probably be carried out directly by the service authorities, with
the work being coordinated to suit the construction programme, access and preferred outage timing where

It is expected that most services will be able to be relocated or protected before construction commences. Trial
hole operations will be required during the design phase of the project to confirm service locations and allow
best fit of the design around the existing infrastructure. These trial holes will be carried out by jet vacuuming
techniques which significantly reduce the risk of damage to services and thus impact to residents and

2.1.2 Site Clearance

Site clearance is assumed to occur just before construction work commences in specific areas. This activity
will be coordinated with archaeological work and provision of temporary erosion and sediment control
measures. Sites will be appropriately fenced and stabilised exits will be provided in order to manage the
potential for mud to be dragged onto roads. Sites will, as necessary, be dampened to manage dust. Shade
cloth could be attached to the fencing to further reduce potential dust issues.

Existing Intersection Capacity improvements

Prior to commencing the main works the proposed improvements to the Taranaki Street/Karo Drive and Pirie
Street / Kent Terrace / Cambridge Terrace / Vivian Street intersection will be undertaken. These alterations
will assist exits from Mount Victoria and will provide travel time improvements for State Highway users and
local road traffic. These improvements will help to offset any potential delays experienced through
construction of the bridge.

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CEMP – Appendix A Draft Construction Methodology and
May 2013

Figure 2 Prework Intersection Improvements

It is likely that these improvements will be constructed in the first half of 2014.

2.1.3 SH1 Bridge (Sequencing)

The construction methodology that has been developed here is based on the use of a cast in situ reinforced
concrete box girder structure, but other methods may be utilised, providing they do not result in additional
adverse effects. The order in which the parts of the bridge are constructed may vary.

The key construction phasing aspect that is linked to effects is the construction of the eastern abutment and
tie-in to the existing carriageway on the exit from the Mount Victoria tunnel.

To minimise traffic disruption the eastern abutment work may need to be undertaken in the later stages of the
bridge work. This would be done to ensure other improvements to state highway and local access are
implemented and operational before the impact of reduced capacity at Paterson Street occurs. Thus will ensure
the total effect of the project can be managed effectively by the construction team, WCC, NZTA and other
transport providers (taxis, bus companies etc.). In planning the timing of these works consideration needs to
be given to minimising traffic impacts. Other operations during construction that will influence movement
around the City include:

 During construction of the bridge over Kent and Cambridge Terrace it may be necessary to close the road
link in front of the northern entrance (the CS Dempster Gate entrance) to the Basin Reserve. This will
require vehicles who want to use this one-way link to instead travel further north up Cambridge Terrace
before using the existing facility within the median to undertake a u-turn and head back down Kent

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CEMP – Appendix A Draft Construction Methodology and
May 2013

 During construction of the bridge across Cambridge Terrace it will be necessary to restrict vehicle
movements to one lane northbound between Sussex Street and Cambridge Terrace.
 During construction in the area at the base of Ellice Street it is likely that Hania and Ellice Street will need
to be either partially (one way access) or fully closed to motor vehicles for periods of time. Pedestrian
access will be maintained at all times.

The different effects of this traffic management have been assessed as part of the Technical Report 4. Abutment Foundations

Ground improvements will be required prior to construction of bridge foundations at the bridge abutments
(refer to locations S1, S7, and S8 above). The ground improvements will limit the impact of ground movement
upon the Bridge during an earthquake. Deep soil mixing plant and trenching equipment will be used to form a
series of underground walls out of cement and bentonite. When viewed from above, the walls will be in a box
grid pattern with a Y shaped leader. This shape will deflect any earth which is mobilised during an earthquake
away from the abutment foundations at the western and eastern ends of the bridge.

Due to the nature of the underlying strata, settlement due to consolidation or seismic induced liquefaction is
expected at the abutments. In addition, the abutments are also likely to experience forces due to lateral
spreading of material during a seismic event. These seismic conditions are addressed below.

Construction will be phased to entail firstly removal of potentially high level compressible materials (1m to 3m
deep). Further ground improvement works will be required, and potentially a settlement period. Ground
improvement works may entail deep soil mixing, stone column or cellular piling techniques. Although these
methods are all plant intensive, the treatment area is thought to be limited to a plan area enclosed by a
rectangle 4m outside of the abutment and approach fill footprint.

The west abutment is built off line from the existing road network with access from Cambridge Terrace. It is
anticipated that the existing road network will be unaffected. The footpath may require minor adjustment in
order to provide a suitable level of public safety.

Works at the eastern abutment will be constructed in a staged manner to minimise potential disruption to the
public and maximise the available working space. Work on the northern wall could commence at the same time
as construction of the new eastbound at-grade carriageway. Once east-bound traffic has been switched onto
the new at-grade carriageway, works to the abutment and southern retaining wall commenced. West-bound
traffic could then be split between a single lane on the bridge and a single Paterson/Dufferin lane link to
enable the southern retaining wall and tie in to be completed. The ability to close the single Paterson
Street/Dufferin Street lane link for short periods during school holidays would be an advantage.

The ability to close Mount Victoria Tunnel completely for a two week period over the Christmas holiday could
also significantly accelerate construction in this location. Should programming mean that the work cannot be
timed in this manner then traffic may need to be diverted onto the Patterson Street footpath for a short period
(probably up to 2 weeks) to enable construction of this part of the project.

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May 2013

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Figure 3 Stage 1 Abutment Walls

The eastern end of the bridge will be supported on bearings on a reinforced concrete abutment beam in the
same manner of the western abutment. The abutment beam will be cast monolithically with its supporting
piles. Pile construction will be undertaken using the method below for the piers and the construction effects
will be similar. Construction of the abutment beam will use the methodology described above for the western
abutment. Together these works will provide the design outcomes shown on the drawings and referred to
within Technical Report 3: Urban and Landscape Design Framework.

Completion of this construction work adjacent to live traffic lanes will need to be carefully managed and
considered against the desirability of a longer construction period. Nearby stakeholders have indicated both a
need for existing access to be maintained and for work to be undertaken in as short a period as possible
(where the schools consider that work should be undertaken during the school holidays). The wall construction
methodology will be developed specifically to enable construction in the limited space available. The ability to
deliver pre-cast wall sections at night would be an advantage.

Given the limited working space, the preferred methodology for the abutment walls is likely to utilise pre-cast
wall panels with a cast in situ concrete base slab and possibly infill. This will provide an efficient method in
confined areas. Where more space is available, a mechanically stabilised earth wall solution may be used.

Status Draft Page 7 May 2013

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Basin Bridge Project
CEMP – Appendix A Draft Construction Methodology and
May 2013 Piled Foundations

Piled foundations will be constructed at locations S1 and S8, then S2 and S4. Two separate sets of piling plant
including drill rigs and 100 tonne cranes will be operating on site at the same time to complete these
foundations. Each pile will consist of a steel cylinder of 1.2m diameter. The tubes will be rotated or oscillated
into the ground until they reach solid founding material. The earth inside each cylinder will be removed by the
drill rigs and replaced with reinforced concrete. Groundwater pressure that may affect the construction of the
piles will be controlled with a small diameter borehole and valve at each pile group location.

Once the piling has commenced, there will be sufficient room to carry out construction of a new Eastbound
Link road alignment that connects Ellice Street with the Patterson Street approach to the Mt. Victoria Tunnel.
Typical road construction plant will be required for this activity.

Mitsubishi Retaining Wall

Eastbound Link Road

Basin Reserve Cricket


Figure 4 Stage 2

While the Eastbound Link road is under construction, a large scale retaining wall will be constructed adjacent to
Mitsubishi Motors on the corner of Cambridge Terrace. The wall is required to retain the extension of the
Memorial Park as it spills around the Western foundations of the Basin Reserve Bridge. A 50 tonne crane will be
required to service construction of this wall.

Each pier that is likely to be piled will require a 60 tonne piling rig and 100 tonne support crane plus ancillary
equipment to drive casings and deal with ground water. The pier at the south end of Cambridge Terrace /
Kent Terrace gives the tightest working area. To facilitate construction, the Sussex / Cambridge bend will need
to be reduced to one lane. Steel casings may need to be driven to seal the bore and prevent side collapse.

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May 2013

Piled foundations will be constructed at locations S3, S6 and S5 using two separate sets of piling plant and
cranes. The piles for S7 will be constructed after the Eastbound Link road has been completed. Diverting
eastbound traffic from Dufferin Street onto the new Eastbound Link will create sufficient working room at S7 to
construct the piles.

Pier construction will be treated as an “island” with its own fencing, SSTMP and entrance / exits. Each pier may
have its own geotechnical solution. Some may be formed on a spread footing on pre-stabilised ground, but it
is more likely that a piled solution will be required at most piers. Pier S3 has the greatest logistical challenge
due to the very tight space availabile. With careful management of fences, access and deliveries a successful
outcome can be achieved.

Basin Reserve Cricket


Figure 5 Stage 3

The pedestrian bridge piles will be installed concurrently with the nearest available main bridge group from
within the same boundaries as shown on the drawings. The same plant will be utilised.

2.1.4 Bridge Piers (Structures S2 to S7 inclusive)

We estimate each pier will have a construction time of 3 months. The lag between pier structures is likely to
be a month.

Each pier comprises a foundation and a piling cap and a column. The pile cap is likely to be a reinforced
concrete base sized to suit the piling arrangement and available land. It will be excavated and formed in the
traditional way taking cognisance of retaining any excavation with a road or building adjacent to it. During
excavation of the piling cap, any services not previously diverted will be protected or moved.

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CEMP – Appendix A Draft Construction Methodology and
May 2013

The piers for the shared path connection from Paterson Street onto the Bridge are substantially smaller in scale
than those required to support the main Bridge itself and can thus be undertaken in much shorter time frames,
3-4 weeks as compared with the 3 months estimated for each bridge pier.

Deck Span Construction

Pedestrian Bridge Piles

Figure 6 Stage 4

Concrete columns will be constructed at each pier location on top of the piled foundations. A 100 tonne crane
will service the column foundations. Scaffolding access and formwork will be used to cast the concrete pier
columns. Once the road bridge columns have been completed, the pedestrian bridge columns will be
constructed. The shape of each column will be different and likely cast in situ concrete in a mould. The
concrete will be placed in the mould by concrete pump (see Volume 5, Plan and Drawing Set for the intended
design of each pier).

2.1.5 Deck Construction

On completion of the column, the work zone will be backfilled and the ground reinstated or prepared for the

Heavy duty scaffolding (false-work) will be installed between Abutment S1 and Pier S2. This false-work will
support the reinforcing steel and concrete used to construct the Bridge deck span in this location. The false-
work will be required until the concrete has cured and the deck span has been stressed.

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Figure 7 Stage 5

Figure 8 Clearance under Deck span over Road

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Figure 9 Indicative Elevation of Falsework and Deck over Road

When a bridge deck span crosses over a road, heavy duty steel towers and beams will provide support for the
box girder construction and headroom clearance for traffic below thus creating a portal for the existing traffic
and pedestrians to pass through.

Figure 10 Indicative Formwork Cross Section

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May 2013

Figure 11 Example of formwork and reinforcing in place

A typical bridge deck span will consist of a concrete box girder. In order to span between supports the walls
of the box girder will have stressing cables inserted and stressed using hydraulic jacks. Once the cables have
been stressed, the false-work will be dismantled and re-assembled at the next span location. The cycle of
construction for the bridge deck will be repeated until all spans are completed.

As the deck spans are being constructed, work will commence on the abutment walls at the Western exit from
the bridge onto Buckle Street. Precast retaining walls will be erected and backfilled with material which will
form a ramp. This ramp creates the connection from bridge to road level. The precast units will be installed
with a crane and standard road construction plant will be used to install and compact the backfill material.

The bridging system will maintain vehicular access under the bridge and minimise disruption to the trolley
buses by maintaining power through the site. Each bridging system will require a one or two night road
closures for erection and also for dismantling. Sufficient falsework will be deployed for at least four spans to
be supported at the same time. The construction work will be carried out above live traffic within a system of
handrails, solid flooring, screens and safety nets that will manage the risk of items falling on to the vehicles

Typically the concrete will be delivered to the bridge deck using concrete pumps. The cross section can be
poured at one time or alternatively the webs and base slab could be cast first with the deck pour undertaken
when the webs and base slabs have attained sufficient strength. When cured, the concrete will then be post

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CEMP – Appendix A Draft Construction Methodology and
May 2013

After appropriate curing, the falsework will be removed from the completed span and moved to the next piers
in sequence. After the deck is constructed the parapet, barrier and footpath handrails can be added. Final
works will include street light installation, anti-graffiti coating and laying road pavement and all related works.

These final stages of work can be undertaken with minimal interference on existing roads (underneath and at

Place Pedestrian Deck


Complete all Deck spans

Basin Reserve Cricket


Figure 12 Stage 6

The deck of the pedestrian bridge will be constructed from pre-cast beams which are manufactured off-site.
The beams will be transported to site and lifted into place with an externally hired 250 tonne crane. Installing
the pre-cast deck beams will take approximately 5 days in total.

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Basin Reserve Cricket


Construct Abutment

Figure 13 Stage 7

2.1.6 East End Tie Ins

Pre-cast retaining walls and a reinforced earth ramp will be constructed at the Eastern bridge connection with
Patterson Street on the approach to the Mt Victoria Tunnel. This ramp will be constructed in the same manner
as the Western ramp onto Buckle Street.

Extensive and well planned roadworks will be undertaken to make the final link between the Bridge ramp and
the Memorial Park Underpass.

The bridge will be commissioned and opened to public traffic.

Once the bridge is open, the road level traffic around the Basin Reserve Cricket Ground will become less
congested. This will allow realignment of several roads in the immediate vicinity to improve traffic flow. This
work will be carried out with standard road construction equipment under temporary traffic management.

2.1.7 SH1 Eastbound Re-alignment (Kent Terrace – Paterson Street)

As much of this new link as possible will be constructed offline i.e. outside of existing live traffic lanes and
footpaths so that effects on motorists, pedestrians and cyclists are practicably managed.

The eastbound re-alignment largely utilises land to the east of the existing alignment and will involve the
construction of the traffic lanes, shared path and linkages into Ellice and Hania Streets.

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May 2013

Work also has to be coordinated with construction of the new SH1 Bridge in the same vicinity. Currently
sequencing plans show that the realignment of SH1 will be constructed in parts, with the first section being
between Hania/Ellice and Paterson. The other section of SH1 eastbound will be constructed between Kent and
Hania/Ellice after the bridge piers have been completed and the bridge deck has been poured between S3 and

2.1.8 South- East Quadrant (Dufferin Street/Rugby Street/Adelaide Road)

This work is likely to occur after the SH1 westbound traffic is moved onto the new bridge when there will be
less traffic on this part of the network.

These works involve the modification to the traffic flow, bus movements and parking arrangements in front of
St Marks School and the entry to Government House and Wellington College. On Rugby Street the work involves
widened footways to accommodate the relocated bus stop from Adelaide Road in a southbound direction and
significant changes to the intersection to increase the size of the central island and ensure safe flow of traffic,
buses and cycles through the intersection.

These works will need to be coordinated with school drop-off and pick-up activities of the schools (St Marks
School and Wellington College) as well as any functions at Government House.

Basin Reserve Cricket


Figure 14 Stage 8

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CEMP – Appendix A Draft Construction Methodology and
May 2013

2.1.9 Landscaping

It is expected that soft and hard landscaping work will be undertaken on a section-by-section basis as soon as
construction work is completed. This will stabilise any open ground and allow landscape to begin to establish
as much as possible ahead of opening the project to traffic when landscaping activity (including early
management activity) will be more constrained.

Proposed urban design and landscape treatments to areas outside of the road carriageway form
part of the Project works. These works are broken into Zones or elements as broadly follows:

 Zone 1 Cambridge/Buckle Bridge Interface Zone — proposed landscape treatments to land

between Cambridge Terrace and the NWM Park, and rain gardens and wetland plantings for
stormwater treatment. Works will commence generally after the bridge is largely complete.
There will be significant reinforced concrete retaining walls, paving and planted areas. This
work is of low environmental impact. Dependent on programme constraints, the landscaping
around the new position of the crèche may fall in to this period. As this area is a slope
running to Cambridge Terrace, careful planning and maintenance of erosion and sediment
controls will be required.

 Zone 2 Kent/Cambridge Basin Gateway — proposed landscaping between Kent/Cambridge

and include reconfigured pedestrian crossings, bus stops, and the Basin Reserve Gateway.
This work will be towards the end of the project as the bridge deck is complete. The
preference is to complete this work within the allocated “island” compound as much as
possible to protect the workforce from vehicles.

 Element 2.1 Structure and Entrance to the Basin Reserve — (refer Basin Building in section 3

 Zone 3 Kent/Ellice Integrated building zone — (refer Bogarts corner building in section 4

 Zone 4 Paterson/ Ellice/Dufferin Interface zone — As the Eastbound SH1 to Mt Victoria

tunnel is to be constructed early in the period to provide the land for Pier S6, there is an
opportunity to install hard and soft landscaping earlier than bridge completion to enhance
the eastbound journey for both vehicles and pedestrians. This will give an early indication to
the public of the quality of landscaping the project will bring to the local environment.

 Zone 5 Dufferin/Rugby Streets, Schools/Church/ Government House Interface zone — These

works include the re-allocation of space in the roading corridor, layout modification and
urban design and landscape treatments. There may be some small retaining walls, raised
beds, revised crossings, school drop of zone improvements etc. These works are best left to
the end of the project as the land required is only available when the west-bound traffic is
on the new bridge. The constructor will plan and manage the work zones around the schools
and churches very carefully to minimise disruption and nuisance. Due cognisance will also
be taken of access and egress to Government House.

The Project proposes works within St Joseph’s Church property using land that is currently used for
car parking. Thus the Project proposes to realign and landscape remaining space for car parking
and as part of these works would remove an existing building at 30 Ellice Street which is within the
Church property. In order to provide the same level of car parking currently enjoyed by the Church
it is also proposed to provide additional car parking at 143 Brougham Street.

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May 2013

Hard and soft landscaping operations on site will be constructed nearer the end of the programme.
Plants will be brought on and hardened up in local nurseries. Where possible plants will be planted
avoiding the summer season. The design may include for an irrigation system.

3. Basin Building
This section sets out the indicative construction Methodology at a high level for the Basin Building.

3.1 Site Clearance

Careful removal of the Dempster Gates will be the first phase of the project followed by marking of
inground services and demolition of the Players Pavilion building.

3.2 Foundations

The building will most likely need to be piled, these could be either steel screw piles or reinforced
concrete. We have assumed here steel reinforced concrete piles with casings in the order of
15 piles 22 metres deep to match the column structure in the lower floor.

These piles will be cased, and these casing will be either vibratory hammer or oscillated into the
ground. Then as the casing goes in the inside is bored out. The type of machinery involved is
60 tonne cranes with 30m booms or 37 tonne Soilmec piling rigs which have an 18 meter high
telescoping drill rig on the front.

Once each pile is bored out, steel reinforcing cages are lowered in and concrete follows shortly
after. Turn around per pile is in the order of 1 every day.

3.3 Floor Slabs

Floors will predominantly be concrete, poured in sections, requiring concrete truck access with
concrete pumps to enable the reach across the floor area.

3.4 Super structure / Envelope

There are several options to construct the building structure. The first is to use a tower crane or self
erecting crane located on the north or east side of the building. The second is to use a mobile crane
to construct the building to full height starting from the west end against the existing grandstand
and building towards the east end.

The selected option will be determined in conjunction with the structural designer to provide the
most appropriate solution.

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The sketch below is option one with the crane located on the north side.

Figure 15 Site Area for Basin Building

Craneage for the installation of the envelope will be determined when the details are known. Heavy
elements such as precast cladding panels would be erected with the structure.
The roof should be able to utilise prefabricated modules which are assembled on the ground
including the roofing iron/material and lifted into position.

The fit out and services of the building is a critical path activity. It is important to achieve water
tightness as early as possible to allow fit out to proceed.

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May 2013

3.5 Site Area / Fencing

For the duration of the construction there will be a demarcated area stretching from the Vance
Stand to the eastern edge of the existing utilities building. The Buckle Street slip lane will be closed
off and used for managing construction traffic on and off the site, the unloading of materials,
eg steel and precast elements and will service the Bridge as well as the Building construction
On the Basin side screen fencing may need to go to the edge of the playing field, with potential for
controlled pedestrian access along the fence line during an event. The southern side of the
building will most likely be scaffolded to the full height (eg RL 19000 or roughly 11.5m above
ground level.

On the northern side the western end will also be scaffolded full height with the remaining side
having temporary safety structures installed as the structure is completed.
Pedestrians entering or exiting the northern end of the Basin Reserve will be directed to an existing
pedestrian access to the east of the existing wide median, alongside Kent Terrace. Within the Basin
Reserve commuting pedestrians and cyclists will be encouraged to travel around the eastern side of
the field.

It is likely to require security fencing, lighting and significant presence of site security after hours
given the prominent site.

Subcontractor parking would be required behind the Vance Stand, with site offices in the form of
portacoms either on adjacent construction areas for the bridge or stacked on the southern side of
the building.

4. Bogarts Corner and Green Wall

4.1 Site Clearance

Once the temporary support structure for the bridge deck and superstructure are removed
foundation preparation can occur.

4.2 Foundations

The building may need to be piled, these could be either steel screw piles or reinforced concrete. If
significant piling is required these may need to be installed at the same time as the piles for the
bridge piers. The green wall truss structure will require a piled foundation. Refer to section 3.2
above for further information on this.

4.3 Floor Slabs

Floors will predominantly be concrete, poured in sections, requiring concrete truck access with
concrete pumps to enable the reach across the floor area.

Status Draft Page 20 May 2013

Document Reference Proposed CEMP – Draft Construction Methodology
NZ Transport Agency
Basin Bridge Project
CEMP – Appendix A Draft Construction Methodology and
May 2013

4.4 Super structure / Envelope

There are two components to this, being the building structure and the green wall.

The building is currently a relatively simple structure will a fully glazed façade and at this stage will
follow a typical sequence of
 slab,
 structure erection,
 roofing,
 exterior cladding, and
 internal fitout.

The green wall is slightly different requiring larger craneage of the articulated steel truss into its
vertical position. This will be erected in sections with soil containers added afterwards.

4.5 Site Area / Fencing

For the duration of the construction there will be a demarcated area from the edge of the
Grandstand Apartments round to Hania Street. Primary access will be from Kent Terrace however
access of Hania Street will be required at times.

Pedestrians access will be maintained around the existing footpath

The site is likely to require security fencing, lighting and significant presence of site security after
hours given the prominent site.

Subcontractor parking will be required on site, on adjacent construction areas and Hania Street at
various times. Site offices in the form of portacom will be established either on site or adjacent
construction areas for the bridge.

Status Draft Page 21 May 2013

Document Reference Proposed CEMP – Draft Construction Methodology

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