Lesson Plan Science 075145

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University of Antique

College of Teacher Education

Sibalom, Antique


Learning Area SCIENCE Grade Level 8

Quarter I Week and Day No. Week 5 Day 1
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the
propagation of sound through solid, liquid, and gas.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to develop a written plan
Standard and implement a “ Newton’s Olympics”
C. Learning Competency The students can infer how the movement of
particles of an object affects the speed of sound
through it. ( S8FE-7e-24)
D. Specific Learning At the end of the lesson, the students must be able
Objectives to:
• describe the orientation of particles in solid,
liquid, and gas.
• explain how the orientation of particles affect
the movement of particles in solid, liquid, and
• Elaborate on how the movement of particles
affect the speed of sound in solid, liquid, and
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Inferring how the movement of particles affect
the speed of sound in solid, liquid, and gas.
Value Integration: Volunteerism
Subject Integration: English
III. Learning Resources
a. Learning Materials: PPT Presentation, Bondpaper, LED TV, Marking Pens,
Colored papers, box, whistle, microphone
b. Learning References:
1,OHSP Module 16
2.Science and Technology IV : Physics Textbook for Fourth Year. Rabago,
Lilia M.,PhD.,et al. 2001.pp 216-218
3, Science and Technology IV; Physics Textbook.NISMED.2012.pp.369-
4.Science 8 Learners’ Module.Campo, Pis C., et al. 2013. p.70.
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Greetings! Good morning,
Good morning, students! ma’am! Good
morning Classmates!
2. Checking of Attendance
Is everyone present or not? If Okay ma’am!
not, may I ask the class
monitor to please give me the
list of absentees afterwards?
3. Reminding of Classroom rules.
Before we proceed to our Yes ma’am.
lesson for today, may I remind
everyone of our classroom
rules. First, sit properly and
listen attentively. Second, be
quiet and refrain from

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University of Antique
College of Teacher Education
Sibalom, Antique

distracting your classmates.

And lastly, raise your hand if
you have something to say or if
you have questions. Are we

Alright, so have you all been Yes ma’am/ No

well? ma’am

If you are well, then that is Okay, ma’am.

good.If not, know that you can
always talk to me about your
problems during free time.

Anyways, our topic today is Learning Objectives:

about the speed of sound in At the end of the
solid, liquid, and gas and how lesson, the students
it is affected by the movement must be able to:
of the particles. Can you all • describe the
please read the learning orientation of
objectives please. particles in
solid, liquid,
and gas.
• explain how
the orientation
of particles
affect the
movement of
particles in
solid, liquid,
and gas.
• Elaborate on
how the
movement of
particles affect
the speed of
sound in solid,
liquid, and

These are the things that you are Yes, ma’am. The
expected to be able to do at the end States of matter are
of the lesson. Anyways, you already solid liquid and gas.
know the different states of matter,

These are 2 more actually. We have

the plasma and Bose-Einstein
condensate, but we are only focusing
on solid, liquid, and gas today. Let us
start by having an activity called
“What State Am I In?”

ELICIT “What State Am I In?”

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University of Antique
College of Teacher Education
Sibalom, Antique

In what state of matter is ice in? Solid, ma’am

Correct. What about water? Liquid ma’am

Very Good. What about water that Gas, ma’am

has evaporated?

That is correct. I can see that you are Ma’am, I think sound
already well-acquainted with the three will travel the fastest
states of matter. Now, let us imagine in gas because it can
that we have to make sound travel move more freely
through these three. In which state do compared to in solids
you think will sound travel \the and liquids.

Let’s see whether you are right about I want to volunteer

sound energy travelling the fastest in ma’am.
gas. I need three volunteers here in
front. Who wants to volunteer?

Very good! May others have the spirit Me, ma’am!

of volunteerism as well. Other
volunteers? It would be great if you
have the same height as the first

Great! I need one more volunteer. I want to volunteer

Somebody? ma’am.

Very good! I am happy that you guys (Student’s listen)

are volunteering. Volunteerism is a
great characteristic to have.

ENGAGE Now, what are you going to see will I think these are
show how fast sound energy travels representations of
in solid, liquid and gas. But before the three states of
that, all eyes on the screen please. matter, ma’am.
Volunteers, you may take your seat
her in front while I discuss this for a
moment. Now, class tell me. What do
you see?

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University of Antique
College of Teacher Education
Sibalom, Antique

That’s right. What you are seeing is Ma’am, if I recall

the three states of matter. Which do correctly, the first is
you think, is which? solid, the second
one is liquid and the
last one is gas.
That is correct. I see that you have
been listening attentively to your (Students will cheer
teachers during elementary where the
three states of matter are first their classmate on)
introduced to you. Remember that the
orientation of these little circles or
particles, or how close or far apart
they are attach the speed of the
sound. Now, may I call on the 3
volunteers again? Student 1 will e
labeled as sound A, student 2 as
Sound B, and student 3 as Sound C.
Please stand at the starting line of
your corresponding letters.
EXPLORE (The participants

*Explain tht the track represents solid,

liquid, and gas.

Participants, all you have to do is run

as fast as you can. You can,
however, step on the ground. Stay
atop the papers placed in the floor.
You may jump if you must. Lest the
race begin (blows whistle)

EXPLAIN What you have observed? Ma’am, I observed

that Sound A
travelled the fastest.
It was followed by
Sound B then by
Sound C.
Very good! That is correct. In what
medium do you think Sound A
travelled in? Is it solid, liquid, or gas? It is solid, ma’am.

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University of Antique
College of Teacher Education
Sibalom, Antique

What made you think so? Because there is no

space between,

That is correct, although, remember

that technically speaking, there are Liquid, ma’am.
spaces between the particles
comparing solids, but it is too small.
How about Sound B?

Gas, ma’am.
That is correct. How about sound C?

That is right! Very good. As you have I do not know,

just witnessed, sound do travel the ma’am. I honestly do
fastest through solids. Why do you not understand how
think so? sound travels the
fastest in solid. It
doesn’t make sense.

ELABORATE Sure, it does. You see, sound is a Yes ma’am. The

mechanical wave. It can only travel if particles are closest
there are particles that could act as in solids, which in
medium. Watch the slide being turn, allows them to
presented. (Present GIF of particles bump into each other
moving in a solid, liquid, and gas) faster because there
when the particles bump into each is little distance
other, that is how sound energy is between them.
transferred. Do you now understand?

Yes, that is correct and this is also the We do not know yet
reason why there is no sound in ma’am.
space. There is no sound in space

The space has little to no particles You mean, there are

that sound energy have no medium to no particles so the
travel through. You see the outer sound energy cannot
space is considered a vacuum or an transfer from one
empty space. place to another and
therefore, cannot be

Yes, that is right. Because the space Ma’am just to clarify,

is generally empty. when particles bump
into each other, is
that what makes

Technically speaking, the “bumping” Ma’am, aside from

does not produce sound. It only the state of matter

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University of Antique
College of Teacher Education
Sibalom, Antique

allows the sound energy to transfer that it travels

from one place to another. Do you through, what other
have any other questions? factors affect the
speed of sound.

Generalization There are a lot of other factors and

one of them is temperature which will
be our next topic. Before we end, let
us first play “Tag You Answer It!”. I
have questions here in the box an I
will choose the first student to
answer. Then, the student may tag
any of his or her classmates to
answer the next question. _________
you answer the first question.


1. How tightly or loosely packed The particles are

are the particles in solid, liquid tightly packed in
and gas? solids. This is
followed by liquid
and then by gas.

Very Good! Now, tag one of your ____________!


Alright, ________, describe the In solid, the particles

movement of the particles in solid, are too close to each
liquid and gas. other that they only
vibrate. In liquid, the
particles slide
against each other
and sometimes
vibrate as well.
There is little space
between the
particles. In gas, the
particles rarely bump
into each other.

That is correct. Now, choose a I choose________.


Okay, __________, describe the In solid, the sound

speed of sound in solid, liquid and travels the fastest.
gas. This is because the
particles are tightly
packed and easily
bumps into each
other. In liquid, the
sound also travels
fast but not as fast.
In solid, because the
particles are less

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University of Antique
College of Teacher Education
Sibalom, Antique

tightly packed.
Sound travels the
slowest in gas
because the
particles are too far
apart from each
other and rarely
bump into each

That is right. It seems that you are

now ready for the evaluation.

Instruction: Make sure an essay (* No need to put

regarding the discussed topic use the answers here
guide questions below in answering. because the
The highest possible score is 15 answers are the
same as those in
1.) Describe the orientation of
particles in solid, liquid, and
2.) How does the orientation of
particles affect the movement
of particles in solid, liquid, and
3.) How does the movement of
particles affrect the speed of
sound in liquid, and gas?

(Rubrics will be used)

EXTEND Read in advance about how
temperature effects the speed of

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