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1 Complete the sentences with the correct f orm of the verbs in the box.

calm drop get put take (x2)

1 If you’re angry about a social media post, you should down before you write a comment.

2 If he out of the course, he won’t be given his money back.

3 You should a breather if you get too tired during the exercise class.

4 John likes to his feet up at the end of the day.

5 Lina works too hard; she needs to time out to relax.

6 I’m really into chess; it’s very challenging.

Score: /6

2 Match sentence beginnings 1–6 with endings A–F.

1 If you’re angry about a social media post, you should calm

2 If you drop

3 You should take a

4 John likes to put his feet

5 Lina works too hard; she needs to take

6 I’m really getting

A breather if you get tired during the exercise class.

B into chess; it’s very challenging.

C time out to relax.

D out of the course, you won’t get your money back.

E up at the end of the day.

F down before you write a comment.

Score: /6

3 Complete the text with the expressions in the box. T here are two extra expressions.

affordable clean energy climate change gender equality no access to education ocean conservation
protect biodiversity right to vote water scarcity

While some sustainability goals like eliminating poverty and reducing the effects of 1 seem
far away, progress on other goals has been made. T he number of children with 2 has
decreased and there are more women in government. However, while the latter is positive, we are still a long way away
from true 3 . Access to electricity has also improved, although many countries are still
without 4 . Finally, although the targets to 5 on land haven’t been
met, the protection of important sea areas has increased slightly, which is a step forward in
6 .

Score: /6

4 Complete the text with the words in the box. T here are f our extra words.

activity batteries breather calm interest lively mind muscles recharge sit


Do you feel that the more time you spend in front of a screen, the less mental energy you have? Sometimes the best way
to recharge your 1 is to take a 2 from your screen and go out for a walk. When you walk, don’t
turn it into an exercise routine. T he objective is not to be energetic and 3 , in fact you are trying to
4 down and relax. Don’t listen to a podcast while you are walking either. If you do, you are simply taking your
5 off one thing and focusing it on another. Instead, use your eyes and ears, be curious and let thoughts come
naturally. Breathe deeply, take an 6 in the world around you and enjoy your walk. When you return to study
or work, your mind will be refreshed and full of creativity.

Score: /6

5 Choose the correct option.

Alba Which of the global issues is the biggest problem where you live, Louis?
Louis In my city there’s a lot of pollution, which I’m sure is responsible for climate 1 .
Alba Is anyone doing anything about it?
Louis I think the local government is trying to make cities more 2 by planting more native trees and
increasing investment in 3 . For example, having more cycle lanes and electric transport.
Pollution from cars 4 a lot of harm, so I hope these actions will 5 in the
future. It has also invested in affordable 6 , such as streetlights which use solar power. I don’t
know if they will improve things, but it’s certainly better than 7 nothing.
Alba Yes, definitely!

1 a resolution b conservation c change d education

2 a affordable b sustainable c sophisticated d organised
3 a infrastructure b education c security d sanitation
4 a makes b does c has d takes
5 a stick to b sort out c pull off d pay off
6 a clean energy b justice c biodiversity d diversity
7 a putting b making c doing d working

Score: /7

6 Read the text.

Campaign f or your cause

Imagine you have decided to support an important cause, like providing meals for families who can’t afford them or
raising awareness of cyberbullying. How can you get your voice heard and your cause supported to really make a
difference? Here are three ideas to get the word out.

1 __________________________
A Nothing will get massive attention like a viral social media post. Predicting what type of post will go viral is
difficult, but there are two basic types: an informative fact-based post or a post with a personal message saying
why this cause is important to you. T he former will educate your audience and the latter will connect with their
emotions. If these don’t work, try a creative post or one full of humour. T he key thing is that you post regularly and
encourage people to engage with your posts.

2 _________________________
B If you can get these on your side, you will stand a great chance of connecting with your community. List all the
news outlets who might be interested in your cause. Go to their websites and see if they have supported similar
campaigns in the past. With your story outline and some nice photos already prepared, contact journalists directly
on social media and see if they would like to cover your story. It is better to target a few specific people than mail
everyone. Make sure you talk about the importance of your cause and what your campaign objectives are.

3 _________________________
C T hese are not only an effective way to raise awareness and money for your cause, but they also allow you to
connect with like-minded people in your community. Set a specific goal, for example to raise €500, to get 10 new
members or to get the email addresses of 100 people, then you can see if your event was successful or not.

7 Read the article and match headings A–E with 1–3 in the article. T here are two extra headings.

A Engage local media organisations

B Fundraising events

C Information leaflets

D Social media campaigns

E Use influencers

Score: /3

8 Read the article again and choose the correct answers.

1 What is the purpose of the question in the introductory paragraph?

A to highlight two ways to support a cause
B to get the reader thinking about two causes
C to prepare the reader for the information that will follow

2 According to the article, a post with a personal message

A will inform the readers.
B will appeal to the readers’ feelings.
C won’t be as effective as a funny original post.
3 According to the article, it is essential your posts
A are regularly sent to people by email.
B are funny, original and informative.
C allow people the chance to interact.

4 According to the article, one reason to visit a media website is to find out
A whether the media has written positively about causes like yours.
B who is interested in your cause.
C the telephone numbers of important journalists.

5 When approaching journalists, the writer suggests

A having the final text written in advance.
B asking them to put your story on the front page.
C explaining what you are trying to achieve.

6 T o see if an event is a success, the writer suggests

A trying to raise as much money as possible.
B having an objective that you can measure.
C getting at least 100 addresses from those attending.

Score: /6


9 Read the essay question and Write a f or-and-against essay.

Making cities sustainable is the responsibility of local government and not individuals. Do you agree?

Write 130–150 words.

Score: / 10

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