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New Testament Handout #11- Thessalonians New Testament Handout #12 - I and II Timothy and Titus

1. Paul founded the _____________________________church in 49-50 AD on 1. The Pastoral Epistles are ___________________________________
his second missionary journey.
and ____________________________________.
2. The church was made up of some ______________ converts and a large

number of _____________- former pagans.

2. Timothy was pastoring in _________________________________

3. Paul only stayed there a short time because some local Jews accused him of and Titus in_______________________________________________.

turning the ___________________________ upside down and favoring Jesus as 3. The Pastoral Epistles were written after the book of Acts was
king instead of Caesar. Because of that there was a riot and Paul had to leave.
written, during Paul’s __________________________ missionary
4. Paul’s purpose in writing to the Thessalonians is: journey and 2nd Roman imprisonment, between 61-69 AD.
a) To _______________them for the encouragement they have provided Paul 4. The last letter Paul wrote was _______________________________.
and for their steadfastness.

b) To offer a ____________________ of his ministry among them, in answer to

He wrote it just before his execution generally thought to be between
some slanderers.
____________________and _________________ AD.
c) To give them ______________________ in the face of continued persecution. 5. The purpose of the letters was to instruct the pastors in

d) To correct some misunderstandings about ___________________ ____________ ________________________________.

_______________ ______________ and to correct some behavior because of 6. In the letters to Timothy Paul is troubled because of the danger of
their misunderstandings- eg idleness.
__________________________ _____________ and unrighteousness.
5. The theme of I Thessalonians is _______________________________ is

_______________________________ _______________________________.
7. Paul teaches Timothy and Titus on the________________________
for church leaders.
6. FIRST THESSALONIANS was written around ____________________ AD 8. A comparison of 1Tim.4v12 and Tit.2v15 suggests that Titus may
when Paul was in Corinth.
have been _____________ than Timothy and that he had been the
7. The Thessalonians faced the problem of ______________________________.
______________ of the two men during the difficulties which had
8. At Paul's earliest opportunity, he sent _________________ back to see how occurred in Corinth (1Cor.16v10; 2Cor.7v13-15).
NT Handout #12 (Cont) NT Handout #11 (Cont)

9. Many scholars believe that Paul was made the chief_______________ the Thessalonian Christians were doing.

9. Something was lacking in their faith. They needed more ________________,

for Nero's burning of Rome. He probably _________________________
Paul. more ______________________________ and they needed to be entirely
10. The theme of I Timothy is -LEAD THE CHURCH ______________ __________________. 5:23-24.

IN THE MIDST OF ___________________ ______________________. 10. The theme of II Thessalonians is -The Lord _______________

11. The theme of II Timothy is -Be a __________________________ _________________________.

LEADER TO THE _____________________. 11. The Second Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians was written in A.D.

______________________ from Corinth a few months after his first letter.

12. The theme of Titus is -LESSONS ON _________________________
12. Certain signs will precede Christ’s second coming. a) There will be an
A ______________________________________ CHURCH.
outbreak of ______________________________________________________,
13. Titus was a “______________________ shooter”.
b) the appearance of the man of _____________ or ______________________
14. The best way to fight against heresy and false teachers is to teach
one (________________________) who will deceive those who do not love the
___________________ _________________________ (Truth). truth.
c) Jesus will utterly destroy the ______________________________ and judge
15. One of the most important principles in the Pastoral Epistles is that the unrighteous.

13. The best way to prepare for His second coming is to live
pastors need to find key _____________________ to whom they can
entrust the important truths of the Gospel, II Timothy 2:2. ________________________ and ________________________________ now.

14. II Thessalonians teaches us that we should be ready for Jesus to come any

____________ but we should also plan our lives here as if he wasn’t going to

come ________________ ___________________________.

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